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We analyzed seafloor morphology and geophysical anomalies of the Southeast Indian Ridge(SEIR) to reveal the remarkable changes in magma supply along this intermediate fast-spreading ridge. We found systematic differences of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance(AAD) from adjacent ridge segments with the residual mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly(RMBA) being more positive, seafloor being deeper, morphology being more chaotic, M factors being smaller at the AAD. These systematic anomalies, as well as the observed Na_(8.0) being greater and Fe_(8.0) being smaller at AAD, suggest relatively starved magma supply and relatively thin crust within the AAD.Comparing to the adjacent ridges segments, the calculated average map-view M factors are relatively small for the AAD, where several Oceanic Core Complexes(OCCs) develop. Close to 30 OCCs were found to be distributed asymmetrically along the SEIR with 60% of OCCs at the northern flank. The OCCs are concentrated mainly in Segments B3 and B4 within the AAD at ~124°–126°E, as well as at the eastern end of Zone C at ~115°E. The relatively small map-view M factors within the AAD indicate stronger tectonism than the adjacent SEIR segments.The interaction between the westward migrating Pacific mantle and the relatively cold mantle beneath the AAD may have caused a reduction in magma supply, leading to the development of abundant OCCs.  相似文献   
最近和即将发生的崩解事件不会削弱埃默里冰架的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冰架崩解约占南极物质损耗总量的一半。借助卫星遥感本世纪已经观测到多次大型崩解事件,引发了公众对气候变化问题的广泛关注。然而作为冰架消涨的自然循环,某些崩解事件只是周期性重现而并非近年来南极升温导致。2019年9月-10月,我们通过“哨兵一号”雷达卫星和“京师一号”小卫星完整地记录到发生在埃默里冰架前端的一次大型崩解事件,并利用冰流数值模式模拟了本次以及未来两次即将发生的崩解事件对该冰架的动力学影响。遥感观测表明,埃默里冰架前端发育有两条纵向、两条横向和一条斜向共五条大型裂隙。它们沿尖端继续向上游延伸可以造成三次崩解事件,其中第一次发生于2019年9月末,D28冰山随普里兹湾涡流向西北方向旋转漂移。依据前人推测的崩解周期,我们在模型中设置五组试验,选择露出海面体积、接地面积、冰流通量三个参数估算冰架对三次崩解的响应。结果表明,通过设计合理的网格系统,我们的模型能够捕捉到每次崩解事件释放的物理信号。三次崩解总体响应趋于一致,仅表现出微弱的差异。在一个60年的崩解周期内,三次崩解引发冰流加速70 m/a,前端减薄2 m,接地线退缩60 km2,共约造成40亿吨额外的物质损耗。然而上述变化仍然处于最新卫星估算误差内部,所以我们认为这些崩解事件并不会显著削弱埃默里冰架整体的稳定结构。考虑到这还是首次明确观测到该冰架进入新一轮崩解周期,未来仍必要收集更长时间序列的遥感资料用以验证模式结果。  相似文献   
Sediment traps are an important tool for studying the source, composition and sedimentation processes of sinking particulate matter in the ocean. An in situ observational mooring(TJ-A-1) is located in the northern South China Sea(20.05°N, 117.42°E) at a water depth of 2 100 m and equipped with two sediment traps deployed at 500 m and 1 950 m. Samples were collected at 18-day intervals, and 20 samples were obtained at both depths from May 2014 to May 2015. Large amounts of fecal matter and marine snow were collected in the lower trap. The fluxes of marine snow and fecal pellets exhibited a fluctuating decrease between May 2014 and early August 2014 and then stabilized at a relatively low level. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed that the main components of the marine snow and fecal pellets were diatoms, coccolithophores, radiolarians, and other debris, all of which are planktons mostly produced in photic zone. Used in conjunction with the particle collection range estimates from the lower trap and data on ocean surface chlorophyll, these marine snow and fecal pellets were related to the lateral transport of deep water and not vertical migrations from overlying water column. Moreover, the source area might be southwest of Taiwan.  相似文献   
