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对柴达木盆地西部各油田的151个原油进行了分子地球化学分析,并选取伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷、升藿烷指数、甾烷C27/C29和三环萜烷/C30Hop四个参数作为变量进行SAS聚类分析。结合常规二维散点图法,柴西原油可以分为3个油族7个亚族:油族Ⅰ以强水体分层、强还原环境为特征,主要分布于西端的七个泉、红柳泉地区,该油族可以分为两个亚族,油亚族②相比于油亚族①具有更高的甾烷 C27/C29比值;油族Ⅱ主要分布于狮子沟、花土沟、跃进和南翼山油泉子地区,在七个泉、红柳泉等地区也有分布,以相对较强的水体分层、还原环境为特征;油族Ⅲ主要分布于东(南)部的切克里克、乌南、绿草滩、咸水泉、跃西和跃进Ⅱ号等地区,以水体分层变差、较还原环境为特征,该油族可以分为3个亚族,其中油亚族⑤则具有异常低的三环萜烷/C30Hop 比值,油亚族⑥具有异常高的甾烷 C27/C29比值,油亚族⑦则具有异常高的三环萜烷/C30Hop 比值。油族空间分布特征受下干柴沟组源岩有机相在空间上的变化制约,下干柴沟组源岩发育时期,自西向东地层沉积速率增大,水体的分层变差、还原性降低,导致陆源输入的增加以及有机质保存条件变差。  相似文献   
The present paper is an attempt to integrate a semi-automated object-based image analysis (OBIA) classification framework and a cellular automata-Markov model to study land use/land cover (LULC) changes. Land use maps for the Sarab plain in Iran for the years 2000, 2006, and 2014 were created from Landsat satellite data, by applying an OBIA classification using the normalized difference vegetation index, salinity index, moisture stress index, soil-adjusted vegetation index, and elevation and slope indicators. The classifications yielded overall accuracies of 91, 93, and 94% for 2000, 2006, and 2014, respectively. Finally, using the transition matrix, the spatial distribution of land use was simulated for 2020. The results of the study revealed that the number of orchards with irrigated agriculture and dry-farm agriculture in the Sarab plain is increasing, while the amount of bare land is decreasing. The results of this research are of great importance for regional authorities and decision makers in strategic land use planning.  相似文献   
天山地区SAR数据雪盖制图研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
李震  曾群柱 《冰川冻土》1996,18(4):366-372
在分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像机理及雪盖参数散射特性的基础上,利用航天飞机搭载的成像雷达(SIR-C)获取的天山C波段、多极化SAR数据,进行提取雪盖信息的实验。数据通过预处理、散射系数图像的计算、去噪、入射角改正等处理后,利用BAYES监督分类方法产生该地区的雪盖分类图。实验结果表明,利用多波段、多极化SAR进行雪盖制图是可行的。  相似文献   
Pasargadae complex had been the main center of Persian history during the Achaemenian period (560–330 bc), registered as one of the world heritage sites by UNESCO in 2004. This research is an attempt to recognize the natural setting and landscape of Pasargadae during the Achaemenian period, in Iran. The method is based on the application of a multi-layer technique. Collected data by fieldwork, especially in geology, hydrology, and hydrogeology, along with the analysis of aerial data and satellite information provided the baseline information for preparing historic and environmental layers and have made it possible to recognize a natural lakelet in the this area. The results show that the geometry of lakelet together with the ancient river of Pasargadae had been the main elements that formed the character of the site; they were also important in the locations of buildings in the Pasargadae complex.  相似文献   
Types, distribution, and origin of recent sand dunes between Rosetta and Idku, in the western sector of the Nile Delta, Egypt were investigated. Sand samples from the dunes, beach, and seafloor were studied for grain size distribution and mineralogical composition. It has been found that most of the dunes in the study area have been subjected to deterioration and removal due to the construction of buildings and the International Coastal Highway. The remnant constitutes a damaged belt of foredunes that extends from El Bouseily village to the west of Idku town. The dune’s origin is interpreted to be the result of coastal drifting and the subsequent transport of sediments of the former Canopic Nile branch eastward by the predominant longshore current and by aeolian processes. The blown sand grains accumulated to form a belt of coastal sand dunes of original longitudinal and crescentic forms. Urbanization of the coast has severely altered the landscape. The study area is considered vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the expected rise in sea level. The outcome of potential sea level rise is serious; erosion problems are expected to be exacerbated and vast areas from land and property would be lost. Thus, protection and preservation the remaining dunes in the study area are vital requirements for shore protection.  相似文献   
