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Concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, Mo, Hg, Cd, Cr, Ag, Pb, Sr and V were determined in skins of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) of the Pacific coast truei-type population (PT population) (N=45), and the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk dalli-type population (JD population) (N=31) from the northern waters of Japan. Cutaneous Hg concentrations in both PT and JD populations were significantly correlated with age, indicating a possible alternative method of age estimation. A significant correlation was also noted between Hg concentrations in skin and liver, suggesting that biopsy samples of skin can provide a non-lethal surrogate for monitoring Hg contamination in this species. Trace element accumulation patterns differed strongly between PT and JD populations, when analyzed by principal component analysis, suggesting these patterns could be utilized as non-lethal tracers of population identification.  相似文献   
An unusual jaw found in a calcite nodule from Collishaw Point, Hornby Island, British Columbia (off the east coast of Vancouver Island) represents the first definitive pterosaur found in British Columbia, and the first istiodactylid from Canada.  相似文献   
鲁西地区石门山岩体主要岩性为片麻状花岗闪长岩,原划为新太古代早期侵入岩。根据新测锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为(2530±8)Ma,其形成时代确定为新太古代晚期。凤仙山岩体为中粒二长花岗岩,锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为(2513±12)Ma,并侵入片麻状花岗闪长岩。石门山岩体属峄山岩套,为TTG质花岗岩,是地幔岩浆侵入混入地壳物质形成的。凤仙山岩体属傲徕山岩套二长花岗岩,为上地壳物质重熔(深熔)作用形成的。峄山岩套TTG类岩石是2560~2530 Ma壳幔岩浆活动的产物,岩体普遍具有片麻状构造,表明经历变质变形作用。未受区域变质作用的傲徕山岩套大规模壳源花岗岩是2530~2500 Ma地壳物质部分熔融形成的,与华北克拉通新太古代末超大陆拼合有关,2530 Ma是鲁西地区重要的构造热事件发生时期。  相似文献   
孔兹岩系——山西吕梁地区界河口群的年代学和地球化学   总被引:21,自引:14,他引:21  
吕梁地区界河口群主要由变泥砂质岩石和一定数量的大理岩及少量斜长角闪岩等类岩石组成。7个变泥砂质岩石样品分析,ΣREE=152~322μg/g,Eu/Eu  相似文献   
利用树木年轮重建川西松潘高原5月降水变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用四川省松潘县西部牟尼沟二道海采集的树木年轮样本,建立了该地区173年树木年轮年表序列,并依据响应函数、相关与偏相关方法,分析了该年表与气象要素之间的关系,发现该年表对5月降水较敏感,并由此重建了1837-2009年松潘高原地区5月降水序列.结果表明,1837年以来松潘高原地区先后经历了5个偏湿阶段和3个偏干阶段;以重建的1971-2000年30年气候平均值为基准,在重建的16个气候时段中1961-1990年是降水最少的气候时段,而1837-1860年则是降水最多的气候时段;降水发生了多次正负突变,比较可靠的突变点出现在1863年前后、1874年前后、1890年前后、1904年前后、1958年前后和1994年前后;重建序列周期变化明显,存在2~4年、16年和32~50年为主的周期振荡.  相似文献   
当前对于不同目的的地下水污染评价工作往往倾向于突出选择微量元素(毒物类和重金属类)作为评价指标,而常常忽略水化学分析中常规离子参与评价和示踪的作用,这大概由两种错觉形成:一是认为微量指标对人体危害程度大;二是偏面的认为所谓地下水污染,尤其是现代工业“三废”对地下水渗透污染,主要是指这些微量元素。但是,就阐述地下水污染规律及其评价污染程度等技术性问题而言,常规水化学指标中某些离子要比微量元素优越得多。地下水  相似文献   
溢油污染对湛江生态和经济的影响与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合湛江市的海洋产业结构及港口概况,对湛江港溢油污染状况进行了分析。并从可持续发展的角度,分析了溢油污染给湛江的生态和经济发展带来的影响,提出了相应的对策和建议,为湛江溢油的防治工作提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
碱性玄武岩形成的时限及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国华北克拉通及邻区的早前寒武纪不存在碱性玄武岩。全球范围内碱性玄武岩的形成也存在时限性,它们在中新生代以来相对大量的出现。碱性玄武岩可划分为钾质碱性玄武岩和钠质碱性玄武岩两大类,后者还可作进一步划分。它们在同位素组成和元素组成上存在相互过渡的变化,这与地幔源区外来加入物质的种类和比例不同有关。高压和低程度熔融是所有碱性玄武岩形成的必要条件。研究表明,碱性玄武岩形成具时限性主要与地球热状态从热向冷的历史演化有关。碱性玄武岩的形成需要地幔俯冲作用,可达到相当深度的地幔俯冲作用只是到了太古宙以后才发生,并在中新生代以来达到高潮。  相似文献   
In this paper, the effect of pulse-type motions caused by forward directivity that can release huge amounts of energy in a short time period is studied on a telecommunication tower. Since telecommunication towers have longer periods, they are not as affected by seismic forces. Nevertheless, near source earthquakes characterized by high velocity and velocity pulses can change the behavior of these structures. For this reason, a telecommunication tower located near active faults was selected in this study. Considering the probable earthquake magnitude at the site and the distance of the tower from adjacent faults, nine simulated pulses and three near-fault earthquake records with forward directivity are selected and applied to a 3D fi nite element model of the tower. The results of nonlinear dynamic analysis, i.e., displacements and damage in the tower, indicate that the maximum displacement and drift ratio of the tower under the pulses are obviously affected by the ratio of the structure period to pulse period. When this ratio is decreased and close to 1.0, the maximum displacement and drift ratio are sharply increased and cause large displacements in the tower.  相似文献   
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