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Despite recent progress in the modeling of alkali atmospheres like those around the Moon and Mercury, many problems still exist. It is proposed that Rydberg Matter (RM) clusters containing Na and K atoms are the main part of the alkali atmospheres of the Moon and Mercury, forming large clouds. RM clusters are studied in the laboratory with laser fragmentation and laser spectroscopy methods. Due to the very large collision cross sections of Rydberg atoms and RM clusters, the atmospheres are not collision free, as normally assumed based on the low densities of free alkali atoms. The non-escaping radial density variation for the Na atoms, observed, e.g., on the Moon, and the Maxwellian velocity distributions observed on Mercury are caused by a true atmosphere with collisional equilibration; this process is not possible in an exosphere. Fast alkali atoms are released from the RM clusters already at large heights by solar photons and charged particle impact. The kinetic temperatures derived for the atmospheres agree with the quantized energy release. The cluster model predicts that the rate of loss from the surface is much smaller than for a purely atomic model, since the transient storage is in the RM cluster form in the atmosphere and not at the surface. The conductance of the atmosphere is of the order of 100 S due to the facile collisional ionization of the RM clusters. The apparent depletion of K in the atmosphere of Mercury is explained.  相似文献   
The concentration levels of Cd (25 ng l?1), Cu (0.45 μg l?1), Ni (0.48 μg l?1), Fe (0.2–7.0 μg l?1), Pb (40 ng l?1) and Zn (0.80 μg l?1) have been determined in the Danish Sounds and in the Kattegat. Different sampling techniques have been used and analyses have been carried out separately by two different investigators, both using freon-extraction followed by determination by atomic absorption spectrometry (a.a.s.). Except for iron, found mainly in the particulate phase, the metals are found predominantly in a dissolved and labile (extractable) form. The results are compared with trace metal levels found in the two main water masses entering the Kattegat—the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
Four new U/Pb-zircon ages are reported from northern Vestranden, the northernmost part of the Western Gneiss Region of Norway, Scandinavian Caledonides. The age of a basement tonalite (1819±6 Ma), together with earlier datings on granites, indicates that the dominantly granitoid basement in Vestranden began to form more than 1800 Ma years ago. The minimum age of a subsequent Precambrian migmatization event is given by a U/Pb age of 1630±80 Ma found a granite dyke which cuts migmatitic veining in the basement gneisses. While age and lithology suggest general similarity and thereby favour a correlation between the basement granites of the northern part of Vestranden and Svecofennian granites farther to the east, no detailed chronological information is at present available that support such a correlation.No Sveconorwegian-Grenvillian ages have previously been reported from northern Vestranden. Also in the presently studied cases events between c. 1630 Ma and 430 Ma ago did not affect the U-Pb isotope system of zircons. About 430 Ma ago, substantial parts of Vestranden experienced Caledonian high-grade metamorphism and partial anatectic melting. Migmatite neosomes in northern Vestranden, yielded an U/Pb zircon age of 434±22 Ma. Relatively high temperatures persisted throughout much of the Silurian and probably into the Devonian. Large amounts of pegmatite intruded at the end of this period. One of these dykes yielded an U/Pb-zircon age of 404±2 Ma.
Zusammenfassung Vier neue U-Pb-Zirkonalter liegen aus dem nördlichen Vestranden-Bereich des westnorwegischen Gneissgebiets vor. Das Alter einer Tonalitintrusion (1819±6 Ma) bestätigt zusammen mit anderen Altersbestimmungen, daß das präkambrische Fundament der zentralskandinavischen Kaledoniden sich im Vestrandengebiet bereits vor mehr als 1800 Ma zu bilden begann. Das Minimalalter einer darauf folgenden präkambrischen Migmatisierung wird durch ein 1630±20 Ma Alter durchsetzender Granitgänge begrenzt. Zwar deuten die bisher vorliegenden Ergebnisse eine Gleichaltrigkeit der Granitgesteine im nördlichen Vestranden und den Svekofenniden weiter östlich an, ermöglichen aber derzeit noch keine präzise Korrelation des geologischen Geschehens.Sveconorwegische (Grenville) Isotopenalter sind bisher nicht aus dem nördlichen Vestranden bekannt. Auch die neuen Daten weisen keine Störung der U-Pb-Isotopensysteme zwischen etwa 1630 und 430 Ma auf.Beträchtliche Teile des Vestrandenbereiches wurden vor ca. 430 Ma einer kaledonischen, höhergradigen Metamorphose und anatektischer Aufschmelzung unterworfen. Die Neosome eines Migmatites ergaben ein Alter von 434±22 Ma, was erneut die Existenz zweier verschiedener Migmatisierungsetappen im Präkambrium bzw. in Silur bestätigt. Höhere Temperaturen bestanden danach bis in das Devon. Größere Pegmatitmengen wurden am Ende dieser Zeitspanne gebildet. Einer dieser Pegmatitkörper ergab ein U-Pb-Zirkonalter von 404±2 Ma.

