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In this paper we discuss the broad-band X-ray characteristics of a complete sample of 36 type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN), detected by INTEGRAL in the 20–40 keV band above the 5.5σ level. We present, for all the objects in the sample, the broad-band (1–110 keV) spectral analysis obtained by using INTEGRAL / Swift /Burst Alert Telescope observations together with XMM–Newton , Chandra , ASCA and Swift /X-Ray Telescope data. We also present the general average properties of the sample, i.e. the distribution of photon indices, high-energy cut-offs, reflection fractions and absorption properties, together with an in-depth analysis of their parameter space. We find that the average Seyfert 1 power law has an index of 1.7 with a dispersion of 0.2. The mean cut-off energy is at around 100 keV, with most objects displaying E c in the range 50–150 keV; the average amount of Compton reflection is 1.5 with a typical dispersion of 0.7. We do not find any convincing correlation between the various parameters, an indication that our analysis is not strongly dependent by the interplay between them. Finally, we investigate how the results presented in this work fit into current frameworks for AGN spectral modelling and cosmic diffuse X-ray background synthesis models.  相似文献   
Elastic interactions between pores and cracks reflect how they are organized or spatially distributed in porous rocks. The principle goal of this paper is to understand and characterize the effect of elastic interactions on the effective elastic properties. We perform finite element modelling to quantitatively study how the spatial arrangement of inclusions affects stress distribution and the resulting overall elasticity. It is found that the stress field can be significantly altered by elastic interactions. Compared with a non‐interacting situation, stress shielding considerably stiffens the effective media, while stress amplification appreciably reduces the effective elasticity. We also demonstrate that the T‐matrix approach, which takes into account the ellipsoid distribution of pores or cracks, can successfully characterize the competing effects between stress shielding and stress amplification. Numerical results suggest that, when the concentrations of cracks increase beyond the dilute limit, the single parameter crack density is not sufficient to characterize the contribution of the cracks to the effective elasticity. In order to obtain more reliable and accurate predictions for the effective elastic responses and seismic anisotropies, the spatial distribution of pores and cracks should be included. Additionally, such elastic interaction effects are also dependent on both the pore shapes and the fluid infill.  相似文献   
The initial exploration of any planetary object requires a careful mission design guided by our knowledge of that object as gained by terrestrial observers. This process is very evident in the development of the Dawn mission to the minor planets 1 Ceres and 4 Vesta. This mission was designed to verify the basaltic nature of Vesta inferred both from its reflectance spectrum and from the composition of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites believed to have originated on Vesta. Hubble Space Telescope observations have determined Vesta’s size and shape, which, together with masses inferred from gravitational perturbations, have provided estimates of its density. These investigations have enabled the Dawn team to choose the appropriate instrumentation and to design its orbital operations at Vesta. Until recently Ceres has remained more of an enigma. Adaptive-optics and HST observations now have provided data from which we can begin to confidently plan the mission. These observations reveal a rotationally symmetric body with little surface relief, an ultraviolet bright point that can be used as a control point for determining the pole and anchoring a geographic coordinate system. They also reveal albedo and color variations that provide tantalizing hints of surface processes.  相似文献   
The long-term effects of sand extraction on macrozoobenthic communities were investigated in an offshore area in the Northern Adriatic Sea characterised by relict sands formed during the last Adriatic post-glacial transgression. Surveys were carried out before, during and 1, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 months after extraction at three impacted and seven reference stations. The operations did not influence the physical characteristics of the sediment, but they caused almost complete defaunation at dredged sites. Univariate and multivariate analyses highlighted that the macrozoobenthic community responses to the dredging operations were (1) a rapid initial recolonisation phase by the dominant taxa present before dredging, which took place 6-12 months after sand extraction; (2) a slower recovery phase, that ended 30 months after the operations, when the composition and structure of the communities were similar in the dredged and reference areas. This pattern of recolonisation-recovery fits well with the commonly encountered scenario where the substratum merely remains unchanged after marine aggregate extraction.  相似文献   
分析了1997年9月26日意大利中部Umbria与marche交界地区的Umbria-marche地震序列引起的水文体系的变化。为了量化水文体系的变化,从地方当局和矿泉水公司收集了地下水位、泉水的流量以及河水流速等的资料,这些资料可以确定异常的影响面积,并且可以通过与从震前几年资料估算出的年平均体系的对比来量化异常的变化,试图对异常进行判定。分析结果表明,两个含水单元,即Umbria-marche山峰和Val-nerina单元,具有紧密的联系,它们都由于水文系统的改变而受到影响。地震前几个月两条河流测量站记录到了异常变化,认为是地震前兆异常。  相似文献   
We review selected measurements of the galaxy luminosity function including the field, the local group, the local sphere, nearby clusters (Virgo, Coma and Fornax) and clusters in general. We conclude that, excluding the super-luminous cD and D galaxies, the overall cluster luminosity function is fully consistent with the field luminosity function over the magnitude range in common (–22 ≤ M B –5log h 0.68 ≤ –17). We find that only in the core regions of clusters (r ≤ 300 kpc) does the overall form of the luminosity function show significant variation. However when the luminosity function is subdivided by spectral type some further variations are seen. We argue that these results imply: substantial late infall, efficient star-formation suppression, and the confinement of mass-changing evolutionary processes to the core regions only. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Microearthquake digital data collected at Campi Flegrei during the recent (1982–1985) ground uplift episode have been analyzed in order to infer source and medium seismic properties. The main results obtained from these analyses are:
  1. Hypocenter distribution and the size of the seismic zone do not change with time and do not depend on the ground uplift rate. Events occurred clustered in time with no simple causal relations between the cluster occurrences and their energy.
