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针对走滑断层诱发的水库地震,建立了尖点突变模型,提出了发震的充要力学条件判据及地震释放能量的简单表达式。以突变理论分析为依据,建立了水库诱震机制的新假说,简称为断层带弱化与岩体软化效应诱震理论,较合理地解释了水库地震与岩性、构造、水位的关系及水库地震序列b值的特征。本文的讨论从整体上深化了对水库诱震机制的认识。  相似文献   
页岩气开发水力压裂技术综述   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
世界页岩气资源丰富,但由于页岩地层渗透率很低,目前还没有广泛开发.水力压裂技术是页岩气开发的核心技术之一,广泛用于页岩储层的改造.介绍了水力压裂作业的压裂设计、裂缝监测、压裂液配制和添加剂选择,以及常用的压裂技术,包括多级压裂、清水压裂、同步压裂、水力喷射压裂和重复压裂.结合国外页岩气开发的实例和国内压裂技术的应用情况,分析了各种压裂技术的适用性.研究认为,清水压裂是现阶段中国页岩气开发储层改造的适用技术,开采长度(厚度)大的页岩气井,可以使用多级分段清水压裂技术.同步压裂技术是规模化的页岩气开发的客观需要.  相似文献   
Several years (7) after incidental lithification by added gypsum, the effect of crushing and phyto-organics on some physical properties of red mud wastes (RMW) was examined under laboratory conditions. It was hypothesized that mechanically breaking up the hardened masses would increase their permeability. However, on the contrary, crushing these rock-hard masses into <2-mm particles did not increase permeability. A phyto-organic treatment on the other hand greatly improved permeability of the crushed entities such that infiltration rates increased from 0 to 10 cm/h. After 24 weeks of incubation, the structure of the newly formed phyto-organically treated gypsum-hardened RMW aggregates was also substantially improved over that of the controls, as a >3-fold increase in resistance to disintegration during wet sieving was exhibited by the phyto-organically treated samples. The increase in water infiltration by combining crushing with phyto-organic applications was ascribed to a decrease in particle dispersion, creating more stable clay clusters, which in turn stabilized channels and pores. Conversely, it was concluded that the singular crushing of gypsum-hardened bauxite waste in the waste dumps is potentially wasteful and ineffective.  相似文献   
王金莲  苏勤 《地理研究》2021,40(2):462-476
第二居所旅居在流动谱系中介于短时性旅游与永久性旅游移民之间,是一种新的人口流动现象.地理学对日常生活的关注从宏大的结构叙事向后现代的多元与微观化转向.在此背景下,本文借鉴符号互动理论,探析第二居所旅居者与当地居民之间差异的建构及其对社会互动的作用过程与机制.结果发现:旅居者与当地居民所处人文地理环境产生的内在差异,使得...  相似文献   
This paper quantitatively explores farmers' vulnerability to flood in the Poyang Lake Region (PLR) with the supports of GIS spatial functions. The analysis consists of three major steps, which is based on the spatial unit of township. Firstly, the spatial extent and characteristics of flood risk areas were determined using a digital elevation model (DEM) derived from the 1:50,000 topographic map. Secondly, for each of the township, six indices indicating the economic activities of local farmers were calculated. These indices are: rural population proportion, cultivated land proportion, GDP per unit area, employment proportion of primary industry, net rural income per capita and agricultural income proportion. These six indices were then normalized and used for later vulnerability assessment. Thirdly, the normalized indices (as GIS data layers) were overlaid with the flood risk areas to produce the risk coefficient for each township and to calculate the overall vulnerability for each township. The analysis results show that in the PLR there are high flood risk areas where the farmers' livings are seriously influenced or threatened. About 55.56% of the total 180 townships in the flood risk areas have a high degree of flood vulnerability. The townships under flood risk are mainly distributed in the areas around the Poyang Lake and the areas along the "five rivers".  相似文献   
The capacity of soil and water conservation measures, defined as the maximum quantity of suitable soil and water conservation measures contained in a region, were determined for the Loess Plateau based on zones suitable for establishing terraced fields, forestland and grassland with the support of geographic information system (GIS) software. The minimum possible soil erosion modulus and actual soil erosion modulus in 2010 were calculated using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and the ratio of the minimum possible soil erosion modulus under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures to the actual soil erosion modulus was defined as the soil erosion control degree. The control potential of soil erosion and water loss in the Loess Plateau was studied using this concept. Results showed that the actual soil erosion modulus was 3355 t?km-2?a-1, the minimum possible soil erosion modulus was 1921 t?km-2?a-1, and the soil erosion control degree was 0.57 (medium level) in the Loess Plateau in 2010. In terms of zoning, the control degree was relatively high in the river valley-plain area, soil-rocky mountainous area, and windy-sandy area, but relatively low in the soil-rocky hilly-forested area, hilly-gully area and plateau-gully area. The rate of erosion areas with a soil erosion modulus of less than 1000 t?km-2?a-1 increased from 50.48% to 57.71%, forest and grass coverage rose from 56.74% to 69.15%, rate of terraced fields increased from 4.36% to 19.03%, and per capita grain available rose from 418 kg?a-1 to 459 kg?a-1 under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures compared with actual conditions. These research results are of some guiding significance for soil and water loss control in the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
