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The Shenhu area is one of the most favorable places for the occurrence of gas hydrates in the northern continental slope of the South China Sea. Pore water samples were collected in two piston cores (SH-A and SH-B) from this area, and the concentrations of sulfate and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its carbon isotopic composition were measured. The data revealed large DIC variations and very negative δ 13C-DIC values. Two reaction zones, 0–3 mbsf and below 3 mbsf, are identified in the sediment system. At site SH-A, the upper zone (0–3 mbsf) shows relatively constant sulfate and DIC concentrations and δ 13C-DIC values, possibly due to bioturbation and fluid advection. The lower zone (below 3 mbsf) displays good linear gradients for sulfate and DIC concentrations, and δ 13C-DIC values. At site SH-B, both zones show linear gradients, but the decreasing gradients for δ 13C-DIC and SO4 2− in the lower zone below 3 mbsf are greater than those from the upper zone, 0–3 mbsf. The calculated sulfate-methane interface (SMI) depths of the two cores are 10.0 m and 11.1 m, respectively. The depth profiles of both DIC and δ 13C-DIC showed similar characteristics as those in other gas hydrate locations in the world oceans, such as the Blake Ridge. Overall, our results indicate an anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO) process in the sediments with large methane flux from depth in the studied area, which might be linked to the formation of gas hydrates in this area.  相似文献   
长江口外海上测量除受风浪影响较大外,最重要的问题是潮位控制非常困难。文中简要阐述了开展长江口外潮汐精细化模型研究的方法,介绍了利用潮汐精细化模型对长江口外航路任意点进行潮汐预报的方法,并通过实测数据进行了精度分析,提出了建议。  相似文献   
利用实时探空场和欧洲中心20:00细网格、NCEP再分析资料对2013年8月6—10日杭州湾北岸极端高温过程进行分析,结果表明:副高脊线稳定在30°N、高层有辐散气流、低层26℃暖气团处于强副高中心影响是持续40℃极端高温发生的大尺度环流背景。副高与南亚高压"相向而行",在垂直方向上产生深厚的次级环流圈,是2013年极端高温持续时间长、影响范围大的一个重要因素。极端高温的出现与空气异常干燥有密切关系,北方高层干空气南下叠加在中低层副高暖干气团之上,从高层到近地层受一致下沉气流的绝热压缩增温,以及低空暖平流输送的综合影响,是导致7—9日杭州湾北岸多地最高气温屡破记录的原因。经检验,极端高温期间,业务参考使用的4个主要数值模式对最高气温的预报,EC模式误差较小且稳定,绝对误差为1℃,而GFS、JMA和T639误差分别达3℃、4℃和5℃,应用时需订正,以上结果可供夏季高温预报参考。  相似文献   
李文娟  赵放  赵璐  黄娟 《暴雨灾害》2017,32(2):132-138

使用浙江省69个基准站2006—2015年5—9月以及同期杭州城区58个区域自动站小时降水资料,利用Gamma分布计算浙江省短时强降水的累积概率,同时综合其频率分布,揭示杭州市小时降水强度的分布特征。此外,以杭州市区为例,利用探空资料分析不同量级(≥50 mm·h-1、30~<50 mm·h-1、20~<30 mm·h-1、<20 mm·h-1)小时雨强出现的环境指标,并基于核密度估计方法提取预报指标。结果表明:杭州城区出现小于等于10 mm·h-1的降水概率高达98.4%,≥20 mm·h-1的概率仅0.05%;受杭州湾偏东气流影响,杭州市区发生短时强降水频率相对较高,尤其是余杭区的东部和西北山区;自2008年以来杭州市区每年短时强降水日数为18~28 d,其中大于等于50 mm·h-1的短时强降水日所占比例高达10%~20% (除2009年和2012年低于10%外);可用于预报杭州市区短时强降水的最佳环境因子依次为整层可降水量、K指数、最佳抬升指数、沙氏指数、925 hPa露点温度和强天气威胁指数;在判断杭州市区短时强降水强度上表现最好的环境因子为整层可降水量,其次是850 hPa垂直速度和925 hPa散度。

中国近海主要鱼类种群变动与生活史型的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物种为了种族的延续和繁衍,在历史的长河中,通过自然选择形成了适应其生存的一系列生态学特征,即生活史的选择型。具有不同生活史型鱼种的数量变动形式也不同,换言之,种群数量的变动方式是各个种生活史的反映,种群动态与其生活史选择型有着密切关系。 随着海洋渔业的发展,以及人类对海洋渔业资源开发与利用的增强,一些传统经济种类的资源受到严重威胁。有的资源潜力削弱,甚至有的生物种群的再生机制受到破坏,使其资源面临着枯竭的危险。在强大的捕捞压力下,海洋渔业资源的结构发生了很大变化。生命周期长的种类被生命周期短的种类所代替;传统的经济种类被低质的小型种类所代替。渔业组成处于不断变化和演替之中,水域生态系统的结构与功能将会发生变化,生态平衡将遭到破坏。 对各个生物种群来说,上述变化将不同程度地改变它们的生存条件。物种为了延续和生存,通过自然选择对其所处的环境进行适应性调节,因而,种群原有的生态学特征将产生一系列的变化,如生长速度提高、性成熟加快等。在渐变过程中,物种生活史选择方向也将发生变化。研究鱼类种群的变动及其生活史型的演变过程,对科学利用海洋渔业资源和保护物种的多样性,在实践和理论上都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
