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Defining the first spotless day of a sunspot cycle as the first day without spots relative to sunspot maximum during the decline of the solar cycle, one finds that the timing of that occurrence can be used as a predictor for the occurrence of solar minimum of the following cycle. For cycle 22, the first spotless day occurred in April 1994, based on the International sunspot number index, although other indices (Boulder and American) indicated the first spotless day to have occurred earlier (September 1993). For cycles 9–14, sunspot minimum followed the first spotless day by about 72 months, having a range of 62–82 months; for cycles 15–21, sunspot minimum followed the first spotless day by about 35 months, having a range of 27–40 months. Similarly, the timing of first spotless day relative to sunspot minimum and maximum for the same cycle reveals that it followed minimum (maximum) by about 69 (18) months during cycles 9–14 and by about 90 (44) months during cycles 15–21. Accepting April 1994 as the month of first spotless day occurrence for cycle 22, one finds that it occurred 91 months into the cycle and 57 months following sunspot maximum. Such values indicate that its behavior more closely matches that found for cycles 15–21 rather than for cycles 9–14. Therefore, one infers that sunspot minimum for cycle 23 will occur in about 2–3 years, or about April 1996 to April 1997. Accepting the earlier date of first spotless day occurrence indicates that sunspot minimum for cycle 23 could come several months earlier, perhaps late 1995.The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   
Processes resulting in the formation of hydrocarbons of carbonaceous chondrites and the identity of the interstellar molecular precursors involved are an objective of investigations into the origin of the solar system and perhaps even life on earth. We have combined the resources and experience of an astronomer and physicists doing laboratory simulations with those of a chemical expert in the analysis of meteoritic hydrocarbons, in a project that investigated the conversion of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) formed in stellar atmospheres into alkanes found in meteorites. Plasma hydrogenation has been found in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Astrophysics Laboratory to produce from the precursor PAH naphthalene, a new material having an IR absorption spectrum (Lee, W. and Wdowiak, T.J., Astrophys. J. 417, L49-L51, 1993) remarkably similar to that obtained at Arizona State University of the benzene-methanol extract of the Murchison meteorite (Cronin, J.R. and Pizzarello, S., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 54, 2859-2868, 1990). There are astrophysical and meteoritic arguments for PAH species from extra-solar sources being incorporated into the solar nebula, where plasma hydrogenation is highly plausible. Conversion of PAHs into alkanes could also have occurred in the interstellar medium. The synthesis of laboratory analogs of meteoritic hydrocarbons through plasma hydrogenation of PAH species is underway, as is chemical analysis of those analogs. The objective is to clarify this heretofore uninvestigated process and to understand its role during the origin of the solar system as a mechanism of production of hydrocarbon species now found in meteorites. Results have been obtained in the form of time-of-flight spectroscopy and chemical analysis of the lab analog prepared from naphthalene.  相似文献   
A solar type I noise storm was observed on 30 July, 1992 with the radio spectrometer Phoenix of ETH Zürich, the Very Large Array (VLA) and the soft X-ray (SXR) telescope on board theYohkoh satellite. The spectrogram was used to identify the type I noise storm. In the VLA images at 333 MHz a fully left circular polarized (100% LCP) continuum source and several highly polarized (70% to 100% LCP) burst sources have been located. The continuum and the bursts are spatially separated by about 100 and apparently lie on different loops as outlined by the SXR. Continuum and bursts are separated in the perpendicular direction to the magnetic field configuration. Between the periods of strong burst activities, burst-like emissions are also superimposed on the continuum source. There is no obvious correlation between the flux density of the continuum and the bursts. The burst sources have no systematic motion, whereas the the continuum source shows a small drift of 0.2 min–1 along the X-ray loop in the long-time evolution. The VLA maps at higher frequency (1446 MHz) show no source corresponding to the type I event. The soft X-ray emission measure and temperature were calculated. The type I continuum source is located (in projection) in a region with enhanced SXR emission, a loop having a mean density of n e = (1.5 ± 0.4) × 109 cm–3 and a temperature ofT = (2.1 ± 0.1) × 106 K. The centroid positions of the left and right circularly polarized components of the burst sources are separated by 15–50 and seem to be on different loops. These observations contradict the predictions of existing type I theories.Presented at the CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   
