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F. Flores-Verdugo F. González-Farías O. Ramírez-Flores F. Amezcua-Linares A. Yáñez-Arancibia M. Alvarez-Rubio J. W. Day 《Estuaries and Coasts》1990,13(2):219-230
Aquatic primary productivity, mangrove ecology, and fish community dynamics were investigated in the Teacapán-Agua Brava lagoon-estuarine system, the most extensive mangrove ecosystem on the Pacific coast of Mexico with three species of mangroves distributed heterogeneously (Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, andAvicennia germinans). Tree density was 3,203 trees ha?1 and basal area was 14.0 m2 ha?1. Litterfall was 1,417 g m?2 yr?1, characteristic of a productive riverine forest. The degradation constant forLaguncularia racemosa leaves varied from 1.71 to 4.7 yr?1 and mean annual net aquatic productivity was 0.41 g C m?3 d?1. There were high concentrations of humic substances (up to 150 mg l?1) early in the wet season. Seasonal variations of the above parameters seemed closely related to the ecology of fish populations. There were 75 fish species distributed in two principal assemblages associated with wet and dry seasons. Diversity and biomass analysis indicated 18 dominant species. Total biomass of the community in this coastal system was estimated at 10 g wet wt m?2. The highest biomass occurred in the wet season. The most common fish species wereMugil curema, Achirus mazatlanus, Galeichthys caerulescens, Arius liropus, Diapterus peruvianus, Lile stolifera, Centropomus robalito, andEucinostomus sp., all of which have fishery importance. Primary productivity and fish community ecology are controlled by habitat characteristics, river discharge, and climatic seasonality. 相似文献
Gully erosion has for many years been a problem in Rhodesia1s Tribal Trust Lands. This paper describes how Soil Conservation Service staff, with no previous ground knowledge of these areas, used good quality 1/25,000 scale aerial photographs to measure the extent of the gully erosion and to pinpoint erosion “black spots.” This enabled quick and reliable estimates of the cost of reclamation work to be made without the need for time-consuming field survey. The survey method discussed is capable of wide application wherever gully erosion occurs and needs to be brought under control. 相似文献
Analytical computation of gravity effects for polyhedral bodies 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
M. G. D’Urso 《Journal of Geodesy》2014,88(1):13-29
On the basis of recent analytical results we derive new formulas for computing the gravity effects of polyhedral bodies which are expressed solely as function of the coordinates of the vertices of the relevant faces. We thus prove that such formulas exhibit no singularity whenever the position of the observation point is not aligned with an edge of a face. In the opposite case, the contribution of the edge to the potential to its first-order derivative and to the diagonal entries of the second-order derivative is deemed to be zero on the basis of some claims which still require a rigorous mathematical proof. In contrast with a common statement in the literature, it is proved that only the off-diagonal entries of the second-order derivative of the potential do exhibit a noneliminable singularity when the observation point is aligned with an edge of a face. The analytical provisions on the range of validity of the derived formulas have been fully confirmed by the Matlab $^{\textregistered }$ program which has been coded and thoroughly tested by computing the gravity effects induced by real asteroids at arbitrarily placed observation points. 相似文献
A second installment in a series of papers describing the technical basis for Soviet remote sensing from space focuses on the multispectral scanners of the “Meteor-Priroda” series of earth observation satellites. Designs of the various models are provided, as well as explanations of how such tasks as band separation, signal formation, and telemetry are performed. Translated from: Priroda Zemli iz kosmosa, A. P. Tishchenko and S. V. Viktorov, eds. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984, pp. 25-25-34. 相似文献
Various image processing techniques were experimented with in this study to evaluate their efficiency for geological mapping in the Eljufra area of northwest Libya. Remote sensing data including multi-spectral optical Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+), Synthetic Aperture Radar (ERS-2 SAR) and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) extracted from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data were used to trace different lithological units as well as extracting geological lineaments in the study area. The study area is located in an arid environment mostly devoid of any vegetation. Most lithological and structural units are distinguishable based on their topographic form and spectral properties. Fusion of ETM+ and ERS-2 images was experimented with to further identify lithological units. Shaded relief techniques were implemented to enhance terrain perspective views and to extract geological lineaments. The results discriminated different rock units and modified formation boundaries and revealed new geological lineaments. Nine rock units were identified and plotted in the new geological map defined by the new boundaries. The dominant lineaments tend to run in the NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW directions. Analysis and interpretation of the lineaments provided information about the tectonic evolution of the study area. 相似文献
