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基于先验知识的GIS路径寻优算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对地理信息系统中特定的两点路径寻优问题,提出了一种基于先验知识的快速搜索算法。该算法模拟人脑寻找路径的思维过程,首先针对实际问题建立先验知识库,在路径搜索过程中,利用知识库中的信息剪去不可能的搜索路径,构造出简化的查询树,从而大大提高最优路径的搜索速度。  相似文献   
通过14根铰支焊接工字形支撑在不同特征的循环轴向位移荷载下的低周疲劳试验,研究了循环轴向位移荷载的位移幅值、平均位移幅值及加载次序等因素对钢支撑低周疲劳及耗能性能的影响。研究发现,对称循环荷载中幅值越小,支撑翼缘局部屈曲发展越晚,其耗能及承载力退化也越平缓。文中提出了支撑在幅值6δ≤Δδ≤12δy的对称循环荷载下的疲劳寿命经验公式。试验表明,循环荷载的位移幅值是支撑疲劳损伤及耗能退化的最主要影响因素,过载峰效应及适当的平均压位移幅值改善了钢支撑低周疲劳及耗能性能。  相似文献   
太原盆地东南部农村聚落空心化机理分析   总被引:83,自引:0,他引:83  
在分析和界定空心化聚落的基础上 ,用雷达模型揭示了空心化聚落的激发因素和潜育环境 ;依据相对空化率和绝对空化率区位商构成 2× 2阶矩阵 ,将该区聚落划分为 4个空心化等级 ;并利用家庭预算曲线和地价理论 ,探讨了空心化聚落的成因机制 ;在研究聚落空间消长和应力状况的前提下 ,提出了反映聚落空心化的 5种过程模型 ,最后探讨了制止聚落空心化的若干措施。  相似文献   
塔里木西部古生代层序地层特征   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
陈国俊  肖立新 《沉积学报》1999,17(4):560-565
塔里木西部在古生代地质演化过程中,由于构造活动、海平面升降变化、沉积物供应速率等因素变化,造成了不同形式和不同级别的沉积间断,其产物---不整合面是建立该区层序地层格架的关键。研究区古生代大体经历了(寒武-奥陶纪)海进→(志留-泥盆纪)海退)→(石炭纪)海进→(二叠纪)海退的沉积旋回,形成了特征各异的层序序列。研究表明,其中Ⅰ级不整合面(层序面)有前震旦系顶界面、奥陶系顶界面和古生界顶界面。根据地面剖面、钻井和地震资料以及不整合面的特征和级别,首次在古生界识别出2个Ⅰ级层序、6个Ⅱ级层序和12个Ⅲ级层序。Ⅰ级层序是在不同的构造背景和沉积条件下形成的。Ⅱ级层序尽管特征各异,但一般均有四种基本叠置方式组成,即退积、进积、加积和上超。Ⅲ级层序一般由层序界面、海侵面和最大海泛面所限定的体系域组成,均发育TST和HST,有时出现SMST和LST。不同的体系域和沉积相控制着烃类生储盖层的分布,TST与生油层和储集层的形成有关,而HST多与盖层和储集层的形成有关。  相似文献   
近年来,旅游产业在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,学术界对旅游产业的研究也越来越多,海洋文化旅游是最近10年才受到学者们的关注,并且在近几年内发展迅速,其中研究文化要素在海洋文化旅游中的价值尤其重要。但从总体上看,目前我国的海洋文化旅游的发展水平尚处于起步阶段,在国际范围内与旅游业发达的国家和地区还相去甚远。文章通过资料收集整理与分析,结合现阶段国家发展海洋强国的战略,以及国家构建长三角、环渤海等五大海洋文化圈的纲要文件,以海洋文化旅游的相关概念和理论为依据,对我国的长三角、珠三角、环渤海、海峡西岸、海南岛—北部湾五大海洋文化圈的旅游资源的总体状况进行简单分析和评价,由此提出海洋文化圈的旅游开发策略。  相似文献   
东天山博格达造山带晚石炭世柳树沟组为一套由玄武岩和流纹岩组成的双峰式火山岩,形成于晚石炭世,其Si O2含量介于46.18%~46.56%和76.06%~76.25%之间,具有明显的Daly成分间断。其中,玄武岩具富Na贫K特征,Ti O2、Al2O3、Ca O和MgO含量均较高,∑REE为75.54×10-6~80.22×10-6,LREE/HREE值为3.00~3.12,以富集Ba、Rb等大离子亲石元素(LILE)和不相容元素(P、K),相对亏损Ti、Ta、Nb等高场强元素(HFSE)和不相容元素(U、Th)为特征;流纹岩Na2O/K2O值为0.32~0.36,属低Ti、低Mg类流纹岩,∑REE为520.72×10-6~595.26×10-6,LREE/HREE值为5.60~6.53,具有Rb、Th、K、La、Ce、Zr、Hf、Sm等元素的富集以及Ba、U、Ta、N...  相似文献   
系统分析了甘肃南部兰州一天水一武都地区2000~2006年期间的流动重力测量资料,研究了该地区重力场的时空动态演化特征.结果表明:重力场,变化与该区活动断裂构造密切相关;重力场有规律的变化与区域应力-应变场的微动态活动有关;相邻两期重力的动态变化对测区内发生的2003年11月岷县5.2级、2004年9月岷县5.0级地震及测区近邻2006年6月武都、文县间5.0级地震均有较好反映.  相似文献   
The carbon cycle in a global sense is the biogeochemical process by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the earth. For epikarst systems, it is the exchange of carbon among the atmosphere, water, and carbonate rocks. Southern China is located in the subtropical zone; its warm and humid weather creates favorable conditions for the dynamic physical, chemical, and ecological processes of the carbon cycle. This paper presents the mechanisms