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世界许多地区如墨西哥湾,存在着大量天然气渗漏并形成水合物的现象,出于科学,生态,气候和安全的需要。人类有必要弄清存在于海底以水合成形式存在的天然气的比例。因此,构建了水合物形成量的线性动力学模型,以分析墨西哥湾GC185块区Bush高地海底渗漏天然气的地质过程和行为。Bush高地渗漏的天然气来源于附近的Jolliet气藏,结果表明,渗漏天然气中约有9%的海底形成了水合物。  相似文献   
日本的各个地震观测台网共有500个固定台。这些台站分属于许多个台网:由日本气象厅管理的全国性台网。以及由一些国立大学和其院所管理的区域性和地方性的台网,包括防灾科学技术研究所。大多数非JMA台网是在全国预报计划之下建立的,该计划于1965年开始。JMA台网已有百余年的历史,现在包括约190个配备有短周期和中周期的地震仪的台,其他的多大数台网所配备的仪器则是高灵敏度的短周期地震仪,其典型的固有周期为  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONQuality of chemical properties of flooded soils isgenerally determined by salinity and alkalinity,bothof these acts as inhibiting factors of plant growth.Thecorrelation of electrical conductivity and other analysisindex has been reported by …  相似文献   
Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were determined in 14 sediment samples collected from four sites in the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve (within a RAMSAR Site) and from another six sites in Victoria Harbour and along the Hong Kong coastline. Elevated levels of PCDDs, and particularly OCDD, were detectable in all samples collected from the Mai Po Marshes and five of the six sites. In contrast to PCDDs, PCDFs were mainly found in sediment samples collected from industrial areas (Kwun Tong and To Kwa Wan) in Victoria Harbour. PCDD/F levels and congener profiles in the samples from the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve in particular show strong similarities to those reported in studies which have attributed similar elevated PCDD concentrations to nonanthropogenic PCDD sources.  相似文献   
在过去15年间,已报导过格陵兰(伊苏阿上地壳群,大约3770Ma)、非洲(翁韦瓦克特群,大约3540Ma;无花果树群,大约3400Ma;维特瓦特斯兰德岩系,大约2640—2820Ma;布拉瓦约灰岩,大约2600Ma)、澳大利亚(瓦拉沃纳群,大约3520Ma;戈尔格溪群,大约3400Ma;南部克罗斯石英岩,大于2700Ma;哈默斯利群,大约2700Ma)、印度(马德拉斯片麻岩,大于3000Ma;G.R.组,大于2600Ma)、以及北美(苏丹含铁  相似文献   
同位素指示的巴丹吉林沙漠南缘地下水补给来源   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过恢复巴丹吉林沙漠及其周边地区大气降水氚值,并结合区域稳定同位素组合特征,揭示了区域地下水氚年龄的多解性与地下水稳定同位素的温度效应。恢复的1963年核试验期氚高峰值达到2 100 TU,进入90年代平均为60 TU。1960年以来降水补给的地下水氚值都应大于15 TU,而1963年的高峰氚衰变至今应在200 TU左右。地下水实测氚值较低,表明由现代少量降水补给的地下水与大量的古水进行了混合。影响降水中δ18O和δ2H分布的主要影响因子是月平均空气温度,对δ18O与δ2H的影响权重分别占到59.9%和57.0%。巴丹吉林沙漠及其周边地区地下水较低的稳定同位素组成表明,其补给主要是晚更新世较冷环境下形成的,来源于东南部的雅布赖山区,部分浅层地下水接受现代降水与河流的补给。   相似文献   
利用NOAA NDVI数据集监测冬小麦生育期的研究   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
探索了利用NDVI研究作物生育期的方法,对黄淮海冬麦区的返青期、抽穗期、成熟期进行了估测,并利用地面实际观测资料进行了验证。结果表明,NDVI数据对大范围农作物生育期监测是可行的。冬小麦遥感反青期由南到北依次推迟,符合春季绿波由南到北推移规律。对冬小麦遥感生育期年际变化分析表明,黄淮海平原返青期变化相对较大,而抽穗期和成熟期变化较小。根据历年月平均温度与返青期分析,冬小麦返青日期与2月份平均温度密切相关。对于局部地区,利用5d合成1km分辨率数据,且按农业生态分区分别制定生育期判别标准,估测效果将更好。  相似文献   
Coral reef degradation resulting from nutrient enrichment of coastal waters is of increasing global concern. Although effects of nutrients on coral reef organisms have been demonstrated in the laboratory, there is little direct evidence of nutrient effects on coral reef biota in situ. The ENCORE experiment investigated responses of coral reef organisms and processes to controlled additions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P) on an offshore reef (One Tree Island) at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. A multi-disciplinary team assessed a variety of factors focusing on nutrient dynamics and biotic responses. A controlled and replicated experiment was conducted over two years using twelve small patch reefs ponded at low tide by a coral rim. Treatments included three control reefs (no nutrient addition) and three + N reefs (NH4Cl added), three + P reefs (KH2PO4 added), and three + N + P reefs. Nutrients were added as pulses at each low tide (ca twice per day) by remotely operated units. There were two phases of nutrient additions. During the initial, low-loading phase of the experiment