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针对舰船尾流气泡的测量问题,设计了侧扫声呐测量水体气泡反射强度的实验方案,提出了回波数据的提取和处理方法。根据气泡产生前后侧扫声呐声图灰度的变化,提取目标区域回波数据,计算气泡在各Ping中的平均反射强度。实验结果验证了方法的可行性,所得平均反射强度能有效量化气泡从产生到消失这一物理过程。  相似文献   
提出使用GoogleEarth进行PS-InSAR形变成果展示的方法,并以成都部分PS-InSAR监测成果数据作为示例,构建了KML(keyholemarkuplanguage)文件,基于GoogleEarth三维场景进行了展示。结果表明,相对于传统二维地图的展示方法,新方法能够进行监测成果的三维展示,同时通过用户交互操作,可以查看相应PS点累积形变量变化信息,能够更全面地展示PS-InSAR监测成果,具有更好的展示效果。  相似文献   
HU Lei  WU Xin-wei 《山地科学学报》2019,13(7):1598-1605
To explore the difference in pollen harvest between the western honey bee Apis mellifera and a native eastern honey bee A. cerana in the Zoige alpine meadows in the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, we investigated species diversity of the harvested pollen and the amount of harvested pollen per bee for both species, and calculated the niche overlap (in terms of similarity in harvested pollen) between the two bee species during the flowering season from June to August 2016. Results showed that the species diversity of the harvested pollen was indistinguishable between the two bee species. Nevertheless, A. mellifera carried more (although not significant) pollens per bee than A. cerana. Moreover, pollen composition differed between the two bee species: A. mellifera mainly foraged on Anemone rivularis, Saussurea nigrescens and Anemone trullifolia, while A. cerana foraged on Anemone rivularis, Stellera chamaejasme, and Pedicularis longiflora. Consistently, the niche overlap between the two honeybee species was particularly small in several observations. Our results indicate a niche separation in pollen resource between the two honeybee species in a Tibetan alpine meadow.  相似文献   
Rill development is a major soil erosion process that causes severe soil degradation.This study examined the effects of representative rainfall intensities(50 and 75 mm h-1),slope gradients(10°and 150),and slope lengths(7.5 and 10.0 m)on rill development and rill characteristics on loessial hillslopes in China.Loessial soil was collected from the cropland of Ansai Town,Yan'an City,Shaanxi Province.The soil with 28.3%sand,58.1%silt,and13.6%clay was packed into a soil pan to conduct rainfall simulations in 2012.The results showed that the time of the knickpoint occurrence(5-16 min),the rill headcut extension(9-33 min),and the mean headward erosion rate(1.7-5.o cm min-1)were better representative indicators for reflecting the changes in the rill development than other indicators used in this study.For a quick evaluation of the rill erosion severity,the rill coverage ratio(1%-12%,generallyincreasing with an increase in the rainfall intensity)was better than the other indicators for treatments with different rainfall intensities,and the rill width-depth ratio(1.56-2.27,generally decreasing with an increase in the slope gradient)was better than the other indicators for treatments with different slope gradients.Furthermore,the rill inclination angle(8.2°-19.1°,significantly increasing with an increase in the slope length)and rill density(0.19-1.34 m·m-2,generally increasing with an increase in the slope length)were more suitable for evaluating the rill erosion severity on hillslopes with different slope lengths.Therefore,the representative indicators could reflect the differences in the rill development and rill characteristics under different rainfall and topographic situations.The study greatly improved the evaluation of rill erosion severity and the prediction of the development of rills for loessial hillslopes.  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the correlation between the permeation effect and microfabric of the slip zone soils with Huangtupo landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir as the study case. Based on the permeability test and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images analysis, the fractal theory and probability entropy are used to quantify the characteristics of the remodeling specimens. First, the relationships between initial moisture content (IMC) and microstructure of the soil (percentage of particle area (PPA), pore roundness (Rp)) before and after permeability test are summarized. Then, the fractal dimension of the soil (pore distribution (Dpd), pore size (Dps)) are analyzed under the permeation effect. Based on the probability entropy, the entropy of pore (Ep) is used to characterize the porosity orientation, and the rose diagrams are used to show the particle orientation under the permeation effect. Finally, the relationship between the microstructure of the soil and its mechanical property is discussed. Results show that under the permeation effect, the microstructure of the soil has undergone tremendous changes. A flat long pore channel is formed. The order of the pore arrangement is enhanced, and soil particles switch the long axis to parallel infiltration direction to reach a new steady state. It can be inferred that the strength of soil would be weakened if the fractal dimension of soil pore decreases under any external environment.  相似文献   
一次强震常伴随着多次余震作用,且时间间隔较短。研究表明,主震诱发的系列余震会对原有结构造成进一步的累积损伤。核岛厂房结构作为核反应堆的最后一道防线,其在服役期间可能遭受主震和余震的累积作用。参考我国现行规范,定义了四类性能水准(PL)和三种极限状态(LS),以混凝土最大应变作为结构破坏指数(DI),以谱加速度Sa作为地震动强度指标(IM),提出一种考虑主余震序列作用下核岛厂房结构的易损性评估方法。选取PEER数据库地震记录,采用增量动力分析方法,给出了AP1000核岛厂房在420条主余震序列地震作用下的易损性曲线。定量分析了主震强度和主余震谱加速度比对核岛厂房结构易损性的影响。结果表明:核岛厂房的超越概率随着余震强度的增大而增大;余震在主震对结构损伤的基础上会加重核岛厂房的附加损伤;随着主余震谱加速度比从0.5增加到1.0时,核岛厂房结构破坏状态超越概率提高了10%~40%。  相似文献   
隔震支座对桥梁抗震有重要意义,优化支座的参数可有效提升隔震效率。以一座三跨连续梁桥为例,建立了考虑桩-土-结构相互作用的有限元模型。将铅芯橡胶支座的特征强度及初始刚度视为优化变量,以最小化桥梁结构的系统地震易损性为目标。通过动力时程分析,得到支座参数对桥梁系统地震易损性的影响规律,确定支座参数的合理区间。高斯过程模型用来取代耗时的动力时程分析,降低隔震支座优化设计的计算成本。分析结果表明:铅芯橡胶支座的特征强度和初始刚度对桥梁系统地震易损性有明显影响;支座优化设计有效降低了桥梁系统地震易损性,大幅减小支座的剪切应变,提高了支座的隔震效率。  相似文献   
LEMI-417长周期大地电磁测深仪是目前国内普及程度较高的一套通过观测超低频段天然电磁场信号来探测地球深部壳幔电性结构的观测系统.本文对该系统采集的天然大地电磁场数据的原始二进制数据结构进行了深入研究,剖析出了其对应的计算机数据结构,并列出了核心的程序代码,以作为下一步的后期数据解释软件开发之基础.  相似文献   
为研究薄壁断裂南段的电性结构特征,采用高密度电阻率层析成像探测方法,对薄壁断裂在峪河口以南至方庄镇段的电性结构进行探测,共布设4条测线,总长度为10.47km,探测结果揭示在测线下方存在有明显的电阻率间断面,认为是薄壁断裂在该处的反映.结合已有地质地球物理结果,认为薄壁断裂具有明显的分段特征,以峪河口为界,以北至上八里镇石门河出山口处,在第四纪早期有明显活动,以南至方庄镇附近为隐伏断裂,走向NE,倾向SE,倾角约为60°,上断点深度为30m.  相似文献   
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