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木里煤田属高寒缺氧地区,冻土(岩)层在钻进中遇热融解、融化,从而使孔内出现大范围的坍塌,造成卡钻、埋钻事故频发,给钻探施工及岩煤心采取带来很大的困难。从钻孔结构设计、钻具选择、低温冲洗液配置等方面进行深入研究,总结出来了一套适用于木里煤田永久冻土地层的钻探技术。应用表明,该项技术将钻月效率从2004年的224m,提高到2006年的424.5m,效果显著。  相似文献   
对云南因民铁铜矿区深部辉长岩类中金红石、黑云母、碳酸盐和绿泥石的矿物地球化学特征进行研究,以探讨赋存于辉长岩类中的铁氧化物铜金型矿(化)体的成岩成矿环境。金红石由岩浆结晶和多期蚀变作用形成,其结晶温度为820~1 082 ℃,多期蚀变温度为444~730 ℃,金红石与黑云母密切共生;黑云母可划分为原生高钛镁质黑云母、热液蚀变镁质黑云母和铁质黑云母,形成温度分别为653~750 ℃、525~619 ℃和551~577 ℃,氧逸度均位于Ni NiO缓冲剂附近,表明黑云母形成于高温强氧化环境,有利于金红石化;铁白云石-菱铁矿化揭示了强还原环境,交代蚀变金红石;绿泥石多由铁镁矿物蚀变形成,形成于中低温(174~243 ℃)、低氧逸度(-4468~-5142)和高硫逸度(-1442~-1976)的强还原环境,有利于金属硫化物形成。本区岩浆结晶演化和黑云母-金红石化蚀变具有高温强氧化地球化学岩相学特征,有利于钛、铁矿化,后期叠加中低温强还原地球化学岩相,为IOCG矿床成矿的有利地球化学岩相学类型。  相似文献   
几株真菌对铊吸附作用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铊是13种优先控制的有毒有害重金属元素之一,研究微生物与铊之间的相互作用有重要的理论意义和应用价值。在黔西南滥木厂铊矿区采集土壤和沉积物,借助平板筛选法在铊浓度为1000 mg/L水平筛选得到九株高耐受性菌株,用于真菌对铊的胞外吸附作用实验,并采用液体发酵法考察真菌对铊的胞外吸附作用,实验设计了1000 mg/L、1200 mg/L和1500mg/L三种铊处理水平,借助ICP-MS检测分析样品的铊含量,以此计算吸附效率。结果表明,三种处理水平中,真菌菌株对铊的吸附效率为4.63%~16.89%,且随着环境中铊浓度的上升,菌丝体(或菌丝球)生物量明显减少,导致吸附效率的下降;真菌对常量元素如钙、钠、钾的吸附与对铊的吸附呈显著正相关。这表明真菌细胞对钙、钾的吸附方式可能与对铊的吸附方式类似。  相似文献   
目前对新元古代中期江南造山带构造演化及钦杭结合带南西段构造性质存在不同认识。本文对湘西南城步地区新元古代火山岩和花岗岩进行了锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄测定并厘定其构造环境,从而为区域构造演化提供了约束。城步新元古代花岗岩侵入于云场里组变质火山-沉积地层中。云场里组变质火山岩与花岗岩的锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄分别为828±10Ma和805.7±9.2Ma。构造环境的地球化学判别图解表明花岗岩形成于岛弧环境;区域地质背景指示云场里组可能形成于活动陆缘弧前盆地。以城步火山岩和花岗岩研究为基础,结合区域地质资料,提出新元古代中期江南造山带西段构造演化过程:872~835Ma期间为陆缘盆地;835~820Ma期间俯冲造山,江南造山带形成基性—超基性岩和早阶段岛弧花岗闪长岩,东侧的城步地区为弧前盆地;820~810Ma期间江南造山带发生弧-陆碰撞;810~800Ma期间江南造山带进入后碰撞环境并形成晚阶段强过铝(黑云母)花岗岩,东侧城步地区因华南洋洋壳俯冲而形成新的岛弧;800Ma后华南进入伸展裂陷盆地演化阶段。上述认识揭示出扬子陆块东南缘的连续岛弧增生过程,同时为钦杭结合带南西段雪峰期"残留洋盆"属性提供了新证据。  相似文献   
Previously, we had characterized several structurally interesting brominated phenols from the marine red alga Symphyocladia latiuscula collected from various sites. However, Phytochemical investigations on this species collected from the Weihai coastline of Shandong Province remains blank. Therefore, we characterized the chemical constituents of individuals of this species collected from the region. Eight bromophenols were isolated and identified. Using detailed spectroscopic techniques and comparisons with published data, these compounds were identified as 2,3-dibromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl methyl ether (1), 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzoic acid (2), 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxymethylbenzene (3), 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (4), 2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl methyl ether (5), bis(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl)methane (6), 1,2-bis(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-ethane (7), and 1-(2,3,6-tribromo-4,5-dihydroxybenzyl)-pyrrolidin-2-one (8). Among these compounds, 1 and 2 were isolated for the first time from S. latiuscula. Each compound was evaluated on the ability to inhibit protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), which is a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Bromophenols 5, 6, and 7 showed strong activities with IC50 values of 3.9, 4.3, and 3.5 μmol/L, respectively. This study provides further evidence that bromophenols are predominant among the chemical constituents of Symphyocladia, and that some of these compounds may be candidates for the development of anti-diabetes drugs.  相似文献   