Résumé Cette note fait état de 4 nouvelles déterminations d'âge (méthode U/Pb sur zircon) dans le Vestranden septentrional, qui forme la partie nord de la région gneissique occidentale de la Norvège (Calédonides). L'âge d'une tonalite (1819±6 Ma), joint à des datations antérieures effectuées sur des granites, indique que la formation du socle granitoîde dans le Vestranden a commencé il y a plus de 1800 Ma. L'âge maximal d'une migmatitisation précambrienne ultérieure est donné par la mesure de 1630±80 Ma effectuée sur un dyke de granite qui recoupe le rubanement migmatitique. L'âge et la lithologie indiquent une similitude d'ensemble et, partant, suggèrent une corrélation entre les granites du nord du Vestranden et ceux des Svécofennides situés plus à l'est; toutefois, on ne dispose aujourd'hui d'aucune donnée chronologique à l'appui d'une telle corrélation.Jusqu'à présent, aucun âge svéconorvégien-grenvillien n'a été enregisré dans le Vestranden septentrional. De même, dans les cas étudiés ici, aucun événement n'a affecté le système isotopique U-Pb entre 1630 et 430 Ma. A environ 430 Ma, des parties importantes du Vestranden ont enregistré un métamorphisme calédonien de degré élevé et une fusion anatectique partielle. Les néosomes d'une migmatite ont fourni un âge U/Pb sur zircon de 434±22 Ma. Des températures relativement élevées se sont maintenues pendant la plus grande partie du Silurien et jusqu'au cours du Dévonien. De grandes quantités de pegmatite ont été intrudées à la fin de cette période; un de ces dykes a donné un âge U/Pb sur zircon de 404±2 Ma.

