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苏皖地区新生代碱性玄武岩中有丰富的地幔橄榄岩捕虏体 ,测定了 2 0多个样品的Re Os元素丰度和锇同位素组成 ,结果 :Re =0 .0 2 7× 10 - 9~ 0 .375×10 - 9,Os=0 .112×10 - 9~ 3.35× 10 - 9,1 87Os 1 88Os=0 .117~ 0 .134。由代理等时线法1 87Os 1 88Os Yb获得该区岩石圈地幔早期熔体亏损事件的年龄为 1.7Ga(中元古代 )。苏皖地区岩石圈地幔的古老性表明它是元古代后岩石圈拆沉 减薄作用的残余地幔部分。岩石圈地幔经过了亏损 富集多阶段演化。  相似文献   
Madagascar is a complex ‘biodiversity hotspot’ with a rapidly dwindling biota. The Late Quaternary subfossil record includes many extinct species whose loss is attributed to natural climate change and human impacts. Investigation of the chronology of these events is challenging because few localities document pre‐Holocene communities not impacted by humans. Caves with extinct lemurs of large body size comprise some of Madagascar's richest subfossil sites, but provide only a limited window into the island's past. Open highland sites may have fewer primates, but may better document other megafauna, and allow the analysis of the role of the Central Highlands as refugia and as corridors for the dispersal of vertebrates before and after human arrival. Here we present a new subfossil site, Tsaramody (Sambaina basin, Central Madagascar), a high‐altitude wetland area that preserves a diverse late glacial and postglacial vertebrate community. Tsaramody bears testimony to fluctuations in the highland flora during the transition from glacial to postglacial conditions, and the composition of a highland vertebrate community before humans arrived. We compare its biota to those of other sites to begin to document the decline and disappearance of megafauna from some of Madagascar's open ecosystems – wetlands dominated by hippopotamuses and crocodylians. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Simultaneously acquiring time series of climate, hydrology and hydrochemical data over decades on river systems is pivotal to understand the complex interactions involving rock, soil water, air and biota in the Critical Zone, to build integrated modelling and to propose predictive scenarios. Among the Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) implemented in the past 25 years, only a few are located in the humid Tropics despite the importance of these regions in terms of population density, fast-changing land use, biodiversity hotspots, biomass stock on continents, size of river systems, etc. Since 1994, weathering and erosion processes and fluxes have been investigated at both local (experimental watershed) and regional scales in the Nyong River Basin (Cameroon) which belongs to the Critical Zone Observatories network named Multiscale TROPIcal CatchmentS (M-TROPICS). The data shared by M-TROPICS in Cameroon are: (1) rainfall; (2) air temperature, air relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and global radiation; (3) stream and river water level; (4) pH, electrical conductivity, water temperature and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration; (5) major ion, alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. The dataset already contributed to describe the water partitioning in these tropical humid watersheds, to better understand the factors controlling chemical weathering and physical erosion in tropical ecosystems, particularly the role of organic matter. The dataset also contributed to calculate elemental weathering fluxes and saprolite production rate and to propose denudation rates on tropical cratonic landscapes. Hydrological modelling allowed quantification of the geographical water sources contributing to streamflow. DOC data were used to determine greenhouse-gas emissions and carbon budgets from African inland waters. However, long-term solute concentrations at the outlet of a small tributary of the Nyong River exhibit non-stationary behaviour over the last 26 years. The processes governing those fluctuations are not yet fully understood and might be related to changes in the hydrological regime, land-cover and land-use. The latter highlights the need for longer time-series and continued support for CZOs particularly in the humid tropics.  相似文献   

As with earthquakes, river floods, water waves, and wind intensities, a tsunami intensity has to be synthetic and comprehensive to be efficient. Tsunami impact is complex because the effects can be felt on the beach, on inundated areas and also at berths and anchors. Within the same local area, a tsunami may severely impact the population on the coast, while its effects may be negligible on marine bodies (boats). Most existing tsunami intensity scales are based either on water elevation or on induced currents. However, it is commonly admitted that both variables should be considered simultaneously. Several existing intensity scales were integrated and were made consistent with each other. An original intensity scale is then derived based on analysis of the interdependency between the maxima of tsunami amplitude and induced current: The dimension of the couple composed by two variables is analyzed, in particular through the derivation of a linear relationship using the long wave theory and the use of a fully nonlinear numerical experiment. Our intensity scale is particularly well adapted to numerical studies, for which the two variables are naturally derived within an entire computational grid. Once the tsunami intensity scale was set up, it was briefly applied to a particular case study: the impact of the Sumatra tsunami, dated December 26, 2004, on the coast of Sri Lanka. Indeed, the tsunami scales proposed herein represent an initial framework of study and can be further improved through new or revisited tsunami observations.