and characteristics of the carbon cycle in the epikarst systems in south China. The CO2 concentration in soils has clear seasonal variations, and its peak correlates well with the warm and rainy months. Stable carbon isotope analysis shows that a majority of the carbon in this cycle is from soils. The flow rate and flow velocity in an epikarst system and the composition of carbonate rocks control the carbon fluxes. It was estimated that the karst areas in south China contribute to about half of the total carbon sink by the carbonate system in China. By enhancing the movement of elements and dissolution of more chemical components, the active carbon cycle in the epikarst system helps to expand plant species. It also creates favorable environments for the calciphilic plants and biomass accumulation in the region. The findings from this study should help in better understanding of the carbon cycle in karst systems in south China, an essential component for the best management practices in combating rock desertification and in the ongoing study of the total carbon sink by the karst flow systems in China.  相似文献   
Molecularly imprinted polymers(MIPs) were prepared by the bulk polymerization using crystal violet as the template molecule, and the methacrylic acid and ethylene glycol dimetheacrylate as functional monomer and cross-linker, respectively. Systematic investigations of synthetic conditions were conducted. The surface morphology and recognition mechanism of the obtained polymers were studied using scanning electron microscope and spectrophotometric analysis. MIPs showed high affinity to template molecule and were successfully applied as special solid-phase extraction sorbent for selective extraction of crystal violet from natural seawater. An off-line molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction(MISPE) method followed by high-performance liquid chromatography with diodearray detection for the analysis of crystal violet was also established. MISPE columns have good recoveries for crystal violet standard solutions and good linearity was obtained over the concentration range of 0-200 μg L-1(R2 0.99). Finally, two natural seawater samples were investigated. The recoveries of spiked seawater on the MISPE columns were from 44.47% to 62.34%, the relative standard deviation(n=3) being in the range of 2.89%-5.96%.  相似文献   
薛莲  孙建宝  沈正康 《地震地质》2011,33(1):157-174
2010年1月12日GMT时间21时53分,在海地境内(72.57°W,18.44°N)发生了Mw7.0地震.文中利用干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)方法获得了覆盖整个震区的高精度形变观测资料,用以研究该地震的发震机理.采用ALOs PALSAR数据,分析了轨道、大气等误差源对干涉信号的影响,最终获得了雷达视线向(LOS...  相似文献   
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