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本文应用常规天气图资料、地面加密降水观测资料、探空资料及美国NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对2010年7月19日山东飑线过程和2011年7月26日河北飑线过程进行了分析研究。结果表明, 两次过程的相同点是:都位于500 hPa高空槽前;两次飑线过程均产生了雷雨大风和短时强降水天气;湿层均较深厚;下沉有效位能均较大。不同点为:2010年7月19日山东飑线过程属于有明显垂直风切变环境中的飑线;对流不稳定能量相对较低。而2011年7月26日河北飑线过程属于风垂直切变相对小的环境中的飑线;对流不稳定能量很大。除了雷雨大风和短时强降水天气之外还产生了冰雹。  相似文献   
济南泉域岩溶水补给来源主要为大气降水渗入和河流渗漏,排泄方式主要为人工开采和泉水排泄,总体向北径流,多年平均补给量为70×104m3/d。1987~1996年间济南泉域岩溶水动态受降水影响极为明显:1987~1990年枯水期由于降水量少,水位呈下降趋势,1990年枯水期市区水位达到历年来最低点,为20.8m±;1991~1996年降水相对充沛,岩溶水水位总体呈上升趋势,1996年丰水期市区水位为十几年来最高值,达到29.4m。受人工开采量增加的影响,近十年泉域岩溶水水位较70年代以前明显下降,泉流量变小。济南市区岩溶水与西郊炒米店断裂(带)以东地区岩溶水联系密切,为此,加大峨嵋山水厂开采量或在炒米店断裂以西地区增加开采量不会对市区水位产生明显影响。  相似文献   
A New Prediction Method for the Arrival Time of Interplanetary Shocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Solar transient activities such as solar flares, disappearing filaments, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are solar manifestations of interplanetary (IP) disturbances. Forecasting the arrival time at the near Earth space of the associated interplanetary shocks following these solar disturbances is an important aspect in space weather forecasting because the shock arrival usually marks the geomagnetic storm sudden commencement (SSC) when the IMF Bz component is appropriately southward and/or the solar wind dynamic pressure behind the shock is sufficiently large. Combining the analytical study for the propagation of the blast wave from a point source in a moving, steady-state, medium with variable density (wei, 1982; wei and dryer 1991) with the energy estimation method in the ISPM model (smith and dryer 1990, 1995), we present a new shock propagation model (called SPM below) for predicting the arrival time of interplanetary shocks at Earth. The duration of the X-ray flare, the initial shock speed and the total energy of the transient event are used for predicting the arrival of the associated shocks in our model. Especially, the background speed, i.e., the convection effect of the solar wind is considered in this model. Applying this model to 165 solar events during the periods of January 1979 to October 1989 and February 1997 to August 2002, we found that our model could be practically equivalent to the prevalent models of STOA, ISPM and HAFv.2 in forecasting the shock arrival time. The absolute error in the transit time in our model is not larger than those of the other three models for the same sample events. Also, the prediction test shows that the relative error of our model is ≤10% for 27.88% of all events, ≤30% for 71.52%, and ≤50% for 85.46%, which is comparable to the relative errors of the other models. These results might demonstrate a potential capability of our model in terms of real-time forecasting.  相似文献   
宁夏地区上地幔地震各向异性特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用宁夏6个三分向宽频带数字地震台记录的震中距在85°—110°,震级大于6级的远震SKS波震相作了偏振分析,采用Silver-Chan方法求得了分裂参数,获得了宁夏地区上地幔各向异性图像.结果表明,宁夏地区上地幔各向异性普遍存在,本区盐池台(YCI)所在的鄂尔多斯块体下方的各向异性可归结为"化石"各向异性,其它地区的各向异性特征则反映了正在进行的构造运动,由此可为贺兰山脉东西两侧复杂的运动图像提供深部证据.最后推测本区的青藏高原东北缘—阿拉善块体及银川断陷区壳、幔的运动是耦合的,而鄂尔多斯块体地区壳、幔的运动型式尚不明朗.  相似文献   
分形方法是测度城市生长与形态演化的重要方法,然而其标度区范围的自然识别依然存在瓶颈。本文采用二阶导数识别半径法标度区界线,结合经典计盒法模型提出改进的双维分形标度律测算方法,以郑州市为案例区验证模型的精度与效度,综合解析郑州城市空间形态结构的生长演变特征。结果显示:① 利用二阶导数自动识别半径法标度区界线可显著提升分形模型拟合效果,拟合精度R2由0.920提升至0.996以上;② 郑州城市空间结构存有双标度现象,城市生长扩张并非标准环形波状推进,半径法模型仅在“城市中心边缘—建成区内侧”的环状范围拟合有效,城市结构可能存有自仿射生长或随机多分形特征;③ 1982—2020年郑州城市形态演化为明显的中心蔓延模式,职能用地的空间配置整体均匀程度偏高,功能分异程度较低,存有城市景观较紊乱,系统效率不高的隐患。本研究对半径法分形模型中拟合精度难以提升的应用瓶颈作出了突破性尝试,为城市生长模拟与城市空间结构演变分析提供了一种新方法,丰富了城市分形研究。  相似文献   
中尺度天气分析技术已经在我国天气预报业务中发挥了重要作用。2011年以来国家级中尺度天气分析业务技术取得了明显进展,促进了国家级强对流预报业务的发展。《中尺度天气分析业务技术规范》已重新编写和完善,内容分为两篇,第一篇是中尺度对流天气环境场分析;第二篇为中尺度对流天气过程分析,第二篇为新增内容,将另文介绍。短时和短期时效内中尺度对流天气环境场条件分析以配料法思路为基础,重新编排和简化了分析内容,兼顾分析的精细化和分析产品的可操作性,增加了分类强对流天气分析量化指标建议供预报参考,新增了基于局地探空的强对流天气分析规范。中尺度天气分析业务的支撑技术是推进该业务的必备基础,因此国家气象中心改进了MICAPS 3中尺度天气主观分析工具箱功能;开发了中尺度天气分析产品集成系统,包括强对流天气监测产品、中尺度天气分析主观和客观产品、基于不同数值模式预报的强对流参数诊断产品等的数据产品和图形产品等。  相似文献   
通过航磁、重力异常及数据处理成果的分析和研究,阐述了清原地区深部构造、区域构造、花岗岩体及太古宙变质杂岩的展布特征与金矿成矿之间的关系,指出了该区金矿成矿的远景地段。  相似文献   
Extensive volcanism is one of the important features of Cenozoic geology in China.Based on temporal-spatial distribution,the volcanism was associated with three major different geological settings:1)the continental rift basalts in Northeast and North China;2)the tension-fault basalts on the continental margins of Southeast China; and 3) the collision-zone high-K volcanics in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its vicinities.The characteristics of “depletion in the south and enrichment in the north“of the China continental mantle are strongly supported by isotopic evidence.The Cenozoic continental cal characters,into the following geochemical provinces:1)the depleted mantle in South China;2)the primary mantle in Northeast and NorthChina; 3)the hybrid and transi-tional mantle in the region of Shandong ,Anhui,Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang;4)the depleted mantle around the Bohai Bay and the Lower Liaohe River;5)the K-metasomatic enriched mantle in the northern part of Northeast China;and 6)the re-cycled enriched mantle in the ancient subduction zone in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its surround-ings.These geochemical characteristics on a regional scale must be a reflection of the nature of lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   
提出了一种新的圈闭地质评价的方法,试图从控制油气成藏的主要因素及其相互关系出发,动、静态相结合,针对具体地质情况,建立不同层次结构的概念模型和数学模型,以对圈闭进行客观的地质评价。  相似文献   
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