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Detrital zircon grains from Beit Bridge Group quartzite from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt near Musina yield mostly ages of 3.35-3.15 Ga, minor 3.15-2.51 Ga components, and numerous older grains grouped at approximately 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 Ga. Two grains yielded concordant Late Hadean U-Pb ages of 3881 ± 11 Ma and 3909 ± 26 Ma, which are the oldest zircon grains so far found in Africa. The combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf datasets and field relationships provide evidence that the sedimentary protolith of the Beit Bridge Group quartzite was deposited after the emplacement of the Sand River Gneisses (3.35-3.15 Ga), but prior to the Neoarchean magmatic-metamorphic events at 2.65-2.60 Ga. The finding of abundant magmatic zircon detritus with concordant U-Pb ages of 3.35-3.15 Ga, and 176Hf/177Hf of 0.28066 ± 0.00004 indicate that the Sand River Gneiss-type rocks were a predominant source. In contrast, detrital zircon grains older than approximately 3.35 Ga were derived from the hinterland of the Limpopo Belt; either from a so far unknown crustal source in southern Africa, possibly from the Zimbabwe Craton and/or a source, which was similar but not necessarily identical to the one that supplied the Hadean zircons to Jack Hills, Western Australia. The Beit Bridge Group zircon population at >3.35 Ga shows a general εHft increase with decreasing age from εHf3.9Ga = −6.3 to εHf3.3-3.1Ga = −0.2, indicating that Hadean crust older than 4.0 Ga (TDM = 4.45-4.36 Ga) was rejuvenated during magmatic events between >3.9 and 3.1 Ga, due to a successive mixing of crustal rocks with mantle derived magmas. The existence of a depleted mantle reservoir in the Limpopo’s hinterland is reflected by the ∼3.6 Ga zircon population, which shows εHf3.6Ga between −4.6 and +3.2. In a global context, our data suggest that a long-lived, mafic Hadean protocrust with some tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite constituents was destroyed and partly recycled at the Hadean/Archean transition, perhaps due to the onset of modern-style plate tectonics.  相似文献   
Summary Hydrothermally altered granitic rocks occur along the northern and northwestern edge of what is classically termed the Witwatersrand Basin. Pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, molybdenite, galena, wurtzite and other sulphides were deposited during this hydrothermal alteration, as were uranium and REE-rich nodules of carbonaceous matter and free gold. Heating and freezing data from secondary fluid inclusions in igneous quartz as well as primary fluid inclusions in vein quartz and carbonate indicate that two main groups of aqueous fluid inclusions exist. The first group has a range of final melting temperatures from 0 °C to –9 °C, corresponding to salinities between 0 and 13 equivalent wt.% NaCl. Homogenization occurred at temperatures between 130 °C and 230 °C. The second group of inclusions generally have final melting temperatures between –14 °C and –26 °C, with salinities ranging between 12 and 30 equivalent wt.% NaCl. Homogenization temperatures range from 120 °C to about 170 °C. The low initial melting temperatures of -60°C to –35°C and SEM-EDX analyses of encrustations formed after evaporation of fluid in opened inclusions indicate as additional components Ca, Cl and S. Rare clathrate melting in both types of fluids indicate the presence of CO2, CH4 or some other clathrate compound. The low salinity fluids are interpreted to be of a meteoric, seawater or metamorphic origin, whereas the highly saline fluids are thought to be connate brines or highly evolved formation waters.Zusammenfassung Hydrothermal veränderte granitische Gesteine kommen am nördlichen und nordwest-lichen Rand von dem vor, was man klassisch als Witwatersrand-Becken bezeichnet. Während dieser hydrothermalen Umwandlung wurden Pyrit, Kupferkies, Zinkblende, Molybdänglanz, Bleiglanz, Wurtzit und andere Sulfide abgesetzt, ebenso Uran- und SEE-reiche Knollen aus kohliger Substanz und Freigold. Erhitzungs- und Ausfrierdaten von sekundären Fluideinschlüssen in Gesteinsquarz, ebenso wie von primären Fluideinschlüssen in Gangquarz und Karbonat weisen darauf hin, daß zwei Hauptgruppen von wäßrigen Fluideinschlüssen existieren. Der Bereich der finalen Schmelztemperaturen der ersten Gruppe liegt zwischen 0 °C und –9 °C, was einer Salinität zwischen 0 und 13 äquiv. Gew.-% NaCl entspricht. Homogenisierung erfolgte bei Temperaturen zwischen 130 °C und 230 °C. Die zweite Gruppe von Einschlüssen hat im allgemeinen finale Schmelztemperaturen zwischen –14 °C und –26 °C, mit Salinitäten, die sich zwischen 12 und 30 äquiv. Gew.-% NaCl bewegen. Die Homogenisierungstemperaturen variieren von 120 °C bis ungefähr 170 °C. Die niedrigen initialen Schmelztemperaturen von –60 °C bis –35 °C und SEM-EDX-Analysen von Inkrustationen, die sich nach der Verdunstung der Flüssigkeit in geöffneten Einschlüssen bilden, weisen auf Ca, Cl und S als weitere Bestandteile. Gelegentliches Clathratschmelzen in beiden Typen von Fluiden zeigt die Anwesenheit von CO2, CH, und einigen anderen Clathratbildnern. Die niedrigsalinaren Fluide werden als von meteorischem, Seewasser oder metamorphem Ursprung gedeutet, während die hochsalinaren Fluide als con.nate brines oder sehr gereifte Formationswässer angesehen werden.
