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Abstract— Antarctic meteorite Miller Range (MIL) 03346 is a nakhlite composed of 79% clinopyroxene, ?1% olivine, and 20% vitrophyric intercumulus material. We have performed a petrological and geochemical study of MIL 03346, demonstrating a petrogenetic history similar to previously discovered nakhlites. Quantitative textural study of MIL 03346 indicates long (>1 × 101 yr) residence times for the cumulus augite, whereas the skeletal Fe‐Ti oxide, fayalite, and sulfide in the vitrophyric intercumulus matrix suggest rapid cooling, probably as a lava flow. From the relatively high forsterite contents of olivine (up to Fo43) compared with other nakhlites and compositions of augite cores (Wo38–42En35–40Fs22–28) and their hedenbergite rims, we suggest that MIL 03346 is part of the same or a similar Martian cumulate‐rich lava flow as other nakhlites. However, MIL 03346 has experienced less equilibration and faster cooling than other nakhlites discovered to date. Calculated trace element concentrations based upon modal abundances of MIL 03346 and its constituent minerals are identical to whole rock trace element abundances. Parental melts for augite have REE patterns that are approximately parallel with whole rock and intercumulus melt using experimentally defined partition coefficients. This parallelism reflects closed‐system crystallization for MIL 03346, where the only significant petrogenetic process between formation of augite and eruption and emplacement of the nakhlite flow has been fractional crystallization. A model for the petrogenesis of MIL 03346 and the nakhlites (Nakhla, Governador Valadares, Lafayette, Yamato‐000593, Northwest Africa (NWA) 817, NWA 998) would include: 1) partial melting and ascent of melt generated from a long‐term LREE depleted mantle source, 2) crystallization of cumulus augite (± olivine, ± magnetite) in a shallow‐level Martian magma chamber, 3) eruption of the crystal‐laden nakhlite magma onto the surface of Mars, 4) cooling, crystal settling, overgrowth, and partial equilibration to different extents within the flow, 5) secondary alteration through hydrothermal processes, possibly immediately succeeding or during emplacement of the flow. This model might apply to single—or multiple—flow models for the nakhlites. Ultimately, MIL 03346 and the other nakhlites preserve a record of magmatic processes in volcanic rocks on Mars with analogous petrogenetic histories to pyroxene‐rich terrestrial lava flows and to komatiites.  相似文献   
During the Cretaceous an andesitic arc developed across south Asia facing the Tethys Ocean. Remnants of this arc are preserved in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Chagai Hills and Kohistan, Pakistan. West of the Chaman fault near Spinatizha, Pakistan (33° 33′N, 66° 23′E) a terrain of crystalline rocks is exposed that links the Chagai Hills portion of this arc with the Kandahar portion of it in Afghanistan. Four units are present. (1) The Spinatizha Metamorphic Complex includes orthogneiss, greenschist, amphibolite, metavolcanics, marble and foliated muscovite granite. Extreme variation in rock type and degree of metamorphism characterises the entire complex. It is the oldest unit west of the Chaman fault in Pakistan. (2) The Bazai Ghar Volcanics consist of weakly deformed tuffs, flow breccias, and other coarse-grained pyroclastics of andesitic-arc type. Andesite flows and at least one silicic welded tuff are also present. The Bazai Ghar Volcanics are everywhere separated from the Spinatizha Metamorphic unit by granitic intrusions and a major fault. (3) Both the above units are intruded by a series of calc-alkaline granitic plutons ranging from diorite to granite. The silicic plutons generally intrude the more mafic ones. The Bazai Ghar Volcanics and related intrusions are probably equivalent to the Cretaceous (?) Sinjrani volcanics and the Cretaceous and younger intrusions of the Chagai Hills. (4) Along the fault zone between the volcanic and metamorphic rocks is a small area of previously unknown clastic sedimentary rocks: conglomerates and slates. The unit is of Palaeogene age but cannot yet be correlated with known units. The Spinatizha crystalline terrain extends south along the Chaman fault into Afghanistan and is covered by the Helmund desert to the west. It is the eastern continuation of the calc-alkaline arc terrain of the Chagai Hills dragged by oroclinal flexing into the Chaman transform zone. To the north it connects with the Kandahar volcanic arc. The metamorphic complex may represent the basement on which the arc terrain rests, only exposed due to strong vertical uplift near the Chaman fault.  相似文献   
Stream-sediment and soil geochemical data from the Upper and Lower Coastal Plains of South Carolina (USA) were studied to determine relationships between soils and stream sediments. From multi-element associations, characteristic compositions were determined for both media. Primary associations of elements reflect mineralogy, including heavy minerals, carbonates and clays, and the effects of groundwater. The effects of groundwater on element concentrations are more evident in soils than stream sediments. A “winnowing index” was created using ratios of Th to Al that revealed differing erosional and depositional environments. Both soils and stream sediments from the Upper and Lower Coastal Plains show derivation from similar materials and subsequent similar multi-element relationships, but have some distinct differences. In the Lower Coastal Plain, soils have