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戴子高 《天文学报》1997,38(1):67-74
本文研究了广义相对论效应和量子力学效应对中子量γ射线辐射的影响.通过选择磁偶极矩以及观察者视线与磁轴之间的夹角这两个观测量作为参量,我们数值计算了从中子星表面发射的、传播方向沿着磁场的光子的逃逸能量.我们得到,在磁偶极矩较小时,量子力学效应不重要,而广义相对论效应使逃逸能量显著降低;当磁偶极矩很大时,两个效应几乎相抵消,光子的逃逸能量几乎不受它们的影响.我们讨论这些结果在脉冲星γ射线谱上的意义.  相似文献   
We investigate the linear stability of a shocked accretion flow on to a black hole in the adiabatic limit. Our linear analyses and numerical calculations show that, despite the post-shock deceleration, the shock is generally unstable to non-axisymmetric perturbations. The simulation results of Molteni, Tóth & Kuznetsov can be well explained by our linear eigenmodes. The mechanism of this instability is confirmed to be based on the cycle of acoustic waves between the corotation radius and the shock. We obtain an analytical formula to calculate the oscillation period from the physical parameters of the flow. We argue that the quasi-periodic oscillation should be a common phenomenon in accretion flows with angular momentum.  相似文献   
Lu Riyu 《大气科学进展》2001,18(2):270-282
诊断分析了热带西太平洋暖池上空对流弱和强的情况下,大气环流和海温所表现出来的差异。本文中西太平洋暖池是指(110-160°E,10-20°N)地区,向外射出长波辐射(OLR)在该地区具有明显的年际变率。对西太平洋暖池对流弱和强之间大气环流和海温的差别进行了合成分析。首先,利用 NCEP/ NCAP再分析资料和卫星观测的 OLR资料进行了分析。之后,利用欧洲中期天气预报中心再分析资料和再分析计算而得的OLR资料重复进行了合成分析。合成结果表明由这两套资料所分析得到的结果非常相象。与西太平洋暖池上空弱(强)对流显著对应的大气环流表现为北太平洋副热带高压的西伸(东退),以及副高西北侧更强(弱)的西风。此外,在局地(即暖池)上空,还显著对应着东(西)风异常和下沉(上升)气流异常。对应于西太平洋暖池对流强弱,最为显著的海温差别(对流弱减去对流强)为印度洋、孟加拉湾和南海的正海温异常。也就是说,西太洋暖池上空的对流与局地海温异常只有微弱的联系,而与其西部的海温异常密切相关。  相似文献   
Environmental degradation resulting from desertification often accelerates biodiversity loss and alters carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks within grassland ecosystem. In order to evaluate the effect of desertification on plant diversity and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks, species compositions and C and N contents in plants and soil were investigated along five regions with different degrees of desertification in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (control, light, moderate, severe and very severe stages). The study showed: (1) species composition and richness changed significantly with the development of grassland desertification; (2) the aboveground biomass C and N contents in the control were 101.60 and 4.03 g m?2, respectively. Compared to the control, the aboveground tissue C and N contents significantly decreased from light, moderate, severe to very severe stages. (3) The root C and N contents in the control in 0–40 cm depth are 1,372.83 and 31.49 g m?2, respectively, while the root C and N contents in 0–40 cm were also declining from the control, light, moderate, severe to very severe stages. (4) Compared to the plant, the soil made a greater contribution for C and N distribution, in which the soil organic C and total N contents in 0–40 cm depth in the control are 20,386.70 and 3,587.89 g m?2, respectively. At the same time, soil organic C and N contents also decreased significantly from the control to very severe stages. These results suggest that grassland desertification not only alters species compositions and leads to the loss of plant diversity, but also results in greater loss of organic C and N in alpine meadow, in which there is a negative effect on reducing greenhouse gas emission.  相似文献   
