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Some of the tridymite in the monomict Northwest Africa (NWA) 11591 eucrite are found to have sulfide‐rich replacement textures (SRTs) to varying degrees. The SRTs of tridymite in NWA 11591 are characterized by the distribution of loose porous regions with aggregates of quartz and minor troilite grains along the rims and fractures of the tridymite, and we propose a new mechanism for the origin of this texture. According to the volume and density conversion relationship, the quartz in the SRT of tridymite with a hackle fracture pattern was transformed from tridymite. We suggest that the primary tridymite grains are affected by the S‐rich vapors along the rims and fractures, leading to the transformation of tridymite into quartz. In addition, the S‐rich vapors reacted with Fe2+, which was transported from the relict tridymite and/or the adjacent Fe‐rich minerals, and/or the S‐rich vapors react with the exotic metallic Fe to form troilite grains. The sulfurization in NWA 11591 most likely occurred during the prolonged subsolidus thermal metamorphism in the shallow crust of Vesta and might be an open, relatively high temperature (>800 °C) process. Sulfur would be an important component of the metasomatic fluid on Vesta.  相似文献   
We apply the analytic-numerical method of Roberts to determine the linear stability of time-reversible periodic simultaneous binary collision orbits in the symmetric collinear four-body problem with masses 1, m, m, 1, and also in a symmetric planar four-body problem with equal masses. In both problems, the assumed symmetries reduce the determination of linear stability to the numerical computation of a single real number. For the collinear problem, this verifies the earlier numerical results of Sweatman for linear stability with respect to collinear and symmetric perturbations.  相似文献   
湖南崀山丹霞地貌岩体抗酸侵蚀脆弱性的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南崀山拥有独特的丹霞喀斯特现象,但具有溶蚀力的水对丹霞地貌区重要的物质基础砂岩和砾岩的侵蚀还没有进行过深入的实验研究。以此为切入点,通过实地采样获得41块砂岩、砾岩岩芯,选择其中18块岩芯平均分成3组,分别放入2%、5%、10%3种不同浓度的H2SO4溶液中浸泡并连续12天定时观测、记录,最后把未破碎的3块砾岩岩芯进...  相似文献   
At present, there exist two methods used to recover the bathymetry from altimeter data, i. e. the deterministic method and the stochastic method. In this paper, the principles of the two methods are introduced first. Then according to the theory of least-square collocation, a modified statistical model for recovering bathymetry from altimeter data is proposed. The new model has been used for computing the ocean depth in the South China Sea from altimeter-derived gravity anomalies. Finally the predicted depths are compared with the ship-borne depth. It shows that they agree with each other very well.  相似文献   
目前钻孔应变观测一般为水平应变,使用无限岩石平板中的钻孔应力集中模型,可反演出水平应力场分布及变化.如果在此基础上加上垂向应力测量,就可反演出三维应力场分布.本文介绍的RZB型深井宽频带地形变综合观测系统的垂向应变测量单元,外钢筒为波纹管结构,并通过螺旋刻丝、热处理等技术,其垂向等效弹性模量比耦合水泥低一个数量级,同时垂向应变钢筒的水平向等效弹性模量高于垂向弹性模量一个数量级.垂向应变探头的力学结构可以被形象地看成是一个螺旋柱形弹簧,其轴向极易产生弹性形变,而水平向的硬度却得到了极大的加强,因此可在竖井中较为准确地测量轴向应变.  相似文献   
This paper reports that vibrational spectroscopic analysis on hydrogen-bonding between acetone and water comprises both experimental Raman spectra and ab initio calculations on structures of various acetone/water complexes with changing water concentrations. The optimised geometries and wavenumbers of the neat acetone molecule and its complexes are calculated by using ab initio method at the MP2 level with 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. Changes in wavenumber position and linewidth (fullwidth at half maximum) have been explained for neat as well as binary mixtures with different mole fractions of the reference system, acetone, in terms of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The combination of experimental Raman data with ab initio calculation leads to a better knowledge of the concentration dependent changes in the spectral features in terms of hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   
空间直角坐标和大地坐标的转换   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前国内在空间直角坐标和大地坐标转换公式使用问题上 ,还明显缺乏必要的统一性。针对这个问题 ,本文作者在全面分析和比较国内外现有各种转换方法的基础上 ,重点推荐和介绍根据 Bowring研究思路导出的转换公式 ,这组公式既简单又具有很高的计算精度 ,能够满足各个部门的使用要求  相似文献   
是否发育有效烃源岩是鄂尔多斯地区中元古界成藏的关键。综合利用野外地质考察、显微薄片鉴定和地球化学分析等研究方法对固阳县北中元古界渣尔泰山群阿古鲁沟组烃源岩地质特征开展研究。研究表明,中元古界烃源岩岩性为低级区域变质作用形成的炭质板岩及片岩,其矿物成分以石英为主,其次为斜长石、钾长石及白云母,还有少量菱铁矿。烃源岩有机碳含量高,变化在0.17%~21.62%之间,平均值为5.53%;有机质类型以Ⅰ型为主,其次为Ⅱ型;Ro变化范围为4.32%~5.09%,Tmax值介于556 ℃~564 ℃,处于过成熟阶段。稀土元素体现出LREE富集和轻、重稀土分异明显的特点,δEu介于0.43~0.49之间,表现出Eu的明显负异常;微量元素含量及比值指示阿古鲁沟组烃源岩形成时的沉积环境为水体深度大、水动力条件弱的并且与外海沟通受到限制的贫氧—缺氧的闭塞环境,沉积相类型为温暖潮湿气候条件下淡化泻湖相。  相似文献   
根据卫星测高数据分布所具有的低纬时稀疏、高纬时密集的特点,提出了计算平均海平面时非交叉点数据的解析定权公式和交叉点数据的解析定权公式。  相似文献   
以广东丹霞山狮子岩—阳元山景区为研究地,以国家珍稀濒危保护植物丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis)的空间分布为研究内容,通过实地考察获取其空间分布的数据(经纬度、海拔、坡度和坡向等),利用ArcGIS10.0在精度为1 m的DEM地形数据上进行空间分析,总结丹霞梧桐空间分布的微地貌环境特征。研究发现:① 研究区丹霞梧桐主要分布在海拔180 m等高线穿过坡度60o附近的土壤比较贫瘠的垂直节理或水平层理比较发育的崖壁上,并与圆叶小石积(Osteomeles subrotunda)、忽地笑(Lycoris aurea)、卷柏(Selaginella tamariscina)等植物伴生,属于比较耐旱的崖壁植物;② 丹霞梧桐的空间分布不受坡向因素的严格制约,坡度和海拔是影响丹霞梧桐分布的2个重要因素。根据以上分布规律,可以推测180 m等高线穿过坡度60o地带的丹霞山其他崖壁地带,亦可能会有丹霞梧桐的分布,并建议在目前已经发现丹霞梧桐分布比较集中的狮子岩东南坡,设立国家珍稀濒危保护植物丹霞梧桐重点保护带。  相似文献   
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