nutrient pulses (mean dose = 11.5 microM NH4+; 2.3 microM PO4(-3)) rapidly declined, reaching near-background levels (mean = 0.9 microM NH4+; 0.5 microM PO4(-3)) within 2-3 h. A variety of biotic processes, assessed over a year during this initial nutrient loading phase, were not significantly affected, with the exception of coral reproduction, which was affected in all nutrient treatments. In Acropora longicyathus and A. aspera, fewer successfully developed embryos were formed, and in A. longicyathus fertilization rates and lipid levels decreased. In the second, high-loading, phase of ENCORE an increased nutrient dosage (mean dose = 36.2 microM NH4+; 5.1 microM PO4(-3)) declining to means of 11.3 microM NH4+ and 2.4 microM PO4(-3) at the end of low tide) was used for a further year, and a variety of significant biotic responses occurred. Encrusting algae incorporated virtually none of the added nutrients. Organisms containing endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (corals and giant clams) assimilated dissolved nutrients rapidly and were responsive to added nutrients. Coral mortality, not detected during the initial low-loading phase, became evident with increased nutrient dosage, particularly in Pocillopora damicornis. Nitrogen additions stunted coral growth, and phosphorus additions had a variable effect. Coral calcification rate and linear extension increased in the presence of added phosphorus but skeletal density was reduced, making corals more susceptible to breakage. Settlement of all coral larvae was reduced in nitrogen treatments, yet settlement of larvae from brooded species was enhanced in phosphorus treatments. Recruitment of stomatopods, benthic crustaceans living in coral rubble, was reduced in nitrogen and nitrogen plus phosphorus treatments. Grazing rates and reproductive effort of various fish species were not affected by the nutrient treatments. Microbial nitrogen transformations in sediments were responsive to nutrient loading with nitrogen fixation significantly increased in phosphorus treatments and denitrification increased in all treatments to which nitrogen had been added. Rates of bioerosion and grazing showed no significant effects of added nutrients. ENCORE has shown that reef organisms and processes investigated in situ were impacted by elevated nutrients. Impacts were dependent on dose level, whether nitrogen and/or phosphorus were elevated and were often species-specific. The impacts were generally sub-lethal and subtle and the treated reefs at the end of the experiment were visually similar to control reefs. Rapid nutrient uptake indicates that nutrient concentrations alone are not adequate to assess nutrient condition of reefs. Sensitive and quantifiable biological indicators need to be developed for coral reef ecosystems. The potential bioindicators identified in ENCORE should be tested in future research on coral reef/nutrient interactions. Synergistic and cumulative effects of elevated nutrients and other environmental parameters, comparative studies of intact vs. disturbed reefs, offshore vs. inshore reefs, or the ability of a nutrient-stressed reef to respond to natural disturbances require elucidation. An expanded understanding of coral reef responses to anthropogenic impacts is necessary, particularly regarding the subtle, sub-lethal effects detected in the ENCORE studies.  相似文献   
根据环境卫星Envisat和COSMO—SkyMed模型(为同震位错研究而首次设计的X波段反演干涉图)的DInSAR干涉图,确定了2009年4月6日阿奎拉Mw=6.3级地震时激发的断层几何形状及运动特征。我们的主震最佳拟合解为一个约16km长、12km宽的正断层,存在小的右旋分量,向西南倾斜47°,最大滑动约90cm。虽然地震位错可能只有1km深,但是断层面的上倾投影与标绘的帕加尼卡-南德米特里奥断层的北段相符合,在现场观察到了该断层地表破裂的迹线。该断层在现有震源目录中的缺失表明,需要对具体的地表和地下进行进一步的地质和地球物理勘测,以便对局部规模的地震危险性做出更准确的评估。  相似文献   
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