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河西内陆河流域水资源及其动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Qilian Mountains is the cradle of all inland rivers in the Hexi arid region. The mountain glaciers are an important water resources for this region. Changes of the mountain runoffs resulted from global climate warming will have important impacts on the development of human society and economy in the region. In this paper, the river runoffs from the Qilian Mountains and their dynamic changes are analyzed on the basis of the instrumental data of precipitation, air temperature, and discharge from the weather and hydrological stations in the study area. The results show that the annual change in the mountain runoffs is affected mainly by precipitation in the east of the region, but also by temeprature in the west of the region. There are some obvious regional differences in the influence of climatic change on surface runoffs in the Hexi region. River runoffs in the western part of the Hexi region have been increasing, whereas those in the eastern part have been decreasing. River runoffs in the central part such as the Heihe River, present a slow increasing trend, although it is not quite visible  相似文献   
To reveal the effect of shale reservoir characteristics on the movability of shale oil and its action mechanism in the lower third member of the Shahejie Formation(Es3l), samples with different features were selected and analyzed using N2 adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure(MICP), nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), high-speed centrifugation, and displacement image techniques. The results show that shale pore structure characteristics control shale oil movability directly. Movable oil saturation has a positive relationship with pore volume for radius > 2 μm, as larger pores often have higher movable oil saturation, indicating that movable oil is present in relatively larger pores. The main reasons for this are as follows. The relatively smaller pores often have oil-wetting properties because of organic matter, which has an unfavorable effect on the flow of oil, while the relatively larger pores are often wetted by water, which is helpful to shale oil movability. The rich surface provided by the relatively smaller pores is beneficial to the adsorption of immovable oil. Meanwhile, the relatively larger pores create significant pore volume for movable oil. Moreover, the larger pores often have good pore connectivity. Pores and fractures are interconnected to form a complex fracture network, which provides a good permeability channel for shale oil flow. The smaller pores are mostly distributed separately;thus, they are not conducive to the flow of shale oil. The mineral composition and fabric macroscopically affect the movability of shale oil. Calcite plays an active role in shale oil movability by increasing the brittleness of shale and is more likely to form micro-cracks under the same stress background. Clay does not utilize shale oil flow because of its large specific surface area and its block effect. The bedding structure increases the large-scale storage space and improves the connectivity of pores at different scales, which is conducive to the movability of shale oil.  相似文献   
概述了绿松石的使用历史和产地来源。利用质子激发X射线荧光光谱(PIXE)、X射线衍射(XRD)及扫描电镜(SEM)技术对来自伊朗、湖北郧县和西藏等地的绿松石样品进行岩石矿物学特征分析,从成分组成方面探讨绿松石的呈色机理。结果显示,不同产地、不同质地绿松石的成分组成存在较大差别,但主成分含量基本一致;绿松石的颜色主要由其中CuO和Fe2O3的含量比值变化决定,比值由大至小,实现了绿松石颜色由天蓝色到绿色的转变。  相似文献   
武当地块基性岩席群及其地质意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
侵位于武当地块内部的大量的板状为基性侵入体近年来一直被认为是800Ma左右发生的扬子古大陆裂解的重要依据。然而作者在武当地块北缘与西南部所做的1:5万地质填图以及相应的构造学和同位素年代学研究表明,它们与武当地块顺层伸展滑脱构造主滑脱面之顺层韧性一韧性变形带有密切的空间关系,是被褶皱了的岩席群。最新获得的岩体单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄为401-407Ma,结合已有的地球化学研究成果,并考虑到邻区同时代碱性岩浆的侵位,作者认为,这套基性岩群代表了泥盆纪时南秦岭地区曾发生过大规模的上地幔岩浆的底侵作用,并因此导致南秦岭上部地壳的伸展减薄。  相似文献   
FLAC 3D 强度折减理论在边坡稳定分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季聪  佴磊  马宏  佘小光  刘录君 《世界地质》2013,32(1):158-164
FLAC3D 是岩土工程中广泛应用的软件。本文主要介绍强度折减理论的基本原理,利用基于强度折减法的FLAC3D 软件,对某高速公路K377 + 230 ~ K377 + 520 段滑坡体进行数值模拟。计算边坡在自重作用达到初始化平衡状态时,边坡的横向与竖直方向的应力与位移,分析出边坡的破坏机制为牵引式滑坡,通过强度折减理论计算出边坡的稳定系数为0. 97,由剪切应变增量云图确定边坡的滑动面。  相似文献   