high values of elements concentrated in heavy minerals (Ce, Y, Th) that grade into high values of elements concentrated into finer-grain-size, lower-density materials, primarily comprised of carbonates and feldspar minerals (Mg, Ca, Na, K, Al). These gradational trends in mineralogy and geochemistry are inferred to reflect reworking of materials during marine transgressions and regressions. Upper Coastal Plain stream-sediment geochemistry shows a higher winnowing index relative to soil geochemistry. A comparison of the 4 media (Upper Coastal Plain soils and stream sediments and Lower Coastal Plain soils and stream sediments) shows that Upper Coastal Plain stream sediments have a higher winnowing index and a higher concentration of elements contained within heavy minerals, whereas Lower Coastal Plain stream sediments show a strong correlation between elements typically contained within clays. It is not possible to calculate a functional relationship between stream sediment–soil compositions for all elements due to the complex history of weathering, deposition, reworking and re-deposition. However, depending on the spatial separation of the stream-sediment and soil samples, some elements are more highly correlated than others.  相似文献   
Degassed magmatic water was potentially the major source of surficial water on Mars. We measured Li, B, and Be abundances and Li isotope profiles in pyroxenes, olivines, and maskelynite from four compositionally different shergottites—Shergotty, QUE 94201, LAR 06319, and Tissint—using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). All three light lithophile elements (LLE) are incompatible: Li and B are soluble in H2O‐rich fluids, whereas Be is insoluble. In the analyzed shergottites, Li concentration decreases and Be concentration increases from cores to rims in pyroxenes. However, B concentrations do not vary consistently with Li and Be abundances, except in QUE 94201 pyroxenes. Additionally, abundances of these three elements in olivines show a normal igneous‐fractionation trend consistent with the crystallization of olivine before magma ascent and degassing. We expect that kinetic effects would lead to fractionation of 6Li in the vapor phase compared to 7Li during degassing. The Li isotope profiles, with increasing δ7Li from cores to rims, as well as Li and B profiles indicate possible degassing of hydrous fluids only for the depleted shergottite QUE 94201, as also supported by degassing models. Conversely, Shergotty, LAR 06319, and Tissint appear to have been affected by postcrystallization diffusion, based on their LLE and Li isotope profiles, accompanied by diffusion models. This process may represent an overlay on a degassing pattern. The LLE profiles and isotope profiles in QUE 94201 support the hypothesis that degassing of some basaltic shergottite magmas provided water to the Martian surface, although evidence may be obscured by subsolidus diffusion processes.  相似文献   
We present high‐precision measurements of the Mg isotopic compositions of a suite of types I and II chondrules separated from the Murchison and Murray CM2 carbonaceous chondrites. These chondrules are olivine‐ and pyroxene‐rich and have low 27Al/24Mg ratios (0.012–0.316). The Mg isotopic compositions of Murray chondrules are on average lighter (δ26Mg ranging from ?0.95‰ to ?0.15‰ relative to the DSM‐3 standard) than those of Murchison (δ26Mg ranging from ?1.27‰ to +0.77‰). Taken together, the CM2 chondrules exhibit a narrower range of Mg isotopic compositions than those from CV and CB chondrites studied previously. The least‐altered CM2 chondrules are on average lighter (average δ26Mg = ?0.39 ± 0.30‰, 2SE) than the moderately to heavily altered CM2 chondrules (average δ26Mg = ?0.11 ± 0.21‰, 2SE). The compositions of CM2 chondrules are consistent with isotopic fractionation toward heavy Mg being associated with the formation of secondary silicate phases on the CM2 parent body, but were also probably affected by volatilization and recondensation processes involved in their original formation. The low‐Al CM2 chondrules analyzed here do not exhibit any mass‐independent variations in 26Mg from the decay of 26Al, with the exception of two chondrules that show only small variations just outside of the analytical error. In the case of the chondrule with the highest Al/Mg ratio (a type IAB chondrule from Murchison), the lack of resolvable 26Mg excess suggests that it either formed >1 Ma after calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions, or that its Al‐Mg isotope systematics were reset by secondary alteration processes on the CM2 chondrite parent body after the decay of 26Al.  相似文献   
Practical geologic CO2 sequestration will require long-term monitoring for detection of possible leakage back into the atmosphere. One potential monitoring method is multi-spectral imaging of vegetation reflectance to detect leakage through CO2-induced plant stress. A multi-spectral imaging system was used to simultaneously record green, red, and near-infrared (NIR) images with a real-time reflectance calibration from a 3-m tall platform, viewing vegetation near shallow subsurface CO2 releases during summers 2007 and 2008 at the Zero Emissions Research and Technology field site in Bozeman, Montana. Regression analysis of the band reflectances and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index with time shows significant correlation with distance from the CO2 well, indicating the viability of this method to monitor for CO2 leakage. The 2007 data show rapid plant vigor degradation at high CO2 levels next to the well and slight nourishment at lower, but above-background CO2 concentrations. Results from the second year also show that the stress response of vegetation is strongly linked to the CO2 sink–source relationship and vegetation density. The data also show short-term effects of rain and hail. The real-time calibrated imaging system successfully obtained data in an autonomous mode during all sky and daytime illumination conditions.  相似文献   
