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化石数据是了解地球历史以及深时生命演化的重要信息来源。通过数百年的积累,古生物学家已经发表了海量的古生物学数据。过去三、四十年里,随着计算机、数据库和互联网技术的快速发展,国内外涌现出大量的古生物学数据库,彼此间的目标、体系架构、数据组织方式和服务对象通常存在显著差异,呈现百花齐放的特点。文章系统介绍了古生物学领域主要数据库的发展历史、数据表结构、数据特征和数据量等建设情况,对比分析了其数据整理方式、核心在线功能、数据共享特点和数据质量控制措施。同时,结合近年来数据驱动下的古生物学领域的科学研究实例,提出一站式全生态链数据平台的建设设想,为深时数字地球(DDE)建设多学科融合、数据开放与共享的大数据平台提供参考。  相似文献   
从深部矿地球化学勘查实际需求出发,根据近年来20余个矿床研究结果,总结提出了热液成因有色金属矿床矿致异常规律--多维异常体系。多维异常体系是指产出在特定成矿地质时期地质体中,空间有序共存、形成机理各异、成矿指向递进的多属性地球化学异常体系,将在斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型以及沉积改造型等与热液作用有关的有色金属矿产深部矿预测和评价中发挥重要作用。以安徽马头斑岩型钼铜矿为例,对该矿床多维异常体系进行了探讨。结果表明: 在该矿床中,存在着以Na2O为代表的负异常体系、以S为代表的矿化剂元素异常体系、矿化剂元素S与Fe和成矿元素间协同平衡体系、成矿及其伴生元素异常体系等,这些异常体系对成矿的指示作用是递进的,从而证实了多维异常体系的存在。对应用多维异常体系思路预测和评价深部矿进行了说明。  相似文献   
The results presented in this paper indicated that the carbazole-type compounds have high thermal stability and also show stability in oxidation and bio-degradation. This kind of compounds still has high concentrations and a complete distribution in the analyzed dry asphalt samples, showing that they are particularly useful in the study of hydrocarbon migration of the paleo-pools. The difference in the contents of nitrogen compounds in the Silurian dry asphalts from the Awati, Tabei and Tazhong areas is attributed to the difference in the extent of oxidation and (or) bio-degradation for the areas; the Awati and Tabei areas underwent relatively strong oxidation and bio-degradation. During the first stage of hydrocarbon pool formation in the Silurian system in the Tazhong and Tabei areas of the Tarim Basin (at the end of the Silurian period) and at the second stage in the Awati area (in Permian), the hydrocarbons experienced a long-distance migration.  相似文献   
洪涝灾害是我国最严重的气象灾害之一,及时准确的洪灾监测是防灾减灾的重要前期工作和基础。本文利用sentinel-1B雷达数据,以黑瞎子岛为研究区,联合使用OSTU阈值分割法和随机森林面向对象分类法针对像素统计单波形、双波形、多波形SAR影像提取洪水要素,实现对洪灾淹没面积的时序监测,为灾情监测提供数据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
For the offshore wind turbines installed in earthquake areas, their operation is affected by seismic loads in addition to wind and wave loads. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamic responses and vibration control of the wind turbines. In previous studies, the structural responses of offshore wind turbines are usually investigated in the parked case, while the blade rotation effect is usually not considered. The evaluation on the structural responses may be inaccurate under this conditi...  相似文献   
选取2009—2014年华北—东北地区发生的12次中等地震,对该区8个地磁台站记录的地磁Z分量日变幅进行小波分析及合成计算,与日本海沟同期发生的12次M≥6.5强震进行关联性分析,发现日本强震对中国华北—东北地区中等地震活动具有连带作用,表现在:①日本强震发生前后,华北或东北地区均有M4—5地震出现,频次一般为1—3,间隔几天至5个月左右;②2011年3月10日日本M9.1地震后,华北、东北地区中等地震震级有所升高,其中东北地区由M4升至M5,距日本最近的中俄交界甚至出现M6.1地震,华北地区唐山老震区出现1次M4.8地震,震级接近5;③每次日本强震出现后几天至2个月内,8个地磁台地磁Z分量小波细节6阶合成曲线值均出现2—6个月高值异常,但幅度大小与强震震级无明显规律可循,而华北或东北地区中等地震一般在异常高值出现前后低值附近发生。  相似文献   
IntroductionSeismicprocessisextremelycomplicatedjustashasbeenprovedbytheeallhquakepredictionpractice.Thecomplexityofseismicprocessmainlydisplaystheinhomogeneityofseismicspace-timedistribution.Therearealotoffactorscausingthecomplexity,includingthemediumofseismicsource,themechanicalprocessofseismicsource,mutualeffectofgroupseismicactivity,andsoon.Studyontheseismicactivitylawstillremainsinalowlevel,especiallyintheaspectofseismicoccurrenceprocess.Manyscholarstrytostudytheseismicactivebehavioringr…  相似文献   
