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We present a hydrodynamical code for cosmological simulations which uses the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) to follow the dynamics of the gas component and an N -body particle–mesh algorithm for the evolution of the collisionless component. The gravitational interaction between the two components is regulated by the Poisson equation which is solved by a standard fast Fourier transform (FFT) procedure. In order to simulate cosmological flows we have introduced several modifications to the original PPM scheme which we describe in detail. Various tests of the code are presented including adiabatic expansion, single and multiple pancake formation and three-dimensional cosmological simulations with initial conditions based on the cold dark matter scenario.  相似文献   
An electromagnetic inversion model has been applied to echoes from the subsurface sounding Shallow Radar (SHARAD) to retrieve the dielectric properties of the uppermost Basal Unit (BU) beneath the North Polar Layered Deposits of Mars. SHARAD data have been carefully selected to satisfy the assumption of the inversion model which requires a stratigraphy consisting of mostly plane parallel layers. The resulting values of the dielectric constant have been interpreted in terms of a variable percentage of dust in an ice–dust mixture through the use of a mixing model for dielectric properties. The resulting dust content exceeds 65%, reaching perhaps 95%, depending on the permittivity values assumed for the dust. Such a concentration is higher than that obtained by Selvans et al. (Selvans, M.M., Plaut, J.J., Aharonson, O. [2010]. J. Geophys. Res, 115, E09003). This discrepancy could be justified considering that our observations refer to the uppermost BU layer, whereas Selvans et al. (Selvans, M.M., Plaut, J.J., Aharonson, O. [2010]. J. Geophys. Res, 115, E09003) probed the BU full thickness. Moreover, if the BU is considered spatially inhomogeneous, with very different dust content and thickness (Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Fortezzo, C.M., Herkenhoff, K.E., Rodriguez, J.A.P., Bourke, M.C., Kolb, E.J., Okubo, C.H. [2008]. Icarus, 196, 318–358), the discrepancy could be furtherly reconciled.  相似文献   
Concentration fluctuation data from surface-layer released smokeplumes have been investigated with the purpose of finding suitable scaling parametersfor the corresponding two-particle, relative diffusion process.Dispersion properties have been measured at downwind ranges between 0.1 and 1 km from a continuous, neutrally buoyant ground level source. A combinationof SF6 and chemical smoke (aerosols) was used as tracer. Instantaneous crosswind concentration profiles of high temporal (up to 55 Hz) and spatialresolution (down to 0.375 m) were obtained from aerosol-backscatter Lidar detectionin combination with simultaneous gas chromatograph (SF6) reference measurements. The database includes detailed crosswind concentration fluctuation measurements. Each experiment, typically of 1/2-hour duration, containsplume mean and variance concentration profiles, intermittency profiles andexceedence and duration statistics. The diffusion experiments were accompanied by detailed in-situ micrometeorological mean and turbulence measurements. In this paper, a new distance-neighbour function for surface-released smoke plumes is proposed, accompanied by experimental evidence in its support. The new distance-neighbour function is found to scale with the surface-layer friction velocity,and not with the inertial subrange dissipation rate, over the range of distance-neighbour separations considered.  相似文献   
Building upon previous studies, we re-investigated the ethane spectrum between 1330 and 1610 cm?1 by combining unapodized spectra obtained at room temperature with a Bruker Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) in Brussels and at 131 K with a Bruker FTS in Pasadena. The maximum optical path differences (MOPD) of the two datasets were 450 and 323.7 cm, corresponding to spectral resolutions of 0.0020 and 0.0028 cm?1, respectively. Of the 15,000 lines observed, over 4592 transitions were assigned to the ν6 (at 1379 cm?1), ν8 (at 1472 cm?1), ν412 (at 1481 cm?1) and 2ν49 (at 1388 cm?1) bands, and another 1044 transitions were located for the ν484 hot band (at 1472 cm?1). Our new analysis included an improved implementation of the Hamiltonian calculation needed to interpret the complex spectral structures caused by numerous interactions affecting these four modes of vibration. From these results, we created the first line-by-line database containing the molecular parameters for over 20,000 12C2H6 transitions at 7 μm.  相似文献   
Vertical carbon fluxes between the surface and 2500 m depth were estimated from in situ profiles of particle size distributions and abundances me/asured off Cape Blanc (Mauritania) related to deep ocean sediment traps. Vertical mass fluxes off Cape Blanc were significantly higher than recent global estimates in the open ocean. The aggregates off Cape Blanc contained high amounts of ballast material due to the presence of coccoliths and fine-grained dust from the Sahara desert, leading to a dominance of small and fast-settling aggregates. The largest changes in vertical fluxes were observed in the surface waters (<250 m), and, thus, showing this site to be the most important zone for aggregate formation and degradation. The degradation length scale (L), i.e. the fractional degradation of aggregates per meter settled, was estimated from vertical fluxes derived from the particle size distribution through the water column. This was compared with fractional remineralization rate of aggregates per meter settled derived from direct ship-board measurements of sinking velocity and small-scale O2 fluxes to aggregates measured by micro-sensors. Microbial respiration by attached bacteria alone could not explain the degradation of organic matter in the upper ocean. Instead, flux feeding from zooplankton organisms was indicated as the dominant degradation process of aggregated carbon in the surface ocean. Below the surface ocean, microbes became more important for the degradation as zooplankton was rare at these depths.  相似文献   
