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During the past ten years of the Association of American State Geologists-Mineral Management Service Continental Margins Program, the Maryland Geological Sur vey investigated the sedimentological, paleontological, stratigraphical and geophysi cal character of Maryland's inner continental shelf. Based on seismic records and sedimentological analyses completed during the first four years, a late Quaternary stratigraphic model was developed. Five distinct stratigraphic units were identified and described on the Maryland inner shelf. These units represent late Pleistocene interglacial deposits, the oldest of which corresponds to pre-Illinoian (oxygen-isotope stages 7 and or 9) transgressive shelf sands. Overlying the Q1 unit, the Q2 unit is a 6-meter thick mud sequence of oxygen-isotope stage 5 (128-75 ka) age. Units Q3 and Q4 representing fluvial and leading edge estuarine deposits (oxygen-isotope stages 4, 3 and 2) filled numerous paleochannels that were incised into units Q2 and Q1. Modern trailing-edge transgressive shelf shoals (Unit Q5) discontinuously cap the sequence. The 5th and 6th years studies reported on the economic minerals of surficial and cored sediments. Vibracores collected off the Maryland's shelf during previous studies were analyzed for mineral types and abundances, weight percent of general size fractions, and heavy mineral (HM) content. Mineralogic maturity indices were compiled to correlate the THM and economic heavy minerals (EHM) abundances with position offshore, sediment type, and the indices themselves. For the 7th year, the Maryland Geological Survey re-examined geophysical records and lithological data originally collected by the Army Corps of Engineers to locate and assess beach fill borrow areas for the Ocean City Beach Replenishment Project. Data from 163 vibracores and over 300 kilometers of high-resolution seismic profile records collected off Ocean City, Maryland, supported the strati graphic model developed by MGS during the first four years of the AASG-MMS program. The Maryland coastal bays became the focus of study during the 8th and 9th years during which seismic records, cores and surficial sediment were collected in Isle of Wight and Assawoman Bays. Shallow pretransgression surface was mapped, relating the existing streams to offshore paleochannels. The tenth year study focused on developing a repository for vibracores collected on Maryland's inner continental shelf.  相似文献   
Coupling of the Community Land Model (CLM3) to the ICTP Regional Climate Model (RegCM3) substantially improves the simulation of mean climate over West Africa relative to an older version of RegCM3 coupled to the Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS). Two 10-year simulations (1992–2001) show that the seasonal timing and magnitude of mean monsoon precipitation more closely match observations when the new land surface scheme is implemented. Specifically, RegCM3–CLM3 improves the timing of the monsoon advance and retreat across the Guinean Coast, and reduces a positive precipitation bias in the Sahel and Northern Africa. As a result, simulated temperatures are higher, thereby reducing the negative temperature bias found in the Guinean Coast and Sahel in RegCM3–BATS. In the RegCM3–BATS simulation, warmer temperatures in northern latitudes and wetter soils near the coast create excessively strong temperature and moist static energy gradients, which shifts the African Easterly Jet further north than observed. In the RegCM3–CLM3 simulation, the migration and position of the African Easterly Jet more closely match reanalysis winds. This improvement is triggered by drier soil conditions in the RegCM3–CLM3 simulation and an increase in evapotranspiration per unit precipitation. These results indicate that atmosphere–land surface coupling has the ability to impact regional-scale circulation and precipitation in regions exhibiting strong hydroclimatic gradients.  相似文献   
Volcanic ash preserved in marine sediment sequences is key for independent synchronization of palaeoclimate records within and across different climate archives. Here we present a continuous tephrostratigraphic record from the Labrador Sea, spanning the last 65–5 ka, an area and time period that has not been investigated in detail within the established North Atlantic tephra framework. We investigated marine sediment core GS16-204-22CC for increased tephra occurrences and geochemically analysed the major element composition of tephra shards to identify their source volcano(es). In total we observed eight tephra zones, of which five concentration peaks show isochronous features that can be used as independent tie-points in future studies. The main transport mechanism of tephra shards to the site was near-instantaneous deposition by drifting of sea ice along the East Greenland Current. Our results show that the Icelandic Veidivötn volcanic system was the dominant source of tephra material, especially between late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and early MIS 3. The Veidivötn system generated volcanic eruptions in cycles of ca. 3–5 ka. We speculate that the quantity of tephra delivered to the Labrador Sea was a result of variable Icelandic ice volume and/or changes in the transportation pathway towards the Labrador Sea.  相似文献   
Digging into Google Earth: An analysis of “Crisis in Darfur”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lisa Parks   《Geoforum》2009,40(4):535-545
