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The study of the boundary layer can be most difficult when it is in transition and forced by a complex surface, such as an urban area. Here, a novel combination of ground-based remote sensing and in situ instrumentation in central London, UK, is deployed, aiming to capture the full evolution of the urban boundary layer (UBL) from night-time until the fully-developed convective phase. In contrast with the night-time stable boundary layer observed over rural areas, the night-time UBL is weakly convective. Therefore, a new approach for the detection of the morning-transition and rapid-growth phases is introduced, based on the sharp, quasi-linear increase of the mixing height. The urban morning-transition phase varied in duration between 0.5 and 4 h and the growth rate of the mixing layer during the rapid-growth phase had a strong positive relationship with the convective velocity scale, and a weaker, negative relationship with wind speed. Wind shear was found to be higher during the night-time and morning-transition phases than the rapid-growth phase and the shear production of turbulent kinetic energy near the mixing-layer top was around six times larger than surface shear production in summer, and around 1.5 times larger in winter. In summer under low winds, low-level jets dominated the UBL, and shear production was greater than buoyant production during the night-time and the morning-transition phase near the mixing-layer top. Within the rapid-growth phase, buoyant production dominated at the surface, but shear production dominated in the upper half of the UBL. These results imply that regional flows such as low-level jets play an important role alongside surface forcing in determining UBL structure and growth.  相似文献   
Statistical analysis of extreme values is applied to wind data from National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis grid points over the ocean region bounded at 23°S and 40°W and 42°W towards the south and southeastern Brazilian coast. The period of analysis goes from 1975 to 2006. The generalized extreme value and generalized Pareto distributions are employed for annual and daily maxima, respectively. The Pareto?CPoisson point process characterization is also used to analyze peaks over threshold. Return levels for 10, 25, 50, and 100?years are calculated at each grid point. However, most of the reanalysis data fall within 1?C10-year return periods, suggesting that hazardous wind speed with low probability (return periods of 50?C100) have rarely measured in this period. Wide confidence intervals on these levels show that there is not enough information to make predictions with any degree of certainty to return periods over 100?years. Low extremal index (??) values are found for excess wind speeds over a high threshold, indicating the occurrence of consecutively high peaks. In order to obtain realistic uncertainty information concerning inferences associated with threshold excesses, a declustering method is performed, which separates the excesses into clusters, thereby rendering the extreme values more independent.  相似文献   
This work analyzes some physical and microphysical properties of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) and cloud-to-ground lightning. Satellite data from the GOES-10 infrared and NOAA-18 and TRMM microwave channels and lightning information from the Brazilian lightning detection network (BrasilDAT) were utilized for the period from 2007 to 2009. Based on an automatic MCSs detection method, 720 MCSs life cycles were identified during the period and in the region of study, with a lightning detection efficiency of over 90%. During the diurnal cycle, maximum electrical activity occurred close to the time of maximum convective cloud fraction (18 UTC), and 3 h after the maximum normalized area expansion rate. Diurnal cycles of both properties were modulated by diurnal heating, and thus could be used to monitor diurnal variability of lightning occurrence. The electrical activity was more intense for the widest (Pearson’s correlation of 0.96) and deeper (Pearson’s correlation of 0.84) clouds, which reached 390 km size and 17 km maximum cloud top height. Area growth during the initial phase of MCSs exerted a strong influence on their size and duration, and thus also showed a potential for defining the possibility of electrical activity during their life cycle. The average lightning life cycle exhibited a maximum close to MCSs maturation, while the maximum average lightning density occurred in the MCSs initial life cycle stage. The growth rate of electrical activity during the early stages can indicate the strength of convection and the possible duration of systems with lightning occurrence. Strong condensation processes and mass flux during the growth phase of the systems can provide favorable conditions for cloud electrification and lightning occurrence. A