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在城市群越来越演化为多尺度、多区域复杂系统背景下,有必要引入多分形理论与方法研究其空间结构。本文基于2018年NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光数据,计算长江中游城市群整体及其局部的多分维谱,根据谱线分析不同尺度下长江中游城市空间结构的多分形特征。结果显示:① 长江中游城市群夜间灯光容量维在整体和局部都出现双标度现象。② q < -5.5时,整体广义关联维谱线突破理论上限2,在q > 0时,武汉城市圈和环长株潭城市群的分维显著较高。③ 整体的局部分维谱和武汉城市圈、环长株潭城市群、环鄱阳湖城市群、宜荆荆城市群局部分维谱表现为单峰偏右。根据上述结果,得到和验证了以下结论:① 长江中游城市群区域一体化程度较低。② 长江中游城市群不同层级和区域的空间结构差异显著,呈现出多尺度复杂特征。③ 长江中游城市群在不同尺度中均倾向于中心集聚式发展。研究揭示多分形模型能够从尺度依赖视角有效揭示巨型城市群空间结构的复杂性及其背后的问题,具有很好的理论探索和实践分析前景。  相似文献   
通过对蓄水前后三峡库首区构造应力场进行三维数值模拟发现,相对于蓄水前,蓄水至135 m水位时,官渡口断裂-马鹿池断裂-牛口断裂围限区、秭归地理中心和九湾溪断裂带,出现了4个主应力下降区和共轭的主应力增长区,形成了差应力场;175 m水位与135 m水位相比,局部差应力场呈现逆向变化,即形成了加载效应与卸载效应的交替过程。这一过程,可能是水库诱发地震的诱震(或触震)因素。  相似文献   
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本文通过构造斜压大气运动的原始方程模式和两层模式的Hamilton守恒量及积分不变的Casimir泛函,并使用变分法,得到了斜压大气运动的非线性Lyapunov稳定性判据,这个判据是Arnold-Blumen-Zeng判据的推广。  相似文献   
LiJuan M  Yong Luo  DaHe Qin 《寒旱区科学》2012,4(2):0093-0106
Based on remote sensing snow water equivalent (SWE) data, the simulated SWE in 20C3M experiments from 14 models attending the third phase of the Coupled Models for Inter-comparison Project (CMIP3) was first evaluated by computing the different percentage, spatial correlation coefficient, and standard deviation of biases during 1979–2000. Then, the diagnosed ten models that performed better simulation in Eurasian SWE were aggregated by arithmetic mean to project the changes of Eurasian SWE in 2002–2060. Results show that SWE will decrease significantly for Eurasia as a whole in the next 50 years. Spatially, significant decreasing trends dominate Eurasia except for significant increase in the northeastern part. Seasonally, decreasing proportion will be greatest in summer indicating that snow cover in warmer seasons is more sensitive to climate warming. However, absolute decreasing trends are not the greatest in winter, but in spring. This is caused by the greater magnitude of negative trends, but smaller positive trends in spring than in winter. The changing characteristics of increasing in eastern Eurasia and decreasing in western Eurasia and over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau favor the viewpoint that there will be more rainfall in North China and less in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in summer. Additionally, the decreasing rate and extent with significant decreasing trends under SRES A2 are greater than those under SRES B1, indicating that the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) will speed up the decreasing rate of snow cover both temporally and spatially. It is crucial to control the discharge of GHG emissions for mitigating the disappearance of snow cover over Eurasia.  相似文献   
MIL 090070陨石是2009年美国南极陨石搜寻项目(ANSMET)在南极横断山脉米勒山区(Miller Range)发现的一块月球陨石,属于斜长岩质月表角砾岩。它具有典型的碎屑结构,主要由岩屑、晶屑、玻屑和细粒基质组成。岩屑以复合斜长岩质岩屑和斜长岩岩屑为主,其次为辉长岩质斜长岩岩屑、辉长岩岩屑、辉长苏长岩岩屑、辉长岩质橄长岩岩屑和橄榄辉长岩岩屑等。晶屑有普通辉石、易变辉石、斜长石、尖晶石、石英和钛铁矿等矿物。玻屑主要为斜长石质的玻屑,呈细长或弯曲条状,多具裂纹。MIL 090070陨石的矿物组成主要为斜长石(86 vol%,An92—99)、橄榄石(6 vol%,Fo53—89)、辉石(7 vol%,En25—83Fs7—43Wo2—45),以及少量的尖晶石、钛铁矿和石英等;其中,辉石有单斜辉石和斜方辉石二种。MIL 090070陨石中橄榄石和辉石的Fe-Mn值分布明显不同于地球、火星、金星和小行星的样品,基本落在月球岩石范围。MIL 090070陨石在多期次冲击和胶结作用下,岩屑的矿物成分和粒度不断变化,岩屑类型更多样,更复杂。基于MIL 090070陨石的岩石矿物学特征、碎屑类型及结构的特征等研究,可以进一步丰富我们对月球物质的形成及月岩—月壤演化过程的认识。  相似文献   
2002~2005年在长江中下游的洪湖、固城湖和太湖分别采集了沉积物柱样钻孔,测定了总有机碳(TOC)和金属元素包括Pb,Al,Fe,Ti等,并采用210Pb和137Cs进行了近代沉积物定年。研究结果表明,洪湖钻孔平均沉积速率为0.15cm/a,固城湖平均沉积速率在0.067cm/a,太湖平均沉积速率为0.35~0.41cm/a。根据湖泊沉积物中铅元素与参考元素(Al,Fe和Ti)浓度和TOC的相关关系建立了回归方程,线性关系极显著(p<0.001)。根据回归方程获取了钻孔中铅的背景值变化,研究表明近代沉积物中金属铅不仅仅来源于自然的作用,而人类活动导致铅的累积发生时间都在20世纪70年代,从一个侧面也说明利用沉积物铅含量变化进行断代存在可能性。对太湖钻孔而言,其污染程度要高于洪湖和固城湖。研究结果表明近30年来洪湖和固城湖人为造成湖泊沉积物铅累积量在不断增加,其沉积物铅污染有进一步加重的趋势,应受到科学家和管理部门的关注。  相似文献   
REEdistributioninwater-sedimentinterfacesystematdeepoceanfloor¥ZhangLijie;LiuJihuaandYaoDe(ReceivedFebruary1,1994;acceptedMay...  相似文献   
A two-dimensional flow numerical model of the tidal reaches, which total length is more than 700 km, is established from Datong to the Yangtze River estuary. The tidal levels, velocities, diversion ratios and dynamic axes before and after the separate regulation of each reach and combined regulation of all reaches are obtained. The comparative analysis shows that the regulation project of a separate reach basically has no impact on velocity distributions and variations of diversion ratios of upper and lower reaches, the variations of dynamic axes are only within the local scope of the project. The regulation project of a separate reach also has less impact on the water level in the lower adjacent reaches, but will make the water levels in the upper reaches rise. After the implementation of the regulation projects for all reaches, the rise of water level in the upstream reaches will have a cumulative impact.  相似文献   
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