Possibilities to explain the observed 1/a-distribution are discussed in the light of improved understanding of the dynamical evolution of long-period comets. It appears that the fading problem applies both to single-injection and continuous-injection models. Although uncertainties due to nongravitational effects do not allow detailed results to be drawn from the observed 1/a-distribution at small perihelion distance q, that for q 1.5 AU shows that a constant fading probability cannot explain all the features of the observed distribution. Assuming that comets can reappear following a period of fading, values for the assumed constant fading and renewal probabilities, and the total cometary flux have been estimated for q > 1.5 AU.  相似文献   
Hajduk, et al (1992) have drawn attention to a possible source of error in our earlier analysis of visual and radar observations of shower meteors from which we calculated the ozone concentration at meteor heights. We have considered their main criticism that the features of our data which we used to calculate the ozone concentration may have been due to the constraint that our meteors had to be observed by both methods. We have shown that observations collected from radar-only systems show very similar characteristics and that these can be analysed without recourse to visual data to produce very similar results to those from our original analysis. Presented at theInternational Conference on Meteoroids 23 – 31 August 1994 in Bratislava.Submitted to Earth, Moon and Planets  相似文献   
We present the results of a spectral study of Galaxy No. 47 of the list [1]. We determine the equivalent widths of the lines for the compact part of the galaxy and the relative intensities for both the compact part and the halo. We estimate the mass of the galaxy from the inclination of the H line. We obtain the electron density and the mass of the gas component of the compact part of the galaxy.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 2, 1995.  相似文献   
Optical identification of infrared sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC) is made by means of low-dispersion spectra of the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) and Palomar Observatory Sky Survey (POSS) red and blue images. The purpose of this work is to examine the composition of the PSC sample of fainter sources at high galactic latitudes and to reveal QSOs, infrared galaxies, red stars (C and M), planetary nebulae, for their further investigation at the optical range. 100 of 108 unknown IRAS sources in the region with 3h50m 7h40m and + 69° + 73° are optically identified. Optical coordinates, V magnitudes, color indices, and preliminary classes are determined. According to preliminary classification 3 objects turned out to be QSOs, 36 are galaxies with very interesting morphology, 5 are faint planetary nebulae, 9 are carbon stars, and 47 are late M-type stars.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 625–629, October–December, 1995.  相似文献   
"While 'closed-door' immigration policies are adopted by most countries, 'exceptionalist' legislation is often made to permit entry of special immigrant groups. An example is the British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990, which was passed in the run-up to the change in sovereignty of Hong Kong in 1997. Britain's increasingly restrictive immigration policies prior to 1990 [have] resulted in the majority of Hong Kong citizens having British nationality (as British Dependent Territories citizens) but without the right of abode in the U.K. The 1990 Act conferred full British citizenship status on 50,000 heads of households in Hong Kong." The authors conclude that "in a world of marked global inequalities, immigration pressure will become even more extreme and is likely to produce an increasing number of cases of exceptionalist immigration legislation in countries with both ?open' and 'closed'-door policies.'  相似文献   
Abstract— Microscopic planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz grains are diagnostic of shock meta-morphism during hypervelocity impact cratering. Measurements of the poles of sets of PDFs and the optic axis of 25 quartz grains were carried out for a sample of the Loftarsten deposit from the Lockne area, Sweden. The most abundant PDFs observed in the sample from the Lockne area correspond to those found at known impact craters (i.e., ω (1013} and π (1012). This study confirms the previous suggestion that the Lockne structure is an impact crater. The Loftarsten is, therefore, interpreted as the final stage of resurge deposition after a marine impact at Lockne in the Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   
In this paper we present multicolor images of the Beta Pictoris disk, obtained with a new Coronograph, built at STScI, for ESO's New Technology Telescope. These B, V, and R observations probe the Beta Pictoris circumstellar disk in to a distance of 35 AU (2) from the central star. We derive surface brightness profiles for the disk and discuss the results in the context of two-component disk models (e.g. Backmanet al. 1992), which are based on fits to available optical and infrared data for Beta Pictoris's disk. These models generally imply that the disk is composed of 1) an outer disk extending from 100–1000 AU, with a midplane particle density decreasing as n(r) r–3, 2) a transition region extending from 10–100 AU with lower density and either smaller grains or a less steep spatial gradient than the outer component, 3) an innermost clear zone with even lower density.  相似文献   
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