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The Marwar Supergroup(NW Peninsular India)is thought to be of Ediacaran-Cambrian age,based on previous paleontological and geochronological studies.However,direct constraints on the onset of sedimentation within the Marwar basin are still scarce.In this study,we report U–Pb zircon,LA-ICP-MS,and SIMS ages from the Chhoti Khatu felsic volcanic rocks,interlayered with the Jodhpur Group sandstones(Lower Marwar Supergroup).The cathodoluminescence images of the zircons indicate complex morphologies,and core-rim textures coupled with the wide range of ages indicate that they are likely inherited or in the case of thin poorly indurated ash-beds,detrital in origin.The age spectra of 68 zircon analyses from our sampling display a dominant 800–900 Ma age peak corresponding to the age of basement"Erinpura granite"rocks in the region.The youngest inherited zircon from a felsic ash layer yielded a U–Pb age of651 Ma±18 Ma that,together with previous studies and paleontological evidence,indicates a postCryogenian age for the initiation of Marwar sedimentation following a~125 Ma hiatus between the end of Malani magmatism and Marwar deposition.  相似文献   
在龙门山中段小鱼洞地区映秀-北川断裂和彭县-灌县断裂发生了同震位移,同时在该地区新出现了一条北西向的同震破裂带——小鱼洞断裂的破裂带,并分割了两条近于平行的北东向逆冲-走滑型的主断裂。汶川特大地震发生后重点对小鱼洞断裂的地表破裂开展了详细的野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量。初步调查的结果表明,小鱼洞断裂位于映秀-北川断裂与彭县-灌县断裂之间,走向近于北西向,延伸约15km,以脆性破裂为特征,穿过小鱼洞大桥,并切割了多种类型的地貌单元,使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位。单个破裂长度在几米到300m不等,其南西盘为上升盘,北东盘为下降盘,平均垂直位错为1.0m,平均水平位错为2.3m,垂直与水平位错量之比1 ∶1~1 ∶2,显示为逆冲分量小于或等于左旋走滑分量,并以左旋走滑作用为主。同时,研究表明小鱼洞断裂属于映秀-北川断裂与彭县-灌县断裂之间的捩断层,其主要特征包括: 1)是在汶川地震中由于龙门山逆冲体之间的差异逆冲运动过程中而形成的断裂; 2)其走向近于北西向,垂直于龙门山北东向的主干断裂,而平行于逆冲体的逆冲运动方向; 3)具有高角度断面的断层,以左旋走滑作用为主。  相似文献   
An association of organic-walled microfossils consisting of filamentous cyanobacteria, algal coenobia and acanthomorphic acritarch have been documented from non-calcareous claystones and mudstones of the Pepper Mountains Shale Formation(PMSF), located in its stratotype area in the Pepper Mountains, which are part of the Holy Cross Mountains in Poland. These sediments represent the oldest strata of the ?ysogóry Unit, deposited on the edge of the East European Craton(Baltica). Non-branched, ribbon-like and thread-like cyanobacteria trichomes exhibit morphological similarities to families Nostocaceae and Oscillatoriaceae. Cells assembled in rounded to irregular clusters of monospecific agglomerations represent multicellular algal coenobia, attributed to the family Scenedesmaceae. The co-occurrence of acritarchs belonging to species as Eliasum llaniscum, Cristallinium ovillense and Estiastra minima indicates that the studied material corresponds to the lower Middle Cambrian. Deposition of the PMSF took place in shallow marine environment, influenced by periodical freshwater inputs. The varying degree of coloration of organic-walled microfossils is interpreted in this study as factor indication of possible different source of their derivation. Dark brown walls of cells assembled in algal coenobia might have sustained previous humification in humid, terrestrial environments, which preceded their river transport into the sea together with nutrients, causing occasional blooms of cyanobacteria in the coastal environment and the final deposition of both groups of organisms in marine deposits.  相似文献   
中国西南天山山前的晚新生代构造与地震活动   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
