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云对大气起着重要的动力和热力作用,对地球能量平衡、气候变化及天气演变具有重要影响,但云是全球气候模型中最重要的也是最难确定的气象要素之一。太赫兹(Terahertz,THz)波是介于微波和红外辐射的电磁波,具有方向性好、能效高、可全天候工作、对云系微物理结构有更高的灵敏度等优点。天基云雷达是测量全球尺度云的有效手段,它能够直接测量云的三维结构,还可以为被动微波遥感测量提供订正参考,目前天基雷达是获取全球云的垂直运动、粒子相态和中尺度物理结构等信息的唯一设备。综合太赫兹波与雷达探测的优势,采用天基太赫兹雷达进行云雾探测,能够获得目前其他技术手段无法获得的独特信息。从应用需求的角度,综合考虑探测目标的垂直与水平分布特性、目标测量所受的杂波干扰、测量精度、分辨率拖影、天线尺寸和衰减等方面的要求,对天基太赫兹测云雷达的探测频段、灵敏度、分辨率、扫描范围、探测距离等重要需求指标进行分析论证,给出合理的需求指标,推进国内天基太赫兹测云雷达的开发建设及应用,为主动遥感气象探测增加一支生力军。  相似文献   
The East Asian monsoon system influences the sedimentation and transport of organic matter in East Asian marginal seas that is derived from both terrestrial and marine sources. In this study, we determined organic carbon (OC) isotope values, concentrations of marine biomarkers, and levels of OC and total nitrogen (TN) in core YSC-1 from the central South Yellow Sea (SYS). Our objectives were to trace the sources of OC and variations in palaeoproductivity since the middle Holocene, and their relationships with the East Asian monsoon system. The relative contributions of terrestrial versus marine organic matter in core sediments were estimated using a two-end-member mixing model of OC isotopes. Results show that marine organic matter has been the main sediment constituent since the middle Holocene. The variation of terrestrial organic carbon concentration (OCter) is similar to the EASM history. However, the variation of marine organic carbon concentration (OCmar) is opposite to that of the EASM curve, suggesting OCmar is distinctly influenced by terrestrial material input. Inputs of terrestrial nutrients into the SYS occur in the form of fluvial and aeolian dust, while concentrations of nutrients in surface water are derived mainly from bottom water via the Yellow Sea circulation system, which is controlled by the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Variations in palaeoproductivity represented by marine organic matter and biomarker records are, in general, consistent with the recent EAWM intensity studies, thus, compared with EASM, EAWM may play the main role to control the marine productivity variations in the SYS.  相似文献   
立体雷达方法在星载测雨雷达上的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
窦贤康  J.Testud 《气象学报》1999,57(3):358-366
星载测雨雷达的应用,必须满足一些主要条件:高的空间分辨率、宽阔的覆盖范围、大的动态降雨测量范围以及精确的点测量等。由于技术条件的限制,满足这些条件的雷达工作在被雨衰减的频率段,因此必须修正由于衰减所导致的误差。立体雷达方法利用雷达从两个不同角度对雨团的观测来进行衰减效应的订正并实现整个观察区域的雷达反射率因子和比衰减因子场的反演。通过数值实验研究了星载特性的引入造成的不均匀性束内填充效应对立体雷达方法的影响  相似文献   
Using high-resolution ice core and tree ring proxies for sea ice extent(SIE), we reconstructed a robust time series of autumn SIE over the Barents-Kara(B-K) sector of the Arctic from AD1289–1993. After intercomparing the results and statistical parameters using the ordinary least squares regression(OLSR), the principle component regression(PCR) and the partial least squares regression(PLSR) methods, SIE time series were synthesized into a more robust series using the weighted average method, which used the explained variances as weights. The results showed that