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中国华南吉泰盆地在白垩纪?古近纪发育大量蒸发岩,其中含富锂卤水矿床,由于盆地深部构造特征认识不清,导致富锂卤水矿勘查评价明显滞后.基于盆地东北部泰和坳陷二维地震数据和钻孔资料,经过精细保幅处理和综合构造解释,总结了含富锂卤水矿断陷盆地的深部构造特征.地震剖面和构造属性表明,盆地深部发育错断白垩系的NE-SW走向、NW倾...  相似文献   
地下水是张掖盆地的重要水资源,其硝酸盐污染尚未得到足够重视。对张掖盆地2004、2015年地下水硝酸盐浓度进行了系统分析,并采用美国环境保护署(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型评估了地下水硝酸盐的健康风险。结果表明:自2004年以来张掖盆地地下水硝酸盐污染日趋严重。2015年硝酸盐浓度最高已达到283.32 mg·L-1,17.61%的采样点硝酸盐氮浓度超过GB5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》中饮用地下水限量值(20 mg·L-1)。研究区人群经皮肤接触途径摄入硝酸盐的健康风险在可接受水平,而饮水摄入硝酸盐的健康风险较高,总风险中饮水途径引起健康风险的贡献率占99.40%,远大于皮肤接触途径。儿童经饮水摄入和皮肤接触两种途径的健康风险均显著高于成人,分别为成人的1.544倍和1.039倍。32.39%的采样点地下水硝酸盐对儿童的健康风险超出了可接受水平,14.79%的采样点地下水硝酸盐对成人的健康风险不可接受。甘州区城区、临泽县北部边缘及高台县城区周围硝酸盐浓度最高,这些区域内所有人群都面临硝酸盐引发的高健康风险,其余区域硝酸盐引发的健康风险相对较低。  相似文献   
为了改善潮流能水轮机叶片表面流动分离问题,提高其升阻比,本文通过在潮流能水轮机叶片表面加装涡流发生器,来研究涡流发生器对潮流能水轮机水动力学性能的影响。本文以NACA4418翼型为研究对象,分别建立了含VGs和不含VGs的三维模型,利用CFD方法研究了VGs的高度、长度以及相邻一对VGs之间的间距等多个方面对该翼型性能的影响。结果表明:VGs可以有效地提高翼型的最大升力系数;相邻VGs间距的增加对流动分离的抑制有积极影响。此外,通过对尾迹区流线和旋涡的分析,进一步揭示了尾迹区的流场特征。  相似文献   
Groundwater is a key factor controlling the growth of vegetation in desert riparian systems. It is important to recognise how groundwater changes affect the riparian forest ecosystem. This information will not only help us to understand the ecological and hydrological process of the riparian forest but also provide support for ecological recovery of riparian forests and water-resources management of arid inland river basins. This study aims to estimate the suitability of the Water Vegetation Energy and Solute Modelling(WAVES) model to simulate the Ejina Desert riparian forest ecosystem changes,China, to assess effects of groundwater-depth change on the canopy leaf area index(LAI) and water budgets, and to ascertain the suitable groundwater depth for preserving the stability and structure of desert riparian forest. Results demonstrated that the WAVES model can simulate changes to ecological and hydrological processes. The annual mean water consumption of a Tamarix chinensis riparian forest was less than that of a Populus euphratica riparian forest, and the canopy LAI of the desert riparian forest should increase as groundwater depth decreases. Groundwater changes could significantly influence water budgets for T. chinensis and P. euphratica riparian forests and show the positive and negative effects on vegetation growth and water budgets of riparian forests. Maintaining the annual mean groundwater depth at around 1.7-2.7 m is critical for healthy riparian forest growth. This study highlights the importance of considering groundwater-change impacts on desert riparian vegetation and water-balance applications in ecological restoration and efficient water-resource management in the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   
我国城市扩张、粮食保障和能源转型形势严峻,如何挖掘城市建成环境的绿色生产潜力、探索一条通过粮食生产和太阳能利用节约土地空间并缓解生态压力的新途径?本文不同于以往生态补偿研究大多以重点生态功能区为对象或以财税补偿机制为手段,而是创新性地建立了一种城市空间内部的生态补偿机制。本文提出城市“绿色生产性面积”作为一种从城市生态学角度来衡量城市生态承载力提升潜力的方法,它基于将城市绿色资源收入换算成相同条件下它们所能节约的生态足迹面积。首先,通过类型学方法建立绿色生产补偿策略;其次,进行城市建成环境的全要素空间清查及其绿色生产潜力分析;最后,建立不同绿色生产的生态节地效益统一核算标准,并转换为绿色生产性土地面积指标。以天津市南开区学府街道为例,通过可利用的屋顶及闲置用地进行绿色生产,补充了该区12%的建筑所占用的自然土地所能提供的生态承载力。  相似文献   
利用卫星、雷达和加密自动站等监测资料,结合VDRAS系统资料和1°×1° NCEP再分析资料,对造成黑昼和暴雨的中尺度对流系统的空间、热动力结构特征和发生、发展及维持原因进行了分析。结果表明:2004—2009年渤海西岸圆形α-中尺度对流系统有别于南方,其中只有16%可发展为中尺度复合体;黑昼现象是影响系统的特殊性所致。突发性暴雨的制造者是α-中尺度对流系统西端不断新生的β-中尺度对流系统,其发生、发展、维持与边界层内冷池外流、对流层低层 (1.3~2.4 km) 侵入的西北气流与西南气流形成的辐合线或交汇线有密切关系。α-中尺度对流系统的上升速度中心在500 hPa附近,多个β-中尺度对流系统分别具有独自的垂直气流和弱边界层环流。α-中尺度对流系统内部扰动温度呈下负上正的垂直分布,促使了不稳定层结趋于稳定;冷池呈东厚西薄的楔形结构,有利于β-中尺度对流系统发展维持。  相似文献   
