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The Askervein Hill Project: Wind-tunnel simulations at three length scales   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Wind-tunnel simulations of neutrally-stable atmospheric boundary-layer flow over an isolated, low hill (Askervein) have been carried out at three different length scales in two wind-tunnel facilities. The objectives of these simulations were to assess the reliability with which changes in mean wind and turbulence structure induced by the prototype hill on boundary-layer flow can be reproduced in the wind tunnel, and to determine the relative impact of certain modelling approaches (surface roughness, model scale, measurement techniques, etc.) on the quality of the simulations. The wind-tunnel results are compared with each other and with full-scale data and are shown in general to model the prototype flow very well. The effects of relaxing the criterion of aerodynamic roughness of the model surface were limited to certain regions in the lee of the hill and were linked to separation phenomena.  相似文献   
Auger electron spectroscopy has been used to study K-feldspar that has been reacted with both aqueous 10% HF and a 50% mixture of a 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution. In the feldspar/HF system, the resulting feldspar surface was shown to have been fluorinated; depth profiling, using argon ion sputtering, showed the fluorination to have occurred substantially into the mineral bulk. In the feldspar/ HFH2SO4 system, the resulting surface contained both fluorine and sulfur. The fluorination had again penetrated into the bulk, but the sulfur could be removed with mild argon ion sputtering. The AlF signal ratio was much lower on the feldspar surface treated with the 10% HF/0.1 N H2SO4 solution than the feldspar surface treated with the weaker 10% HF acid solution.  相似文献   
Summary The variation of the Etesians within the sunspot cycle was examined according to observations made at the Athens Observatory during the period 1893–1958. This was made by the actual numbers of the Etesians days and the sunspots as by means of the smoothed values of the above elements through the formula (a+2b+c): 4. It was found that there is a single oscillation of the Etesians within the sunspot cycle and also that the correlation between sunspots and Etesians is rather high.
Résumé Dans cette étude est examinée la variation des Etésiens pendant le cycle des taches solaires basée sur les observations faites à l'Observatoire d'Athènes durant la période 1893–1958. Dans ce but ont été considerés d'une part les jours réels des Etésiens et les nombres des taches solaires et d'autre les valeurs de ces éléments calculées par la formule (a+2b+c): 4. Il a été constaté que la fréquence des Etésiens présente une simple variation pendant le cycle solaire et qu'il y a une assez grande corrélation entre les taches solaires et les Etésiens.
Summary This study deals with the influence of sunspots on the summer rainfall of 30 selected Stations of the Mediterranean, having records covering at least 4 cycles of sunspots. — It was found that the minimum of summer rainfall occurs near the maximum of sunspots and the maximum of rainfall in the beginning or at the end of sunspots cycle. — The variation of summer rainfall during the sunspots cycle presents four typesA: simple oscillation,B andC: double oscillation andD: triple oscillation.
Résumé Cette étude s'occupe de l'influence des taches solaires sur la pluie estivale des 30 Stations de la Mediterranée, choisies parmi celles qui couvrent au moins 4 cycles des taches solaires. — On a trouvé que le minimum des pluies estivales a lieu près du maximum des taches solaires et que le maximum des pluies aussi a lieu au commencement ou à la fin du cycle de l'activité solaire. — La variation de la pluie durant le cercle des taches solaires presente 4 typesA: une oscillation simple,B etC une oscillation double etD une oscillation triple.
