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The petrology of the highly phyric two-pyroxene andesitic to dacitic pyroclastic rocks of the November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, reveals evidence of: (1) increasingly fractionated bulk compositions with time; (2) tapping of a small magma chamber marginally zoned in regard to H2O contents (1 to 4%), temperature (960–1090°C), and amount of residual melt (35 to 65%); (3) partial melting and assimilation of degassed zones in the hotter less dense interior of the magma chamber; (4) probable heating, thermal disruption and mineralogic and compositional contamination of the magma body by basaltic magma “underplating”; and (5) crustal contamination of the magmas during ascent and within the magma chamber. Near-crater fall-back or “spill-over” emitted in the middle of the eruptive sequence produced a small pyroclastic flow that became welded in its central and basal portions because of ponding and thus heat conservation on the flat glaciated summit near the Arenas crater. The heterogeneity of Ruiz magmas may be related to the comparatively small volume (0.03 km3) of the eruption, nearly ten times less than the 0.2 km3 of the Plinian phase of Mount St. Helens, and probable steep thermal and PH2O gradients of a small source magma chamber, estimated at 300 m long and 100 m wide for an assumed ellipsoidal shape.  相似文献   
Lu Wang  Lucia Lo 《GeoJournal》2007,68(2-3):183-194
Acquiring consumer goods and services in the destination country signifies a different type of immigrant experience. This is especially pertinent in world cities where there is a strong presence of ethnic economies and where co-ethnic businesses and mainstream businesses compete against each other. The consumption pattern of immigrants is influenced not only by their pre-migration shopping habits, but also their post-migration transnational behaviour. In this paper, we focus on the consumption experience of Chinese immigrants in Toronto, which hosts one of the largest Chinese ethnic economies outside Asia. Based on a random survey and two focus group discussions, we explore how Chinese immigrants choose between ethnic Chinese and mainstream supermarkets, electronic stores and travel agencies. In theory, Chinese and non-Chinese stores providing similar goods and services are substitutes. The study however reveals intriguing results. Chinese and mainstream travel agencies are substitutes but Chinese and mainstream supermarkets and electronic stores are complements. Such differences reflect the importance of ethnicity and culture in immigrants’ consumption behaviour. The paper provides new evidence on immigrant integration in the domain of consumption and contributes a consumer perspective to the literature on ethnic economy and transnationalism.  相似文献   
The study aimed to evaluate the influence of the rainfall and aridity index variability on the process of land degradation (desertification) in order to establish the current degree of increase or decrease in dryness in the watershed of the upper Paraíba River. It included all or part of 18 municipalities, distributed in the western and eastern Cariri regions of Paraíba state. The monthly average values of reference evapotranspiration according to Penman-Monteith method were applied in the annual hydrological balance for obtaining the annual time series of the aridity index for the period from 1950 to 2013. The Mann-Kendall test (MK) was used for trend identification in the annual time series of rainfall and aridity index, at a significance level of α = 0.05. The slope of the trends was obtained by Sen’s method, and the values of rainfall, aridity index, and statistics MK were spatially kriging, to generate thematic maps. The results indicate an increase in rainfall and reduced dryness in the watershed of the upper Paraíba River, conditions that do not contribute to trigger the process of land degradation (desertification), indicating that the cause of this environmental problem is not climatic. Thus, it can be suggested that the observed manifestations of land degradation (desertification) derive much of human than climatic actions. However, there is a trend of increasing dryness and reducing rainfall in the central portion of the watershed, with stronger core in the location of Camalaú. The spatial distribution of rainfall and aridity index shows that minimum values of rainfall coincide with maximum values of the aridity index. Higher values of rainfall were observed in the northwestern portion of the watershed, while the northeast and southeast portions had the lower rainfall values, with the strongest core in the locality of Cabaceiras. The eastern sector of the watershed has high dryness, unlike the western sector, rainier, with minimum values of dryness. In the western portion of the watershed, the aridity index was in the range considered semiarid, with moderate susceptibility to land degradation process. Similarly, in the eastern portion, the dryness stood in the range considered arid, with high susceptibility. The cores with more pronounced dryness correspond to the municipalities of Cabaceiras, Caraúbas, and São João do Cariri.  相似文献   