社会主义市场经济条件下的土地储备及其模式选择   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
社会主义市场经济建设的逐步完善,要求我们必须改变传统的土地管理思路,土地储备作为政府经营城市的一种重要手段,能够使政府在土地管理的实践中实现资源与资产并重的目标。在阐述土地储备的涵义、起源及其在我国的产生与发展的基础上,分析了土地储备的运行机制与最终目标,归纳了我国土地储备的基本做法,首次提出了城市土地储备的直接储备模式和间接土地储备模式概念,并提出了地方政府构建城市土地储备模式的基本原则和具体操作思路。  相似文献   
对垂准仪校准过程中同轴度和一测回垂准测量标准偏差进行了分析,并提出了铅垂 p 角的概念.  相似文献   
Biodegradation and oil mixing in Silurian sandstone reservoirs of the Tarim Basin, one of the largest composite basins in China, were investigated by analyzing the molecular characteristics and stable carbon isotopic signatures of low-molecular-weight (LMW) saturated hydrocarbons and high-molecular-weight (HMW) asphaltenes. Detection of 25-norhopanes and 17-nortricyclic terpanes in most Silurian tar sands from the Tabei Uplift in the Tarim Basin suggests a much greater degree of biodegradation here than in the Tazhong Uplift. This explains the relatively more abundant tricyclic terpanes, gammacerane, pregnane and diasteranes in tar sands from the Tabei Uplift than in those from the Tazhong Uplift. Hence, care must be taken when assigning oil source correlations using biomarkers in tar sands because of the biodegradation and mixing of oils derived from multiple sources in such an old composite basin. Asphaltenes in the tar sands seem to be part of the oil charge before biodegradation, depending on the relative anti-biodegradation characteristics of asphaltenes, the similarity in carbon isotopic signatures for asphaltenes and their pyrolysates, and the consistent product distribution for flash pyrolysis and for regular steranes in asphaltene pyrolysates, regardless of whether the tar sands were charged with fresh oil. According to the relative distributions of regular steranes and the relatively abundant 1,2,3,4-tetramethylbenzene significantly enriched in 13C, the oil sources for asphaltenes in the tar sands might be related to lower Paleozoic marine source rocks formed in euxinic conditions. Nevertheless, the relatively low abundance of gammacerane and C28 regular steranes observed in asphaltene pyrolysates and residual hydrocarbons, within limited samples investigated in this work, made a direct correlation of oils originally charged into Silurian tar sands with those Cambrian source rocks, reported so far, seem not to be possible. Comparison of carbon isotopic signatures of n-alkanes in asphaltene pyrolysates with those of LMW saturated hydrocarbons is helpful in determining if the abundant n-alkanes in tar sands are derived from fresh oil charges after biodegradation. The limited carbon isotopic data for n-alkanes in LMW saturated hydrocarbons from the tar sands can be used to classify oils charged after biodegradation in the composite basin into four distinct groups.  相似文献   

古土壤是重建古环境重要的信息源。毛乌素沙地东南缘的古土壤在发育程度上尚未有明确解释。陕西省榆林市的镇北台地区位于毛乌素沙地东南边缘,对气候响应敏感。本文选取厚度为524 cm的镇北台(ZBT)剖面,按照古土壤2 cm、风成砂5 cm的间隔共采集古土壤样品156个,风成砂样品58个。基于6个AMS14C和3个OSL年代样品,推测剖面古土壤底部年龄为10 cal.ka B. P.,顶部年龄为3.2 cal.ka B. P.;并结合土壤微形态特征,对镇北台剖面沉积物中常量元素特征与成壤强度进行分析探讨。结果表明,镇北台(ZBT)剖面常量元素组成以SiO2、Al2O3和Na2O为主。CIA指数指示剖面处于脱Ca、Na为主的初级风化阶段,反映了毛乌素沙地东南缘全新世以来可能以相对干旱的气候环境为主,风化成壤作用较弱,但其中也不乏幅度较小的冷暖气候旋回。土壤微形态特征也表明ZBT剖面风化程度较弱,主要矿物由石英、长石、云母和岩屑矿物构成,可见胶结物和泥岩岩屑等土壤形成物。其成壤强度变化与化学元素特征表现一致:10.0~8.1 cal.ka B. P.左右,成壤较弱,气候向暖湿转变;6.9 cal.ka B. P.左右,成壤作用稍有加强;5.5~3.7 cal.ka B. P.左右,成壤作用最强,气候相对暖湿,化学、生物风化加强,但此阶段具有明显的不稳定性

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