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A multi‐disciplinary approach was followed to investigate two thick palaeosol strata that alternate with wind‐blown dominated deposits developed along the Alghero coast (North‐west Sardinia, Italy). Optically stimulated luminescence ages reveal that both palaeosols were developed during cooler drier periods: the first one at around 70 ka Marine Isotope Stage 4 and the latter around 50 ka (Marine Isotope Stage 3). In contrast, the pedological features indicate that the palaeosols underwent heavy weathering processes under warm humid to sub‐humid conditions, characteristic of the Sardinian climate during the last interglacial stage (Marine Isotope Stage 5e). To reconcile this apparent data discrepancy, a range of sedimentological and pedological analyses were conducted. These analyses reveal that the palaeosols possess a complex history, with accumulation and weathering occurring during Marine Isotope Stage 5e, and erosion, colluviation and final deposition taking place during the following cold stages. Thus, even if these reddish palaeosols were last formed during the glacial period, the sediments building up these strata probably record the climate of the last interglacial stage (Marine Isotope Stage 5e). Trace element and X‐ray diffraction analyses, together with scanning electron microscope images, reveal the presence of Saharan dust in the parent material of the palaeosols. However, no evidence of any far‐travelled African dust has been observed in the Marine Isotope Stage 4–3 aeolian deposits. It is possible to conclude that in the West Mediterranean islands, Saharan dust input, even if of modest magnitude, is preserved preferentially in soils accumulated and weathered during interglacial stages.  相似文献   

Abstract. The growing interest in teaching about geographic information systems (GIS) raises a number of issues concerning the effectiveness of conventional instructional methods. To convey basic GIS concepts and applications better requires much more emphasis upon visual media. One such medium is that of VHS (or Beta) videotapes. Six currently-available GIS-oriented videotapes are reviewed for this purpose. Their contents are summarized and an evaluation is made of the usefulness of each in classroom-based GIS instruction.  相似文献   
Pressure-temperature (P-T) paths have been calculated from pelitesand amphibolites of several major Acadian structures in west-centralNew Hampshire by using both inclusion thermobarometry and differentialthermodynamics (the Gibbs method). P-T paths calculated forrocks exposed in the Orfordville and Bronson Hill anticlinoriaare ‘clockwise’ and show 1–2.5 kb of exhumationwith 30–100 C of heating. Because this type of path ischaracteristic of the lower plate of overthrust terranes, theserocks are interpreted to be (para)autochthonous. P-T paths forrocks exposed in an intervening synclinorium (the Hardscrabblesynclinorium) show isothermal loading of 1–3 kb followedby possible isobaric cooling. This behavior is characteristicof rocks occupying a middle-plate structural position withina multiple thrust package, and so these rocks are interpretedto be allochthonous. The interpretation that the Hardscrabblerocks are allochthonous differs from previous models, but betterexplains the petrologic data and is consistent with the stratigraphicand structural data on which other models have been based. Correlation of the P-T paths with deformational events throughkinematic and textural analysis indicates that during nappestage deformation, the synclinorial rocks were transported westward,and that the anticlinorial and synclinorial rocks were buriedto depths of 25–30 and 20–25 km respectively. Theexhumation with heating recorded by the anticlinorial samplesoccurred during the dome stage of deformation, and differentiallyuplifted the anticlinorial rocks relative to the synclinorialrocks; this differential uplift may have been accommodated throughreactivation of early thrust faults with normal movement sense.P-T paths of the Hardscrabble synclinorium rocks are suggestiveof a relatively elevated initial geothermal gradient for theirpre-nappe source terrane, which is interpreted to have beenbetween the Kearsarge-Central Maine basin and the Bronson Hillparautochthon.  相似文献   
