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笔者通过考察认为,以水电建设为龙头,加快长江上游干、支流综合开发治理是长江流域开发的一个重要组成部分,对推动整个流域经济的持续稳定发展具有重大的意义。文中论述了:1、先期开发治理长江上游干、支流是合理利用长江水资源,防治长江洪水灾害的关键。2、综合开发治理长江上游干、支流将能获得的巨大社会、经济与环境效益。3、加快开发长江上游干、支流的政策与措施。  相似文献   
王道  许秋龙 《地震地质》1999,21(1):58-62
新疆地下热水广泛分布于昆仑山,天山和阿尔泰册。温泉和地震活动与大地构造,板块运动有着密切的联系。动态观测资料分析表明,热水温度变化不仅受到地震的作用,而且显示出某些地震前兆信息。分析了地下热水的化学成分,气体组分,微量元素,放射性元素,认为某些热水具有低矿化,高碱性,高氟,高氦等独特性质,有可能是形成于地壳深部或上地幔地深成水。  相似文献   
夏露  刘晓非  于青春 《岩土力学》2010,31(12):3991-3996
表征单元体(REV,或典型单元体)的存在是应用连续介质方法研究岩体问题的前提,因此,裂隙岩体表征单元体研究是岩体力学及岩体水力学中的一个基础问题,表征单元体的存在与否可以从不同物理参数的角度进行分析。从岩体块体化程度的角度对其存在性进行了较系统的分析,把岩体中由裂隙圈闭形成的孤立块体的总体积在岩体中所占体积百分比定义为裂隙岩体的块体化程度。介绍了GeneralBlock软件的基本分析过程,利用软件建立了三维裂隙岩体模型。根据国际岩石力学学会的裂隙分级,针对5个延展性级别、7个间距级别建立了35种岩体结构模型。利用GeneralBlock对这35种岩体进行了块体识别,分别讨论了这35种岩体结构的块体化程度随着模型范围变化的波动情况。由于所建立的岩体结构模型是随机的,对每种结构的每个研究范围进行了5次随机实现。结果表明,对所有的35种岩体,表征单元体的尺寸在4~8倍间距之间,不超过8倍间距。  相似文献   
风沙活动威胁着龙羊峡水库的安全运营,查清沙害来源和入库量对于防治水患和沙害具有重要意义。基于1987、1995、2003、2013、2019年的Landsat卫星影像,利用COSI-Corr技术监测了龙羊峡库区不同时空的沙丘移动特征,并重新评估库区近32 a的潜在风沙入库量。结果显示:(1)1987—2019年龙羊峡库区沙丘平均移动速率为5.81 m·a-1,呈先加速(1987—2003年)后减速(2003—2013年)再加速(2013—2019年)趋势;沙丘移动方向在132.81°—165.82°范围内,与该区主风向一致。(2)近32 a向龙羊峡水库输送的潜在风沙量可达7.82×107 m3(1.20×108 t)。上风向塔拉滩潜在输送量为7.38×107 m3(1.14×108 t),下风向木格滩仅贡献了0.44×107 m3(0.68×107 t)。(3)库区内风沙输移受风况、气候、植被等多种因素的影响,在未来全球变暖条件下,青藏高原的风沙活动将会持续发展,风沙入库量的长期累计效应将对水库安全构成严重威胁,必须引起足够重视。  相似文献   
Simulation of subsurface heterogeneity is important for modeling subsurface flow and transport processes. Previous studies have indicated that subsurface property variations can often be characterized by fractional Brownian motion (fBm) or (truncated) fractional Levy motion (fLm). Because Levy-stable distributions have many novel and often unfamiliar properties, studies on generating fLm distributions are rare in the literature. In this study, we generalize a relatively simple and computationally efficient successive random additions (SRA) algorithm, originally developed for generating Gaussian fractals, to simulate fLm distributions. We also propose an additional important step in response to continued observations that the traditional SRA algorithm often generates fractal distributions having poor scaling and correlation properties. Finally, the generalized and modified SRA algorithm is validated through numerical tests.  相似文献   
洛川黑木沟黄土剖面发育了一套完整的黄土地层。据剖面百余块标本粒度资料阐述了Kd=(粉砂(0.05-0.01mm%))/(粘粒(<0.005mm)%)的地质及物理意义。它反映了受风化的粉尘粒组与次生粒组之间的消长关系,Kd值变化既受风尘来源区干湿状况或生物气候条件的制约,又受风化成壤作用的制约。因此,Kd值可视为黄土、古土壤生成环境的一个指标。据Mφ(平均值)由粗到细的变化划为一个粒度旋回,全剖面共分11个旋回。每个旋回反映了一定的岩性地层组合及生物气候环境的变化。  相似文献   
The traditional "dephase and sum" algorithms for over/under data combination estimate the ghost operator by assuming a calm sea surface. However, the real sea surface is typically rough, which invalidates the calm sea surface assumption. Hence, the traditional "dephase and sum" algorithms might produce poor-quality results in rough sea conditions. We propose an adaptive over/under data combination method, which adaptively estimates the amplitude spectrum of the ghost operator from the over/under data, and then over/under data combinations are implemented using the estimated ghost operators. A synthetic single shot gather is used to verify the performance of the proposed method in rough sea surface conditions and a real triple over/under dataset demonstrates the method performance.  相似文献   
选取基础教育、社会保障、基本医疗、公共文化四大类指标,利用2008—2013年我国26个省份163个中小城市的统计数据,测度了其基本公共服务水平区域均等化程度的动态变化。结果表明:中小城市基本公共服务平均水平呈上升趋势;基础教育和基本医疗的区域均等化程度较好,社会保障和公共文化的区域差异较大;基本公共服务水平表现出空间集聚发展态势,东高西低的分布格局呈加剧之势。优化公共财政体制建设,加强省份间协同发展是促进基本公共服务均等化的重要途径。  相似文献   
The sustainable development of rangeland ecosystems, the vital ecosystems providing many important ecosystem services for millions of people in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region is presently confronted with a number of challenges. A coupled natural and human systems approach is needed to facilitate effective collaboration among social scientists, bio/physical scientists, and management practitioners to better understand how people interact with the environment in which they live. In pursuing this argument, three existing case studies, i.e. Indigenous rangeland management in Himalayan Nepal, Cultivated Grassland Systems in Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and Grassland Restoration in Central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were synthesized in this paper to address the importance of coupled natural and human systems in promoting sustainable rangeland ecosystem management in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH) region. It was concluded although the research sites and objectives were very different, that these three case studies had many commonalities that addressed the complex interactions and feedbacks between natural and human systems, and highlighted the integration of various tools and techniques from the ecological and social sciences, as well as other disciplines, in sustainable rangeland management. These case studies have offered unique interdisciplinary insights into complexities that cannot be gained from ecological or social research alone. The results from these case studies can be applied to many other coupled systems at local, national, and global levels.  相似文献   
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