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We investigated the horizontal and the vertical component of the Evershed flow (EF). To this end, we computed average Stokes V profiles for various velocity classes in penumbrae at different heliocentric angles. Our results show that for blueshifted profiles an additional lobe with the same polarity as the spot is present in the blue side of the average Stokes V profile. The amplitude of the additional lobe grows with increasing blueshift and with increasing heliocentric angle. For small redshifts, the profiles show an additional lobe with the opposite polarity as the spot on the red side of the average Stokes V profile. Even at disk center, the original polarity of the average Stokes V profile is reversed for strong redshifts. The transition between the different types of Stokes V profiles is continuous and indicates that not only the vertical, but also the horizontal EF is a magnetized stream of plasma in a magnetic background field (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
An approach to establish the recharge component of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) has recently been proposed that uses small-diameter shallow wells installed using relatively inexpensive drilling methods such as direct push. As part of further development of that approach, a generalized procedure is presented for a technical and economic assessment of the approach’s potential in comparison to other systems. Following this procedure, the use of small-diameter wells was evaluated both experimentally and numerically for a site located in southern Styria, Austria. MAR is currently done at the site using a horizontal pipe infiltration system, and system expansion has been proposed with a target rate of 12 l/s using small-diameter wells as one possible option. A short-duration single-well field recharge experiment (recharge rate 1.3–3.5 l/s) was performed (recharge by gravity only). Numerical modeling of the injection test was used to estimate hydraulic conductivity (K). Quasi-steady-state, single-well recharge simulations for different locations, as well as a long-term transient simulation, were performed using the K value calibrated from the field injection test. Results indicate that a recharge capacity of 4.1 l/s was achievable with a maximum head rise of 0.2 m at the injection well. Finally, simulations were performed for three different well fields (4, 6 and 8 wells, respectively) designed to infiltrate a target rate of 12 l/s. The experimental and numerical assessments, supported by a cost analysis of the small-diameter wells, indicate that the small-diameter wells are a viable, cost-effective recharge approach at this and other similar sites.  相似文献   
卫星估雨精度的不确定性受到当地降雨类型和像元内降雨非均匀性影响,而结合这两个关键因素开展半干旱草原卫星估雨的研究有限.2009年夏,我们在中国锡林郭勒半干旱草原用多部微雨雷达和雨量计构建了9 km卫星像元降雨观测网,观测了像元内降雨非均匀性(空间变异系数CV),并评估了卫星估雨精度.结果表明:(1)CV值受像元内平均降雨量,降雨类型,降雨云面积及移向等影响,如高Cv值的降雨过程大多为平均降雨量小,对流性降雨过程,降雨云边缘像元CV值较高;(2)TRMM 3B42V7卫星估雨产品适用性较好,CMORPH和PERSIANN次之,但TRMM 3B42V7易在半干旱草原湖泊处高估降雨.  相似文献   
This paper describes the application of remote sensing in monitoring the fluctuations in one of the mountain glaciers in the Ecuadorean Andes during the past few decades using ASTER, EO-1 ALI, Landsat MSS, TM and ETM + images. Satellite images were used to calculate the snow line altitudes (SLAs) during the period 1979–2013. Cotopaxi ice covered volcano was studied as representative of Ecuadorian glaciers in the eastern cordillera. Precipitation and air temperature data from various gauging stations within the range of 30 km from the study site and monthly discharge and water level data from a gauging station were also utilized in this study. Anomalies in precipitation and temperature were found to be slightly different in the Cotopaxi region compared to nearby Antizana in the same cordillera and Chimborazo region in the western cordillera. An attempt to correlate the El Niño—southern oscillation phenomenon with the glacier fluctuations in Ecuadorian Andes was done successfully. Cold and warm regimes of Pacific Decadal Oscillation is also considered. The calculated glacier fluctuations obtained were similar to that performed on the nearby Antizana 15 in the eastern cordillera during 1995–2002. Precipitation and temperature anomalies were similar with Antizana 15. It is evident from the research that SLAs were highly fluctuated between the period of occurrence of El Niño and La Niña events. It is also seen that the glacier fluctuations show a negative mass balance trend in during the warm regime of Pacific Decadal Oscillation during the past three decades. Glaciated areas were advanced during the La Nina events in the cold regime of PDO during 1998–2002.  相似文献   