Shallow water habitats within estuarine systems are believed to be important areas for small fish. While a wide variety of shallow habitats have been studied, the land that becomes inundated by the damming effect after the closure of intermittently open mouths has previously been overlooked. Fish were sampled monthly from both the main channel and flood zone of an intermittently open estuary between July 2004 and June 2005 using minifyke nets during the day and at night. A total of 7,787 fish were collected during the study representing 13 species and 11 families. Philypnodon grandiceps was the most abundant species and, together with Atherinosoma microstoma, Pseudogobius olorum, and Galaxias maculatus, made up 94% of the total catch. Inundation of the flood zone occurred in two discrete forms associated with mouth condition, which consisted of sporadic flooding while the mouth was open, to long-term flooding for 6 months after its closure. Large numbers of fish were captured on the flood zone, which included nine species; however, A. microstoma dominated the catch. A distinct shift in the flood zone fish assemblage occurred between the two mouth conditions, which is likely associated with changes in hydro-period and food availability of the flood zone and physico-chemical parameters in the main channel. There was no longitudinal variation in the fish assemblage in both the main channel and flood zone; similarly, the diel period was found to have little effect on the fish assemblage. The total catch per unit effort did not vary across seasons and suggests that fish abundance within the estuary is stable throughout the year. Unlike other estuarine systems where shallow water fish assemblages may be structured by variations in tide and elevation within the Surrey, freshwater inflow and, more importantly, mouth condition appear to have the greatest influence in composition of the shallow water flood zone fish assemblage of intermittently open estuaries.  相似文献   
Fish kills are not uncommon within estuaries in many regions of the world. In seasonally open systems, which are common in temperate areas, they are often associated with mouth openings. Such a kill occurred in July 2005 in the Surrey Estuary following a closed mouth period of seven months resulting in the loss of many thousands of fish. At the time the fish community within the estuary was under investigation which provided comprehensive data of this population prior to the kill. Monthly water quality monitoring was also being conducted prior to the kill and also carried out on a daily basis following the mouth opening. The Surrey was stratified during the closed mouth phase, isolated waters below the halocline had stagnated and become anoxic. As a result only waters above the halocline contained oxygen concentrations capable of sustaining most fish. It appears that if a mouth opening happens under low flow conditions, a shearing effect occurs within the water column where surface waters flow out to sea leaving deeper waters behind. This resulted in only anoxic waters being present for in excess of six days and was responsible for the fish kill. Fish sampling of the Surrey Estuary was conducted three and six months following the kill and those data were compared to that collected in the 12 months prior to the event. Three months after the kill few fish were collected within the estuary and included marine opportunists near the mouth and estuarine resident species in the far upper reaches of the system. However six months following the kill large numbers of estuarine resident species were collected throughout the Surrey Estuary. As many species were euryhaline, it is believed that some individuals migrated into freshwater reaches of the Surrey to escape the anoxic conditions within the estuary. As conditions improved they recolonised the Surrey Estuary. The high fecundity and rapid growth of these small, short lived species probably aided in their re-establishing populations within the estuary. It is clear from this research that artificial openings of estuaries should be avoided during low flow periods when oxygen concentrations are low. It also appears that many of the small estuarine resident species common in seasonally open estuaries are capable of recolonising estuaries following fish kills. The effects on larger, longer lived resident species are not known but likely to be more detrimental due to longer time required for them to reach sexual maturity.  相似文献   
The Ethiopian continental flood basalt (CFB) province (∼30 Ma, > 3 × 105 km3) was formed as the result of the impingement of the Afar mantle plume beneath the Ethiopian lithosphere. This province includes major sequences of rhyolitic ignimbrites generally found on top of the flood basalt sequence. Their volume is estimated to be at least 6 × 104km3, which represents 20% of that of the trap basalts. Their phenocryst assemblage (alkali feldspar, quartz, aegyrine-augite, ilmenite ± Ti-magnetite, richterite, and eckermanite) suggests temperatures in the range of 740 to 900°C. Four units were recognized in the field (Wegel Tena, Jima, Lima Limo, and Debre Birhan areas), each with its own geochemical specificity. Zr/Nb ratios remain constant between basalt and rhyolite in each area, and rhyolites associated with high-Ti or low-Ti basalts are, respectively, enriched or depleted in titanium. Their trace element and isotope (Sr, Nd, O) signatures (high 143Nd/144Nd and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios, compared to those of rhyolites from other CFB provinces) are clearly different from those of typical crustal melts and indicate that the Ethiopian rhyolites are among the most isotopically primitive rhyolites. Their major and trace element patterns suggest that they are likely to be derived from fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas similar in composition to the exposed flood basalts with only limited crustal contribution. Since Ethiopian high-Ti basalts have been shown to form from melting of a mantle plume, it is likely that Ethiopian ignimbrites, at least those that are Ti-rich, also incorporated material from the deep mantle.Rb-Sr isochrons on