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羌塘盆地位于青藏高原中部,是一个具有沉积钠盐、钾盐远景的蒸发岩盆地。最近在羌塘盆地上侏罗统夏里组中发现多处具有钾、钠异常的盐泉这一重要的找钾盐线索,然而目前对上侏罗统夏里组的古环境演变仍然不甚了解,限制了对晚侏罗世羌塘盆地的成盐(成钾)条件和可能的层位等重大科学问题的理解。因此本文以热磁分析为主,对羌塘盆地雁石坪地区上侏罗统夏里组沉积物进行高分辨率岩石磁学研究,并讨论其古环境意义。最后,根据成盐(成钾)理论,综合分析羌塘盆地上侏罗统夏里组成盐(成钾)的构造、气候和物源条件。κ-T曲线、磁滞回线和热退磁结果共同表明磁铁矿和赤铁矿是夏里组的主要载磁矿物;磁学参数分析表明夏里组上段赤铁矿含量相对增加,揭示夏里组上段形成于干旱气候环境;综合分析构造、气候和物源条件表明,羌塘盆地上侏罗统夏里组上段最为具备良好的成盐(成钾)条件。  相似文献   
利用电子探针研究甘肃陇南赵家庄金矿载金矿物特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用偏光显微镜与电子探针相结合的手段是研究载金矿物的主要方法。本文采用镜下鉴定和电子探针分析技术,对赵家庄金矿中载金矿物含量、形态特征及其与其他矿物的空间关系开展研究,并对载金矿物进行定性和定量分析,探寻具有找矿意义的载金矿物和总结标志矿物特征。结果表明:研究区金矿石中主要载金矿物为黄铁矿,少量为黄铜矿、闪锌矿,这些载金矿物中Au含量依次为:细晶黄铁矿粗晶黄铁矿草莓状黄铁矿黄铜矿。不同时期的黄铁矿(粗晶黄铁矿、细晶黄铁矿、草莓状黄铁矿)中Au的分布均匀,但存在差异性,主要表现为细晶黄铁矿和草莓状黄铁矿中的Au含量较高(平均含量0. 14%~0. 18%),这种现象表明此类矿物为构造热液期形成,金易富集。Au以两种形式存在,一种是"可见金"包裹于脉石矿物中,或以裂隙金的形式嵌布在矿物晶隙及裂隙中;另一种是"不可见金"以纳米级颗粒金的形式存在于载金矿物中,也是Au的主要存在形式。本研究为后期矿床的成因、成矿过程和成矿机理研究提供了佐证,同时易于根据含金矿物的特征选择合适的选冶方法。  相似文献   
土壤样品中亚硒酸盐Se(Ⅳ)和硒酸盐Se(Ⅵ)的形态分析中,提取剂的选择和检测方法是技术的关键。以往的提取剂容易导致硒形态发生转变或无法同时提取Se(Ⅳ)和Se(Ⅵ),常用的氢化物发生原子荧光光谱法无法直接测定Se(Ⅵ),而是通过差减法得出Se(Ⅵ)含量。本文对比了不同提取剂的提取能力,确定使用0. 1 mol/L氢氧化钠溶液作为提取剂,在55℃超声萃取土壤样品30 min,提取液经高效液相色谱分离,电感耦合等离子体质谱检测,建立了土壤中Se(Ⅳ)和Se(Ⅵ)的形态分析方法。采用Hamilton PRP X-100色谱柱,以6 mmol/L柠檬酸为流动相,pH=5. 5,在8 min内可完全分离Se(Ⅳ)和Se(Ⅵ),两者的检出限分别为0. 15μg/L、0. 16μg/L,线性相关系数(r~2)均大于0. 999。以土壤为基体进行加标回收试验,Se(Ⅳ)和Se(Ⅵ)的回收率在84. 2%~95. 8%之间,相对标准偏差为1. 4%~5. 3%(n=6)。该方法简单快速,具有良好的精密度和准确度,适用于土壤中无机硒的形态分析。  相似文献   
印支期龙门山断裂带的逆冲-推覆构造和沉积响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着华南、华北和羌塘地块在中—晚三叠世的俯冲—碰撞,古特提斯洋逐渐消亡,在龙门山及其前陆盆地发生了广泛的构造和沉积事件,统称为印支造山运动。然而,这期重要的造山事件普遍叠加有新生代印度与欧亚板块俯冲碰撞所引起的相似的北西—南东向构造挤压作用,使得印支期的构造活动对奠定龙门山初始构造和地貌特征,乃至对新生代构造活动的深远影响难以区分。对青藏高原其他边界的研究表明,只有通过多种手段从多个角度才能认清造山带形成的真实历史,而近些年来在龙门山地区开展的深地震探测、主断裂和飞来峰定年、前陆盆地沉积序列和沉积作用以及大地热流分布的研究则为我们进一步揭示印支初期龙门山断裂带构造活动本质提供了全新的视角。深地震反射剖面和最新的定年结果揭示龙门山地区在印支期发生了大型逆冲—推覆作用,在此期间,形成了两条主要断裂带,并直至后碰撞造山时期,形成了多期次的山前飞来峰构造。龙门山断裂带在印支期的大型逆冲—推覆构造活动,引发了大量的陆源碎屑沉积物涌入到四川前陆盆地中。强烈的断裂活动还引发了区域大地震的发生,在四川盆地西缘未完全固结沉积地层中形成了软沉积物变形。综合以往的研究结果,我们认为龙门山早期的逆冲—推覆和青藏高原东缘大地热流的升高伴随有区域岩石圈底部的拆沉导致软流圈高温物质的上涌。这种早期的构造格局对龙门山断裂带在新生代构造地貌的最终形成产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
Climate change brings uncertain risks of climate-related natural hazards. The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA in Climate change: long-term trends and their implications for emergency management, 2011. https://www.fema.gov/pdf/about/programs/oppa/climate_change_paper.pdf) has issued a policy directive to integrate climate change adaptation actions into hazard mitigation programs, policies, and plans. However, to date there has been no comprehensive empirical study to examine the extent to which climate change issues are integrated into state hazard mitigation plans (SHMPs). This study develops 18 indicators to examine the extent of climate change considerations in the 50 SHMPs. The results demonstrate that these SHMPs treat climate change issues in an uneven fashion, with large variations present among the 50 states. The overall plan quality for climate change considerations was sustained at an