Studien an Fluideinschlüssen hydrothermal veranderter archaischer Granite um das Witwatersrand-Becken

With 8 Figures  相似文献   
. Acid atmospheric deposition may enter an environmental ecosystem in a variety of forms and pathways, but the most common components include sulfuric and nitric acids formed when rain water interacts with sulfur (SOx) and nitrogen (NOx) emissions. For many soils and watersheds sensitive to acid deposition, the predominant chronic effect appears to be a low pH, loss of base cations, and a shift in the mineral phase controlling the activity of Al3+ and/or SO4 in solution. Soil solutions from lysimeters at various depths were taken at two sites in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky, USA, to evaluate potential impacts caused by acid deposition. The sites chosen were in close proximity to coal-burning power plants near Wolfe and McCreary counties and contained soils from the Rayne and Wernock series, respectively. Physicochemical characteristics of the soils revealed that both sites contained appreciable amounts of exchangeable acidity in the surface horizons, and that their base saturation levels were sufficiently low to be impacted adversely by acidic inputs. Soil solution data indicated that the sites were periodically subjected to relatively high NO3– and SO4 inputs, which may have influenced spatial and temporal variation in Al and pH. As a consequence, the formation of Al-hydroxy-sulfate minerals such as jurbanite, alunite and basaluminite were thermodynamically favored over gibbsite. Given these conditions, long-term changes in soil solution chemistry from acid deposition are acknowledged.  相似文献   
Mechanical twinning in polycrystalline quartz was investigated in situ with time-of-flight neutron diffraction and a strain diffractometer. Dauphiné twinning is highly temperature sensitive. It initiates at a macroscopic differential stress of 50–100 MPa and, at 500°C, saturates at 400 MPa. From normalized diffraction intensities the patterns of preferred orientation (or texture) can be inferred. They indicate a partial reversal of twinning during unloading. The remaining twins impose residual stresses corresponding to elastic strains of 300–400 microstrain. Progressive twinning on loading and reversal during unloading, as well as the temperature dependence, can be reproduced with finite element model simulations.  相似文献   
The water-undersaturated melting relationships of a mafic, peralkaline, potassic madupite (with about 3% H2O as shown by chemical analysis) from the Leucite Hills, Wyoming, have been studied at pressures up to 30 kb. At low pressures (<5 kb) leucite is the dominant liquidus phase, but it is replaced at higher pressures by clinopyroxene plus olivine (<5–7 kb), clinopyroxene (7–12.5 kb), clinopyroxene plus minor spinel (12.5–17.5 kb), and clinopyroxene alone (17.5–> 30 kb). At all pressures there is a reaction relationship with falling temperature between melt, olivine and probably clinopyroxene to yield phlogopite. Apatite is stable within the melting interval to pressures above 25 kb. Electron microprobe analyses demonstrate that the clinopyroxene is diopsidic, with low aluminium and titanium contents. Pressure has relatively little effect on the composition of the pyroxene. Phlogopite is also aluminium-poor and has only a moderate titanium content. The experimental results indicate that madupite is not the partial melting product of hydrous lherzolite or garnet lherzolite in the upper mantle and it seems improbable that it is derived by melting of mantle peridotite with a mixed H2O-CO2 volatile component. Madupite could, however, be the partial melting product of mica-pyroxenite or mica-olivine-pyroxenite in the upper mantle. It is pointed out that the chemistry of some potassium-rich volcanics may have been affected by volatile transfer and other such processes during eruption and that experimental studies of material affected in this way have little bearing upon the genesis of potassic magmas. Finally, the experimental results enable constraints to be placed upon the P-T conditions of the formation of richterite-bearing mica nodules found in kimberlites and associated rocks. Maximum conditions are 25 kb and 1,100 ° C.  相似文献   
Earth, Moon, and Planets - A compilation was made of N?=?89 planets or moons for which the mass and radius are known, between the limits of 0.01 and 10 times the mass of Earth. Although...  相似文献   