近海型含煤岩系沉积学及层序地层学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
层序地层学是近20年来发展起来的一门新的方法学科,并在聚煤作用分析中得到广泛应用。作者就近海型含煤岩系沉积学研究历史以及煤系层序地层学研究方法及有关问题进行探讨,认为近海环境的聚煤作用实际上是海平面(基准面)上升过程中发生的,同时提出煤层厚度受泥炭堆积速率与可容空间增加速率的控制:靠陆一侧冲积平原和三角洲平原沉积环境中,厚煤层主要出现在最大海泛面位置;而靠海一侧障壁-潟湖或碳酸盐岩台地沉积环境中,厚煤层主要出现在初始海泛面的位置;但就整个三级复合层序来说,层序中厚度最大、分布最广的煤层主要分布于可容空间增加速率最大的最大海泛面附近的位置。对于中国晚古生代近海型煤系中常见的“根土岩-煤-石灰岩”序列,聚煤作用发生于海相石灰岩“滞后时段”,即在海侵之后、海相石灰岩层真正沉积下来之前的时段,这一时段可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率平衡,有利于聚煤作用发生。  相似文献   
湘西保靖县塘口湾水库岩溶渗漏分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
库区可能渗漏的岩溶形态,特别是岩溶负向形态的观测、钻孔和跨孔电磁波透视及CT层析成像揭示,库区的岩溶渗漏途径有所不同。根据控岩断裂的分布、岩溶发育强度和渗漏途径的变化特征,归纳为3种岩溶渗漏类型(方式): 断裂裂隙间溶裂系统(缝)渗漏,多发生在页岩与碳酸盐岩界面附近;小型溶隙(缝)孔洞渗漏,集中在500m 高程段上下;洞穴复合系统渗漏,主要在510m 高程上下。库区岩溶渗漏严重性由下而上增强。   相似文献   
卢姁  严卫  何锡玉 《气象科技》2007,35(5):740-743
云检测是用卫星资料研究云对气候系统作用至关重要的第一步,采用Nagle的基于扫描几何特性的共同空间匹配算法,用MODIS云检测产品客观确定了AIRS云检测,是将高空间分辨率成像仪产品与高光谱分辨率传感器观测资料结合使用的一次实际应用。合成使用高空间分辨率成像仪与高光谱分辨率传感器观测资料的关键步骤在于:①有效而精确的时间和空间上的匹配;②传感器像素内图像仪云检测产品的断定。不仅是云检测,利用AIRS视场内空间匹配的MODIS云产品,还可以判断AIRS的云相态、有效云量及云光学厚度等。  相似文献   
Metamorphic core complex(MCC) is characterized by the exhumation of lower crust over a large-scale detachment fault, providing natural records for tectonic extension. MCCs are widely identified in the North China Craton(NCC), which have been intensively studied on their structural and geological characteristics. Yet, the condition for the formation of MCCs and their link with NCC destruction are still in debate. In this study, we perform numerical simulations to investigate MCC formation under extension, with a focus on the effect of crustal rheologies. Results indicate that three end-member modes of deformation may occur: the metamorphic core complex mode, the detachment fault-uplifting mode and the pure shear mode. Weaker lower crust and stronger upper crust may promote the formation of MCC. In contrast, stronger lower crust(1.3×1021 Pa s) may prohibit the exhumation of lower crust(detachment fault-uplifting mode), while weaker upper crust(7.8×1021 Pa s) may fail to develop detachment faults(pure shear mode). Given that cratons typically have a strong crust, we suggest that the lower crust of NCC was weakened prior to extension, which promoted the formation of MCC in a later stage under the back-arc extension.  相似文献   
本文利用NCEP分析资料、多普勒雷达观测资料、常规气象观测资料以及数值模拟结果,对2016年7月30日发生在华北、辽宁附近的一次强飑线过程中后向入流的演变及成因进行研究。结果表明,此次飑线发生在中纬度新生冷涡槽前,低层有水汽辐合区和地面辐合线对应,且过程中伴有较强的对流有效位能释放。飑线后部中层(冷涡槽后)一直存在α中尺度西风大值带,此大风速带造成了上下层相反的水平涡度,并形成喇叭形环流结构,该结构不同于经典飑线结构。飑线后部水平方向上水平涡度分布不均匀,并形成水平涡度旋度上正下负的分布,即导致中层强风区上部上升运动、下部下沉运动,该下沉运动引发飑线中的后向入流和低层强风速带形成。在中层,飑线的后部边缘始终有较强的风速大值带伴随飑线的发展,该大值带的形成与对流强弱和非热成风涡度有关,对流过程中低层非热成风涡度为负,中上层非热成风涡度为正,导致飑线后部中层西风加速和低层西风减速,有利于后向入流的发展和飑线的维持,当对流减弱时,非热成风涡度与后向入流均减弱。文中给出了后向入流形成演变的概念模式。  相似文献   
干旱条件下夏玉米耗水分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
吕厚荃  杨霏云  钱拴 《气象》2002,28(2):38-41
根据田间试验结果,分析干旱年份夏玉米不同发育阶段耗水状况,对比了不同日降水量对玉米田3米剖面的水分分布状况的影响,讨论了土壤失熵过程中的不同深度的水分的变化以及土壤水对玉米干物质积累的影响,为干旱年份玉米水分的科学管理提供依据。  相似文献   
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