The deposition temperature of the pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits emplaced during the AD 472 Pollena eruption (Somma-Vesuvius, Italy) has been investigated using the thermal analysis of the magnetic remanence carried by lithic clasts embedded within the deposits. A total of 310 lithic clasts were collected from all the PDC units in the Pollena stratigraphic succession, at different distances from the inferred vent and at different stratigraphic levels. The temperature reached by each individual clast during residence in the PDC was estimated through stepwise thermal demagnetization, with the values from all clasts collected at each site being used to infer the deposition temperature (T dep). Although the sedimentological features of these PDC deposits show some variation, the deposition temperature typically falls in the range 300 to 320°C, with a maximum range of 260 to 360°C. The fairly uniform temperature observed in both the dune bedded and massive deposits points to homogeneity in attainment of T dep for the different deposits and suggests similarity in the depositional regime of the different PDCs and/or in heat transfer to lithic fragments. Similarity in depositional regime was also favoured by the limited control exerted by topography on the distribution of these PDCs, with the northern wall of the Somma caldera that did not act as a morphological barrier. As a result the currents were capable of moving away from the vent, without topographic disturbances and, thus, significant variations in the cooling regime. Because the Pollena eruption is considered similar to the maximum expected event at Somma-Vesuvius, the characteristics of its deposits best simulate the likely maximum hazard for the Vesuvius region. In this regard, Pollena produced hot, dilute PDCs which were able to travel up to 12 km from the vent maintaining high temperatures across this distance.  相似文献   
The late Pleistocene trachytic Campanian Ignimbrite underlies much of the Campanian Plain near Naples, Italy, and occurs in valleys in the mountainous area surrounding the plain out to about 80 km from its source, the Campi Flegrei caldera. At sites within 15 km of the Campi Flegrei, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) principal directions indicate that, in the absence of significant topography, deposition came from a flow moving in a roughly radial direction. AMS studies of the more distal ignimbrite reveal downhill and/or downvalley flow directions prior to deposition, even where these directions are at high angles to a generally radial transport direction from the vent. On the flanks of Roccamonfina Volcano, flow was directly downhill, as if the source of the ignimbrite was the summit of the volcano. In most localities, the ignimbrite consists of a single massive deposit. In a few localities in the Apennine Mountains, however, the confluence of multiple drainage systems off mountains resulted in multiple local flow units that cannot be correlated between valleys. A detailed study of the ignimbrite in the flat Titerno River valley near Massa shows that the AMS fabrics are not due to late-stage creeping during deposition or compaction. Well-defined, but non-parallel AMS fabrics from vertical and lateral sections in the Massa area are best explained by the merging of gravity currents flowing down the valley and steep valley sides to form a single aggradational deposit. Clast compositions and AMS axes at Mondragone indicate that the pyroclastic flow encountered the Monte Massico massif and was partially blocked, so that flow during deposition was toward the Campi Flegrei. Similar AMS data from sites along the edge of the Campanian Plain indicate back-flow off the first ridge of the Apennine Mountains reached at least 5 km from their base. The Campanian Ignimbrite was deposited from a density-stratified pyroclastic flow. The depositional system consisted of the lower, denser portion of the current, and was controlled by topography. The grouping of the AMS axes is interpreted to indicate that deposition occurred under laminar flow conditions.  相似文献   
A recently compiled, comprehensive, and good-quality strong-motion database of the Iranian earthquakes has been used to develop local empirical equations for the prediction of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and 5%-damped pseudo-spectral accelerations (PSA) up to 4.0 s. The equations account for style of faulting and four site classes and use the horizontal distance from the surface projection of the rupture plane as a distance measure. The model predicts the geometric mean of horizontal components and the vertical-to-horizontal ratio. A total of 1551 free-field acceleration time histories recorded at distances of up to 200 km from 200 shallow earthquakes (depth < 30 km) with moment magnitudes ranging from Mw 4.0 to 7.3 are used to perform regression analysis using the random effects algorithm of Abrahamson and Youngs (Bull Seism Soc Am 82:505–510, 1992), which considers between-events as well as within-events errors. Due to the limited data used in the development of previous Iranian ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) and strong trade-offs between different terms of GMPEs, it is likely that the previously determined models might have less precision on their coefficients in comparison to the current study. The richer database of the current study allows improving on prior works by considering additional variables that could not previously be adequately constrained. Here, a functional form used by Boore and Atkinson (Earthquake Spect 24:99–138, 2008) and Bindi et al. (Bull Seism Soc Am 9:1899–1920, 2011) has been adopted that allows accounting for the saturation of ground motions at close distances. A regression has been also performed for the V/H in order to retrieve vertical components by scaling horizontal spectra. In order to take into account epistemic uncertainty, the new model can be used along with other appropriate GMPEs through a logic tree framework for seismic hazard assessment in Iran and Middle East region.  相似文献   