白令海和楚科奇海水文特征和水团结构的初步分析   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
根据我国首次北极科学考察所获 CTD资料 ,分析了白令海和楚科奇海的水文特征和水团结构。研究表明 :(1 )该两海域温、盐度的分布有着明显的区域性差异。楚科奇海的温、盐度普遍低于白令海。 (2 )夏季 ,白令海大部分水域温度垂直分布的突出特点是 :在 2 0 m和 2 5 0 m间存在温度低于 3°C的中层冷水。 (3 )在楚科奇海北纬 70°以北海域 ,不论是水温或盐度皆明显减小 ,从而在此区域形成强的温、盐度锋带。 (4)在白令海存在三种水团 ,而楚科奇海的水团则大致分为两类  相似文献   
Hydrological character and Sea-current profiles structure are studied andanalyzed in sea-area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf,Prydz Bay with LADCP,CTDdata.These LADCP,CTD data were acquired during the 19th Chinese Antarctic Sci-entific Expedition.Results of this study agree with that,there exist four differentkinds of water masses in the area of the front of Amery Ice Shelf in the summer of Ant-arctica.Current distribution presents a semi-circumfluence which flows in at the eastand flows out in the west.Moreover,clockwise and anti-clockwise vortices werefound in upper layer and mid-layer in the Prydz Bay.Western areas of these anti-clockwise vortices are positions of inflows from Prydz Bay to Amery Ice Shelf.Thesource of these inflows is the coastal westward current originated in the east of PrydzBay.All these characteristics come down to the pattern of circumfluence,ice meltrate under Ice Shelf,scale of Ice Shelf water production and form of water exchangesbetween area of Ice Shelf and area of Prydz Bay.  相似文献   
The Bohai Sea is one of the southernmost areas for sea ice formation in the northern hemisphere.Sea ice disasters in this body of water severely affect marine activities and the safety of coastal residents.In this study,we analyze the variation characteristics of the sea ice in the Bohai Sea and establish an annual regression model based on predictable mode analysis method.The results show the following:1)From 1970 to 2018,the average ice grade is(2.6±0.8),with a maximum of 4.5 and a minimum of 1.0.Liaodong Bay(LDB)has the heaviest ice conditions in the Bohai Sea,followed by Bohai Bay(BHB)and Laizhou Bay(LZB).Interannual variation is obvious in all three bays,but the linear decreasing trend is significant only in BHB.2)Three modes are obtained from empirical orthogonal function analysis,namely,single polarity mode with the same sign of anomaly in all of the three bays and strong interannual variability(82.0%),the north–south dipole mode with BHB and LZB showing an opposite sign of anomalies to that in LDB and strong decadal variations(14.5%),and a linear trend mode(3.5%).Critical factors are analyzed and regression equations are established for all the principal components,and then an annual hindcast model is established by synthesizing the results of the three modes.This model provides an annual spatial prediction of the sea ice in the Bohai Sea for the first time,and meets the demand of operational sea ice forecasting.  相似文献   
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