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武汉城市圈城镇体系空间分形研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于统计学和分形理论,对武汉城市圈城镇体系的城镇规模级别分布维数、空间关联维数、空间集聚维数等分形维进行计算与分析。3项指标的相关系数都较高,武汉城市圈城镇体系空间自组织现象明显,存在空间分形结构和分形特征;武汉城市圈城镇体系具有规模分布较均衡、城市分布交通指向性明显、城市空间关联较弱、城镇体系内各城市向中心城市高度集聚等基本规律与特征。针对所存在的主要问题,最后提出武汉城市圈城镇体系相关的优化调控措施。  相似文献   
An evolutionary model of sedimentary environments since late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (late MIS 3, i.e., ca. 39 cal ka BP) along the middle Jiangsu coast is presented based upon a reinterpretation of core 07SR01, new correlations between adjacent published cores, and shallow seismic profiles recovered in the Xiyang tidal channel and adjacent northern sea areas. Geomorphology, sedimentology, radiocarbon dating and seismic and sequence stratigraphy are combined to confirm that environmental changes since late MIS 3 in the study area were controlled primarily by sea-level fluctuations, sediment discharge of paleo-rivers into the South Yellow Sea (SYS), and minor tectonic subsidence, all of which impacted the progression of regional geomorphic and sedimentary environments (Le., coastal barrier island freshwater lacustrine swamp, river floodplain, coastal marsh, tidal sand ridge, and tidal channel). This resulted in the formation of a fifth-order sequence stratigraphy, comprised of the parasequence of the late stage of the last interstadial (Para-Sq2), including the highstand and forced regressive wedge system tracts (HST and FRWST), and the parasequence of the postglacial period (Para-Sql), including the transgressive and highstand system tracts (TST and HST). The tidal sand ridges likely began to develop during the postglacial transgression as sea-level rise covered the middle Jiangsu coast at ca. 9.0 cal ka BP. These initially submerged tidal sand ridges were constantly migrating until the southward migration of the Yellow River mouth to the northern Jiangsu coast during AD 1128 to 1855. The paleo-Xiyang tidal channel that was determined by the paleo-tidal current field and significantly different from the modern one, was in existence during the Holocene transgressive maxima and lasted until AD 1128. Following the capture of the Huaihe River in AD 1128 by the Yellow River, the paleo-Xiyang tidal channel was infilled with a large amount of river-derived sediments from AD 1128 to 1855, causing the emergence of some of the previously submerged tidal sand ridges. From AD 1855 to the present, the infilled paleo-Xiyang tidal channel has undergone scouring, resulting in its modern form. The modern Xiyang tidal channel continues to widen and deepen, due both to strong tidal current scouring and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
中国现代干旱灾害的时空特征*   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文提出了一个考虑前期降水短缺影响的干旱指数。利用1951-1991年逐月全国160个站的降水资料划分干旱等级,分析了我国干旱,包括多旱、重旱和持续干旱的区域分布,指出我国主要有四大干旱中心;分析了干旱随时间的变化,发现全国及多数区域的现代干旱存在着线性增长的趋势。最后利用全国干旱受灾和成灾面积讨论了干旱的影响,指出全国近代干旱受灾和成灾面积存在着三个高值期,且总体线性增长趋势也很明显。  相似文献   
Exploring the evolution of people’s social interactions along with their changing physical locations can help to achieve a better understanding of the processes that generate the relationships between physical distance and social interactions, which can benefit broad fields of study related to social networks. However, few studies have examined the evolving relationships between physical movements and social closeness evolution. This is partially related to the shortage of longitudinal data in both physical locations and social interactions and the lack of an exploratory analysis environment capable of effectively investigating such a process over space and time. With the increasing availability of sociospatiotemporal data in recent years, it is now feasible to examine the relationships between physical separation and social interactions at the individual level in a space–time context. This research was intended to offer a spatiotemporal exploratory analysis approach to address this challenge. The first step was to propose the concept of a social closeness space–time path, which is an extension of the space–time path concept in time geography, to represent evolving human relationships in a social closeness space. A space–time geographical information system (GIS) prototype was then designed to support the representation and analysis of space–time paths in both physical and social closeness spaces. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed concept and design in gaining insight into the impact of physical migration on online social closeness was demonstrated through an empirical study. The contributions of this study include an extension of the time–geographic framework from physical space to social closeness space, the development of a multirepresentation approach in a GIS to integrate an individual’s space–time paths in both physical and social closeness spaces, and an exploratory analysis of the evolving relationships between physical separation and social closeness over time.  相似文献   
尹训钢  吴祥定 《地理学报》1993,48(2):177-185
采用CEOF(复经验正交函数)对黄河中下游地区15个代表站点近500年来的旱涝等级指数分析结果表明,历史时期本地区的旱涝分布特点可用三种分布型表征:平均型、东西反相型和南北反相型,对上述三种旱涝分布型的时间振幅,应用Mann-Kendall方法进行突变检验,可以发现平均型和东西反相型近500年来发生旱涝突变,而南北反相型则相对比较稳定。  相似文献   
农谚是反映人地关系的地方性知识,研究其在农业生产中的应用及适用性,有助于理解人地关系的变迁及地域特点。收集整理河南冬小麦种植的农谚,归纳总结了冬小麦生育期的农谚时序表。进而利用洛阳、开封、信阳1951—2003年的气象观测数据,分析农谚与气候适应的关系。结果显示,随着气候的变化,农谚中的冬小麦适宜播种期比气象实测的适宜播种期略微早。农谚指出冬小麦越冬期怕冬暖,拔节孕穗期间怕春寒及灌浆需晴暖天气,均与实际观测的气象数据相符合。农谚指出了冬小麦缺水及容易出现旱情的生育阶段,并以此进行旱灾适应。  相似文献   
尹海龙  田长彦  任婧  陈春秀  黄建 《中国沙漠》2014,34(5):1277-1284
以盐生植物盐角草(Salicornia europaea)为材料,以NaCl模拟不同盐度环境,盆栽试验了氮(0.3g·kg-1,N1;0.6g·kg-1,N2;1.2g·kg-1,N3;2.4g·kg-1,N4)、盐(2.5g·kg-1,S1;5.0g·kg-1,S2;7.5g·kg-1,S3)处理对其生长发育及氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明:(1)不同盐度下施氮均可以显著促进盐角草的生长,地上部干质量均在N2处理下达到最大,而株高均在N1时达到最高,且施氮对盐角草生长的影响与盐度有关;(2)不同盐度环境下施氮所能达到的最高干物质产量及最高施氮限量不同,表现为S3S1S2,随着施氮量的增加,氮素生产力与氮素农学利用效率均表现出下降的趋势;(3)施氮显著增加了盐角草各器官含氮量及氮吸收量,同一施氮水平下盐角草各器官含氮量及氮吸收量均表现为同化枝茎根;(4)同一施氮水平下,随着盐度的增加,盐角草同化枝渗透势显著下降,同一盐度环境下,随着施氮量的增加,同化枝渗透势呈现出下降趋势,渗透调节能力增大;(5)3个盐度环境下,施氮均增加盐角草同化枝光合色素含量,从而提高光合效率,增强其对盐渍环境的适应能力。  相似文献   
This paper is a meta-analysis of recent domestic and foreign research on freezing-thawing effects on concrete durability. The main theories on the mechanisms of freeze-thaw damage to concrete are introduced: the hydrostatic pressure theory, the osmotic pressure theory, the critical water saturation degree theory, the dual mechanism theory, and the micro-ice-crystal lens model theory. The influence laws of freezing-thawing on the mechanical properties of concrete are summarized, and countermeasures to improve concrete durability in freezing-thawing circumstances are presented. This work provides valuable references for future engineering constructions in cold regions.  相似文献   
本文对陕北榆林地区土地沙漠化划分了四种类型及描述了沙漠化土地分布的特点,并对这一地区的沙漠化土地进行了防治区划,为全区制定综合农业区划提供科学依据。沙漠化是土地在自然和人为因素作用下,植被和土壤逐渐衰退破坏导致沙地出现的过程。当今,沙漠化迅速发展和扩大的特征是以人口的迅猛增长及滥用土地为主要标志,它所带来的对人类生活及环境的威胁,正越来越引起人们的重视。陕北地区是我国沙漠化严重地区之一,研究其发生发展的历史和现状,预测其发展趋势,从而制定沙漠化土地的治理区划,对本区沙漠化土地整治和预防具有重要意义。  相似文献   
There is a set of Late Cenozoic sediments in the Kunlun Pass area, Tibetan Plateau, China. Paleomagnetic, ESR and TL dating suggest that they date from the Late Pliocene to the Early Pleistocene. Analyses of stratigraphy, sedimentary characteristic, and evolution of the fauna and flora indicate that, from the Pliocene to the early Quaternary (about 5–1.1 Ma BP), there was a relatively warm and humid environment, and a paleolake occurred around the Kunlun Pass. The elevation of the Kunlun Pass area was no more than 1500 m, and only one low topographic divide existed between the Qaidam Basin and the Kunlun Pass Basin. The geomorphic pattern in the Kunlun Pass area was influenced by the Kunlun–Yellow River Tectonic Movement 1.1–0.6 Ma BP. The Wangkun Glaciation (0.7–0.5 Ma) is the maximum Quaternary glaciation in the Pass and in other areas of the Plateau. During the glaciation, the area of the glaciers was 3–5 times larger than that of the present glacier in the Pass area. There was no Xidatan Valley that time. The extreme geomorphic changes in the Kunlun Pass area reflect an abrupt uplift of the Tibet Plateau during the Early and Middle Pleistocene. This uplift of the Plateau has significance on both the Plateau itself and the surrounding area.  相似文献   
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