The samples of Anthomedusae were collected from the Guangdong coastal water,China.Three new species of Anthomedusae,i.e.Zhangiella condensum Huang,Zhang et Sun,sp.nov.,Hydractinia leizhouensis Huang,Zhang et Yang,sp.nov.,and Cladosarsia simplex Huang,Zhang et Ke,sp.nov.are described.All type specimens are deposited in College of Ocean and Earth Sciences,Xiamen University.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种适用于北极冰下水声通信的最小均方/四次方直接自适应均衡器(LMS/F-DAE)。它能处理基带复信号,与LMS相比,具有更好的均衡效果。考虑到均衡器的稀疏特性,在其代价函数中加入自适应范数(AN)作为约束。它能根据均衡器系数的大小自适应变化:对于小系数,此约束项存在以加快收敛速度;对于大系数,此约束项不存在以减小均衡误差。利用第九次中国北极科学考察得到的实验数据验证AN-LMS/F-DAE的性能。结果表明,与传统的LMS/F-DAE相比,AN-LMS/F-DAE能提升均衡器的稀疏性且均衡性能更优。  相似文献   
黑潮通过吕宋海峡入侵南海呈现明显的瞬态特征。以往的研究通常将黑潮在吕宋海峡附近的流态分为几种不同类型。本文基于表层地转流计算得到的有限时间李雅普诺夫指数场(FTLE),展示了拉格朗日视角下的吕宋海峡上层水交换特征。从FTLE场提取的拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)很好地识别了吕宋海峡附近的典型流态和旋涡活动。此外,这些LCSs还揭示了吕宋海峡周围复杂的输运路径和流体域,这些特征得到了卫星跟踪浮标轨迹的验证,且从流速场中是无法直接识别的。FTLE场显示,吕宋海峡附近表层水体的输运形态主要可分为四类。其中,黑潮直接向北流动的“跨越”形态和顺时针旋转的“流套”形态的发生频次明显高于直接进入南海的黑潮分支“渗入”形态和南海水流出至太平洋的“外流”形态。本文还进一步分析了黑潮在吕宋海峡处的涡旋脱落事件,突出强调了LCSs在评估涡旋输运方面的重要性。反气旋涡旋的脱落个例表明,这些涡旋主要源自黑潮“流套”,涡旋脱落之前可有效地俘获黑潮水。LCS所指示的输运通道信息有助于预测最终被反气旋涡所挟卷水体在上游的位置。而在气旋涡的形成过程中,LCS的分布特征表明,大部分气旋涡并未与黑潮水的输运路径相连通。因此,气旋涡对从太平洋到南海的上层水交换的贡献较小。  相似文献   
南海北部早渐新世发生明显的营养供给和二氧化碳浓度的变化,相关地质记录为研究颗石藻的生理机制提供了理想的自然实验室。在本研究中,我们建立了一个新的颗石藻群落演化的指标,定义为E*比值。该比值由富营养属种和中等-贫营养属种的相对丰度计算而得(E*=e/(e+c)×100,e代表富营养属种,c代表中等-贫营养属种)。其中富营养属种包括小Reticulofenestra, Reticulofenestra lockeri组,Reticulofenestra bisecta组和Coccolithus pelagicus组,而中等-贫营养属种包括Cyclicargolithus spp.。E*指标与早渐新世营养盐指标具有较强的相关性,但在不同二氧化碳浓度的条件下表现不同的公变趋势。将群落组合与已发表的二氧化碳浓度数据对比,我们提出颗石藻可能在二氧化碳持续降低的环境下改变其对碳源和营养盐的利用方式,指示颗石藻的碳浓缩机制可能开始于早渐新世。  相似文献   
Li  Shi-min  Cui  Pu  Zhang  Shuai  Liu  Wen-tao  Peng  Yu-xiang 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(6):828-839
China Ocean Engineering - This study is concerned with the dynamic characteristics of bubbles near two connected walls (one horizontal and the other inclined with an obtuse angle from the...  相似文献   
Gu  Hong-lu  Guo  Hai-yan  Liu  Zhen  Li  Fu-heng  An  Wan-bo  Li  Peng 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(2):151-161
In order to investigate the effect of internal friction of umbilical cable on its vortex-induced vibration(VIV)responses, the experimental study on VIV of bond umbilical cable(BUC) and un-bond umbilical cable(UBUC) was carried out in an experimental tank. A current generator in the laboratory simulated the uniform current, and the current velocities were observed in real time by using a Doppler Velocimeter. In addition, different sizes of top tension were applied to the umbilical cable model. The VIV responses of the umbilical cable model were measured by using Fiber Bragg grating(FBG) strain sensors. The displacement responses of umbilical cable model were reconstructed based on the experimental strain data processed by modal superposition method. In this paper, the traveling wave characteristics, the spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of frequency and fatigue damage of the BUC and UBUC under VIV are studied. The experimental results show that there are obvious differences between BUC and UBUC in the response characteristics of VIV. The UBUC appears the traveling wave sooner than BUC, but its standing wave characteristics are more obvious than those of BUC at high velocities. Compared with BUC, the spatial-temporal distribution of UBUC frequencies appears wide-band distribution sooner, but has narrower bandwidth in the "lock-in" state. The level of fatigue damage of BUC was approximately the same as that of UBUC.  相似文献   
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