Significant gold deposits in the western Tanami region of Western Australia include deposits in the Bald Hill and Coyote areas. The ca. 1,864 Ma Bald Hill sequence of turbiditic and mafic volcanic rocks hosts the Kookaburra and Sandpiper deposits and a number of smaller prospects. The ca. 1,835 Ma turbiditic Killi Killi Formation hosts the Coyote deposit and several nearby prospects. The Kookaburra deposit forms as a saddle reef within a syncline, and the Sandpiper deposit is localized within graphitic metasedimentary rocks along a limb of an anticline. Gold in these deposits is hosted by anastomosing quartz–(–pyrite–arsenopyrite) veins within quartz–sericite schist with disseminated arsenopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite (after pyrrhotite). Based on relative timing relationships with structural elements, the auriferous veins are interpreted to have been emplaced before or during the ca. 1,835–1,825 Ma Tanami Orogeny (regional D1). Gold deposition is thought to have been caused by pressure drops associated with saddle reef formation (Kookaburra) and chemical reactions with graphitic rocks (Sandpiper). The Coyote deposit, the largest in the western Tanami region, consists of a number of ore lenses localized along the limbs of the Coyote Anticline, which formed during the Tanami Orogeny. The largest lenses are associated with the Gonzalez Fault, which is located along the steeply dipping southern limb of this fold. Gold was introduced at ca. 1,790 Ma into dilatant zones that formed in local perturbations along this fault during later reactivation (regional D5) towards the end of a period of granite emplacement. Gold is associated with quartz–chlorite–pyrite–(arsenopyrite–galena–sphalerite) veins with narrow (<?5 mm) chloritic selvages. A quartz–muscovite–biotite–K–feldspar–(tourmaline–actinolite–arsenopyrite) assemblage, which is interpreted to relate to granite emplacement, overprints the regional greenschist facies metamorphic assemblage. The mineralogical similarity between this overprinting assemblage and the vein assemblage suggests that the auriferous veins at the Coyote deposit are associated with the granite-related metamorphic–metasomatic assemblage. Gold deposition is thought to have been caused by pressure drops within dilatant zones.  相似文献   
The Variance of Mango‘s Light—Hydrocarbon Parameter K   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analyses of light hydrocarbons in oils from the Tarim Basin show that the Mango‘s parameter K is about unity except those oils trapped in the eastern part of the Tazhong (Central Tarim)Fault Uplift,The regular variance of K may indicates the accumulation and admixture of the oil populations in the eastern part of the Tazhong Fault Uplift.  相似文献   
Summary This note deals with the great and abrupt falls of air temperature in Athens which occur especially during the cold season of the year. The frequency of these falls, the greatest falls noted per month and the weather situations associated with these falls are examined separately. It was found that the weather situations which cause the great falls of air temperature in Greece can be classified in four categories:A, B, C andD. In theA belong the anticyclones of N and NW Europe both moving and not. TheB comprises the extensions of the anticyclone of the Azorez over Europe. In theC belong the extension of the Russian anticyclones and theD comprises the cold fronts of depressions moving from W to E.  相似文献   
Most research on future climate change discusses mitigation and impacts/adaptation separately. However, mitigation will have implications for impacts and adaptation. Similarly, impacts and adaptation will affect mitigation. This paper begins to explore these two veins of research simultaneously using an integrated assessment model. We begin by discussing the types of interactions one might expect by impact sector. Then, we develop a numerical experiment in the agriculture sector to illustrate the importance of considering mitigation, impacts, and adaptation at the same time. In our experiment, we find that climate change can reduce crop yields, resulting in an expansion of cropland to feed a growing population and a reduction in bioenergy production. These two effects, in combination, result in an increase in the cost of mitigation.  相似文献   
The Dashui gold deposit is a structurally controlled, Carlin-type gold deposit hosted by recrystallised limestone in the West Qinling Orogen of Central China. The major, structurally late east-trending Dashui Fault forms the hanging wall to the gold mineralisation at the Dashui mine and defines the contact between Middle Triassic limestone and a steeply dipping overlying succession of Middle Triassic argillaceous limestone, dolomite, and sandstone. Multiple carbonate veins and large-scale supergene enrichment, represented by hematite, goethite, limonite and jarosite, characterise the deposit. Detailed geochronological investigation using zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating reveals that volcanic rocks closely associated with the Dashui gold deposit were synchronous with the Ge’erkuohe Granite and pre-date mineralisation. The igneous dyke sample from the hanging wall has the same U-Pb zircon age as the footwall, ca. 213 Ma. (U-Th)/He thermochronology on dykes in the hanging wall and footwall of the Dashui Fault yields identical (U-Th)/He zircon ages of ca. 210 Ma but distinct (U-Th)/He apatite ages of ca. 136 and 211 Ma, respectively. Therefore, the hanging wall and footwall are interpreted as having distinct post-mineralisation exhumation histories. Reverse fault movement exhumed the hanging wall ~2 to 4 km since the Late Triassic with the main component of faulting taking place between the Late Triassic and Early Cretaceous. These relationships suggest a Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous age for the primary gold mineralisation at the Dashui gold deposit, with the corollary that any ‘missing portion’ of the deposit, previously hypothesised to exist in the hanging wall of the Dashui Fault, has been eroded away. The mineralisation in the footwall may have been supergene enriched soon after the primary mineralisation was emplaced, because it has been located at shallow depth since the Late Triassic. Semi-quantitative results obtained in this study also constrain the maximum depth of formation of the Dashui gold at no more than 2 km.  相似文献   
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