The coarse-grained fraction of C2 chondrites is composed mostly of single crystals and aggregates of crystals of Mg-rich olivine and pyroxene. They do not possess compelling textural evidence of being the solidification products of rapidly-quenched molten droplets. Metal inclusions in the silicates contain 3·82–8·88 mole% Ni, 0·16–0·70 per cent Co, 0·17–1·07 per cent Cr and up to 5·70 per cent P. Thermodynamic calculations show that alloys of these compositions may be condensates from the solar nebula. The implication is that the high-temperature fraction of C2 chondrites consists mostly of high-temperature condensates. Chemical data show that the high-temperature fraction has an Fe/Mg atomic ratio of ? 0·31 compared to 1·3 in the matrix, indicating that much of the iron has been lost from the high-temperature fraction and converted to the troilito and oxidized iron of the low-temperature fraction. The presence of low-Ni metal grains in the aggregates and high Ni/Fe and Co/Fe ratios in the matrix of some C2's indicates preferential loss of early NiCo-rich metal from the high-temperature fraction during condensation.  相似文献   
A transcontinental profile of vertical crustal movement from San Diego, California, to Meldrim (Savannah), Georgia, has been assembled from precise leveling data of the National Geodetic Survey. Assuming constant movement during the time interval between leveling and releveling surveys, rates of movement have been plotted. The overall rate of movement of the East Coast relative to the West Coast derived from leveling is opposite in sign to the corresponding rate from tide gauges at San Diego and Savannah. Though this discrepancy is within the acceptable limits of normal random error associated with leveling measurements, it may also result in part from unavoidable uncertainties at the connection points between the various segments. In the absence of deterministic evidence on the source of the discrepancy, a least-squares adjustment was performed to distribute this difference in the overall trend through the profile. Apart from this trend, the western end of the profile is dominated by pronounced subsidence (rates 10 cm/yr) owing to water withdrawal and associated consolidation of alluvial sediments. With the exception of these movements, rates of vertical movement of the eastern and western United States are similar, suggesting that if such measurements represent significant tectonic activity, this activity may not be confined to the western United States. Movements are correlated with topography only in the peninsular ranges of California. Although these apparent elevation changes may reflect actual ground movement, this correlation may also result from systematic leveling errors. Comparison with gravity, depth to basement and depth to Moho shows no correlation.  相似文献   
The Yan'an Formation of the Ordos Basin is a sequence of four members,consisting of siliciclastic sediments deposited in alluvial,lacustrine and mire settings during the Middle Jurassic.Samples collect...  相似文献   
Shorelines around many estuaries and coastal embayments are rapidly eroding (approximately several meters/year), with more rapid erosion rates expected in the future due to natural and anthropogenic stressors. In response, a variety of techniques have been used to stabilize shorelines, but there are limited quantitative, long-term data available about their effects on the sedimentary environment immediately adjacent to them (i.e., the nearshore). This study evaluated changes in sediment characteristics (mud and organic content) and accumulation rates associated with installation of breakwaters, riprap, and living shorelines with (“hybrid”) and without (“soft”) a structural component. 210Pb (half-life 22.3 years) geochronologies were used to identify horizons in core profiles that corresponded to years when structures were built. Sites with naturally eroding shorelines (i.e., no structures) were used as a control group at which any sedimentary changes represent broad environmental trends, in contrast to changes at the protected sites that also include the influence of structures. Observations were placed within the context of modeled wave climate, shoreline-erosion rates, land use, dominant sediment source, and the apparent effect on submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) inhabiting the nearshore sedimentary environment. The main conclusion of this study is that there was no “one size fits all” answer to anticipated impacts of structures on nearshore sedimentary environments. Instead, specific changes associated with structures depended on individual site characteristics, but could be predicted with multiple linear regression models that included structure type, shoreline-erosion rate, dominant sediment source, and land use. Riprap or breakwater installation had either positive or no obvious impact on SAV at six of seven sites but negatively impacted SAV at one riprapped site. No obvious impacts on SAV were observed at living shoreline sites.  相似文献   
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