comparison of high microwave frequencies with lightning data showed a strong relationship of vertically integrated ice content and particle size with lightning occurrence, with Pearson's correlation of 0.86 and 0.96, respectively. The polarization difference in the 85 GHz channel showed that electrical activity increases linearly with polarization reduction, associated with a high value of Pearson's correlation coefficient (above 0.90). This suggests that regions with more intense electrical activity are predominantly located in areas with a high concentration of larger ice particles that are vertically oriented, due to the existence of intense updrafts and the electric field. These results demonstrate the potential use of thermodynamic, dynamic and microphysical characteristics for analyzing thunderstorms severity, and as additional information for nowcasting and monitoring electrical activity over large regions that lack ground-based lightning sensors.  相似文献   
Generally, palaeoenvironmental interpretations consider only allogenic processes, when autogenic factors may have a strong influence on proxies of stratigraphic sequences. For instance, the Holocene history of the vegetation along the southern littoral of the State of Bahia in north‐eastern Brazil is characterized by mangrove dynamics controlled by allogenic processes. However, over smaller timescales (~700 years), autogenic processes may have controlled vegetation dynamics and hence observed pollen distribution. This work proposes tidal channel dynamics as one of the main cause for changes in pollen assemblage along the studied stratigraphic profiles during the last centuries, based on sedimentology, pollen and elemental analysis (δ13C, δ15N and C/N) and radiocarbon dating of sedimentary organic matter from two cores sampled from an abandoned meander and a tidal flat at the mouth of the Jucuruçu River. One core was sampled from a mangrove formed during the past ~550 cal yr bp . Another core recorded sediments in a várzea forest (swamp seasonally and permanently inundated by freshwater) located ~2.7 km from the current shoreline, which displayed a maximum age of ~680 cal yr bp . Two facies associations were identified: tidal channel (A) and tidal flat/oxbow lake (B). This work proposes allogenic processes as the main driving forces controlling the wetlands dynamics at the studied site during the Holocene. However, our data also reveal that part of the changes in vegetation over the last ~700 years reflect tidal channels and tidal flats development, which represent autogenic processes. The change in timescale analysis from the Holocene to recent centuries may have weakened the influence of allogenic factors. However, this needs interpretation with reference to the spatial scale of the depositional environment as the larger the depositional system analyzed, the stronger the influence of autogenic processes on stratigraphic sequences over longer timescales. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Climate Dynamics - In this study, multi-model ensembles are used to understand regional features of future climate trends of cyclones and associated winds in eastern South America. For this, we...  相似文献   

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a watershed-scale hydrologic model that integrates water quantity and quality modules. Despite the large amount of knowledge on the SWAT model, specific understanding of sub-daily applications remains limited. In this review, we identify the shortcomings and possible ways forward in simulating sub-daily processes with the model. A literature review was conducted, along with a participatory method based on a questionnaire. We reviewed 28 scientific articles and categorized them into: (i) model development, (ii) streamflow methods comparison, (iii) water quality, and (iv) other applications. We found that using sub-daily data improves hydrograph peak simulation, while for medium flows use of daily data was better. From all the reviewed studies, a 1-hour time step was the most suitable time scale for the sub-daily model application. The participatory questionnaire confirmed the hypothesis that the main challenge for using the sub-daily routine was the lack of high-resolution data.