intermediate level with regard to climate change-related awareness, analysis, and actions. The findings confirm that climate change concepts and historic extreme events have been well recognized by the majority of SHMPs. Even though they are not specific to climate change, mitigation and adaptation strategies that can help reduce climate change risks have been adopted in these plans. However, the plans still lack a detailed assessment of climate change and more incentives for collaboration strategies beyond working with emergency management agencies.  相似文献   
孙思辰  张良  吴圣刚  高磊  彭劲松  文亭 《岩石学报》2018,34(5):1469-1483
黄金洞超大型金矿床位于江南造山带中段,赋存于新元古界浅变质岩系中,受控于NNE-NE向长平断裂带,金资源储量达100吨。该矿床可由南至北分为金福、金塘、杨山庄和曲溪矿段,主要矿化类型有石英-硫化物脉型、构造角砾岩型和黄铁毒砂绢英岩型。金属矿物主要发育有自然金、毒砂、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、磁黄铁矿等;非金属矿物有石英、绢云母、方解石和菱铁矿等,其中金主要以自然金与不可见金形式存在。根据野外与镜下观察,金成矿作用分为Ⅰ石英-金-毒砂-黄铁矿、Ⅱ石英-金-多金属硫化物-白钨矿和Ⅲ石英-辉锑矿-绿泥石3个阶段,前二者为主要成矿阶段。曲溪矿段Ⅱ阶段毒砂相对不发育、而磁黄铁矿和自然金显著发育,绿泥石主要发育于Ⅲ阶段中,与辉锑矿及闪锌矿共生。根据不同矿段各阶段毒砂与Ⅲ阶段绿泥石成分,计算其温度、lgf(S_2)与lgf(O_2),可见Ⅰ阶段成矿温度与硫逸度高于Ⅱ阶段:杨山庄矿段两阶段成矿温度分别为300~378℃、260~300℃,lgf(S_2)分别为-11~-7.2、-11.9~-10.1;金塘两阶段成矿温度为240~311℃、245~298℃;金福Ⅱ阶段成矿温度上限为297℃;曲溪矿段成矿温度为268~368℃,Ⅱ阶段毒砂lgf(S_2)与Ⅲ阶段绿泥石lgf(O_2)分别为-13.2~-8.7、-50.9~-40.1。根据不同阶段矿物之间的相互关系及成矿温度与硫逸度演化特征,推断Ⅰ、Ⅱ成矿阶段伴随强烈的硫化作用,金以类质同象方式进入毒砂和黄铁矿中,形成不可见金;其中Ⅱ阶段由于成矿流体压力骤降,含金流体发生相分离作用,H2S等气体大量逃逸,导致成矿流体中硫含量骤降,加以硫化作用持续消耗流体中的硫,促进了含金络合物分解与自然金的沉淀。  相似文献   
A review of advances in China’s flash flood early-warning system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes the main flash flood early-warning systems of America, Europe, Japan, and Taiwan China and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. The latest development in flash flood prevention is also presented. China’s flash flood prevention system involves three stages. Herein, the warning methods and achievements in the first two stages are introduced in detail. Based on the worldwide experience of flash flood early-warning systems, the general research idea of the third stage is proposed from the viewpoint of requirements for flash flood prevention and construction progress of the next stage in China. Real-time dynamic warning systems can be applied to the early-warning platform at four levels (central level, provincial level, municipal level, and county level) . Through this, soil moisture, peak flow, and water level can be calculated in real-time using distributed hydrological models, and then flash flood warning indexes can be computed based on defined thresholds of runoff and water level. A compound warning index (CWI) can be applied to regions where rainfall and water level are measured by simple equipment. In this manner, flash-flood-related factors such as rainfall intensity and antecedent and cumulative rainfall depths can be determined using the CWI method. The proposed methodology for the third stage could support flash flood prevention measures in the 13th 5-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (2016–2020). The research achievements will serve as a guidance for flash flood monitoring and warning as well as flood warning in medium and small rivers.  相似文献   