天山是研究现今陆内造山作用及过程、陆内变形、陆内强震及其预测等大陆动力学问题的理想实验场。西南天山和塔里木之间的新生代褶皱-逆断裂带基本上由一南冲弧形推覆构造系统和一向北反冲的构造系统组成,由北而南主要由以下4个运动学单元组成:(1)新生代复活的喀拉铁热克山-天山南脉古生代造山带,其快速变形和抬升可能起始于23-26Ma前,持续至13-16Ma前。(2)向南逆冲的西南天山前陆薄皮主冲断带,包括木兹杜克弧形薄皮推覆体和依柯冲断带,前者代表了向南薄皮逆掩的天山型岩系,地表主要表现为一系列的飞来峰群,在14Ma前曾有过大规模活动,最小缩短量约为20-35km,最小缩短速率为1.4-2.8mm/a;后者代表了向南叠瓦状薄皮逆冲推覆的前陆古生代基底(塔里木地台型沉积岩系)卷入构造,其西段在距今14Ma时曾有过强烈活动。两者共同组成了一复杂的双重构造;新生代地层也卷入变形。(3)喀什-阿图什弧形反冲褶皱-逆断裂带,由3排向北(天山)反冲的左阶雁列展布的第四纪地表滑脱褶皱组成,仅在大山口以西发育。该构造带形成于距今约1.4Ma以后。依什拉克喀拉乌尔断裂以南,博古孜河剖面的最小缩短速率约为5.8mm/a,翁库尔剖面的最小缩短速率约为8.6mm/a。(4)塔里木克拉通下盘块体,向北西方向缓倾,内部变形较小。里木块体西北存在明显的不均匀性,其学问基底高角度逆断裂和走滑断裂控制了盆地新生代沉积的厚度,导致西南天山前陆冲断带的地形地貌、地层、构造变形样式、变形时间以及变形缩短量沿走向的巨大差异性。迈丹-喀拉铁克断裂和阿图什断裂带均为岩石圈规模断裂,研究区的中强地震主要发生在这两条断裂带以及它们之间的西南天山前陆冲断带上。  相似文献   
Butterflies are widely studied due to their key ecosystem functions.For this reason,they are used in ecosystem assessment,formulating conservation plans and in raising the environmental awareness.Quantification of different factors affecting diversity of butterflies is important for their effective conservation.In this study,we investigated abiotic and biotic factors affecting species richness and community composition of butterflies along an elevational gradient in Manang region,central Nepal.We also tested if butterfly species follow the Bergmann’s rule.A total of 57 butterfly species belonging to 39 genera and 8 families were recorded in the study area.Out of a total of 127 plant species identified in the study region,only 67 plant species were visited by butterflies as nectar sources.Species richness of butterflies increased with increasing elevation.Species richness was significantly higher in places with shrubs compared to other places and also in autumn than in summer.Species richness of butterflies also depended on composition of plant species occurring at the localities.Butterfly species composition varied among sampling localities.It was also determined by habitat type,elevation,sampling time,plant species and interactions of elevation×time.The relationship between butterfly size and elevation was in the opposite direction than expected according to the Bergmann’s rule.In conclusion,protection of butterfly diversity can only be achieved by protecting different habitats across the diverse physiography of the region and different plant species,in particular herbs and shrubs.Our results do not support the Bergmann’s rule for butterflies along an elevational gradient in our region.  相似文献   
微震监测技术被广泛应用于衡量水力压裂作用.由于微震释放机制的复杂性,很难获得对其统一的理论认识.基于地震学原理,本文采用物理模拟实验和数值分析方法对页岩水力压裂扩展造成微震的机制进行研究.理论上,岩石破裂过程取决于水力裂纹尖端的应力分布.通过反演得到矩张量的特征方程及其特征值,从而确定震源点的破裂机制.通过真三轴水力压...  相似文献   
2008年5月12日在龙门山发生了8.0级特大地震,彭县-灌县断裂亦发生了同震地表破裂。在前期对龙门山活动构造研究的基础上,汶川特大地震发生后,在灾区进行了多次的野外调查和国际合作考察,重点对汶川地震的地表破裂和地质灾害开展了详细的详细野外地质填图,利用全站仪和GPS对地表破裂进行了精确的测量,研究了的地表破裂地貌错位、构造组合和运动学,已实地测得地表破裂数据70余组(其中彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂数据20余组)。文章以彭县-灌县断裂地表破裂为切入点,在彭县-灌县断裂的关键部位开展了详细的野外地貌测量,主要测量了彭州磁峰、白鹿、绵竹金花和汉旺等地的地表破裂,标定了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带的垂向断距和水平断距,结果表明该地表破裂南西起于彭州磁峰,向北东延伸经白鹿、绵竹金花至绵竹汉旺,全长约 40~50km。地表破裂带沿彭县-灌县断裂带的走向断续分布,单个破裂长度在几米到500余米不等,破裂带切割了多种类型的地貌单元,包括山脉基岩、河流阶地、冲洪积扇、公路、桥梁等,同时也使道路发生拱曲、破坏和桥梁垮塌或移位。其以脆性破裂为特征,以逆冲-右旋走滑为特点,断面倾角较陡,北西盘为上升盘,南东盘为下降盘,垂直位错介于 0.39~2.70m之间,水平位错介于 0.20~0.70m,平均垂直位错为1.6m,平均水平位错为0.6m; 地表最大错动量的地点位于彭州白鹿镇,其中最大垂直断错为 2.7±0.2m,最大水平断错为 0.7±0.2m。垂直位错与水平位错量之间的比值为2 ∶1,表明该地震地表破裂带不仅存在逆冲运动分量和右旋走滑运动分量,而且逆冲运动分量大于右旋走滑运动分量,显示了彭县-灌县断裂破裂带具有以逆冲和缩短作用为主、右旋走滑作用为辅的破裂性质。其与映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂相比较,该断裂的地表破裂程度远小于映秀-北川断裂带的地表破裂程度,主要表现在地表破裂的长度较短,垂直位错和水平位错也相对较小,而且为以逆冲作用为主。初步研究结果表明,彭县-灌县断裂与映秀-北川断裂地表破裂的平面组合样式显示为两条在平面上近于平行的北东向地表破裂带,其间由一条南北向的次级地表破裂带(小鱼洞断裂)将它们相连结,地下破裂面的剖面组合样式显示为叠瓦状,并在汶川地震震源附近或震源的上方相连的,是同“根”的。  相似文献   
上部地壳的流体作用与大理岩的低温塑性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘俊来 Weber  K 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):499-505
本文应用光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜和阴极发光显微镜系统研究了Waterberg断层带(纳米比亚)内粗晶大理岩中发育的构造岩,宏观碎裂结构与微观糜棱装结构是断层构造岩的主要特点。巨大的孪形碎屑与弥漫的细小粒质形成了鲜明的反差,广泛发育的压溶颖合线与多阶段方解石细脉遍布构造带不同部位,TEM亚微粒粒度具有简单的峰值分布(~0.3~0.4μm),但动态重结晶颗粒的粒度却具有较大的变化范围(0.1~3.0  相似文献   
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