Google publicists have suggested the Crisis in Darfur is an example of the Google Earth software’s “success at tangibly impacting what is happening on the ground.” Yet whether or not Google Earth’s interface, along with a medley of other media representations of the conflict, have impacted events on the ground or led to coherent policies of humanitarian intervention remains open to debate. This article draws upon critical approaches from media studies—namely discourse analysis—to analyze several aspects of the Google Earth/USHMM Crisis in Darfur project. While this project was no doubt developed with the noble intention of generating international awareness about widespread violence that has recently occurred in the Darfur region, it is important to evaluate how representations of global conflicts are changing with uses of new information technologies and whether such representations can actually achieve their desired impacts or effects. The article begins with a discussion of the Crisis in Darfur project’s history, proceeds to analyze some of the press coverage of the project and then moves to a critique of the layer using four categories of analysis: (1) the shifting role of satellite image; (2) the temporality of the interface; (3) the practice of conflict branding; and (4) the practice of “information intervention.” Throughout the article, I explore how the presentation of Darfur-related materials through Google Earth reproduces problematic Western tropes of African tragedy and misses an opportunity to generate public literacy around satellite images. I also consider how humanitarianism is intertwined with digital and disaster capitalism, and suggest that this instance of “information intervention” makes patently clear that high visual capital alone cannot resolve global conflicts.  相似文献   
The Elusive AD 1826 Tsunami, South Westland, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In AD 1826 sealers reported earthquake and tsunami activity in Fiordland, although, contemporary or near‐contemporary accounts of tsunami inundation at the time are elusive. A detailed analysis of recent sediments from Okarito Lagoon builds on contextual evidence provided by earlier research concerning past tsunami inundation. Sedimentological, geochemical, micropalaeontological and geochronological data are used to determine palaeoenvironments before, during and after what was most probably tsunami inundation in AD 1826. The most compelling chronological control is provided fry a young cohort of trees growing on a raised shoreline bench stranded fry a drop in the lagoon water level following tsunami inundation.  相似文献   
Planktonic larvae combine directed swimming and functional sensory systems to locate benthic habitats. Some adult marine fishes use chemical cues for orientation to specific habitats, but olfactory function for estuarine fish larvae has received little research attention. This laboratory study quantified behavioral responses of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae to estuarine chemical cues to examine the role of water chemistry as an orientation cue for locating or remaining in settlement habitat. Spontaneous activity (kinesis) was measured for pre-settlement-size larvae exposed to artificial sea water (as a negative control) and one of six treatments (sterilized sea water, sea water from a channel at ebb tide, sea water from a channel at flood tide, sea water from seagrass habitat, tannic acid dissolved in sterilized sea water, or lignin dissolved in sterilized sea water). Larvae that reached a size of competency to settle (approximately 10 mm standard length) swam faster when exposed to lignin dissolved in sterilized sea water than in other treatments; smaller larvae showed no response. Olfactory preference (taxis) was tested using a paired-choice experiment. Settlement-size larvae preferred water from seagrass beds to artificial sea water. The observed chemokinesis and chemotaxis in response to lignin dissolved in sterilized sea water and sea water from a seagrass bed demonstrate that red drum larvae can distinguish and respond to different water masses and suggest that chemical stimuli from seagrass settlement habitat may aid in orientation and movement to or retention in suitable settlement sites.  相似文献   
We present new experimental results on the mechanisms through which steady two-dimensional density currents lead to the formation of a stratification in a closed basin. A motivation for this work is to test the underlying assumptions in a diffusive “filling box” model that describes the oceanic thermohaline circulation (Hughes, G.O. and Griffiths, R.W., A simple convective model of the global overturning circulation, including effects of entrainment into sinking regions, Ocean Modeling, 2005, submitted.). In particular, they hypothesized that a non-uniform upwelling velocity is due to weak along-slope entrainment in density currents associated with a large horizontal entrainment ratio of E eq ?~?0.1. We experimentally measure the relationship between the along-slope entrainment ratio, E, of a density current to the horizontal entrainment ratio, E eq, of an equivalent vertical plume. The along-slope entrainment ratios show the same quantitative decrease with slope as observed by Ellison and Turner (, 6, 423–448.), whereas the horizontal entrainment ratio E eq appears to asymptote to a value of E eq?=?0.08 at low slopes. Using the measured values of E eq we show that two-dimensional density currents drive circulations that are in good agreement with the two-dimensional filling box model of Baines and Turner (Baines, W.D. and Turner, J.S., Turbulent buoyant convection from a source in a confined region, J. Fluid. Mech., 1969, 37, 51–80.). We find that the vertical velocities of density fronts collapse onto their theoretical prediction that U =-2?2/3 B 1/3 E eq 2/3 (H/R) ζ, where U is the velocity, H the depth, B the buoyancy flux, R the basin width, E eq the horizontal entrainment ratio and?ζ?= z/H the dimensionless depth. The density profiles are well fitted with?Δ?= 2?1/3 B 2/3 E eq ?2/3 H -1 [ln(ζ )?+?τ ], where?τ?is the dimensionless time. Finally, we provide a simple example of a diffusive filling box model, where we show how the density stratification of the deep Caribbean waters (below 1850?m depth) can be described by a balance between a steady two-dimensional entraining density current and vertical diffusion in a triangular basin.  相似文献   