The Koperberg Suite comprises some 1700 small bodies of intrusiverocks largely composed of andesine anorthosite, biotite diorite,and leuconorite, norite and melanorite-hypersthenite; 30 mineshave been established in the O'okiep District in the cupriferousrocks of this anorthosite-charnockite kindred. The suite isintrusive into a sequence of granite gneiss and metavolcanicand metasedimentary rocks, and intrusive granite, that wereelevated to the granulite fades of regional metamorphism.TheSm-Nd model ages for the country rocks and the Koperberg Suiteare all 1700 Ma (TCHUR) and 2000 Ma (TDM) supporting a majorcrustforming event in this portion of Namaqualand at the endof Lower Proterozoic times. The granulite fades metamorphismin the O'okiep District is recorded by a Rb-Sr isochron ageof 1223 48 Ma on the Nababeep Granite Gneiss, and by (1197 15)-Ma-old inherited cores of zircons in the Koperberg Suite.The time of intrusion of the Concordia and Rietberg Granitesis believed to be reflected by their Rb-Sr whole-rock age of1105 24 Ma. The mean U-Pb age of 1029 10 Ma on individualzircon grains and zircon rims from the Koperberg Suite recordsthe time of its intrusion, and this is supported by the Sm-Ndwhole-rock age of 1022 42 Ma for the suite. Subsequent coolingand reheating events are recorded by the Ar-Ar ages of 800–850Ma for the Koperberg Suite, and of 500–550 Ma for thesuite and certain country rocks, respectively.An Nd value of-7,and its volume and composition, suggest a crustal-melt sourcefor the intrusive Concordia Granite. Moreover, the age-correctedhigh lSr (07061-07272) and low Nd (-9), and the high µ2(101), that characterize the Koperberg Suite also imply a crustalsource, and a model is presented for the generation of the majorpart of the suite by partial melting of granulites of overallintermediate (diorite) composition in the lower crust. Corresponding author  相似文献   
The sandbodies of the Bearreraig Sandstone Formation (Inner Hebrides, UK) are cemented by two generations of calcite. The first generation, an inhomogeneous ferroan calcite (0.05?3.28 mol% FeCo3) formed during sulphate reduction (δ13C =?24 to ?32%o PDB) in marine porewaters (δ18O of cement from ?1 to ?4%o PDB) at very shallow burial depths (a few centimetres). These cements are rare but form millimetre-scale clusters of crystals which acted as nuclei to the later, concretionary cements. The second generation of cements are more homogeneous ferroan calcites (mean 1?58% mol% FeCo3) which evolve to progressively higher Fe/Mg ratios. They are sourced by shell dissolution (δ13C of cement from +1 to ?3%o PDB) into meteoric (δ18O of cement from ?6 to ?10%o PDB) or mixed marine meteoric waters (δ18O of cement from ?4 to ?6%o SMOW). These were introduced into the formation either during Bathonian times as a freshwater lens, or, subsequent to partial inversion, by confined aquifer flow. Corroded feldspars within the concretions suggest that an interval of at least 8 Ma separated the deposition of the sediments from the onset of concretion growth. Abundant concretions are preferentially developed at certain horizons within the sandbodies, where the early generation of ferroan calcite cements provided nuclei. The latter formed close to the sediment-water interface, the concentration of cement within the sediment being related to sedimentation rate. The relatively high concentrations of the first generation of cement, upon which the concretionary horizons are nucleated, formed during periods of minimal sedimentation.  相似文献   
One of several interconnected depocentres lying offshore eastern Canada, the Sable sub-basin preserves a thick sequence of Mesozoic-Cenozoic clastic sediments, significant gas accumulations and an extensive development of abnormal pressures. In order to understand the basin's hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation history it is necessary to quantify the interplay between its burial, thermal, and maturation history, and to determine the influence on these of the basin's excess pressure history. Simple, one-dimensional reconstructions of maturity and pore pressure histories are derived for exploration well and pseudo-well locations on a seismic line running from the basin's structural high to its depocentre. Calibrated, where possible, by reference to measured maturity, temperature and pressures, these models provide a basic dynamic framework within which it is possible to consider the generation history of the basin's source rocks. Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments underwent an initial rapid, rift-related subsidence. The thermal/maturation models suggest that source rocks lying within these intervals quickly matured and began generating gas and condensates. Similarly, this rapid burial was translated, through sediment compaction disequilibrium processes, into an early expression of abnormal pressures. The pore pressure/time reconstructions in the modelling assume that sediment compaction disequilibrium and gas generation are the principal causal mechanisms. Matching pore pressure reconstructions with present-day pressure-depth profiles is particularly sensitive to assumed seal permeability profiles. Although the seal permeabilities used as model input are based on actual measured permeabilities at the present day, this does not mean that the permeability-time curves derived through the model's decompaction assumptions accurately reflect seal permeability evolution.  相似文献   