油气田(藏)规模序列法是油气资源评价常用的方法之一,其优点是不但可以给出总的资源量,而且还可以给出各油气田(藏)的规模和序列,不足是其预测结果带有多解性。在多年的资评工作中,形成了一套求取规模序列中关键参数的科学方法:依据其他方法(成因法等)求取的资源量来约束规模序列法求取的地质资源量;依据高勘探区地质资源量与最大单一油气田(藏)规模统计关系来约束评价区最大单一油气田(藏)规模;根据预测单元可能存在的圈闭数(包含隐蔽圈闭)来限制预测的油气田(藏)个数。通过采用总量约束、最大单一规模约束和油气田(藏)个数约束,获得的结果克服了原方法存在的一些问题,使评价结果更科学,更符合地质实际。以该方法在黄河口凹陷等地区的应用实例证明了评价结果与勘探认识吻合较好。  相似文献   
为提高钻进效率,合理利用钻进过程中产生的热量,本文采用摩擦热能辅助机械能碎岩(简称:热-机碎岩)的方法,将氮化硅作为摩擦元件引入孕镶金刚石钻头中,以提高钻头工作层的钻进性能。本文通过对钻头水口、摩擦元件的尺寸计算,钻头胎体、结构的设计,制造了一种新型热-机碎岩孕镶金刚石钻头(简称:热-机碎岩钻头),并与常规六水口钻头和三水口钻头开展了室内钻进试验对比。结果表明,与六水口钻头和三水口钻头相比,热-机碎岩钻头加入摩擦元件后能够因摩擦生热而使岩石产生弱化作用,钻头钻速提高,在相同钻井液流量下最高可比六水口钻头的机械钻速高33.3%。热-机碎岩钻头胎体的磨损程度比三水口钻头小,热-机碎岩钻头可用于强研磨性地层的钻进。  相似文献   
The direct H2Oliquid–H2Ovapour equilibration method utilizing laser spectroscopy (DVE-LS) is a way to measure soil pore water stable isotopes. Various equilibration times and calibration methods have been used in DVE-LS. Yet little is known about their effects on the accuracy of the obtained isotope values. The objective of this study was to evaluate how equilibration time and calibration methods affect the accuracy of DVE-LS. We did both spiking and field soil experiments. For the spiking experiment, we applied DVE-LS to four soils of different textures, each of which was subjected to five water contents and six equilibration times. For the field soil experiment, we applied three calibration methods for DVE-LS to two field soil profiles, and the results were compared with cryogenic vacuum distillation (CVD)-LS. Results showed that DVE-LS demonstrated higher δ2H and δ18O as equilibration time increased, but 12 to 24 hr could be used as optimal equilibration time. For field soil samples, DVE-LS with liquid waters as standards led to significantly higher δ2H and δ18O than CVD-LS, with root mean square error (RMSE) of 8.06‰ for δ2H and 0.98‰ for δ18O. Calibration with soil texture reduced RMSE to 3.53‰ and 0.72‰ for δ2H and δ18O, respectively. Further, calibration with both soil texture and water content decreased RMSE to 3.10‰ for δ2H and 0.73‰ for δ18O. Our findings conclude that the calibration method applied may affect the measured soil water isotope values from DVE-LS.  相似文献   
Polynomial chaos expansions (PCEs) have been widely employed to estimate failure probabilities in geotechnical engineering. However, PCEs suffer from two deficiencies: (a) PCE coefficients are solved by the least-square minimization method which easily causes overfitting issues; (b) building a high order PCE is often computationally expensive. In order to overcome the aforementioned drawbacks, the Bayesian regression technique is employed to evaluate PCE coefficients, which not only provides a sparse solution but also avoids overfitting. With the aid of the predictive means and variances given by Bayesian analysis, a learning function is proposed to sequentially select the most informative samples that are critical to build a PCE. This sequential learning scheme can highly enhance the computational efficiency of PCEs. Besides, importance sampling (IS) is incorporated into the sequential learning (SL)-PCEs to deal with geotechnical problems with small failure probabilities. The proposed method of SL-PCE-IS is applied to three illustrative examples, which shows that the improved PCE method is more effective and efficient than the common PCEs method, leading to accurate estimations of small failure probabilities using fewer training samples.  相似文献   
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