We have derived a convergent scattering series solution for the frequency-domain wave equation in acoustic media with variable density and velocity. The convergent scattering series solution is based on the homotopy analysis of a vectorial integral equation of the Lippmann–Schwinger type. By using the Green's function and partial integration, we have derived the vectorial integral equation of the Lippmann–Schwinger type that involves the pressure gradient field as well as the pressure field from the wave equation. The vectorial Lippmann–Schwinger equation can in principle be solved via matrix inversion, but the computational cost of matrix inversion scales like N 3 , where N is the number of grid blocks. The computational cost can be significantly reduced if one solves the vectorial Lippmann–Schwinger equation iteratively. A simple iterative solution is the Born series, but it is only convergent when the scattering potential is sufficiently small. In this study, we have used the so-called homotopy analysis method to derive an iterative solution for the vectorial Lippmann–Schwinger equation which can be made convergent even in strongly scattering media. The computational cost of our convergent scattering series scales as N 2 . Our algorithm, which is based on the homotopy analysis method, involves a convergence control operator that we select using hierarchical matrices. We use a three-layer model and a resampled version of the SEG/EAGE salt model to show the performance of the developed convergent scattering series.  相似文献   
Tectonized slices of foliated quartz-diorite/ quartz-gabbro rocks are exposed along the north Giudicarie line between Dimaro and Rumo (Western Trentino region, north-east Italy). They show geochemical and mineralogical similarities with the north-east corner of the Adamello batholith (Presanella pluton) and may be regarded as a northern apophysis lamella of Adamello. The intrusive bodies were emplaced within the Adria crust at a relatively shallow depth (approximately equal to 3 kbar) along a proto-Giudicarie line under transtensive conditions during late Oligocene. Only near Rumo has contact metamorphism on the Austroalpine basement been observed, whereas in other outcrops it has been tectonically removed by later movements along the Giudicarie line. In the Samoclevolamella a magmatic flow texture, which developed during the emplacement of a crystal mush at shallow depth, is recorded by the preferred alignment of plagioclase and hornblende. A solid state foliation, outlined by quartz crystal aggregates, green hornblende and biotite, has been observed mostly in the Rumolamella. This indicates that a later ductile deformation, which developed under decreasing temperatures, overprinted the intrusive rocks. This deformation probably reflects late Oligocene strike-slip movements along the Tonale and Giudicarie lines. Finally semi-brittle to brittle deformation overprints the foliated igneouslamellae producing cataclasites and pseudotachylites. Sometimes these structures are subsequently cut by prehnite and epidote bearing veins. During this event, the intrusivelamellae were decoupled from their contact aureole and carried over the Insubric Flysch of the southern Alps. This last tectonic phase may be correlated to the Upper Miocene neo-Alpine transpressive event along the Giudicarie Line. Correspondence to: S. Martin  相似文献   
This paper deals with the investigation of the Mars subsurface by means of data collected by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding working at few megahertz frequencies. A data processing strategy, which combines a simple inversion model and an accurate procedure for data selection is presented. This strategy permits to mitigate the theoretical and practical difficulties of the inverse problem arising because of the inaccurate knowledge of the parameters regarding both the scenario under investigation and the radiated electromagnetic field impinging on the Mars surface. The results presented in this paper show that it is possible to reliably retrieve the electromagnetic properties of deeper structures if such strategy is accurately applied. An example is given here, where the analysis of the data collected on Gemina Lingula, a region of the North Polar layer deposits, allowed us to retrieve permittivity values for the basal unit in agreement with those usually associated to the Earth basaltic rocks.  相似文献   
In northern steep streams anchor ice is commonly observed during winter, and plays a key role when considering in‐stream conditions. The understanding, however, of the nature of anchor ice formation is less understood, in particular, under natural conditions. In the following, observations of anchor ice formation in three stream environments with different physical characteristics are presented. Results demonstrate that anchor ice not only form in riffle areas, but also in shallow and slow running stream sections. No linkage between spatial distribution of anchor ice and calculated dimensionless numbers (Froude and Reynolds number) was found. Furthermore, analyses on growth and density showed that anchor ice may be distinguished by two main types. (1) Type I: Lower density forming on top of substrata. (2) Type II: Higher density forming between the substrata filling interstitial spaces. Distribution of anchor ice Types I and II suggests a relation between intensity of turbulence expressed by the Reynolds number, growth pattern and density. As anchor ice has both physical and biological implications on in‐stream environments, findings from the present study may be of particular interest to cold region freshwater stream management. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present the results of a set of numerical simulations evaluating the effect of cluster galaxies on arc statistics.
We perform a first set of gravitational lensing simulations using three independent projections for each of nine different galaxy clusters obtained from N -body simulations. The simulated clusters consist of dark matter only. We add a population of galaxies to each cluster, mimicking the observed luminosity function and the spatial galaxy distribution, and repeat the lensing simulations including the effects of cluster galaxies, which themselves act as individual lenses. Each galaxy is represented by a spherical Navarro, Frenk & White density profile.
We consider the statistical distributions of the properties of the gravitational arcs produced by our clusters with and without galaxies. We find that the cluster galaxies do not introduce perturbations strong enough to significantly change the number of arcs and the distributions of lengths, widths, curvature radii and length-to-width ratios of long arcs. We find some changes to the distribution of short-arc properties in the presence of cluster galaxies. The differences appear in the distribution of curvature radii for arc lengths smaller than 12 arcsec, while the distributions of lengths, widths and length-to-width ratios are significantly changed only for arcs shorter than 4 arcsec.  相似文献   
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