The fundamental frequency of a rectangular isotropic plate having a linear thickness variation is computed using the method of eigensensitivity analysis. The approach incorporates eigen derivatives to evaluate a Maclaurin series representation of the desired eigenvalue, here the fundamental frequency. Comparison with published results, for various taper ratios, aspect ratios, and support conditions, demonstrates the accuracy and utility of the expression and methodology.  相似文献   
Trace-element and preliminary Sr- and O-isotopic data are reported for a transitional alkaline-sub-alkaline lava series (MVS) from Patmos, Greece. The lava types belonging to this series are ne-trachybasalt, hy-trachybasalt, hy-trachyandesite and Q-trachyte. Rb, Sr and Ba contents, as well as K/Rb ratios, of the ne-trachybasalts differ from those of alkali basalts of oceanic islands and those of K-rich alkaline lavas of continental regions and are consistent with the occurrence of these volcanics in a destructive plate margin environment. Qualitatively, the variations shown by many trace elements throughout the MVS are explicable in terms of magma evolution via fractional crystallization involving removal of the observed phenocryst phases. Cross-cutting REE patterns can be explained by removal of small amounts of apatite. However, certain features of the data cannot be reconciled with the operation of fractional crystallization alone. These are: a) the compatible behavior of Ba throughout the MVS; b) the moderately (as opposed to highly) incompatible behavior of Zr, Rb and Nb relative to Th; and c) the significant decrease of K/Th, Rb/Th, Zr/Th, Zr/Nb, Nb/Th, Yb/Th, Ta/Th, U/Th and Zr/Ta ratios especially (but not exclusively) in the mafic part of the series. Quantitative modeling indicates that the hy-trachybasalts are anomalously enriched in both highly incompatible and highly compatible elements and these lavas are shown to be hybrids formed by mixing of ne-trachybasalt and hy-trachyandesite. Mixing proportions of the end members calculated from incompatible element abundances (19% ne-trachybasalt) differ from those calculated from compatible element abundances (62% ne-trachybasalt) and are inconsistent with proportions calculated from published mineral chemical data. In addition, mixing cannot account for the observed variations in incompatible element ratios and this is taken as evidence for the simultaneous operation of assimilation. Isotopic variations (87Sr/ 86Sr from 0.7049 to 0.7076 and 18O/16O from 4.7 to 8.6) and the positive correlation of isotope ratios with SiO2 and Th contents provide conclusive proof that assimilation occurred. Calculations show that the isotopic characteristics and the concentrations of many trace elements in the Q-trachytes can be explained by fractional crystallization of ne-trachybasalt combined with assimilation of average continental crust (87Sr/86Sr-0.710), and that large amounts of assimilation are not necessary (Ma/Mc=0.55). REE data are not well explained by this model and suggest a crustal end-member enriched in LREE relative to the average crust. Zr and Hf data are also not well explained and indicate that the assimilant was depleted in HFSE relative to average crust or that HFSE are held back in relatively insoluble phases such as zircon in the restite during assimilation. Nevertheless, the results of the modeling demonstrate that Ba concentrations may decrease during AFC processes and that high Sr contents (1500 ppm in the MVS ne-trachybasalts) do not render mafic, parental magmas immune to the effects of assimilation in terms of their 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The results of this study confirm conclusions based upon major-oxide and mineral chemical data for the MVS lavas but, more importantly, show that careful analysis of trace element data allows the various processes involved in magma evolution to be identified and quantified, even in the absence of major oxide and isotopic data. Finally, it is reiterated that magma mixing and assimilation may be coupled processes in the magma chambers beneath many volcanic centers, and recognition of this fact has profound implications for studies of magmas erupted at continental margins and through continental crust.  相似文献   
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