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the impacts of latent and sensible heat exchanges between the atmosphere and the ocean in a non-explosive Shapiro–Keyser type cyclogenesis event that occurred over the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean. The synoptic evolution shows a relatively strong warm front and a cold frontal fracture during the system’s development and a warm seclusion in its mature stage, characterizing a Shapiro–Keyser type cyclone. Numerical experiments with the ARW-WRF Model version 3.3 were used to investigate the influences of sensible and latent fluxes on the track of the surface low, intensity of the fronts and coupling of the lower and upper troposphere. The simulations indicate that in the presence of these fluxes the cyclone underwent greater intensification, had a longer life time and longer trajectory, and presented a typical southeastward movement. In the absence of these fluxes, the cyclone developed a weaker warm front with consequent reduction of diabatic heating due to grid scale precipitation along it. This reduced the negative pressure tendency southeast of the cyclone center and the surface cyclone moved northeastward, showing a decoupling of the lower- and upper-level waves. A consequence of this anomalous tracking is the location of the surface cyclone beneath the upper-level trough axis, where there is no upper-level divergence associated with cyclonic vorticity advection contributing to the further system intensification. Numerical experiments suggest that for this Shapiro–Keyser type cyclone the air–sea interaction processes are crucial to obtain a cyclone with features similar to the observations.  相似文献   
South America presents several unique geomagnetic features, one of which is the Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ), a current system which extends itself east to west in Northeastern Brazil for almost 3500 km. Considering the fact that the influence of this phenomenon at low magnetic latitudes can be detected at great distances from its central axis, it is important to simulate its effect in magnetotelluric (MT) exploration. To accomplish this and by the use of an integral equation scheme, we have modeled the MT response of confined three-dimensional (3D) bodies (dykes in an homogeneous half-space) and deep 3D structures (horst and graben located at Marajo Basin in Northern Brazil). As the inductive source, we replace the classical plane wave source by a common line of current, besides gaussian and undulatory electrojets. The results of the modelling indicate that the studied effect is prominent in both one-dimensional (1D) and 3D media for periods (T) greater than 10 s. It decreases with distance, but it is detectable as far as 3000 km from the center of the EEJ. It is also observed that for T greater than 10 s, the computed soundings can be strongly distorted, mainly by EEJ effects in the host medium which, in turn, cause changes in the final branch of the 3D soundings. For structures in the Marajo Basin, our results reveal that the 3D galvanic effect prevails in the interval 0.1<T<10 s, while source influence occurs mainly for T>10 s. On the other hand, automatic inversion of these 3D data shows that, in equatorial regions having complex geology, some errors arise in conventional 1D interpretation of the MT soundings. This is due to the superposition of the host medium response, the galvanic effect of 3D structures, and the EEJ influence.  相似文献   
Ocean Dynamics - At the nautical bottom approach, part of the fluid mud layers can be included in the available depth if they present favorable rheology. As it is difficult to perform in situ...  相似文献   
Detailed structural and isotopic analyses in the Hoanib and Ugab River Valleys indicate the existence of an exotic 1.7- to 1.8-Ga terrane in the Pan-African Kaoko Belt. This crustal block, called as Mudorib Complex, is imbricated between autochthonous and para-autochthonous rocks of Congo Craton, Kaoko Basin, and Western Kaoko Batholith units during the main tectono-thermal phase of Kaoko Belt collision around 580?Ma, involving the Rio de La Plata, Congo and Kahalari paleoplates. This terrain is positioned between the 1.9-Ga Pruwes Complex units of SW edge of the Congo Craton and the 0.58- to 0.55-Ga Amspoort Suite granitoids of the Western Kaoko Batholith. It is coincident with a regional positive aeromagnetic anomaly trending from NNW in the Ugab region to the Namibia-Angola border. Internally, Mudorib Complex consists in 1.73- to 1.81-Ga tonalitic?Ctrondhjemitic?Cdioritic?Cgranodioritic sequence of gneisses associated with cogenetic gabbroic and anothositic-gneisses in the core zone of this Pan-African structure. Field relationship and U?CPb zircon and Sm?CNd whole-rock isotope data combined with geochemical information suggest the existence of two rock associations in the Mudorib Complex, namely late Paleoproterozoic tonalitic?Ctrondhjemitic?Cdioritic-gneisses with island-arc affinity and tholeiitic metabasites of juvenile origin, showing Nd model age of 1.73?C2.17?Ga and ??Nd(t) of ?2.05?C+4.3. This 1.8- to 1.7-Ga complex is also intruded by granitic dykes formed at 1.49?C1.50?Ga with Nd model age of 1.75?C2.34?Ga during stable tectonic conditions. In addition to widespread Pan-African tectono-metamorphic events, a secondary metamorphic event of ~1.3?Ga is also recognized in the Mudorib rocks, which may be associated with accretion process of the complex to the Paleoproterozoic to Archean nucleus of the Kaoko Belt in the Hoanib River Valley.  相似文献   
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