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This study addresses paleoclimate influences in a southern Amazonia ecotone based on multiproxy records from lakes of the Carajás region during the last 45k cal a bp. Wet and cool environmental conditions marked the initial deposition in shallow depressions with detrital sediments and high weathering rates until 40k cal a bp. Concomitantly, forest and C3 canga plants, along with cool-adapted taxa, developed; however, short drier episodes enabled expansion of C4 plants and diagenetic formation of siderite. A massive event of siderite formation occurred approximately 30k cal a bp under strong drier conditions. Afterwards, wet and cool environmental conditions returned and persisted until the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The LGM was marked by lake-level lowstands and subaerial exposure. The transition from the LGM to the Holocene is marked by the onset of oscillations in temperature and humidity, with an expansion of forest and canga plants. Cool taxa were present for the last time in the Carajás region ~ 9.5–9k cal a bp. After 10k cal a bp , shallow lakes became upland swamps due to natural infilling processes, but the current vegetation types and structures of the plateaus were acquired only after 3k cal a bp under wetter climatic conditions.  相似文献   
The equations of state for degenerate electron and neutron gases are studied in the presence of magnetic fields. After including quantum effects in the investigation of the structural properties of these systems, it is found that some hypermagnetized stars can be unstable according to the criterion of stability of pressures. Highly magnetized white dwarfs should collapse producing a supernova type Ia, while superstrong magnetized neutron stars cannot stand their own magnetic field and must implode, too. A comparison of our results with a set of the available observational data of some compact stars is also presented, and the agreement between this theory and observations is verified.  相似文献   
The correlations angular momentaL to massesM are studied for different types of spectroscopic binaries. The functionsL=AM b have the coefficientb with the values expected from a Keplerian mechanics, but the valuesA(q, T), A(q, a), A(q, v), associated tob=5/3, 3/2, and 2, respectively, are given (statistically speaking) by multiples or submultiples of discrete values of: the mass ratiosq, the semi-major axesa, periodsT, and velocitiesv of the reduced mass. This indicates the existence of a discrete unit of actionL=(1/2)×potential energy xperiod. Postulates about equivalent states of angular momenta for different orbital parameters are introduced, being this coherent with the analysis of the up-to-date data. Among other examples of the application of such equivalence postulates, we haveL(M) (W-type of the WUMa systems)L(M) (main group of the Algol binaries). The quantum units of action seen here are equivalent to those seen in the solar system in one of our previous works. From comparisons with galaxies and single stars, it is evidence that there is not an unique universal functionL=AM b, when the fine structure of the relation is analysed: each type of object has its own coefficients,A, b. It sems to be that there are an upper and a lower limit for all the possible functions. The upper limit isL=A gM5/3, withA g1 associated to periodsT Hubble time, and the lower limit isL=GM 2/c, with 1. The existence of the upper limit can be investigated with studies of pairs of galaxies, and the lower limit can be tested with analysis of single G, K, M stars. The quantical hypothesis introduced here can be checked definitely, when available larger samples of data with low errors, with similar quality as the selected list of almost 80 eclipsing binaries (mainly detached systems) analysed here.  相似文献   
Land development is one of the major anthropogenic processes shaping environmental sustainability. However, no standard method exists for evaluating this spatial process. This article proposes a method of modeling a spatially explicit representation of land development pressure, resorting to an inverse distance weighting interpolation. The study area encompasses four Macaronesian islands where land development has caused dramatic changes to the landscape: São Miguel, Madeira, Gran Canaria, and Tenerife. The method is demonstrated over 1990–2006, a period marked by a rapid increase in land development which ended with the 2007–2008 financial crisis. First, centroids of land change in/into artificial surfaces were used as a proxy of land development pressure. Second, these centroids were coupled with ancillary sampled points, which took into account a topographic resistance factor representing areas absent of land change. These ancillary points allowed for confinement of the interpolation values while acting as structural information for the rescaling of the interpolation into a higher resolution of a digital elevation model. The results show that the method captured the overall trend and magnitude of artificial land change. Quantifying and identifying the islands’ pattern of land development pressure creates a variable that can play an important role in further modeling of anthropogenic spatial processes.  相似文献   