During summer 1975, a line of large shots was fired across the continental margin between the Rockall Trough and the Hebridean shelf along 58°N. Arrivals were observed at temporary seismic stations set up across Scotland and in northwestern Ireland. A clear P2 phase was observed to cross the margin and a converted phase P1 also seen on the records is interpreted as travelling in the sub-sedimentary oceanic crust of Rockall Trough and in the upper continental crust beneath the shelf.The continental crust beneath the Hebridean shelf is estimated to be 27 ± 2 km thick, with Pg = 6.22 ± 0.03 km/s and Pn = 8.01 ± 0.04 km/s as determined by time-term analysis. Pg delays on the outer shelf are interpreted in terms of a seaward thickening wedge of Mesozoic sediments which pre-date the split. Pn beneath the Rockall Trough was poorly determined at 8.20 ± 0.17 km/s and the Moho is estimated to be 18 ± 2 km deep at 58°N. This and other seismic and gravity work indicates a northward thickening of the crust along the Rockall Trough, accounting for the northward decrease in the height of the slope.Our results, and those of gravity interpretations, indicate a relatively abrupt transition between continental and oceanic crust, possibly correlating with the lack of major shelf subsidence. This is attributed to a relatively cool origin for this margin. The main thinning of the continental crust beneath the slope is attributed to outslip of continental crustal material into and beneath the newly forming oceanic crust during the first few million years after the split, possibly enhanced by pre-split stretching. 相似文献
The Distance Least Squares (DLS) structure modelling technique is used to determine the room-temperature structures of the sodalites Li8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2, Na8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2, K8(Al6Si6O24)Cl2, Na8(Al6Si6O24)Br2, and Na8(Al6Si6O24)I2. The technique is also used to calculate the thermal expansion behaviour of Na8(Al6Si6O24)I2 assuming that the discontinuity in its thermal expansion curve occurred either when the ideal fully-expanded state was achieved (case 1) or when the x-coordinate of the sodium atom became 0.25 (case 2). The results are given as plots of bond lengths and bond angles as a function of temperature. Case 2 was preferred and analysis of the results implied that the driving force for the untwisting of the partially-collapsed sodalite framework was in the framework bonds with the cavity ion bonds resisting the untwisting. Best estimates indicate that the expansion of the Na-O and Na-I bonds are 9% and 27.4% respectively, between room temperature and 810° C, and there is an apparent shortening of the framework bond distances of about 1.5%. 相似文献
M Grande R BrowningN Waltham D ParkerS.K Dunkin B KentB Kellett C.H PerryB Swinyard A PerryJ Feraday C HoweG McBride K PhillipsJ Huovelin P MuhliP.J Hakala O VilhuJ Laukkanen N ThomasD Hughes H AlleyneM Grady R LundinS Barabash D BakerP.E Clark C.D MurrayJ Guest I CasanovaL.C d'Uston S MauriceB Foing D.J Heather V FernandesK Muinonen S.S RussellA Christou C OwenP Charles H KoskinenM Kato K SipilaS Nenonen M HolmstromN Bhandari R ElphicD Lawrence 《Planetary and Space Science》2003,51(6):427-433
The D-CIXS Compact X-ray Spectrometer will provide high quality spectroscopic mapping of the Moon, the primary science target of the ESA SMART-1 mission. D-CIXS consists of a high throughput spectrometer, which will perform spatially localised X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. It will also carry a solar monitor, to provide the direct calibration needed to produce a global map of absolute lunar elemental abundances, the first time this has been done. Thus it will achieve ground breaking science within a resource envelope far smaller than previously thought possible for this type of instrument, by exploiting two new technologies, swept charge devices and micro-structure collimators. The new technology does not require cold running, with its associated overheads to the spacecraft. At the same time it will demonstrate a radically novel approach to building a type of instrument essential for the BepiColombo mission and potential future planetary science targets. 相似文献