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The potential applications of As, Sb and Bi as pathfinder elements in geochemical exploration have been researched using a new, rapid technique for the simultaneous determination of the three elements. Following a warm hydrochloric acid sample leach, the volatile hydrides of the elements are generated and flushed into an inductively-coupled plasma linked to an emission spectrometer. The technique offers a combination of good analytical precision and detection limits of 100 ppb for each of the elements.The principal sulphide ore minerals commonly contain traces of As, Sb and Bi, and concentrations of more than 1% of any one of these have been found in some sulphide specimens. During sub-aerial oxidation of sulphides, any As, Sb and Bi present is released and forms dispersion patterns in the surficial environment. Geochemical surveys of localities in the United Kingdom have demonstrated that anomalous dispersion trains of these elements can be detected in the sediments of streams draining the mineralized localities. In a geochemical mapping programme covering 16,000 km2 of central Nepal, over 3500 stream sediment samples were analyzed for As, Sb and Bi, and many known occurrences of Cu, Pb and Zn mineralization are reflected by As, Sb and Bi anomalies. However, bedrock lithology appears to be an important factor influencing Sb and Bi dispersion patterns.In the areas studied, some or all of the elements As, Sb and Bi produce stream sediment anomalies that compare favourably in terms of contrast and extent with the heavy metal expressions, even though none of the three elements have been reported as important constituents of the mineralization with which they occur.  相似文献   
A mass transfer model of bauxite formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of bauxite due to weathering of a granitic protolith has been simulated by means of a one-dimensional flow and reaction model based on the mass transfer principle. The model couples mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions, speciation in solution, and advective solute transport in a porous medium. A very important aspect of the modeling study is the use of mineral reaction rates determined experimentally in the laboratory. The important effects of solution saturation state and pH have been incorporated into the kinetic rate laws governing the heterogeneous reactions. The values of these parameters have been obtained from the scientific literature to guarantee that realistic reaction rates are used in the simulations. Albite and quartz are the minerals that make up the parent rock in the model. Gibbsite, kaolinite, and a Na-mica (as a surrogate for smectite) are the secondary minerals that have been taken into account. Long-term simulations (>1 Ma) have been run, and the formation of a bauxitic profile, with an upper gibbsite-rich and a lower kaolinite-rich zone, is predicted. In early stages of the process (up to a few hundreds of thousands of years), both gibbsite and kaolinite precipitate directly from solution as a consequence of albite dissolution. In later stages, the bulk of gibbsite precipitation derives from the incongruent dissolution of kaolinite, while kaolinite precipitation is still caused by the dissolution of albite. This is also reflected by the formation of two reaction fronts in the profile. These results are compared with weathering sequences from the Los Pijiguaos bauxite deposit, Venezuela. The overlap between the gibbsite and kaolinite zones and the replacement of kaolinite by gibbsite are consistent with model calculations. Mechanical denudation has to be called upon to explain the limited thicknesses of the weathering profiles in the field. The role of mechanical erosion is supported by the presence of microsedimentary structures in the bauxite and the balance between dissolved and suspended loads in the streams draining the area.  相似文献   
Garnet‐bearing ultramafic rocks including clinopyroxenite, wehrlite and websterite locally crop out in the Higashi‐akaishi peridotite of the Besshi region in the Cretaceous Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. These rock types occur within dunite as lenses, boudins or layers with a thickness ranging from a few centimetres to 1 metre. The wide and systematic variation of bulk‐rock composition and the overall layered structure imply that the ultramafic complex originated as a cumulate sequence. Garnet and other major silicates contain rare inclusions of edenitic amphibole, chlorite and magnetite, implying equilibrium at relatively low P–T conditions during prograde metamorphism. Orthopyroxene coexisting with garnet shows bell‐shaped Al zoning with a continuous decrease of Al from the core towards the rim, consistent with rims recording peak metamorphic conditions. Estimated P–T conditions using core and rim compositions of orthopyroxene are 1.5–2.4 GPa/700–800 °C and 2.9–3.8 GPa/700–810 °C, respectively, implying a high P/T gradient (> 3.1 GPa/100 °C) during prograde metamorphism. The presence of relatively low P–T conditions at an early stage of metamorphism and the steep P/T gradient together trace a concave upwards P–T path that shows increasing P/T with higher T, similar to P–T paths reported from other UHP metamorphic terranes. These results suggest either (1) down dragging of hydrated mantle cumulate parallel to the slab–wedge interface in the subduction zone by mechanical coupling with the subducting slab or (2) ocean floor metamorphism and/or serpentinization at early stage of subduction of oceanic lithosphere and ensuing HP–UHP prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   
