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Since 2002 the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) in Udine (Italy), the Agencija Republike Slovenije za Okolje (ARSO) in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna (Austria), are collecting, analyzing, archiving and exchanging seismic data in real time, initially in the framework of the EU Interreg IIIa Italia-Austria project “Trans-national seismological networks in the South-Eastern Alps”. As outcome of the successful cooperation, in the 2013 OGS, ARSO and ZAMG decided to officially merge their seismic monitoring efforts into the “Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network—CE3RN”. This work reports the results of a nine-month real-time test of the earthquake early warning (EEW) algorithm probabilistic and evolutionary early warning system carried out at the CE3RN. The study allowed identifying the actions to be implemented in order to let the CE3RN become in the next future an efficient cross-border EEW system.

对第一部分的实验结果进行了讨论,指出局地最大、最小涡度的存在与所谓的正压不稳定和大气中经常观测到的滚动涡有关。速度廓线中的拐点和涡度极大值点对应不稳定发展的位置。另外,为了改进湍流的模拟,根据“准正则”近似,发展了一个三阶闭合模式。这个模型已被证明可以描述与湍流过程有关的流体动力学变量的趋势。  相似文献   
According to Eurocode 8, the seismic design of flat‐bottom circular silos containing grain‐like material is based on a rough estimate of the inertial force imposed on the structure by the ensiled content during an earthquake: 80% of the mass of the content multiplied by the peak ground acceleration. A recent analytical consideration of the horizontal shear force mobilised within the ensiled material during an earthquake proposed by some of the authors has resulted in a radically reduced estimate of this load suggesting that, in practice, the effective mass of the content is significantly less than that specified. This paper describes a series of laboratory tests that featured shaking table and a silo model, which were conducted in order to obtain some experimental data to verify the proposed theoretical formulations and to compare with the established code provisions. Several tests have been performed with different heights of ensiled material – about 0.5 mm diameter Ballotini glass – and different magnitudes of grain–wall friction. The results indicate that in all cases, the effective mass is indeed lower than the Eurocode specification, suggesting that the specification is overly conservative, and that the wall–grain friction coefficient strongly affects the overturning moment at the silo base. At peak ground accelerations up to around 0.35 g, the proposed analytical formulation provides an improved estimate of the inertial force imposed on such structures by their contents. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We consider the prospects for detecting weak gravitational lensing by underdensities (voids) in the large-scale matter distribution. We derive the basic expressions for magnification and distortion by spherical voids. Clustering of the background sources and cosmic variance are the main factors that limit in principle the detection of lensing by voids. We conclude that only voids with radii larger than ∼100  h −1 Mpc have lensing signal-to-noise ratio larger than unity.  相似文献   
最优集合预报订正方法在客观温度预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数值模式的直接输出预报在实际应用时常与实况产生一定的偏差,对模式预报进行有效的本地化订正是提高预报准确率的重要手段。以欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)模式细网格资料,采用最优集合(anolog ensemble,AnEn)预报订正方法对北京市各站1~7 d的日最高气温和日最低气温进行订正,并对相关参数进行了本地化。采用了滑动训练期、优化变量权重两种方案进行训练。检验评估结果表明:(1)滑动训练期采用60 d时能同时保证计算效率和预报准确率;采用最优变量权重方案后,与预报员主观预报准确率对比,AnEn的最低气温优于预报员主观预报,最高气温基本相当;增加训练期的长度(引入多年的历史资料)相比优化变量权重方案能更有效地提高预报准确率。(2)AnEn预报订正方法在改善数值模式预报的固有偏差(如对由数值模式对局地地形、边界层日变化等形成的误差)效果显著,有较好的应用价值;对于因局地天气(如霾、降水、大风等)影响下,AnEn的温度预报准确率虽优于ECMWF,但不如主观预报,未来还有改进空间。还对检验结果进行了时间和空间验证,确保在以后的业务尤其是智能网格预报业务中的运行效果。  相似文献   
相似集合是近年来提出的一种基于相似理论、大数据挖掘和集合预报思路的统计释用方法。文中首先介绍了相似集合的基本原理,并应用该方法对北京快速更新循环数值预报系统(BJ-RUC)v3.0预报地面要素开展了订正释用试验。结果表明,相似集合订正后,在0—36 h预报时段内,10 m风速的均方根误差降低44%,2 m气温的均方根误差降低22%,均方根误差均显著减小。对比测站预报误差的水平分布,相似集合方法的应用对于提升非城区站点的10 m风速预报、复杂地形区域的2 m气温预报具有更为明显的效果。相同预报因子的相似集合和支持向量机方法对模式10 m风速和2 m气温预报均具有显著且相似的订正效果,但相似集合方法具有计算资源需求较少、不需要大量人工干预的优势。相似集合方法形成的集合较好地模拟了模式平均误差的增长情况,集合离散度与集合平均均方根误差表现出理想的统计一致性,即相似集合方法在形成确定性预报的同时,还能够提供预报要素的不确定性或概率信息。因此,相似集合方法在模式预报订正及释用方面具有广阔的应用前景。   相似文献   
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