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In the Dabieshan, the available models for exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) rocks are poorly constrained by structural data. A comprehensive structural and kinematic map and a general cross-section of the Dabieshan including its foreland fold belt and the Northern Dabieshan Domain (Foziling and Luzenguang groups) are presented here. South Dabieshan consists from bottom to top of stacked allochtons: (1) an amphibolite facies gneissic unit, devoid of UHP rocks, interpreted here as the relative autochton; (2) an UHP allochton; (3) a HP rock unit (Susong group) mostly retrogressed into greenschist facies micaschists; (4) a weakly metamorphosed Proterozoic slate and sandstone unit; and (5) an unmetamorphosed Cambrian to Early Triassic sedimentary sequence unconformably covered by Jurassic sandstone. All these units exhibit a polyphase ductile deformation characterized by (i) a NW–SE lineation with a top-to-the-NW shearing, and (ii) a southward refolding of early ductile fabrics.

The Central Dabieshan is a 100-km scale migmatitic dome. Newly discovered eclogite xenoliths in a Cretaceous granitoid dated at 102 Ma by the U–Pb method on titanite demonstrate that migmatization post-dates HP–UHP metamorphism. Ductile faults formed in the subsolidus state coeval to migmatization allow us to characterize the structural pattern of doming. Along the dome margins, migmatite is gneissified under post-solidus conditions and mylonitic–ultramylonitic fabrics commonly develop. The north and west boundaries of the Central Dabieshan metamorphics, i.e. the Xiaotian–Mozitan and Macheng faults, are ductile normal faults formed before Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. A Cretaceous reworking is recorded by synkinematic plutons.

North of the Xiaotian–Mozitan fault, the North Dabieshan Domain consists of metasediments and orthogneiss (Foziling and Luzenguang groups) metamorphosed under greenschist to amphibolite facies which never experienced UHP metamorphism. A rare N–S-trending lineation with top-to-the-south shearing is dated at 260 Ma by the 40Ar/39Ar method on muscovite. This early structure related to compressional tectonics is reworked by top-to-the-north extensional shear bands.

The main deformation of the Dabieshan consists of a NW–SE-stretching lineation which wraps around the migmatitic dome but exhibits a consistently top-to-the-NW sense of shear. The Central Dabieshan is interpreted as an extensional migmatitic dome bounded by an arched, top-to-the-NW, detachment fault. This structure may account for a part of the UHP rock exhumation. However, the abundance of amphibolite restites in the Central Dabieshan migmatites and the scarcity of eclogites (found only in a few places) argue for an early stage of exhumation and retrogression of UHP rocks before migmatization. This event is coeval to the N–S extensional structures described in the North Dabieshan Domain. Recent radiometric dates suggest that early exhumation and subsequent migmatization occurred in Triassic–Liassic times. The main foliation is deformed by north-verging recumbent folds coeval to the south-verging folds of the South Dabieshan Domain. An intense Cretaceous magmatism accounts for thermal resetting of most of the 40Ar/39Ar dates.

A lithosphere-scale exhumation model, involving continental subduction, synconvergence extension with inversion of southward thrusts into NW-ward normal faults and crustal melting is presented.  相似文献   

陈洪滨  林龙福 《大气科学》2003,27(5):894-900
为了能在静止气象卫星上实现微波被动遥感探测大气温度廓线,并保持一定的地面空间分辨率(如视场小于60 km),就需要使用高频微波及大天线.欧洲和美国下一代静止气象卫星上都已考虑采用118.75 GHz附近通道.为了充分了解118.75 GHz附近通道遥感反演温度廓线的能力,为仪器研制及今后资料的解释反演提供必要的基础数据,作者开展了采用118.75 GHz附近六个通道遥感反演大气温度廓线的数值模拟研究.统计反演的数值试验表明,118.75 GHz附近六通道对温度垂直分布有一定的遥感反演能力;温度反演较好的层次对应于权重函数峰值所在的位置.  相似文献   
政务公开工作推行之后,几次到洪洞县气象局调研、学习,目睹他们不断变化的优美环境,令人叹慕攀升的创收数字,现代化服务手段内容的拓展和扩充,井然有序的业务工作秩序和实实在在的工作质量……激发人去思考。他们的做法是否有一些规律性的东西对工作有所启示呢?责任心使然,不能不引起对洪洞气象工作的关注。洪洞县气象局占地约0.7hm2,生活、工作用房约600m2,在“九五”期间首批完成台站改造,属国家一般气候站。现有6名在职职工,在政府科级局中是最小的单位,且女同志占到66%,正、副局长均为女同志。在部门气象事业向社会气象事业转变中他们除…  相似文献   
兰州地区深部电性结构的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用兰州地区现有的大地电磁资料,对该区的深部电性结构进行了初步研究。结果表明,兰州地区各地质构造单元的电性差异较明显,与区域构造有较好的对应性。  相似文献   
美国国家气象中心定量降雨预报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
林明智 《气象》1997,23(11):3-6
美国国家气象中心自1960年开始实施定量降雨预报及其检验方案直至1993年33年间,定量降雨预报从广泛依靠预报员经验的人工方法转变到更多依靠对数值模式的解释和修正3的方法,这是预报技术的一大进步。  相似文献   
IntroductionSolutionasakarstgeomorphologicalprocessinlandformdevelopmenthaslongbeenrecognized.Sincethekarstprocessesarealmostentirelysolution,thoughkarstlandformsarenotonlycausedbysolutionbutalsobyerosion,thecirculationandchemicalcompositionsofkarstun…  相似文献   
伍岳  林玉飞 《铀矿地质》1996,12(1):41-47
本文从X射线的性质,以及X射线与物质作用的机理出发,对井液效应进行了研究,并对其影响过程进行模拟。在理想井液模型上,推导出X射线活度与钻孔参数的数理关系。在此基础上,进一步研究得到了能适应野外多变情况的井液效应校正公式(CBWE)和方法。  相似文献   
近年来的一些研究表明,由于地震前孕震区地下介质的电性结构的变化,将导致地磁短周期转换函数发生异常变化。通过对地震前后的地磁短周期转换函数的参数的计算、分析和研究,有可能提取出可靠的地震短临前兆异常(曾小苹等,1990)。为了进一步开展对该方法研究工作并使其在我区地震预测预报研究中得到应用,我们使用了静海台的地磁记录资料,分析计算了该台地磁短周期转换函数在地震前后的变化情况,确立了该方法应用天津地区地震预报的短临异常特征及指标,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
湖南慈利晚二叠世海绵礁与珊瑚礁的古生态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
王永标  徐桂荣 《地球科学》1997,22(2):135-138
中国南方晚二叠世生物礁分布广泛,但绝大多数属于海绵礁,湖南慈利晚二叠世除发育有海绵礁外,还有至今为止发现的世界上发育最好的古代珊瑚礁,而且海绵礁与珊瑚礁在同一条带上连续分布;因此是研究海绵礁与珊瑚礁古生态关系十分理想的场所,通过对慈利晚二叠世海绵礁及珊瑚礁内部造礁生物群落、沉积相特征,礁化演化序列及成岩作用特征等的分析和对比来研究它们之间的生态关系,发现其中的海绵礁为台地边缘礁,而珊瑚礁则应属于岸  相似文献   
普通克里格法在矿产储量计算中的应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
普通克里格法能充分利用样品信息,有效地提高块段平均品位及矿产储量精度。以刁泉银铜矿为实例,介绍了该方法的理论和方法应用以及储量计算流程图。  相似文献   
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