The paper discusses model results and then reviews observational data concerning some aspects of the mechanics of mature seismic gaps in coupled subduction zones. The concern is with space-and time-varying stresses, as signalled by the presence and mechanisms of earthquakes in the outer-rise zones adjacent to main thrust areas of large subduction events, and down-dip from such areas, in the downgoing slab. Observations are shown to be consistent with the expectation that in mature seismic gaps, as a result of interplate boundary locking in presence of sustained gravitational driving forces, at least the deeper portions of the ocean plate in the outer-rise zones are under increased compression, and the downgoing slab is under increased tension. The observational data cover two cases of closed seismic gaps, namely the region of the Chilean Valparaiso earthquake of March 3, 1985, and the earthquake of October 4, 1983. Four other cases concern still to-be-closed gaps in northern Chile and along the coast of Guatemala, and also the Kurile Islands Trench gap and the northern New Hebrides gap. It is concluded that the intermediate-term precursor, consisting of a combination of compressional outer-rise earthquake(s) and tensional intermediate-depth, intra-plate events in the downgoing slab, which mechanically signals the latter part of the earthquake cycle, could be useful in evaluating the maturity, and hence great earthquake potential of a seismic gap.  相似文献   
The predictability of certain environmental factors that affect the life cycle of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) was evaluated in a study of its reproductive biology in an area adjacent to Babitonga Bay, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Monthly sampling was conducted from July 2010 through June 2011 at depths of 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 m. 76 004 individuals were obtained, with a pronounced peak in absolute abundance in austral autumn (34 208), coinciding with the annual closed season from March to May. Grain size composition of the sediment showed the closest relationship to the distribution of individuals (multiple linear regression, P <0.05), related to their burying habit. The observed correlations between the abundance of reproductive males (bearing spermatophores) and females with spent gonads (cross-correlation, P <0.05), and between reproductive males and reproductive females (with a 1-month lag) suggest that the peak of reproductive males preceded the peak of female ones. This result agrees with the pattern expected for females, which copulate in post-ecdysis (spent gonads). Spawning seemed to take place at greater depths, as evidenced by the concentration of reproductive females in these areas. The reproductive activities observed here confirm that this species follows a tropical/subtropical reproductive pattern, spawning continuously throughout the year, with the highest peaks in spring and autumn. The data indicate that the juvenile recruitment period observed in August-September resulted from the reproductive output noted in April–May. Additionally, the reproductive period recorded in November led to the juvenile peak observed in March–May.  相似文献   

The upper Lower Carboniferous to lowermost Permian terrigenous succession of the Spiti Valley can be subdivided into five formations (Thabo Formation, Fenestella Shale, Kabjima Quartzarenite, Chichong Formation and Ganmachidam Diamictite), here described in detail and subdivided into members or lithozones.

The Po Group, overlying the platform carbonates and gypsum deposits of the Lipak Formation, records an increase of subarkosic to quartzarenitic terrigenous detritus derived from uplift and erosion of continental blocks in the south during the initial stage of Neo-Tethyan rifting. Increasing mineralogic stability through the Thabo Formation broadly coincides with a climate change from tropical arid to temperate humid conditions during the Visean-Serpukhovian. The Fenestella Shale, containing rich brachiopod associations of Bashkirian age, documents a stage of widespread subsidence and transgression, followed by the regressive Kabjima Quartzarenite, which records recycling of quartzose sedimentary sequences in the south.

The Chichong Formation marks another transgressive event, associated with a significant increase of granitoid detritus, partly from nearby Lesser to High Himalayan source areas. Chaetetid, cephalopod and brachiopod faunas hint at a Moscovian age for the “Chaetetid beds”, at the top of which varve-like lamination and scattered pebbles suggest glacially influenced deposition. The overlying glacio-fluvial (?) cobble conglomerates (“Pebbly beds”) reflect onset of rapid tectonic uplift.

Abundant detritus from sedimentary rocks characterizes the overlying Ganmachidam Diamictite, deposited in glacio-marine environments; cold-water marine faunas of Asselian age occur in its middle part. Erosion of progressively older pre-rift sedimentary successions is ascribed to basin inversion, associated with unroofing of anatectic granitoids of the Lesser and High Himalayas. Basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic detritus documents alkalic magmatism at the climax of continental rifting.  相似文献   
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