Theoretical difficulties for mapping and for estimating river regime characteristics in a large-scale basin remain because of the nature of the variable under study: river flows are related to a specific area, i.e. the drainage basin, and are hierarchically organized in space through the river network with upstream-downstream dependencies. Another limitation is there are not enough gauge stations in developing countries. This presentation aims at de-veloping the hydro-stochastic approach for producing choropleth maps of average annual runoff and computing mean discharge along the main river network for a large-scale basin. The approach applied to mean annual runoff is based on geostatistical interpolation proce-dures coupled with water balance and data uncertainty analyses. It is proved by an applica-tion in the upstream at Bengbu in the Huaihe River Basin, a typical large-scale basin in China. Hydro-stochasitic approach in a first step interpolates to a regular grid net and in a second step the grid values are integrated along rivers. The interpolation scheme includes a con-straint to be able to account for the lateral water balance along the rivers. Grid runoff map with 10 km × 10 km resolution and the discharge map along the river with the 1 km basic length unit are the main results in this study. This kind of statistic approach can be widely used be-cause it avoids the complexity of hydrological models and does not depend on the meteoro-logical data.  相似文献   
刘潜  于津海  苏斌  王勤  唐红峰  许海  崔翔 《岩石学报》2011,27(12):3575-3589
本文对福建沿海福清地区的锦城花岗岩和牛头尾花岗闪长岩进行了岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素分析.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示锦城花岗岩的年龄为187±1Ma,为福建沿海首次发现的早侏罗世岩浆活动;牛头尾花岗岩形成时代为130±1Ma,代表燕山晚期(白垩纪)的一期岩浆活动.锦城花岗岩具有高5iO2、偏碱、高Fe2OT3等特征,为高钾钙碱性系列,岩石相对富集轻稀土,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,富集Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素,具高Rb/Sr( 1.31 ~ 1.93)比值及低Rb/Ba(0.26 ~0.29)、Eu/Eu*(0.30 ~0.56)、La/Yb(5.69 ~ 18.39),Sr/Y(2.24 ~2.29)比值,为典型的Ⅰ型花岗岩,且具有火山孤花岗岩的地球化学特征,很可能形成于与俯冲相关的构造背景.牛头尾花岗岩相比锦城花岗岩低SiO2,贫钾,而富镁、钙,属于花岗闪长岩.其更亏损Nb、Ta及富集Ba、Sr,具较低Rb/Sr(0.27)、Rb/Ba(0.09)比值和较高的Eu/Eu*(0.98)、La/Yb( 16.87),Sr/Y( 19.08)比值,同样为具有弧特征的钙碱性Ⅰ型花岗岩,也形成于与大洋俯冲有关的构造背景.锦城花岗岩和年头尾花岗闪长岩具有相似的锆石Hf同位素组成,εHf(t)分别为2.18~4.73和1.25 ~4.15,tDMC均为~ 1.0Ga,表明二者起源于相同的新元古代新生地壳.结合已有的资料,本次研究发现锦城花岗岩与南岭地区同时代岩浆岩( 194 ~ 172Ma)在成因上有密切的联系,暗示古太平洋板决的俯冲很可能自早侏罗世开始.这样,华南古特提斯构造域向古太平洋构造域的转换很可能发生在早侏罗世之前,大致在205 ~ 190Ma期间.  相似文献   
实施飞机人工增雨对密云水库水质中Ag+影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵习方  张蔷  秦长学  赵淑艳 《气象》2006,32(5):46-51
针对2004年6月--2005年7月汛期(5—9月)在密云水库上游汇水区开展以飞机播撒AgI催化剂为主的人工增雨试验,对水库与白河入口处2个采样点水质进行定期连续监测,分析了作业期间汇水区降水量增加对水库水质Ag^+及化学组分的影响,发现水库水体所测组分浓度值作业期小于非作业期;Ag^+有明显的月变化,即作业期为低值区,非作业期为高值区。得出人工增雨后,降水量的增加未影响到水库中Ag^+离子浓度的增加。  相似文献   
New spherical integral formulas between components of the second- and third-order gravitational tensors are formulated in this article. First, we review the nomenclature and basic properties of the second- and third-order gravitational tensors. Initial points of mathematical derivations, i.e., the second- and third-order differential operators defined in the spherical local North-oriented reference frame and the analytical solutions of the gradiometric boundary-value problem, are also summarized. Secondly, we apply the third-order differential operators to the analytical solutions of the gradiometric boundary-value problem which gives 30 new integral formulas transforming (1) vertical-vertical, (2) vertical-horizontal and (3) horizontal-horizontal second-order gravitational tensor components onto their third-order counterparts. Using spherical polar coordinates related sub-integral kernels can efficiently be decomposed into azimuthal and isotropic parts. Both spectral and closed forms of the isotropic kernels are provided and their limits are investigated. Thirdly, numerical experiments are performed to test the consistency of the new integral transforms and to investigate properties of the sub-integral kernels. The new mathematical apparatus is valid for any harmonic potential field and may be exploited, e.g., when gravitational/magnetic second- and third-order tensor components become available in the future. The new integral formulas also extend the well-known Meissl diagram and enrich the theoretical apparatus of geodesy.  相似文献   
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