whole rocks and mineral separates (30.1 ± 0.4 Ma for Wegel Tena and 30.5 ± 0.4 Ma for Jima ignimbrites) show that most of the silicic volcanism occurred within < 2 Ma during the Oligocene. Ignimbritic eruptions resumed in the Miocene during two episodes dated at 15.4 ± 0.2 Ma and 8.0 ± 0.2 Ma for the Debre Birhan area. The Rb-Sr isochron ages of ignimbrites (both Oligocene and Miocene rhyolites) are indistinguishable within uncertainties from the 40Ar/39Ar ages of the underlying flood basalts. The Oligocene ignimbrites and the underlying trap basalts are synchronous with a shift in the oxygen composition of foraminifera recorded in Indian and Atlantic Ocean cores. The temporal coincidence of Ethiopian Oligocene volcanism, which released immense volumes of S (> 1.4 × 1015 mol) and Cl (6.4 × 1015 mol) into the atmosphere over a short time span, with the global cooling event at 30.3 Ma suggests that this volcanism might have accelerated the climate change that was already underway.  相似文献   
Minimum legal size (MLS) is an important conservation measure in trap fisheries for Homarus americanus. MLS has increased in several management areas in the Canadian Maritimes since 1987. A key conservation objective has been to increase egg production, with predictions of the effects of MLS increase based on egg‐per‐recruit models. We evaluated whether expectations of increases in ovigerous females (OF) were realised when MLS was increased. Data were examined from at‐sea samples of the commercial trap catch from 11 ports from 1986 to 2003. OF indicators were developed based on the OF catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) of different sizes, and on the percentage (PCT) of females that were ovigerous. Because there were within‐season increases in CPUE and PCT, annual indicators were based on regressions of CPUE on day in the season. There was considerable variability in all the time series of OF annual indicators and any effects of smaller MLS increases could not be detected. Increases in OF indicators were evident in areas that undertook the largest MLS increases (6–6.5 mm CL).  相似文献   
A correlation of petrography, mineral chemistry and in situ oxygen isotopic compositions of fine-grained olivine from the matrix and of fine- and coarse-grained olivine from accretionary rims around Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and chondrules in CV chondrites is used here to constrain the processes that occurred in the solar nebula and on the CV parent asteroid. The accretionary rims around Leoville, Vigarano, and Allende CAIs exhibit a layered structure: the inner layer consists of coarse-grained, forsteritic and 16O-rich olivine (Fa1-40 and Δ17O = −24‰ to −5‰; the higher values are always found in the outer part of the layer and only in the most porous meteorites), whereas the middle and the outer layers contain finer-grained olivines that are more fayalitic and 16O-depleted (Fa15-50 and Δ17O = −18‰ to +1‰). The CV matrices and accretionary rims around chondrules have olivine grains of textures, chemical and isotopic compositions similar to those in the outer layers of accretionary rims around CAIs. There is a correlation between local sample porosity and olivine chemical and isotopic compositions: the more compact regions (the inner accretionary rim layer) have the most MgO- and 16O-rich compositions, whereas the more porous regions (outer rim layers around CAIs, accretionary rims around chondrules, and matrices) have the most MgO- and 16O-poor compositions. In addition, there is a negative correlation of olivine grain size with fayalite contents and Δ17O values. However, not all fine-grained olivines are FeO-rich and 16O-poor; some small (<1 μm in Leoville and 5-10 μm in Vigarano and Allende) ferrous (Fa>20) olivine grains in the outer layers of the CAI accretionary rims and in the matrix show significant enrichments in 16O (Δ17O = −20‰ to −10‰). We infer that the inner layer of the accretionary rims around CAIs and, at least, some olivine grains in the finer portions of accretionary rims and CV matrices formed in an 16O-rich gaseous reservoir, probably in the CAI-forming region. Grains in the outer layers of the CAI accretionary rims and in the rims around chondrules as well as matrix may have also originated as 16O-rich olivine. However, these olivines must have exchanged O isotopes to variable extents in the presence of an 16O-poor reservoir, possibly the nebular gas in the chondrule-forming region(s) and/or fluids in the parent body. The observed trend in isotopic compositions may arise from mixtures of 16O-rich forsterites with grain overgrowths or newly formed grains of 16O-poor fayalitic olivines formed during parent body metamorphism. However, the observed correlations of chemical and isotopic compositions of olivine with grain size and local porosity of the host meteorite suggest that olivine accreted as a single population of 16O-rich forsterite and subsequently exchanged Fe-Mg and O isotopes in situ in the presence of aqueous solutions (i.e., fluid-assisted thermal metamorphism).  相似文献   
The authors determine the composition of a river that is impacted by acid-mine drainage, evaluate dominant physical and geochemical processes controlling the composition, and assess dissolved metal speciation and toxicity using a combination of laboratory, field and modeling studies. Values of pH increase from 3.3 to 7.6 and the sum of dissolved base metal (Cd + Co + Cu + Ni + Pb + Zn) concentrations decreases from 6270 to 100 μg/L in the dynamic mixing and reaction zone that is downstream of the river’s confluence with acid-mine drainage. Mixing diagrams and PHREEQC calculations indicate that mixing and dilution affect the concentrations of all dissolved elements in the reach, and are the dominant processes controlling dissolved Ca, K, Li, Mn and SO4 concentrations. Additionally, dissolved Al and Fe concentrations decrease due to mineral precipitation (gibbsite, schwertmannite and ferrihydrite), whereas dissolved concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn decrease due to adsorption onto newly formed Fe precipitates.  相似文献   
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