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In order to characterise the local low-level circulation in the Tyrrhenian Sea coastal area near Rome, the wind field observed by conventional anemometers, Doppler sodar, and rawinsonde has been analysed. The prevailing diurnal behaviour of wind speed and direction as a function of season was highlighted, and the existence of two different patterns of the local circulation, mainly due to land and sea breezes and to the drainage flow from the mouth of the Tiber valley, revealed. The comparison between the low-level circulation and synoptic flow allowed us to determine the influence of the large-scale flow on nocturnal currents that are observed at the Pratica di Mare site and the way that wind direction evolves during the day. Numerical simulations are consistent with experimental data and depict the main features of the low-level wind field in the area.  相似文献   
Overview of the Italian strong motion database ITACA 1.0   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The Italian Strong Motion Database, ITACA, was developed within projects S6 and S4, funded in the framework of the agreements between the Italian Department of Civil Protection (Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, DPC) and the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), starting from 2005. The alpha version of the database was released in 2007 and subsequently upgraded to version 1.0 after: (i) including the most recent strong motion data (from 2005 to 2007) recorded in Italy, in addition to the 2008 Parma earthquake, M 5.4, and the M ≥  4.0, 2009 Abruzzo seismic events; (ii) processing the raw strong motion data using an updated procedure; (iii) increasing the number of stations with a measured shear wave velocity profile; (iv) improving the utilities to retrieve time series and ground motion parameters; (v) implementing a tool for selecting time series in agreement with design-response spectra; (vi) compiling detailed station reports containing miscellaneous information such as photo, maps and site parameters; (vii) developing procedures for the automatic generation of station reports and for the updating of the header files. After such improvements, ITACA 1.0 was published at the web site , in 2010. It presently contains 3,955 three-component waveforms, comprising the most complete catalogue of the Italian accelerometric records in the period 1972–2007 (3,562 records) and the strongest events in the period 2008–2009. Records were mainly acquired by DPC through its Accelerometric National Network (RAN) and, in few cases, by local networks and temporary stations or networks. This paper introduces the published version of the Italian Strong Motion database (ITACA version 1.0) together with main improvements and new functionalities.  相似文献   
COCHISE (Cosmological Observations at Concordia with High-sensitivity Instrument for Source Extraction) is a 2.6 m telescope located on the high Antarctic Plateau near the Italian–French Concordia Base. The telescope is mainly devoted to Cosmological observations, able to operate between 200 μm and 3 mm of wavelength. In this paper we describe the main characteristics of the instrument. We also report on the first light, obtained during summer 2010–2011: this result marks the beginning of millimetre astrophysical observations at Concordia. Responsivity, noise equivalent temperature and field of view of the instrument are reported. At present COCHISE is the largest telescope located at Concordia. Beside the scientific expectations, the use of this kind of instrument in the Antarctic environment poses technological aspects of relevant interest: thus COCHISE can be considered as a pathfinder for future Antarctic telescopes.  相似文献   
Shear wave splitting parameters represent a useful tool to detail the stress changes occurring in volcanic environments before impending eruptions. In the present paper, we display the parameter estimates obtained through implementation of a semiautomatic algorithm applied to all useful datasets of the following Italian active volcanic areas: Mt. Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Mt. Etna. Most of these datasets have been the object of several studies (Bianco et al., Annali di Geofisica, XXXXIX 2:429–443, 1996, J Volcanol Geotherm Res 82:199–218, 1998a, Geophys Res Lett 25(10):1545–1548, 1998b, Phys Chem Earth 24:977–983, 1999, J Volcanol Geotherm Res 133:229–246, 2004, Geophys J Int 167(2):959–967, 2006; Del Pezzo et al., Bull Seismol Soc Am 94(2):439–452, 2004). Applying the semiautomatic algorithm, we confirmed the results obtained in previous studies, so we do not discuss in much detail each of our findings but give a general overview of the anisotropic features of the investigated Italian volcanoes. In order to make a comparison among the different volcanic areas, we present our results in terms of the main direction of the fast polarization (φ) and percentage of shear wave anisotropy (ξ).  相似文献   
In this work an overview of the potential rock fall source areas and propagation assessment in the Province of Potenza territory has been presented. The rock fall process is characterized by two steps: the detachment of blocks and subsequently their propagation along the slope. The adopted methodology, used for the first time in the study area, and the software Histofit and FlowR have been very useful tools for the preliminary assessment of rock fall susceptibility at a regional scale, in particular because they have required low data of the study area. Only the DEM may be sufficient together with an appropriate choice of the input parameters and algorithms, that is to say: calculation method, directions algorithm, inertial algorithm and friction loss function. The output of the model is a map of the rock fall source areas, the propagation probabilities and the propagation kinetic energy. The results show that the adopted methodology is successful for the identification of rock fall source areas at a regional scale and the propagation probability obtaining an interesting rock fall susceptibility map.