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湘西保靖县塘口湾水库岩溶渗漏分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
库区可能渗漏的岩溶形态,特别是岩溶负向形态的观测、钻孔和跨孔电磁波透视及CT层析成像揭示,库区的岩溶渗漏途径有所不同。根据控岩断裂的分布、岩溶发育强度和渗漏途径的变化特征,归纳为3种岩溶渗漏类型(方式): 断裂裂隙间溶裂系统(缝)渗漏,多发生在页岩与碳酸盐岩界面附近;小型溶隙(缝)孔洞渗漏,集中在500m 高程段上下;洞穴复合系统渗漏,主要在510m 高程上下。库区岩溶渗漏严重性由下而上增强。   相似文献   
Zhang  Guanglei  Ranjith  P. G.  Perera  M. S. A.  Lu  Yiyu  Choi  Xavier 《Natural Resources Research》2019,28(4):1639-1660
Natural Resources Research - High-volatile bituminous coal samples were reacted in deionized water with supercritical CO2 (ScCO2–water) under simulated in situ pressure and temperature...  相似文献   
In the wave field induced by active sources, the observed phase velocity of surface waves is influenced by both mode incompatibility (i.e. non-planar spread of surface waves is idealized as plane waves) and body waves. Effects of sources are usually investigated based on numerical simulations and physical models. Several methods have been proposed to mitigate the effects. In application, however, these methods may also have difficulties since the energy of the body waves depends on soil stratification and parameters. There are multiple modes of surface waves in layered media, among which the higher modes dominate the wave field for soils with the irregular shear velocity profiles. Considering the mode incompatibility and the higher modes, we derive analytical expressions for the effective phase velocity of the surface waves based on the thin layer stiffness method, and investigate the effects of the body waves on the observed phase velocity through the phase analysis of the vibrations of both the surface waves and the body waves. The results indicate that the effective phase velocity of the surface waves in layered media varies with the frequency and the spread distance, and is underestimated compared to that of the plane surface waves in the spread range less than about one wavelength. The oscillations that appeared in the observed phase velocity are due to the involvement of the body waves. The mode incompatibility can be ignored in the range beyond one wavelength, while the influence range of the body waves is far beyond one wavelength. The body waves have a significant influence on the observed phase velocity of the surface waves in soils with a soft layer trapped between the first and the second layers because of strong reflections.  相似文献   
本文论述了加强矿石研究的重要性.并对块状构造、浸染状构造、海绵陨铁构造、乳滴状构造、层纹状构造的分类命名及代晶结构的鉴定特征提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
本文用电子探针对岩浆和变质重结晶锆石进行了成份分带的研究,结果表明,变质重结晶锆石具有从晶体中心至边缘P2O5含量增大的特点,可作为它们的成因标型特征,岩浆锆石则P2O5含量变化不稳定,本文论述了它们的成因。  相似文献   
Geochronology of the volcanic rocks in the Lu-Zong basin and its significance   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The Lu-Zong (Lujiang-Zongyang) basin is one of the most important volcanic basins in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area, China. It comprises four shoshonitic volcanic units, which are, in an ascending order, the Longmenyuan, Zhuanqiao, Shuangmiao and Fushan Groups. The LA-ICP MS U-Pb zircon ages of the four units are: 134.8±1.8 Ma for the Longmenyuan Group, 134.1±1.6 Ma for the Zhuanqiao Group, 130.5±0.8 Ma for the Shuangmiao Group, and 127.1±1.2 Ma for the Fushan Group. The results indicate that all volcanic rocks in the Lu-Zong basin were formed in the Early Cretaceous from about 135 Ma to 127 Ma, lasting 8-10 Ma. There were no Jurassic volcanic activities in all the volcanic basins including the Lu-Zong basin in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area. This work has provided new chronological results for the further study and understanding of the tec- tonic, magmatic and metallogenic processes of eastern China in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   
本文报道了台湾浅滩西部水域鱼类、虾类和软体头足类动物的总石油烃含量,分析了主3类动物样品的荧光光谱特征,并将本文数据与南海其他水域海洋动物的石油烃含量作了比较。  相似文献   
强夯地基效应及加固机制浅析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
强夯地基效应,是指经强夯处理使地基土的结构形式,强度和变形大小,及其作用过程发生的改变。通过对强夯过程中一系列的现象分析,揭示强夯地基效应的形成机制,对强夯地基效应的三个方面及其之间的联系进行分析,其结论对于强夯处理设计和加固机制的认识有较大意义。  相似文献   
利马气候大会达成的《利马气候行动号令》明确了《联合国气候变化框架公约》所有原则,尤其是共同但有区别的责任原则适用于拟于2015年巴黎会议达成的新协议。会议还就“国家自主决定的贡献”等做出了决定。利马大会成果对2015年巴黎气候大会达成气候变化新协议具有重要推动作用。面对2020年后的新挑战,中国需尽快制定应对气候变化法,建立碳排放交易机制,促进对应对气候变化先进技术投资,以及加大参与治理国际气候变化事务力度。  相似文献   
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