Hawai‘ian honeycreepers have undergone widespread extinction and population declines due to human disturbances, including habitat fragmentation, introduced predatory mammals, alien competitors, and introduced avian diseases. The Hawai‘i ‘amakihi (Hemignathus virens) is one of seven extant Hawai‘ian honeycreepers that, like all other native honey‐creepers, vanished from the low‐elevation native forests on the island of Hawai‘i due to these disturbances. But recent observations indicate that ‘amakihi have begun to recolonize low‐elevation forests in eastern Hawai‘i. In this article we discuss the current abundance of Hawai‘ian ‘amakihi in a suburban habitat on the island of Hawai‘i. We also examine the ‘amakihi's relative preference for native or exotic vegetation. Recolonization in low‐elevation habitats underscores the importance of the remaining native forests. However, concurrent with this recolonization, eastern Hawai‘i is undergoing a residential building boom that has resulted in increased deforestation and forest fragmentation. Thus the future of honeycreepers is uncertain, given the widespread environmental changes taking place in eastern Hawai‘i.  相似文献   
Three categories of fibrous calcite from early to middle Caradoc platform-marginal buildups in east Tennessee can be delineated using cathodoluminescent microscopy, minor element chemistry and stable C-O isotopic composition. Bright luminescent fibrous cement has elevated Mn (>1000 p.p.m.), negative δ13C and intermediate δ18O values relative to other types of fibrous calcite. This cement reflects fibrous calcite that interacted with reducing Mn-rich fluids. Dully luminescent fibrous cement has elevated Fe (>400 p.p.m.), positive δ13C and negative δ18O values relative to other fibrous cements. This cement was stabilized by burial fluids. Nonluminescent fibrous cement has low Mn and Fe (generally below 400 p.p.m.) and positive δ13C and δ18O values relative to other types of fibrous calcite. The latter cement is interpreted to be the best material for determining the isotopic composition of calcite precipitated in equilibrium with early to middle Caradoc seawater, which is δ13C=1% PDB and δ18O=?4 to ?5‰ PDB. Results from this study and Ashgillian brachiopods indicate that the average δ18O composition of the Ordovician ocean, during nonglacial periods, was probably never more negative than ?3‰ SMOW. Assuming an Ordovician seawater δ18O value of ?1‰ SMOW, Holston Formation fibrous cements would have precipitated at temperatures between 27 and 36 °C, which is near the upper temperature limit for metazoans. A seawater δ18O value of ?2‰ SMOW yields temperatures ranging from 23 to 31 °C, while a ?3‰ SMOW value yields temperatures of 18–26 °C.  相似文献   
La Yeguada volcanioc complex (LYVC) is one of many major volcanoesthat represent the extension of the Central American arc inwestern Panama and that have resulted from current oblique subductionsouth of Panama. There are two major phases of calc-alkalinevolcanic activity at LYVC based on mapping and K-Ar radiometricdates. The first phase began at {small tilde} 13 Ma and ceasedat {small tilde} 7?5 Ma. This sequence, termed the old group,consists of basalts to rhyolites with typical arc mineralogies(OL, CPX, PL, MGT, and OPX). The samples have similar radiogenicSr and Nd values and appear to be related by fractional crystallizationwith assimilation and/or magma mixing involved in the differentiation.The parental basalts were probably derived from the metasomatizedmantle wedge via melting induced by fluids released from thesubducted lithosphere. There was an apparent period of minor volcanic activity from7–5 to 2–5 Ma (only one documented sample from thisperiod). The second phase (<2?5 Ma), termed the young group,consists only of dacites but with very different mineralogies(PL, MGT, AM, BI, with no PX) and geochemistries (e.g., highSr and low Y and HREE) compared with the old-group dacites (andandesites and rhyolites). The dacites cannot be related to theold group by various petrogenetic modeling techniques. Thesehigh-Al dacites have the characteristics of magmas derived fromthe partial melting of the subducted oceanic lithosphere witha hornblende eclogite residuum. This has been substantiatedby geochemical modeling. Samples similar to the young-group dacites in other arcs havebeen termed adakites and arc associated with the subductionof young hot crust which may explain why the slab melts. ThePanama basin has extremely high heat flow values, comparablewith those of the Galapagos ridge system. The change from normalarc volcanism to adakites suggests that the subducted oceaniccrust became hotter as time progressed. The subduction of anoceanic ridge or new ridge development along the Sandra Riftin the Panama basin can explain the change in volcanism withtime but more geophysical data are needed.  相似文献   
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