Chinese central government made a commitment to achieve a 40–45% reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of GDP by 2020 compared with 2005. This targeted reduction was allocated averagely among all the provinces rather than individually according to different situations of each province. Though some research has been done regarding this rough allocation, two shortcomings in previous studies exist: Firstly, CO2 marginal abatement cost (MAC) has been ignored as one of the CO2 emission reduction allocation indexes. Secondly, either subjective or objective method has been used rather than comprehensively of both subjective and objective method to calculate the weight of each index in the previous studies. In order to fill the gaps, this paper builds a two-stage Shapley information entropy model to allocate CO2 emission reduction quota among the Chinese provinces based on the equity and efficiency principles. Afterward, three CO2 emission reduction quota allocation scenarios have been proposed. The results show that the CO2 MAC is an indispensable index in CO2 emission reduction quota allocation, because its value of CO2 Shapley information entropy is the highest among five indexes. CO2 emission reduction quota of lower-MAC provinces should be allocated larger, while the quota of higher-MAC provinces should be allocated smaller. Therefore, two suggested policies have been proposed: First, differential CO2 emission reduction quota allocation should be proposed. Second, synergetic development should be promoted.  相似文献   
郑云超  佴磊  徐燕  王宏 《世界地质》2018,37(1):259-266
为了更好的研究草炭土湿地基本信息,获取草炭土分布特征,选择吉林省东部沼泽草炭土湿地为研究对象,运用高密度电阻率法,对比不同装置下探测结果的差异,再与已知的探槽资料做对比,得出温纳—施伦贝格装置为最可靠、最合理的探测装置。再将该装置运用到其他草炭土地区,得出对草炭土湿地的探测为浅层地质问题,草炭土的视电阻率为50~300Ω·m,深度为1.2~3.9 m,在反演图像中表现为低阻体部分,各地层间层状结构明显,电性界限分明。  相似文献   
With the development and popularization of smartphones and embedded sensors, a non-professional atmospheric measurement method by using smartphones carried by the public has been proposed recently. Without extra dedicated instrument, this method has many advantages, such as low hardware cost, high spatio-temporal resolution, and wide coverage, and it can supplement the professional atmospheric measurement methods, which has broad applications in the meteorological operation, scientific research, public service, and other fields. At present, the research on the non-professional atmospheric measurement in China is limited. In order to make full use of this method, this paper briefly outlined the states of existing smartphones and embedded sensors, highlighted the measurement of precipitation, air temperature, pressure, aerosols, and radiation by smartphones. To promote the development of smartphones for atmospheric measurement, future research should focus on mechanism study, available sources exploration, data quality control, big data processing, joining and matching with operation, research and service, etc.  相似文献   
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