from the end of the 13 th century to the end of18 th century, the autumn B-K SIE was large, with large variations and a slightly expanding trend overall. This reflected significant multidecadal oscillations under the Little Ice Age(LIA) background. The B-K SIE began to decrease at the end of the18 th century, and a shrinking trend became significant during the second half of the 19 th century, which lasted into the 1930 s–1940 s. The 1930 s–1940 s was a period with a relatively low SIE in the B-K Sea, and the SIE had a short period of expansion from the 1940 s–1970 s. However, the B-K SIE has continuously and significantly shrank since the 1970 s. The reduction in the B-K SIE since the end of the 18 th century has been unprecedented in both duration and speed over the last 700 years. The B-K SIE has retreated significantly since the 1970 s, with a speed 6.18 times greater than the former mean retreating speed. The industrial revolution may be a dominant factor in this result. The Arctic SIE in recent years may be the lowest it has been over the last millennium.  相似文献   
人工地震目录模拟是改进现有地震目录不完备性、弥补大地震记录稀缺,以及完善地震学相关研究的有效途径之一。本文基于地震活动的泊松分布模型、古登堡-里克特震级-频度关系,利用能较逼真描述具有随机性质事物特点及物理实验过程的蒙特卡洛方法,模拟汾渭地震带未来30、50、100年等不同时长的地震目录,并对其进行统计检验。分析表明,模拟地震目录符合设定的地震活动性参数和泊松分布假设特征。依据模拟地震目录,对未来该区域地震趋势进行了分析,以期为地震危险性分析提供参考。  相似文献   
针对当前瞬变电磁法探测能力有限的问题,利用一次磁场理论公式,分析相同磁矩下、不同发射线圈一次磁场分布及衰减规律,从而确定其信号深度影响范围;对水平层状介质相同磁矩下、不同发射线圈的二次场进行数值模拟,采用Guptasarma和Singh滤波算法及余弦变换法,利用均匀半空间解析公式进行验证,并对不同正演模型结果进行分析,总结发射磁矩决定探测深度大小。对磁矩相同条件下产生的结果数据进行拟合,得出有效探测深度与线圈边长2倍相当的结论,可为野外矿井生产与工程勘探提供施工布置与定量解释的指导依据,从而提高野外工作效率。  相似文献   
In this article, the energy balance method is used to retrieve thermospheric mass density from CHAMP satellite precise orbit determination(POD) data during 2007–2009. The retrieved thermospheric mass densities are compared with those from accelerometer data and an empirical model. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Thermospheric mass density can be retrieved from POD data by the energy balance and semi-major axis decay methods, whose results are consistent.(2) The accuracy of the retrieved densities depends on the integration time period, and the optimal period for CHAMP density retrieval from POD data is about 20 minutes.(3) The energy balance method can be used to calibrate accelerometer data.(4) The accuracy of retrieving thermospheric density from POD data varies with satellite altitude and local time.  相似文献   
建筑结构在地震中的损坏程度是人员伤亡和经济损失预测的基础,也是城市地震经济损失的主要组成部分。本文结合某中等城市市区六种典型建筑在地震作用下的受力特点和破坏机理,分别采用了相应的易损性分析方法,建立了市区震害矩阵。预测结果真实可靠,为进一步进行抗震规划和统计震害损失提供依据。  相似文献   
为了查明刘庄煤矿深部煤层气赋存及开发地质条件,在井田内实施了两口煤层气探井,并开展了系统的分析测试工作。结果表明:刘庄深部勘查区主要煤层孔隙度一般为4.14%~4.77%,比表面积集中在2.184~5.228m 2/g,13-1煤层、11-2煤层和8煤层试井渗透率分别为0.12mD、0.09mD和0.08mD,孔裂隙系统发育一般,属于渗透性差的储集层;储层压力梯度大于静水压力梯度,属高异常压力范畴;主要煤层兰氏压力平均为2.61MPa,兰氏体积平均为6.74m 3/t,吸附能力较低;LT-1井气测录井过程中共出现14层气测异常,异常层段全烃含量均较低,最大为3.701%(16-1煤);主要煤层的含气量分布在0.21~1.47m 3/t,平均0.65m 3/t,主要煤层含气饱和度均很低,最大值仅为18.0%。综合分析认为,刘庄煤矿深部主要煤层埋深大,孔裂隙系统发育差,渗透率低,而且具有低含气量和低饱和度的特征,煤层气勘探风险较高。  相似文献   
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