The Chilka Lake igneous complex of Orissa, the largest known anortosite massif of the Indian Shield, occurs in a catazonal environment of high-grade metamorphics of the Eastern Ghats Precambrian Orogenic Province. The syntectonic massif consists of the anorthositic Balugaon dome, leuconoritic Rambha lobe and quartz-mangeritic Kallikota cover. A completely gradational suite comprising anorthosite-leuconorite-norite-minor jotunite (the anorthositic suite) constitutes most of the complex. The subordinate of suite of acid rocks spatially associated with this is of a broad quartz-mangeritic lithology with minor granitic rocks (the acidic suite). Geochemical evolution of the complex in the sequence anorthosite-leuconorite-norite-jotunite-acidic rocks shows moderate iron enrichment in the noritic-jotunitic stage and is marked by an overall decrease in Al2O3, CaO, MgO, Ni/Co, Sr/Ba, K/Rb and increase in SiO2, K2O, V/Ni, K/Ba and Rb/Sr. Such progressive variation in geochemical parameters appears (i) essentially gradual and frequently overlapping in rock members of the intergradational anorthositic suite and (ii) rather abrupt across transition zones between the anorthositic suite and the acidic suite due to near absence of intervening intermediate lithologies. RbSr whole rock isochron studies indicate that the complex was emplaced ca. 1400 Ma ago. The initial 87Sr/68Sr (0.70661) implies limited hybridisation of the parent magma prior to emplacement. A critical appraisal of all the available evidence suggests that (i) the anorthositic suite of rocks form a perfectly consanguinous and comagmatic assemblage and (ii) the spatially associated acidic suite emerged through a convergence of magmatic and metasomatic processes (the latter brought about by contact anatexis of the host rocks). The complex as well as the host metamorphics are intruded by an atectonic suite of noritic dykes emplaced ca 850 Ma ago.  相似文献   
Plagioclases, Fe-rich epidotes and garnets coexisting in metamorphic rocks of basaltoid and granitoid substrata have been analyzed by standard microprobe techniques. The results presented are based on 34000 data on plagioclases, nearly 24400 on coexisting epidotes as well as of 5000 garnet data. The chemical variations within the singular plagioclase grain and in the range of a thin section are very comprehensive. Adjoining microfields (10–20 μm distance) exhibit differences in the An-contents between 30 and 80% rel. These observations are valid for nearly 78% of the examined plagioclases. Only in the higher amphibolite facies the An-variations are reduced to an average value of 32% rel. Merely the high temperature plagioclases with a compositional range of An 68-An 79 coexisting with clinopyroxene are largely homogeneous. Their variation is amounting to 6,5% An rel. The epidote chemisms reveal a dependance on both of the different substrata and their oxidation status. The maximum value of the Fe (III) substitution on the M1 position in the epidote structure is reaching 97 molar per cent at the higher oxidized meta-granitoids and merely 87% at the metabasaltoids. The variations of the Fe/Al-proportions in the microfields are amounting to 5–20% as to the granitoid substrata and to 5–47% rel. as to the basaltoid substrata. In both of the substrata the garnets are very rich of almandine (40–70%). Besides variable amounts of grossularite and pyrope components they also contain 10–20% (basaltoids) and 1–20% (granitoids) spessartine. The most significant element variations are observed for the element Mn in garnets of granitoid origin. These variations attain 46% within the garnet grains. Only for the garnets of the basic substrata from the amphibolite facies one can state a homogenization. The reaction inertia in achieving metamorphic equilibrium is demonstrated by a selected metabasite sample of the amphibolite facies. It seems that only at temperature >600°C a homogenization of the plagioclases and garnets is initiated so that at low temperature a thermometry by means of An-contents in the plagioclases or Mn/Fe-relations in the garnets is not possible.  相似文献   