- - . 1819±6 . , , - 1800 . . , , 1630±80 . , . , .- - 1630-430 . . . 434=22 . . , , , ; , , -, 404=2 . .
An erosional channel and upslope-climbing sediment waves have been observed in Ytre Orkdalsfjorden and the marine fjord branch Gaulosen off the mouth of Gaula River in Trondheimsfjorden, central Norway. The submarine channel (up to 100–150 m wide and 12 m deep) is interpreted as the pathway of hyperpycnal flows and turbidity currents. It can be traced for 20 km on the seafloor from the mouth of Gaula River down to 500 m of water depth. Based on swath bathymetry and seismic data, the sediment waves are shown to have an accumulated thickness of 50–60 m. They are up to 8 m high, have up to 1-km-long crests, and wavelengths of 100–900 m. The sediment waves are attributed to hyperpycnal flows and turbidity currents overflowing the banks of the channel. Many of the sediment waves were instigated by pre-existing topography created by mass movements since early Holocene times.  相似文献   
Here Rydberg matter is proposed as a candidate for the missing dark matter or dark baryonic matter in the Universe. Spectroscopic and other experimental studies give valuable information on the properties of Rydberg matter, especially its very weak interaction with light caused by the very small overlap with low states, and because of the necessary two-electron transitions even for disturbed matter. Recently, the unidentified infrared (UIR) bands have been shown to agree well with calculations and experiments on Rydberg matter. This is the reason for the present, somewhat speculative, proposal that dark matter has, at least partially, the form of Rydberg matter. The UIR bands have also been observed directly in emission from Rydberg matter in the laboratory. The unique space-filling properties of Rydberg matter are described: a hydrogen atom in this matter occupies a volume  5×1012  times larger than in its ground state or in a hydrogen molecule.  相似文献   
Fine-grained glaciomarine and glacial deposits on the outer Mid Norwegian continental shelf show complex variations in shear strength and degree of consolidation. At the Smørbukk Sør field (approx. 65°N, 7°E) about 80 m of variably overconsolidated clayey till is found on top of normally- or possibly underconsolidated glaciomarine and marine sediments. A high gas content is found below 60 m, and the porewater in the rather soft sediments in the lower part of the borehole may have been partly trapped by gas hydrates when the overlying hard till was deposited. The variations in geotechnical properties of the 80 m thick till section are suggested to result mainly from compaction below grounded ice during the last glaciation, and we interpret the strength variations in the till to reflect shifts between freeze of sediment porewater onto the base of the ice causing highly overconsolidated intervals, and thermal equilibrium or melting at the ice sole resulting in intervals of softer till.A large ridge northwest of Smørbukk (Skjoldryggen) is probably partly formed by ice push during ice flow oscillations at the same time as the described till at Smørbukk was deposited. This ridge retarded the ice flow and hence the frictional heating at the end of surges, creating pulses of net freezing base ice and consolidation of the substratum. The described process has possibly affected a wide area up-ice of Skjoldryggen, and may be common in areas with a complex glacial history and a fine-grained substratum.  相似文献   

The composition and properties of glacigenic sediments in the southwestern Barents Sea are described based on data from 33 shallow boreholes (< 143 m below seabed) and 11 seabed cores (<4.2m below seabed). The cores are tied into a regional seismostratigraphic framework, illustrating the relationships between different boreholes.

A massive, muddy diamicton (silty, sandy clay with scattered gravel) is found in nearly all cores. Average clay content (<2 pm) of this lithology is about 38%, but varies between about 25% and 50%. Short intervals of finely laminated, waterlain sediments or gravelly sand are cored in a few occasions. A high content of sand and gravel in the cores from near the Norwegian coast shows an influence of sediment input from the mainland, while material eroded from sedimentary rocks dominates farther offshore.

The data presented on physical properties include undisturbed and remolded undrained shear strength, natural water content, bulk density, compressional sound velocity (P waves), Atterberg consistency limits, effective preconsolidation pressure, and consolidation coefficient.

Prediction of overconsolidation from seismic mapping of erosional surfaces is confirmed by the borehole cores. High compaction is found both in Weichselian and older deposits, with a general increase in compaction toward the east as well as toward shallower water. Cores that are “underconsolidated” at their present burial depth are also reported.

The average compressional sound velocity is about 1780 m/s for the borehole cores, 1550 m/s for the seabed cores, and increases with increasing shear strength and consolidation. Both horizontal and vertical sound velocities are measured in several cores, and although the data have a considerable scatter, a slightly aniso‐tropic sound velocity is indicated.  相似文献   
The development and age of the present geomorphology and superficial material of the Coloradofjella plateau, Spitsbergen, have been investigated through field surveying and laboratory sediment analyses. The focus was specifically on the role of glacial erosion and periglacial processes. The summit plain is deeply incised with large V-shaped valleys. Extensive networks of ice wedge polygons indicate that the fine-grained regolith is at least a few metres thick. An abundance of coarse-grained gabbroid erratics, clearly derived from sources further to the east, are distributed over parts of the summit plain. A vertical-walled dolerite dyke protruding up to 4 m above the adjacent surface shows no sign of glacial erosion. Our findings confirm that the present bedrock geomorphology and regolith in the summit plain survived at least the Late Weichselian glaciation. This is best explained by the ice sheet having been cold-based throughout its existence on the summit plain. Cold-based conditions imply that permafrost survived the last glacial cover. Based on the geomorphic evidence and estimates of Late Cenozoic erosion, we suggest that the present summit plains roughly represent the remains of a preglacial surface.  相似文献   
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