This paper describes the development of a computational model to predict the response of synthetic-fiber ropes under both monotonic and cyclic loads. The model addresses the issue of damage to a rope cross-section and its effect on rope response. Isotropic damage is assumed and is therefore characterized by a scalar quantity known as the damage index. The damage index is used to quantify the amount of deterioration that takes place in a damaged rope throughout its loading history. For the current study, data obtained from static tension tests are used to determine the evolution relationship for the damage index. This relationship is based on the stiffness ratio between experimental data and simulation of rope response without any source of damage and is assumed to be described by an exponential equation. Numerical simulations of damaged rope behavior compare well with experimental results.  相似文献   
The determination of nocturnal surface fluxes in low wind conditions is a major problem for micrometeorological studies. The eddy correlation technique, extensively used in field measurements, becomes inappropriate if not enough turbulent activity exists. At the same time, the phenomenon of turbulence intermittency is responsible for the existence of localized events of short duration within which a large fraction of the total nighttime scalar exchange occurs. The scalar flux within a certain intermittent event varies considerably depending on the window used for the flux calculation. In many cases, events with very different time durations occur in the same night, and therefore, the proper determination of the surface flux would require averaging within data windows of different sizes for each event. In this work, the surface exchanges of temperature, moisture and carbon dioxide are analysed at a micrometeorological tower at southern Brazil. Intermittent turbulence is a common occurrence at the location. The analysis shows that the fluxes vary with turbulence intensity and the estimation technique. A variable-window size method for flux estimation is suggested and shown to cause an increase in the magnitude of the nocturnal surface fluxes  相似文献   
Hydroelectric reservoirs generate energy without significant combustion of fossil fuels. However, these systems can, potentially, emit greenhouse gases (GHG’s) at a rate which may be significant at the global scale, and, possible, co-equal, per kilowatt-hour, to that from conventional coal or oil-fired systems. Although much of the new construction of hydroelectric reservoirs is in the tropics, most of the data on GHG emissions comes from temperate regions. Further, much of the existing data on reservoir gas emissions comes from single sites, usually near the terminal dams. Large tropical reservoirs often involve the impoundments of river systems with complex morphology which in turn can cause spatial heterogeneity in gas flux. We evaluated spatial and seasonal variability in CO2 concentrations and gas flux for five large (50–1,400 km2) reservoirs in the Cerrado region of Brazil. Most of data set (87% of all measurements) showed CO2 supersaturation and net efflux to the atmosphere. There was as much or more variation in pCO2 over space and among seasons. The large studied reservoirs showed different zones in terms of CO2 emission because those fluxes are dependent on flooded biomass, watershed input of organic matter and dam operation regime. Here we demonstrate that the reservoirs in the Brazilian Cerrado have low rates of CO2 emissions compared to existing global comparisons. Our results suggest that ignoring the spatial variability can lead to more than 25% error in total system gas flux.  相似文献   

The city of São Carlos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, has a historical coexistence between society and floods. Unplanned urbanization in this area is a representative feature of how Brazilian cities have developed, undermining the impact of natural hazards. The Gregório Creek catchment is an enigma of complex dynamics concerning the relationship between humans and water in Brazilian cities. Our hypothesis is that social memory of floods can improve future resilience. In this paper we analyse flood risk dynamics in a small urban catchment, identify the impacts of social memory on building resilience and propose measures to reduce the risk of floods. We applied a socio-hydrological model using data collected from newspapers from 1940 to 2018. The model was able to elucidate human–water processes in the catchment and the historical source data proved to be a useful tool to fill gaps in the data in small urban basins.  相似文献   
A coupled global atmosphere-ocean model is used to study the influence of the Antarctica ice sheet in a configuration that mimics that of the early Miocene on the atmospheric and oceanic circulations. Based on different climate simulations of the present day (CTR) and conducted with distinct Antarctic ice sheet topography (AIS-EXP), it is found that the reduction of the Antarctic ice sheet topography (AIS) induces warming of the Southern Hemisphere and reduces the meridional thermal gradient. Consequently, the atmospheric transient low level eddy heat flux $[(\overline{v^{\prime}T^{\prime}})]$ and the eddy momentum flux $[(\overline{u^{\prime}v^{\prime}})]$ are reduced causing the reduced transport of heat from the mid-latitudes to the pole. The stationary flow and transient wave anomalies generate changes in the SSTs which modify the rate of deep water formation, strengthening the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water. Substantial changes are predicted to occur in the atmospheric and oceanic heat transport and a comparison between the total heat transport of the atmosphere-ocean system, as simulated by the AIS-EXP and the CTR runs, shows that the reduction of the AIS height leads to reduced Southern Hemisphere poleward and increased equatorward heat transport. These results are in agreement with reduced storm track activities and baroclinicity.  相似文献   
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