The Jurassic to Miocene sequences of the central Andes, east of Santiago, reputedly show repeated cycles of episodic sub-greenschist facies, burial metamorphism that are identified by sharp breaks in metamorphic grade at major stratigraphic boundaries. This paper presents the first detailed petrochemical analysis of these low-grade metamorphic sequences by examining the progressive development of secondary minerals, reaction progress in mafic phyllosilicates, and topological variations in the low-grade assemblages as a means of testing this model. The results indicate a progressive increase from zeolite facies through to close to the onset of greenschist facies from Miocene to Jurassic rocks. Combined analysis of reaction progress in mafic phyllosilicates and petrochemical relationships of chlorite–pumpellyite–actinolite in metabasites provides no evidence for sharp metamorphic breaks at major stratigraphic boundaries. Integrating the results presented here with the most recent models of stratigraphic/tectonic development of the central Andes shows that the metamorphism took place in two episodes, and was not episodic on a 40-million-year cycle. An absence of sharp breaks in metamorphic grade in any part of the succession, as demonstrated here, shows that the original petrographic establishment of low-grade facies provided insufficient resolution of changes in metamorphic conditions to establish definitive evidence of such breaks. Accordingly, this study suggests that re-assessment of metamorphic breaks reputedly developed in other areas of the Andean Cordillera is imperative in order to resolve the questions raised here about the origin of the low-grade metamorphism.Editorial responsibility: B. Collins  相似文献   
Summary The Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite complex hosts numerous, small lenticular bodies of massive and disseminated chromite. Metallurgical-grade high-Mg and high-Cr spinels (cores with 48–62 wt% Cr2O3) reveal complex alteration patterns of successive Cr and Mn enrichment and loss of Al towards the rims, while the Mg# ratios [(Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)] remain almost constant. Concentration patterns of platinum-group elements are typical for ophiolitic chromitite poor in sulfides, with predominance of the IPGE, variable Rh, and low Pt and Pd. The most abundant platinum-group mineral is Rh-bearing laurite that occurs either included in spinel or in silicate matrix, whereas Os-Ir-Ru alloy is always included in spinel. Laurite inclusions reveal complex intergrowth textures with Rh-Ru-Pt rich alloy, and with Rh-rich sulfide. Most laurites display trends to sulfur-poor compositions leading to local formation of very fine-grained Ru-Os-Ir alloy phases. Ni-Co-Fe sulfides, arsenides and sulfarsenides devoid of PGE are associated with the alteration of chromite. Textural position and chemical composition of the base metal inclusions, as well as comparison of alteration features between chromite and accessory chromian spinel in the Co-Ni-As ores of the Bou Azzer ophiolite indicate a close connection. It is suggested that hydrothermal fluids percolated through the marginal zones of the ophiolite belt during greenschist facies metamorphism and deposited Ni-Co-Fe arsenides, sulfarsenides and minor sulfides as accessories within altered chromitites, and also in structurally favourable zones as Ni-Co-As ores. Author’s address: Dr. Frank Melcher, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany  相似文献   
The proper usage of modal composition and geochemical classification of granitoids is discussed for assigning a proper nomenclature for the Angadimogar pluton, Kerala, southwestern India. This discussion is mainly aimed at addressing questions concerning the nomenclature of Angadimogar pluton (syenitevs. granite). Modal composition and whole-rock XRD data clearly show that the pluton exposed near Angadimogar is a quartz-syenite and its geochemistry is typical of a ferroan, metaluminous, alkali (A-type) granitoid  相似文献   
Non-reflectionsymmetric turbulent motions in an electrically conducting fluid provide for an average electromotoric force α parallel to the average magnetic field . This effect – furthermore called α-effect – can lead to a self-excited built-up of magnetic fields by dynamo action. Since by actions of Coriolis forces turbulent motions in rotating systems generally are non-reflectionsymmetric, the explanation of stellar and planetary magnetic fields becomes possible. – In this first part spherical alternating field dynamos are calculated on conditions similar to those at the sun; α-effect and differential rotation provide for dynamo action. – The basic equations, which form a system of partial differential equations, are treated by a separation method; in this way our problem is transformed into a two-parametric eigenvalue problem for an infinite system of ordinary differential equations. The two eigenvalues determine the frequency and the amount of the induction actions necessary for the field maintenance. The solution of this problem was made by an electronic computer. – The results give evidence for the possibility of magnetohydrodynamic alternating field dynamos. Furthermore the magnitude of the calculated eigenvalues and the similarities between the calculated field and the observed solar magnetic field are showing that the sun realizes a dynamo of this kind.  相似文献   
热带印度洋海温与西北地区东部降水关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用西北地区东部1961 2009年99个气象测站逐月降水量资料,以及Hardley中心逐月海表面温度(SST)资料,采用最大协方差分析(MCA)、相关、回归等统计方法,考虑扣除ENSO(El Ni珘noSouthern Oscillation)影响后,分析了西北地区东部降水量和热带印度洋SST之间年际、年代际变化关系。结果表明:前期冬、春季持续异常的热带印度洋海盆模与西北地区东部5月降水异常主模态存在显著正相关关系,通常超前1~2个季节的暖(冷)海盆模对应5月西北地区东部降水偏多(少),并且这种显著关系存在年代际差异,20世纪70年代中期之前两者关系不显著,之后两者关系加强,通过了0.05显著性水平检验。热带印度洋海盆模对西北地区东部5月降水的影响可能是热带印度洋海盆模"电容器"效应的一种具体体现。  相似文献   
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