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In order to further document the relation between redox conditions and the sedimentary record of Mn, U and Mo in a transitory anoxic water basin, their distribution has been studied along two profiles in the Thau lagoon (France). Sediments and pore-water have been sampled at two contrasting sites located, respectively, in the shellfish-farming area and in the centre of the lagoon. In the shellfish-farming area, the particulate organic carbon (POC) data indicate a more rapid organic matter mineralisation compared to the centre of the lagoon. This results in a sharper redox gradient characterized by the appearance of H2S in pore-water a few millimetres below the sediment–water interface. In the centre of the lagoon, H2S appears at a depth of 35 cm.In both cores, sedimentary Mn is relatively depleted through out the whole sedimentary column and varies with the proportion of clay minerals. After an initial release into solution at the sediment–water interface in relation to Mn-oxide reductive dissolution, authigenic U is immobilized when sulphides appear. Despite the occurrence of anoxic conditions at the sediment–water interface at the site influenced by shellfish farming, the burial of U is reduced by bioturbation, which raises reducing sediments to the surface. In the centre of the lagoon, Mo profiles reflect continuous diffusion into pore water and immobilization at 15 cm probably in anoxic microenvironments. At shellfish farms, dissolved Mo undergoes removal with sulphides but contrary to U, sedimentary Mo does not appear to be strongly affected by bioturbation. The profile indicates an increase in the frequency of anoxia crises during the second half of the 20th century.  相似文献   
We present a multi-epoch quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the Type IIn supernova (Type IIn SN) 1994W, an event interpreted by Chugai et al. as stemming from the interaction between the ejecta of a SN and a  0.4 M  circumstellar shell ejected 1.5 yr before core collapse. During the brightening phase, our models suggest that the source of optical radiation is not unique, perhaps associated with an inner optically thick cold dense shell and outer optically thin shocked material. During the fading phase, our models support a single source of radiation, an hydrogen-rich optically thick layer with a near-constant temperature of ∼7000 K that recedes from a radius of  4.3 × 1015  at a peak to  2.3 × 1015 cm  40 d later. We reproduce the hybrid narrow-core broad-wing line profile shapes of SN 1994W at all times, invoking an optically thick photosphere exclusively (i.e. without any external optically thick shell). In SN 1994W, slow expansion makes scattering with thermal electrons a key escape mechanism for photons trapped in optically thick line cores, and allows the resulting broad incoherent electron-scattering wings to be seen around narrow-line cores. In SNe with larger expansion velocities, the thermal broadening due to incoherent scattering is masked by the broad profile and the dominant frequency redshift occasioned by bulk motions. Given the absence of broad lines at all times and the very low 56Ni yields, we speculate whether SN 1994W could have resulted from an interaction between two ejected shells without core collapse. The high conversion efficiency of kinetic to thermal energy may not require a SN-like energy budget for SN1994W.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Pure and Applied Geophysics -  相似文献   
Rapid population growth in sub-Saharan West Africa and related cropland expansion were shown in some places to have increased focused recharge through ponds, raising the water table. To estimate changes in diffuse recharge, the water content and matric potential were monitored during 2009 and 2010, and modeling was performed using the Hydrus-1D code for two field sites in southwest Niger: (1) fallow land and (2) rainfed millet cropland. Monitoring results of the upper 10 m showed increased water content and matric potential to greater depth under rainfed cropland (>2.5 m) than under fallow land (≤1.0 m). Model simulations indicate that conversion from fallow land to rainfed cropland (1) increases vadose-zone water storage and (2) should increase drainage flux (~25 mm year?1) at 10-m depth after a 30–60 year lag. Therefore, observed regional increases in groundwater storage may increasingly result from diffuse recharge, which could compensate, at least in part, groundwater withdrawal due to observed expansion in irrigated surfaces; and hence, contribute to mitigate food crises in the Sahel.  相似文献   
Soil-gas radon concentrations and exhalation rates have generally been observed to be anomalously high along active faults in many parts of the world. The soil-gas method is based on the principle that faults and fractures in rocks are highly permeable pathways along which gases can migrate upward from deep crust and mantle to soil cover, retaining their source signatures. The present study summarizes the influence of fault zones on anomalous radon concentrations in soil by integrated geophysical and geo-structural analyses in three study areas of Central-Northern Calabria (Southern Italy). Soil-gas radon surveys have been carried out by means of an alpha scintillation counting system, at 12,509 locations between 2002 and 2004. A geostatistical approach has been used to estimate the spatial distribution of soil radon concentrations. Relations among soil-gas distribution and geo-structural features have been evaluated by ordinary multi-Gaussian kriging. Highest soil radon concentrations (ca. 90 kBq m?3) have been measured in the Rossanese sector. In the three study areas, no appreciable differences can be noticed among lithotypes, with the highest concentration values (ca. 89 kBq m?3) measured in alluvial deposit and in clay. Measurements of soil-gas radon reveal anomalies clearly connected to the tectonic structures. Increased signals are linearly distributed along regional WNW–ESE trending shear zones, with main pathways of concentration also recognizable along the E–W fault system in the Rossanese sector, the N–S fault system in the Crati Graben and the Catanzaro Trough, and the NE–SW fault system in the Catanzaro Trough. The distribution of epicentres of historical earthquakes occurred between 1184 and 2001 confirms the recent activity of the same fault systems. Soil-gas radon concentrations generally increase, as expected, with decreasing distance to the faults.  相似文献   