Three major, interdependent processes control the genesis and distribution of mineral and thermal waters in the Rhenish Massif, Central Europe: (a) Magmatic processes in the upper mantle provide most of the CO2 to produce bicarbonate waters in shallow aquifers. (b) Extension of the brittle upper crust enables the ascent of sodium chloride waters. (c) Uplift and erosion shape the massif's relief, which determines the extent of flow systems and the distribution of thermal springs. The chemistry of mineral waters further depends on the aquifers' mineral composition. A comprehensive set of hydrological, chemical, tectonic and geophysical data on the Rhenish Massif has been compiled. It was used to classify the mineral waters and to map the spatial distribution of water properties. The composition of cuttings from several representative wells producing different water types shows that the hydrothermal alteration of the aquifer rocks consists mainly of kaolinization of chlorite and dissolution of feldspar. Numerical transport simulations favour two modes of groundwater flow: topography-driven flow and the pressure-driven ascent of basement brines along active faults. Thermal convection is less important.  相似文献   
Genus Polyphylloseris is a scleractinian colonial coral that has been established by d’Orbigny (1849) from the Neocomian of Yonne, France. The genus is characterized by having elevated domal calices that are mammillar or craterlike in shape and with porous confluent septa. Columella is absent or rudimentary, and the lower surface of the corallum is covered with a thick and wrinkled holotheca. Specimens having the above-mentioned characteristics have been collected from the Upper Jurassic Arousiah Member of the Masajid Formation (Callovian–Oxfordian) of Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai, Egypt. They are characterized by having a cupolate colonial form and porous pennulate septa which reach 40–50 in number. Based on these characters and other characters such as density of septa, height, and width of mammillar calices, the studied material is attributed to a new species named Polyphylloseris magharensis. The new species is a first undoubted record of Polyphylloseris in the Jurassic. Previously recorded undoubted ages of the genus are Early and Late Cretaceous. The fewer number of septa and the smaller-sized and closer mammillar calices allow differentiation of the species from other species such as Polyphylloseris icaunensis d’Orbigny and Polyphylloseris convexa d’Orbigny.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Winter 1952/53 war an den deutschen Küsten ein mä\iger Eiswinter. Innerhalb der Winter von 1896/97 bis 1952/53 nimmt er nach seinem Eisausma\ gerade den Zentralwert ein. Während des Winters war die méridionale Luftzirkulation vorherrschend, aber auch der Anteil der zonalen Zirkulation war nicht gering. Unter den Gro\wetterlagen überwogen das abgeschlossene Hoch über Mitteleuropa und die Hochdruckbrücke über Mitteleuropa. Der Winter hatte vier Eisperioden, von denen die zweite nur andeutungsweise auftrat, während die letzte das meiste Eis brachte.
Ice conditions on the German coasts between the rivers Ems and Trave during the winter 1952/53
Summary The winter 1952/53 on the German coasts was a moderate ice winter. Because of the extent of its ice formation it occupies the central value among the winters from 1896/97 up to 1952/53. During this winter, meridional atmospheric circulation predominated, though the part that fell to zonal circulation was not inconsiderable either. Among the large scale weather situations, the closed high pressure area and the ridge of high pressure over Central Europe were preponderant. There were four periods of ice formation of which the second period was but very insignificant, while the greatest ice production was observed during the last cold period.