This study investigates multivariable and multiscalar climate-??18O relationships, through the use of statistical modeling and simulation. Three simulations, of increasing complexity, are used to generate time series of daily precipitation ??18O. The first simulation uses a simple local predictor (daily rainfall amount). The second simulation uses the same local predictor plus a larger-scale climate variable (a daily NAO index), and the third simulation uses the same local and non-local predictors, but with varying seasonal effect. Since these simulations all operate at the daily timescale, they can be used to investigate the climate-??18O patterns that arise at daily-interannual timescales. These simulations show that (1) complex links exist between climate-??18O relationships at different timescales, (2) the short-timescale relationships that underlie monthly predictor-??18O relationships can be recovered using only monthly ??18O and daily predictor variables, (3) a comparison between the simulations and observational data can elucidate the physical processes at work. The regression models developed are then applied to a 2-year dataset of monthly precipitation ??18O from Dublin and compared with event-scale data from the same site, which illustrates that the methodology works, and that the third regression model explains about 55% of the variance in ??18O at this site. The methodology introduced here can potentially be applied to historic monthly ??18O data, to better understand how multiple-integrated influences at short timescales give rise to climate-??18O patterns at monthly-interannual timescales.  相似文献   
Hydrogen gas produced in the subsurface from the hydration of mafic rocks is known to be a major energy source for chemolithotrophic life in extreme environments such as hydrothermal vents. The possibility that in situ anaerobic microorganisms present in the deep subsurface are sustained by low temperature H2-generating water–rock reactions taking place around them is being investigated. Whether the growth and activity of H2-utilizing microbes directly influences aqueous geochemistry, rates of mineral dissolution, and the chemical composition of the alteration products is also being quantitatively evaluated.To explore how microorganisms are affected by water–rock reactions, and how their activity may in turn affect reaction progress, laboratory experiments have been conducted to monitor the growth of a methanogenic Archaea in the presence of H2(g) produced from low temperature water–Fe0–basalt reactions. In these systems, the conversion of Fe(II) to Fe(III) and subsequent hydrolysis of water is responsible for the production of H2(g). To characterize key components of the geochemical system, time series measurements of H2 and CH4 gas concentrations, Fe and Si aqueous concentrations, and spatially resolved synchrotron-based analyses of microscale Fe distribution and speciation were conducted. Culture experiments were compared with an abiotic control to document changes in the geochemistry both in the presence and absence of the methanogen.In the control abiotic batch experiment, H2 was continuously produced, until the headspace became saturated, while in the biotic experiments, microbial consumption of H2 for methanogenesis draws H2 down and produces CH4. Purging the headspace gas reinitiates H2 and CH4 production in abiotic and culture experiments, respectively. Mass balance analysis of the amount of CH4 produced suggests that the total H2 production in microbial experiments does not exceed the abiotic experiment. Soluble Si concentrations, while buffered to relatively constant values, were higher in culture experiments than the abiotic control.Iron(aq) concentrations appear to respond to perturbations of H2 and CH4 gas concentrations in both culture experiments and the abiotic control. A pulse of Fe preceded the rise in either H2 or CH4 production, and as the gas concentrations increased the Fe(aq) decreased. Iron-bearing mineral assemblages change with increasing reaction time and mineral assemblages vary between culture experiments and the abiotic control. These geochemical trends suggest that there are different reaction paths between the culture experiments and the abiotic control.The hydration of mafic rocks is a common geologic reaction and one that has taken place on Earth for the majority of its history and is postulated to occur on Mars. These reactions are important because of their effect on the rheology and geochemistry of the ocean crust. While most often studied at temperatures of ~250 °C, this work suggests that at lower temperatures microorganisms may have a profound effect on what has long been thought to be solely an abiotic reaction, and may produce diagnostic mineral assemblages that will be preserved in the geological record.  相似文献   
This paper provides estimates of rates of change in mean sea level around the English Channel, based on an extensive new hourly sea level data set for the south coast of the UK, derived from data archaeology. Mean sea level trends are found to vary by between 0.8 and 2.3 mm/yr around the Channel. The rates of mean sea level change are calculated by removing the coherent part of the sea level variability from the time series of annual mean sea level before fitting linear trends. The improvement in accuracy gained by using this approach is assessed by comparing trends with those calculated using the more traditional method, in which linear trends are fitted directly to the original records. Removal of the coherent part of the sea level variability allows more precise trends to be calculated from records spanning 30 years. With the traditional approach 50 years is required to obtain the same level of accuracy. Rates of vertical land movement are approximated by subtracting the mean sea level trends from the most recent regional estimate of change in sea level due to oceanographic processes only. These estimated rates are compared to measurements from geological data and advanced geodetic techniques. There is good agreement around most of the UK. However, the rates estimated from the sea level records imply that the geological data suggest too much submergence along the western and central parts of the UK south coast. Lastly, the paper evaluates whether the high rates of mean sea level rise of the last decade are unusual compared to trends observed at other periods in the historical record and finds that they are not.  相似文献   
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