Natural environments contribute to people’s perception, preference and health restoration. Many researchers have focused either on the positive effects of overall rural environments on stress recovery or concentrated on the perception and preference aspects of the rural landscape, but few have integrated perception, preference and stress recovery simultaneously. This paper developed a framework which includes 11 elements and 38 element components related to Linpan, China, and distributed it online as part of a survey. As a result, a total of 324 valid questionnaires were collected. The questionnaire included demographic details, perception and preference degree for Linpan, as well as self-estimations of stress recovery. Stepwise multiple linear regression was employed, and revealed 16 significant predictors for the perception, preference and stress recovery in rural environments. In terms of elements, atmosphere and imagery were the two elements that could be best perceived, while woodland, farmland, water, residence and road were the five most important elements for the preference. Moreover, seven elements were also identified as significant predictors for stress recovery. Among the element components, tranquility as well as road and water proximity were the two significant predictors for perception, while wide visibility as well as woodland and residence blending contributed significantly to stress recovery. The five element components of woodland interior, vegetable field, stream, courtyard space and branch road each had a significantly predictive ability for preference and stress recovery. These findings extend the understanding of the perception, preference and restorative properties of rural environments through the combination of elements and element components in Linpan of Western Sichuan, helping to improve the quality and characteristics of rural external and internal environments and create health-promoting environments.  相似文献   
针对卤水、盐泉、盐湖的测试样例,依据水化学分析手册(卤水、盐泉、盐湖化学分析)中的分类系数算法,应用MATLAB(R2010B版)设计一个GUI用户界面,对水化学进行分类。录入离子浓度或离子百分数作为各元素离子数据,通过分类系数算法,GUI显示类型,验证了841组数据。结果表明,对Classifier Coef.m中的浮点型数据的上下界进行微调,并补充分类系数K,实现了所有验证数据的分类;GUI用户界面具有计算快速、分类准确的优点。  相似文献   
1960-2009年西南地区极端干旱气候变化(英文)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on the daily data of temperature and precipitation of 108 meteorological stations in Southwest China from 1960 to 2009, we calculate the monthly and yearly surface humid indexes, as well as the extreme drought frequency. According to the data, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the extreme drought frequency in inter-annual, inter-decadal, summer monsoon period and winter monsoon period are analyzed. The results are indicated as follows. (1) In general, the southwestern Sichuan Basin, southern Hengduan Mountains, southern coast of Guangxi and northern Guizhou are the areas where the extreme drought frequency has significantly increased in the past 50 years. As for the decadal change, from the 1960s to the 1980s the extreme drought frequency has presented a decreasing trend, while the 1990s is the wettest decade and the whole area is turning wet. In the 2000s, the extreme drought frequency rises quickly, but the regional differences reduce. (2) During summer monsoon period, the extreme drought frequency is growing, which generally occurs in the high mountains around the Sichuan Basin, most parts of Guangxi and "the broom-shaped mountains" in Yunnan. It is distinct that the altitude has impacts on the ex-treme drought frequency; during winter monsoon period, the area is relatively wet and the extreme drought frequency is decreasing. (3) During summer monsoon period, the abrupt change is observed in 2003, whereas the abrupt change during winter monsoon period is in 1989. The annual extreme drought frequency variation is a superposition of abrupt changes during summer monsoon and winter monsoon periods. The departure sequence vibration of annual extreme drought frequency is quasi-5 years and quasi-12 years.  相似文献   
村庄是最能直接体现乡村经济社会活动规律的单元,落实到村级层面的功能类型划分是分类推进乡村振兴的关键。以行政村为基本单元,采用熵权法、泰尔指数及优势功能模型,构建适用于村庄发展功能识别与类型划分的研究思路,并以西北干旱绿洲农业区临泽县为例进行实证研究。结果表明:干旱绿洲农业区总体形成以农产品生产和生态保育为主的国土空间格局,村庄形成农业种植、畜牧养殖、工业加工、商贸旅游、劳务输出、生活保障等多功能地域综合体,其中农产品生产和生活保障功能总体空间差异较小,而非农生产功能空间差异较大。村庄因资源禀赋、规划引导、政策驱动和社会需求差异形成不同的优势功能类型,空间上呈现“外围生态、沿河种植、中部农牧、临城劳务,文旅、商旅、生活保障以政府驻地及附近村庄为主”的分布规律,并形成非农生产功能镶嵌于农业生产功能之中、生产生活功能被生态保育功能包围的分布格局。通过自上而下主体功能统筹与自下而上经济社会需求相结合的方法进行村庄发展功能识别和类型划分具有较强的适用性和实践指导价值,在巩固国家主体功能定位、保障国家粮食和生态安全的同时,可以调整优化县域资源要素配置,实现村庄发展功能互补与功能协调。  相似文献   
称重法配制标准溶液研究及其不确定度评估   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在标准溶液配制及稀释的过程中放弃了传统的定量移液管,采用精密电子天平作为定量工具。精密电子天平准确度高,重复性好,不需考虑溶液黏度、管口流速等因素对不确定度的影响,而且明显地降低了在标准溶液逐级稀释过程中由于读数、操作等原因产生的误差,可实现大比例稀释,操作简便。根据《化学分析中不确定度的评估指南》(CNAL/AG07:2002)评定了此方法与传统溶液配制方法的不确定度。利用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)验证了其准确性和线性,均获得满意结果。本法适用于ICP-AES法测定样品中的主元素(含量在x%~xx%)时的标准溶液配制,也可应用于原子荧光光谱、原子吸收光谱等仪器系列标准溶液的配制。  相似文献   
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