Recently measured high gamma ray values in the Yanchang Formation of the Upper Triassic in the Ordos Basin have added an interesting and controversial twist to the study of the formation’s uranium enrichment and genesis. High uranium and thorium contents in the tuffaceous layer cause high gamma ray values in the Yanchang Formation. Petrographic studies, major elements, rare earth elements (REEs), and trace elements have been systematically analyzed to determine the composition, geochemical environment, and diagenetic processes of the layer. The observed color of the tuffaceous layer in the study area varies from yellow to yellowish brown. The tuff consists of matrix supported with sub-rounded to sub-angular lithic fragments. These lithic fragments probably derived from pre-existing rocks and incorporated into the tuffaceous layer during volcanic eruption. Quartz, plagioclase, and biotite were observed in well to poorly sorted form, in addition to framboidal pyrite and organic laminae. Measured ratios of SiO2/Al2O3 ranged from 3.277 to 6.105 with an average of 3.738. The ratio of TiO2/Al2O3 varied from 0.037 to 0.201 with an average of 0.061, indicating that the sediments of the tuffaceous layer originated from an intermediate magma. REE distribution patterns show sharp negative Eu anomalies, indicating a reducing environment, which is suitable for uranium deposition. A reducing environment was confirmed by black shale in the base of the Yanchang Formation. Such black shale has high organic matter content that can take kerogene from mudstone and provide a reducing environment for uranium enrichment in the tuffaceous layer. Moreover, negative Eu anomalies and the REE patterns indicate a subduction-related volcanic arc environment as the magma source of the tuffaceous layers. High values of Rb, Ba, and Sr might be the result of fluid phase activities; low values of Hf and Eu indicate the involvement of crustal material during diagenesis of the tuff. Discrimination diagrams (Th/Yb vs Ta/Yb, Th/Hf vs Ta/Hf) suggest an active continental margin as the tectonic setting of source volcanoes. Plots of Nb versus Y, Rb versus Y + Nb, TiO2 versus Zr, and Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb of the tuffaceous content point to calc-alkaline continental arc-related magmatism. We concluded that uranium enrichment in the tuffaceous layer was supported by oxidation–reduction.  相似文献   
The control of synchronous structures on formation of superlarge stratabound ore deposits is immense. Based on studies of ore deposits in South Qiniing, northern Guangdong, Langshan and other areas, three new ideas in comparison with examples of ore control of synchronous structures both in China and abroad are proposed: (i) multiorder ore control of synchronous structures, which means that synchronous structures of different orders display different controls on ore deposits; (ii) synchronous structures in different stages of basin evolution display different controls on basin fluid system and ore-forming system; (iii) synchronous strurture accompanying hydrothermal mineralization as a preexisting weak surface in earth crust often reactivate in later tcctono-thermal event to be a channelway for magma or thermal fluids which superimposed on and reformed preexisting ore beds to form large or superlarge composite ore deposits.  相似文献   
在系统整理以往岩土工程勘察报告的基础上,利用本区第②层黄土状粉土的物理力学指标及载荷试验成果,通过三元一次方程得出第②层黄土状粉土的承载力的经验公式,该公式的建立对本区工程建设规划具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
A sequential waveform method is developed to simulate the seismic response of basin-edge structure excited by a plane incident P-wave. The full procedure involves: (a) a previous parameterization of the investigated model using the seismic wave velocities and depths of the sedimentary stratifications; (b) an input motion determined from the records at stations installed on hard rock; (c) forward computation of the P-SV elastic wave field by means of a two-dimensional finite difference (FD) method; (d) the optimization of the model vector using simulated annealing technique and comparing the simulated seismic response of the tested structure with the observed wave field; (e) the correction of the initial model by trial-and-error by testing the differences between synthetics and observed data, and (f) the final solution obtained by iteration using the conjugate gradient algorithm. The search of an optimal basin-edge model has been parallel processed by varying the shapes and velocities of strata on the basis of the fitting of relative timing, amplitude and phase between the output and the observed data. The input motion and sensitivity have been checked and the validity of the method has been demonstrated by numeric analysis. Using the teleseismic records generated by 7 earthquakes recorded at 26 broadband seismic stations, we have studied the seismic velocity structure of the southern edge of the Jiyang depression located in the Bohai Bay basin, northern China. Two cross sections show an agreement between the velocity results and the geological sections available in the region. In addition, we obtain evidence of three hidden faults under the sections and features that suggest major extensions at the Paleogene.  相似文献   
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