The Holocene geological evolution of the Belgian coastal plain is dominated by a transgression of the North Sea, silting up of the coastal plain and human intervention (impoldering). This has led to a typical pattern in groundwater quality which is discussed here for the central part of the coastal plain. Therefore, a database with available groundwater samples is composed. Water type according to the Stuyfzand classification is determined and different hydrosomes and their hydrochemical facies are identified. Based on this, the origin and evolution of the water types is explained using Piper plots and geochemical calculations with PHREEQC. Before the impoldering, salinising and freshening conditions alternated with a general salinisation of the aquifer after about 3400 BP. This results in a dominance of brackish and salt NaCl subtypes which are still found in the deeper part of the aquifer. The subsequent impoldering resulted in an major freshening of the aquifer leading to NaHCO3, MgHCO3 and CaHCO3 subtypes. Overall, mixing, cation exchange, carbonate mineral dissolution and oxidation of organic matter are identified as the major processes determining the general water quality. The close link between geological evolution, water quality and what is still observable today is illustrated with this example of the Belgian coastal plain.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the strength and structure of the Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation gyres. In the time average, quasi-permanent recirculation gyres are found to the north and south of the Kuroshio Extension jet. The characteristics of these recirculations gyres are determined from the combined observations from the Kuroshio Extension System Study (KESS) field program (June 2004–June 2006) and include current meters, pressure and current recording inverted echo sounders, and subsurface floats. The position and strength of the recirculation gyres simulated by a high-resolution numerical model are found to be consistent with the observations. The circulation pattern that is revealed is of a complex system of multiple recirculation gyres that are embedded in the crests and troughs of the quasi-permanent meanders of the Kuroshio Extension. At the location of the KESS array, the Kuroshio Extension jet and its recirculation gyres transport of about 114 Sv. This represents a 2.7-fold increase in the transport of the current compared to the Kuroshio's transport at Cape Ashizuri before it separates from the coast and flows eastward into the open ocean. This enhancement in the current's transport comes from the development of the flanking recirculation gyres. Estimates from an array of inverted echo sounders and a high-resolution ocean general circulation model are of similar magnitude.  相似文献   
Abstract— We observed 25143 Itokawa, the target of Japan's Hayabusa (MUSES‐C) sample‐return mission, during its 2001 close approach at Arecibo on twelve dates during March 18‐April 9 and at Goldstone on nine dates during March 20‐April 2. We obtained delay‐Doppler images with range resolutions of 100 ns (15 m) at Arecibo and 125 ns (19 m) at Goldstone. Itokawa's average circular polarization ratio at 13 cm, 0.26 ± 0.04, is comparable to that of Eros, so its cm‐to‐m surface roughness probably is comparable to that on Eros. Itokawa's radar reflectivity and polarization properties indicate a near‐surface bulk density within 20% of 2.5 g cm?3. We present a preliminary estimate of Itokawa's shape, reconstructed from images with rather limited rotation‐phase coverage, using the method of Hudson (1993) and assuming the lightcurve‐derived spin period (12.132 hr) and pole direction (ecliptic long., lat. = 355°, ?84°) of Kaasalainen et al. (2003). The model can be described as a slightly asymmetrical, slightly flattened ellipsoid with extents along its principal axes of 548 times 312 times 276 m ± 10%. Itokawa's topography is very subdued compared to that of other asteroids for which spacecraft images or radar reconstructions are available. Similarly, gravitational slopes on our Itokawa model average only 9° and everywhere are less than 27°. The radar‐refined orbit allows accurate identification of Itokawa's close planetary approaches through 2170. If radar ranging planned for Itokawa's 2004 apparition succeeds, then tracking of Hayabusa during its 2005 rendezvous should reveal Yarkovsky perturbation of the asteroid's orbit.  相似文献   
The near-infrared instruments in the upcoming Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will be assisted by a multi conjugate Adaptive Optics (AO) system. For the efficient operation of the AO system, during observations, a near-infrared guide star catalog which goes as faint as 22 mag in JVega band is essential and such a catalog does not exist. A methodology, based on stellar atmospheric models, to compute the expected near-infrared magnitudes of stellar sources from their optical magnitudes is developed. The method is applied and validated in JHKs bands for a magnitude range of JVega 16–22 mag. The methodology is also applied and validated using the reference catalog of PAN STARRS. We verified that the properties of the final PAN STARRS optical catalog will satisfy the requirements of TMT IRGSC and will be one of the potential sources for the generation of the final catalog. In a broader context, this methodology is applicable for the generation of a guide star catalog for any existing/upcoming near-infrared telescopes.  相似文献   
The requirements for the production of a near Infra-Red Guide Star Catalog (IRGSC) for Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) observations are identified and presented. A methodology to compute the expected J band magnitude of stellar sources from their optical (g, r, i) magnitudes is developed. The computed and observed J magnitudes of sources in three test fields are compared and the methodology developed is found to be satisfactory for the magnitude range, JVega = 16–22 mag. From this analysis, we found that for the production of final TMT IRGSC (with a limiting magnitude of JVega = 22 mag), we need g, r, i bands optical data which go up to i AB ~ 23 mag. Fine tuning of the methodology developed, such as using Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) template fitting for optimal classification of stars in the fainter end, incorporating spectral libraries in the model, to reduce the scatter, and modification of the existing colour–temperature relation to increase the source density are planned for the subsequent phase of this work.  相似文献   
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