基于一维综合孔径微波辐射计的海面温度反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the low spatial resolution of sea surface temperature(T_S) retrieval by real aperture microwave radiometers,in this study, an iterative retrieval method that minimizes the differences between brightness temperature(T_B)measured and modeled was used to retrieve sea surface temperature with a one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, temporarily named 1 D-SAMR. Regarding the configuration of the radiometer, an angular resolution of 0.43° was reached by theoretical calculation. Experiments on sea surface temperature retrieval were carried out with ideal parameters; the results show that the main factors affecting the retrieval accuracy of sea surface temperature are the accuracy of radiometer calibration and the precision of auxiliary geophysical parameters. In the case of no auxiliary parameter errors, the greatest error in retrieved sea surface temperature is obtained at low T_S scene(i.e., 0.710 6 K for the incidence angle of 35° under the radiometer calibration accuracy of0.5 K). While errors on auxiliary parameters are assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution, the greatest error on retrieved sea surface temperature was 1.330 5 K at an incidence angle of 65° in poorly known sea surface wind speed(W)(the error on W of 1.0 m/s) over high W scene, for the radiometer calibration accuracy of 0.5 K.  相似文献   
-The material discussed in this paper is from four cruises which were carried out in May -June, 1986 (spring), July -August, 1987(summer) .October -November, 1988(autumn)and December, 1987(winter)respectively. Identified dinoflagellates were 141 species (including varieties and forms) belonging to 18 genera.According to the distribution and ecological characteristics of dinoflagellates species, we can divide them into three groups: 1) Hyporhaline-neritic group: they are distributed only in type Ⅲ and typeⅣ water and they perform an evident function indicating continental coast water; 2) Eurythermic-euryhaline group represented by Protoperidinium depressum, Gentium fusus, etc. They are fond of perching in mixing water which character is similar to that of coast water even though they are distributed in different water systems; 3) Hyperthermic-hyperhaline group: on the basis of varying degrees to which they tolerate temperature and salinity, we can divide them into two sub-groups: euryhyperthermic-euryh  相似文献   
The generation and propagation of surface waves resulting from suddenly created disturbances over water surfaces is investigated. The initial boundary conditions defining the disturbance are given either by a velocity of the free surface, an initial elevation of the free surface or a pressure impulsively applied on the free surface. It is shown that the corresponding three forms of solutions are related by a simple time derivative. Linear solutions are obtained in the cases where the wave motion is assumed to be nondispersive, mildly dispersive and fully dispersive, as well as in the case where the motion is given by the method of stationary phase. Criteria are established to indicate the limit of validity of each method.  相似文献   
本文以1981~1984年4~9月累计18个月在闵中、闵东渔场开展中上层鱼类资源开发性探捕调查的材料,报道了扁舵鲣的生态分布、群体结构和生活史主要特征。鱼群先后于4~7月由南而北进入本渔场,数量分布以5月为多;栖息的最适温、盐度分别为23.5~25.5℃和33~34;渔获群体由0~V龄组成;性成熟的最小年龄为Ⅰ龄,最小叉长271~280mm;生长参数L_∞=484.44mm,W_∞=2050.76g,K=0.5109,t_0=0.3598;瞬时自然死亡率为0.8937,开发比率为0.2138,属于轻度利用的鱼类资源,尚有较大的开发潜力。  相似文献   
In the late Miocene, giant ancient pockmarks, which are fairly rare globally, developed in the Qiongdongnan Basin. In this paper, to determine the sedimentary characteristics and genetic mechanism of these giant ancient pockmarks in the Yinggehai Formation of the Qiongdongnan Basin, based on high-resolution 3D seismic data and multiattribute fusion technologies, we analyzed the planar distribution and seismic facies of the ancient pockmarks and compared the characteristics of the ancient pockmar...  相似文献   
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