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic data from lithic clasts collected from Mt. St. Helens, USA, Volcán Láscar, Chile, Volcán de Colima, Mexico and Vesuvius, Italy have been used to determine the emplacement temperature of pyroclastic deposits at these localities and to highlight the usefulness of the paleomagnetic method for determining emplacement temperatures. At Mt. St. Helens, the temperature of the deposits (T dep ) at three sites from the June 12, 1980 eruption was found to be ≥532°C, ≥509°C, and 510–570°C, respectively. One site emplaced on July 22, 1980 was emplaced at ≥577°C. These new paleomagnetic temperatures are in good agreement with previously published direct temperature measurements and paleomagnetic estimates. Lithic clasts from pyroclastic deposits from the 1993 eruption of Láscar were fully remagnetized above the respective Curie temperatures, which yielded a minimum T dep of 397°C. Samples were also collected from deposits thought to be pyroclastics from the 1913, 2004 and 2005 eruptions of Colima. At Colima, the sampled clasts were emplaced cold. This is consistent with the sampled clasts being from lahar deposits, which are common in the area, and illustrates the usefulness of the paleomagnetic method for distinguishing different types of deposit. T dep of the lower section of the lithic rich pyroclastic flow (LRPF) from the 472 A.D. deposits of Vesuvius was ~280–340°C. This is in agreement with other, recently published paleomagnetic measurements. In contrast, the upper section of the LRPF was emplaced at higher temperatures, with T dep ~520°C. This temperature difference is inferred to be the result of different sources of lithic clasts between the upper and lower sections, with the upper section containing a greater proportion of vent-derived material that was initially hot. Our studies of four historical pyroclastic deposits demonstrates the usefulness of paleomagnetism for emplacement temperature estimation.  相似文献   
The Italian strong-motion database was created during a joint project between Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italian Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology) and Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC, Italian Civil Protection). The aim of the project was the collection, homogenization and distribution of strong motion data acquired in Italy in the period 1972–2004 by different institutions, namely Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica (ENEL, Italian electricity company), Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente (ENEA, Italian energy and environment organization) and DPC. Recently the strong-motion data relative to the 23th December 2009, Parma (Mw = 5.4 and Mw = 4.9) and to the April 2009 L’Aquila sequences (13 earthquakes with 4.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 6.3) were included in the Italian Accelerometric Archive (ITACA) database (beta release). The database contains 7,038 waveforms from analog and digital instruments, generated by 1.019 earthquakes with magnitude up to 6.9 and can be accessed on-line at the web site . The strong motion data are provided in the unprocessed and processed versions. This article describes the steps followed to process the acceleration time series recorded by analogue and digital instruments. The procedures implemented involve: baseline removal, instrumental correction, band pass filtering with acausal filters, integration of the corrected acceleration in order to obtain velocity and displacement waveforms, computation of acceleration response spectra and strong motion parameters. This procedure is applied to each accelerogram and it is realised to preserve the low frequency content of the records.  相似文献   
The San Martín shield volcano, located in the Los Tuxtlas Volcanic Field, has experienced effusive shield-building activity, as well as explosive eruptions, as evidenced by direct observations during the last eruption in 1793. The threat to the surrounding villages consists principally of lahars, especially because of the tropical climate in the region. Ash fallout and lava flows represent additional hazards. In addition, the surrounding Quaternary monogenetic field includes more than 300 scoria cones and about 40 explosion craters (mainly maars) that also represent a hazard source. In the present study we constructed hazard maps using field data, orthophotos, spatial analysis, and specialized software (LAHARZ and HAZMAP) to deliminate lahar inundation zones, areas that could potentially be affected by ash fallout (including the evaluation of houses prone to roof collapse due to ash load), and the most susceptible areas for hosting future monogenetic vent formation.  相似文献   
The Campi Flegrei volcanic district (Naples region, Italy) is a 12-km-wide, restless caldera system that has erupted at least six voluminous ignimbrites during the late Pleistocene, including the >300 km3 Campanian ignimbrite (CI) which originated from the largest known volcanic event of the Mediterranean region. The Breccia Museo (BM), a petrologically heterogeneous and stratigraphically complex volcanic deposit extending over 200 km2 in close proximity to Campi Flegrei, has long remained contentious regarding its age and stratigraphic relation to the CI. Here, we present crystallization and eruption ages for BM plutonic ejecta clasts that were determined via uranium decay series and (U–Th)/He dating of zircon, respectively. Despite mineralogical and textural heterogeneity of these syenitic clasts, their U–Th zircon rim crystallization ages are indistinguishable with an average age of 49.7 ± 2.5 ka (2σ errors; mean square of weighted deviates MSWD = 1.2; n = 34). A subset of these crystals was used to obtain disequilibrium-corrected (U–Th)/He zircon ages which average 41.7 ± 1.8 ka (probability of fit P = 0.54; n = 15). This age closely overlaps with published CI 40Ar/39Ar eruption ages (40.6 ± 0.1 ka) after recalibration to recently revised flux monitor ages. Concordant eruption ages for BM and CI agree with previous chemostratigraphic and paleomagnetic correlations, suggesting their origin from the same eruption. However, they are at variance with recalibrated 40Ar/39Ar ages which have BM postdate CI by 3 ± 1 ka. BM syenites show similar geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopical features of pre-caldera rocks erupted between 58 and 46 ka, but are distinctive from subsequent caldera-forming magmas. Energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization modeling of Nd–Sr isotopic data suggests that pre-caldera magmas formed a carapace of BM-type intrusions in a mid-crust magma chamber (≥8 km depth) shielding the younger CI magma from contamination by Hercynian basement wall rocks. An ~41–50 ka hiatus in crystallization ages implies rapid solidification of these pre-CI intrusions. This argues against protracted pre-eruptive storage of a large volume of CI magma at shallow crustal levels.  相似文献   
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