Rapport sur les conditions des glaces sur les cÔtes allemandes entre l'Ems et le Trave pendant l'hiver 1952/53
Résumé L'hiver 1952/53 sur les cÔtes allemandes montrait un caractère modéré. Parmi les hivers de la période de 1896/97 jusqu'à 1952/53 il occupe justement la valeur centrale à cause de la grandeur de sa production des glaces. Pendant cet hiver, la circulation atmosphérique méridionale prédominait, mais la part de la circulation zonale n'était pas petite non plus. Parmi les situations météorologiques générales, l'aire concentrée de haute pression et la dorsale de haute pression au dessus de l'Europe Central étaient prépondérantes. Il y avait quatre périodes des glaces pendant cet hiver; au cours da la seconde période la production des glaces était insignifiicante tandis que la dernière période était caractérisée par la plus forte formation des glaces.
 This paper examines the cause of color variations of trachytic pumices which are essentially uniform in chemical composition and proposes a geological model for their formation. A pyroclastic sequence of distinct subunits with brown, buff, and black pumices was deposited during the 5000-B.P. eruption of a tuff ring in the central Meidob volcanic field (Sudan). Subunits of buff pumices locally contain minor amounts of streaky pumice with pale-gray and dark-gray domains. The combined evidence of petrographic studies, chemical analyses of whole pumices and groundmass separates, electron microprobe analyses, optical spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetic susceptibility measurements show that color variations of the pumice clasts are related to the size and distribution of Fe3+-rich oxide microcrysts. Buff pumice and light-gray domains of streaky pumice have a colorless, transparent groundmass with very few microcrysts. Dark-gray domains of streaky pumice contain abundant hematite and/or magnetite microcrysts visible in thin section within a transparent, colorless glass groundmass. The groundmass of the black pumice clasts is brown in thin section which is most likely caused by submicroscopic magnetite microcrysts. Brown pumice clasts have a mixed groundmass consisting of brown domains and domains with opaque microcrysts in transparent glass. Variations in the eruption dynamics have been inferred from lithological observations. Subunits of black pumices are related to eruption pulses with low magma discharge and high water/magma mass ratio, whereas subunits of buff pumice were deposited during eruption pulses with high magma discharge and low water/magma mass ratio. Brown pumices represent the top part of the magma body, and the initial stage of the eruption probably had a low magma discharge. Streaky pumices are interpreted as the product of syn-eruptive mixing of Fe3+-rich oxide microcryst-bearing magma and microcryst-free magma. Received: 3 February 1997 / Accepted: 28 July 1997  相似文献   
For historical reasons many national mapping agencies store their topographic data in a dual system consisting of a Digital Landscape Model (DLM) and a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). The DLM contains 2D vector data representing objects on the Earth’s surface, such as roads and rivers, whereas the DTM is a 2.5D representation of the related height information, often acquired by Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS). Today, many applications require reliable 3D topographic data. Therefore, it is advantageous to convert the dual system into a 3D DLM. However, as a result of different methods of acquisition, processing, and modelling, the registration of the two data sets often presents difficulties. Thus, a straightforward integration of the DTM and DLM might lead to inaccurate and semantically incorrect 3D objects.In this paper we propose a new method for the fusion of the two data sets that exploits parametric active contours (also called snakes), focusing on road networks. For that purpose, the roads from a DLM initialise the snakes, defining their topology and their internal energy, whereas ALS features exert external forces to the snake via the image energy. After the optimisation process the shape and position of the snakes should coincide with the ALS features. With respect to the robustness of the method several known modifications of snakes are combined in a consistent framework for DLM road network adaptation. One important modification redefines the standard internal energy and thus the geometrical model of the snake in order to prevent changes in shape or position not caused by significant features in the image energy. For this purpose, the initial shape is utilized creating template-like snakes with the ability of local adaptation. This is one crucial point towards the applicability of the entire method considering the strongly varying significance of the ALS features. Other concepts related to snakes are integrated which enable our method to model network and ribbon-like characteristics simultaneously. Additionally, besides ALS road features information about context objects, such as bridges and buildings, is introduced as part of the image energy to support the optimisation process. Meaningful examples are presented that emphasize and evaluate the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   
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