  2. Anelastic attenuation does not depend strongly on frequency, showing a constant pattern at high frequencies. The observed values of low and high frequency attenuation, due to the short source receiver distances, do not seriously affect the spectral content of signals radiated by the sources.
  3. A constant Brune stress drop pattern (~4–5 bars) as a function of seismic moment is observed. This indicates that the manner of fracturing is almost independent on magnitude of earthquakes (hypothesis of self-similarity (Aki, 1967)). Seismic processes in a prefractured medium can explain the observed small stress drop values.
  4. Focal mechanisms from moment tensor estimates show that radiation patterns are mostly well interpreted in terms of double couple source models.
  5. The scaling of peak ground motion parameters (A max andV max vs seismic moment) can be explained by an ω2 source model (constant stress drop) multiplied by an exponential function with a small decay parameter, which takes into account the measured attenuation.
These results support the hypothesis of earthquakes generated by simple shear fractures along prefractured structures as a response to changes in the stress field due to the ground deformation.  相似文献   
Mapping dominant vegetation communities is important work for vegetation scientists. It is very difficult to map dominant vegetation communities using multispectral remote sensing data only, especially in mountain areas. However plant community data contain useful information about the relationships between plant communities and their environment. In this paper, plant community data are linked with remote sensing to map vegetation communities. The Bayesian soft classifier was used to produce posterior probability images for each class. These images were used to calculate the prior probabilities. One hundred and eighty plant plots at Meili Snow Mountain, Yunnan Province, China were used to characterize the vegetation distribution for each class along altitude gradients. Then, the frequencies were used to modify the prior probabilities of each class. After stratification in a vegetation part and a non-vegetation part, a maximum-likelihood classification with equal prior probabilities was conducted, yielding an overall accuracy of 82.1% and a kappa accuracy of 0.797. Maximum-likelihood classification with modified prior probabilities in the vegetation part, conducted with a conventional maximum-likelihood classification for the non-vegetation part, yielded an overall accuracy of 87.7%, and a kappa accuracy of 0.861.  相似文献   
The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter is a sounding rocket instrument designed to measure for the first time the linear polarization of the hydrogen Lyman-\({\upalpha }\) line (121.6 nm). The instrument was successfully launched on 3 September 2015 and observations were conducted at the solar disc center and close to the limb during the five-minutes flight. In this article, the disc center observations are used to provide an in-flight calibration of the instrument spurious polarization. The derived in-flight spurious polarization is consistent with the spurious polarization levels determined during the pre-flight calibration and a statistical analysis of the polarization fluctuations from solar origin is conducted to ensure a 0.014% precision on the spurious polarization. The combination of the pre-flight and the in-flight polarization calibrations provides a complete picture of the instrument response matrix, and a proper error transfer method is used to confirm the achieved polarization accuracy. As a result, the unprecedented 0.1% polarization accuracy of the instrument in the vacuum ultraviolet is ensured by the polarization calibration.  相似文献   
Based on the relationship between the geological structures and river patterns, the preliminary prediction of the karstic features in the Kuala Lumpur Limestone Formation, based on the existing geological, map appears to be directed between N030° to 070° and N120° to 150°. The factual evidence of this occurrence is obtained from investigation in the field: first, using the two sites exposed for construction of the SMART tunnel under Kuala Lumpur and second, based on the SMART tunnel project rock cores recovery. A much detailed prediction was made by re-evaluating the TCR, RQD and SCR values. The reassessment of these values enables the drilled ground to be classified into four different qualities of rock mass: good quality limestone; moderate quality limestone; weathered limestone; and fully developed void-like karst. According to this new classification system, the tunnel appears to align generally in the heavily karstified limestone in the northern section and massive good quality limestone in the southern section of the study area; which is represented as rose diagrams. The evidence for this analysis is given and the methods used for these studies are explained.  相似文献   
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