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Roughness control on hydraulic conductivity in fractured rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of joint roughness on the typologies of fluid flow inside fractures is well known and, thanks to experiences in the field of hydraulics, it has been studied from both a physical and mathematical point of view. Nevertheless, the formulations adopted by traditional hydraulic models are hardly applicable in the geological field, because of the difficulty encountered in the roughness parameter estimation. Normally this parameter can be estimated using the joint roughness coefficient (JRC), which considers both the asperity height and its regularity and directional trend. The main advantage in using the JRC arises from the fact that it can easily be obtained from geological-technical surveys and from comparison with the standard Barton profiles. Some relationships have been built up that allow for the estimation of the hydraulic conductivity tensor (an essential parameter for understanding water flow in fractured rock masses), not only as a function of traditional parameters like aperture, spacing, dip and dip direction, etc., but also of joint roughness, precisely expressed in terms of the roughness coefficient. These relationships have been studied initially from a theoretical point of view and then practically, through laboratory investigations.
Resumen  Se conoce muy bien la influencia de la rugosidad de las grietas en las tipologías del flujo de fluidos a lo interior de las fracturas y gracias a las experiencias en el campo de hidráulica ha sido posible estudiarla desde puntos de vista matemáticos y físicos. Sin embargo, las formulaciones adoptadas por los modelos hidráulicos tradicionales tienen poca aplicabilidad en el campo geológico debido a la dificultad relacionada con la estimación del parámetro de rugosidad. Normalmente este parámetro puede estimarse usando el coeficiente de rugosidad de grieta (JRC) el cual considera tanto la altura de la aspereza como su regularidad y tendencia direccional. La principal ventaja de utilizar el JRC se deriva del hecho que puede obtenerse fácilmente de levantamientos técnico-geológicos y de la comparación con los perfiles Standard Barton. Se han construido algunas relaciones que permiten la estimación del tensor de conductividad hidráulica (un parámetro esencial para el entendimiento del flujo de agua en masas de roca fracturadas), no solo en función de parámetros tradicionales como apertura, espaciado, buzamiento y dirección de buzamiento, etc., sino también en función de la rugosidad de la grieta estimada con precisión en términos del coeficiente de rugosidad. Estas relaciones se han estudiado inicialmente desde un punto de vista teórico y luego de modo práctico a través de investigaciones de laboratorio.

Résumé  L’influence de la rugosité des joints sur les types d’écoulement de fluide dans les fractures est bien connue et a été étudiée aussi bien du point de vue physique que mathématique grace à des expériences menées dans le domaine de l’hydraulique. Cependant les formulations adoptées dans les modèles hydrauliques traditionnels sont difficilement applicables dans le domaine de la géologie à cause de la difficulté rencontrée pour estimer la rugosité. Ce paramètre peut normalement être apprécié grace au coefficient de rugosité du joint (JRC), lequel prend en compte à la fois la hauteur de l’aspérité ainsi que sa régularité et sa direction. Le principal avantage dans l’utilisation du JRC réside dans le fait qu’il peut facilement être obtenu à partir d’études techniques-géologiques et par comparaison avec la classification de Barton. Des relations qui permettent une estimation du tenseur de conductivité hydraulique (un paramètre essentiel pour comprendre l’écoulement de l’eau dans les masses rocheuses fracturées) ont été élaborées, pas seulement en fonction de paramètres traditionnels tels que l’ouverture, l’espacement, l’inclinaison et la direction d’inclinaison, etc , mais aussi en prenant en compte la rugosité des joints à travers le coefficient de rugosité. Ces relations ont initialement été étudiées d’un point de vue théorique puis expérimentalement à travers des recherches en laboratoire.
Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of meteoric water are known to correlate with surface air temperature, except in tropical areas. This relationship has been described using a number of terms corresponding to specific observations, such as latitude, altitude and seasonal effects. However, these temperature effects do not seem to apply to precipitation in monsoonal areas of Asia. Questions have been raised as to whether the isotopic composition of meteoric water can be used to reconstruct paleomonsoon intensity. Tree rings of two modern spruce trees (Picea meyeri) and a 10,000-yr-old timber (Picea jezoensis) were analyzed for hydrogen isotopic composition. On average, the older tree is depleted in deuterium by 45‰ compared to the modern trees. We attribute this isotopic depletion to the strength of summer monsoons, which were more intense in the early Holocene than at present. Although this study is not definitive, it suggests that paleomonsoon intensity can be reconstructed by direct or proxy methods that yield the oxygen or hydrogen isotopic composition of meteoric water.  相似文献   
Exceptional rainfall events cause significant losses of soil, although few studies have addressed the validation of model predictions at field scale during severe erosive episodes. In this study, we evaluate the predictive ability of the enhanced Soil Erosion and Redistribution Tool (SERT‐2014) model for mapping and quantifying soil erosion during the exceptional rainfall event (~235 mm) that affected the Central Spanish Pyrenees in October 2012. The capacity of the simulation model is evaluated in a fallow cereal field (1.9 ha) at a high spatial scale (1 × 1 m). Validation was performed with field‐quantified rates of soil loss in the rills and ephemeral gullies and also with a detailed map of soil redistribution. The SERT‐2014 model was run for the six rainfall sub‐events that made up the exceptional event, simulating the different hydrological responses of soils with maximum runoff depths ranging between 40 and 1017 mm. Predicted average and maximum soil erosion was 11 and 117 Mg ha?1 event?1, respectively. Total soil loss and sediment yield to the La Reina gully amounted to 16.3 and 9.0 Mg event?1. These rates are in agreement with field estimations of soil loss of 20.0 Mg event?1. Most soil loss (86%) occurred during the first sub‐event. Although soil accumulation was overestimated in the first sub‐event because of the large amount of detached soil, the enhanced SERT‐2014 model successfully predicted the different spatial patterns and values of soil redistribution for each sub‐event. Further research should focus on stream transport capacity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
For the first time after Barbier and Chalonge's (1938, 1941) pioneering works, the variations of b andD during the eclipse of a variable (RT Tau), have been observed. The observations have been performed at the Observatories of Jungfraujoch and Haute Provence with the photoelectric system in seven colors of Geneva (Golay, 1964; Hauck, 1968). The comparison between the observed curves ofD and the theoretical ones, provides the limb darkening coefficients; the same comparison between the observed b (reddened) and theoretical ones (not reddened) together with that ofD, points out some anomalies of the variable RW Tau.
Sommario Per la prima volta, dopo i primi lavori di Barbier e Chalonge (1938, 1941), sono state osservate le variazioni di b eD durante l'eclisse di una variabile (RW Tau). Le osservazioni sono state fatte agli Osservatori della Jungfraujoch e di Haute Provence col sistema fotoelettrico in sette colori di Ginevra (Golay, 1964; Hauck, 1968). Il confronto fra le curve osservate e teoriche diD, fornisce i coefficienti di oscuramento al bordo; lo stesso confronto fra i b osservati (arrossati) e quelli teorici (non arrossati) unitamente a quello delleD mette in evidenza alcune anomalie della variabile RW Tau.
Soil erosion threatens long-term soil fertility and food production in Q’eqchi’ communities native to the Sierra Yalijux and Sierra Sacranix mountain ranges in the central highlands of Guatemala. Environmental factors such as steep topography, erodible soils, and intense precipitation events, combined with land subdivision and reduced fallow periods as a consequence of population growth, contribute to severe erosion and strain soil resources. The preservation of the region's cloud forests hinges on enhancing production of staple crops through agricultural intensification while maintaining soil fertility through implementation of soil conservation measures.  相似文献   
The distribution of some trace metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Co,Fe, Mn) and of DOC over a particulate (> 1 m),a colloidal (size < 0.45 m and molecular weight > 10 kD) and an ultrafiltered fraction (< 10 kD)was determined at several sites on the Thur River,Switzerland, at various times of the year. Thecomplexation of Cu by strong ligands in theultrafiltrate and in the conventional filtrate (<0.45 m) was compared using a ligand-exchange/CSV method.The <0.45 m concentrations of Cu (from anaverage of 7 nM to 24 nM), Zn (<5–23 nM), Ni (5–13 nM),Co (1.5–3 nM) and Mn (7–92 nM)increased downstream. The major part of Cu, Zn, Niand Co usually occurred in the ultrafiltratefraction at all sites, whereas Fe and Mn were mostlyin the particulate fraction, under conditions of lowsuspended matter content (< 10 mg L-1) in theriver. The percentage of metal in the colloidalfraction, with respect to the 0.45-m filtrate,decreased in the order: Cu (median 11%) > Zn Ni(median 5–6%) > Mn Co (median < 5%). DOCalso consisted mostly of molecules in the < 10 kDrange.Cu was strongly complexed by natural organic ligandsin all filtrate and ultrafiltrate samples. A largepart of the strong Cu binding ligands consisted ofcompounds in the < 10 kD range, but colloidalligands with similar properties also occurred. Cu wasdistributed among the dissolved and the colloidalligands, roughly in proportion to organic carbon.The colloidal fraction (as defined here) did notincrease in its proportional amount downstream and wasonly of limited significance in transporting traceelements in the Thur River under low discharge conditions.  相似文献   
Photoautotrophic bacteria that oxidize ferrous iron (Fe[II]) under anaerobic conditions are thought to be ancient in origin, and the ferric (hydr)oxide mineral products of their metabolism are likely to be preserved in ancient rocks. Here, two enrichment cultures of Fe(II)-oxidizing photoautotrophs and a culture of the genus Thiodictyon were studied with respect to their ability to fractionate Fe isotopes. Fe isotope fractionations produced by both the enrichment cultures and the Thiodictyon culture were relatively constant at early stages of the reaction progress, where the 56Fe/54Fe ratios of poorly crystalline hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) metabolic products were enriched in the heavier isotope relative to aqueous ferrous iron (Fe[II]aq) by ∼1.5 ± 0.2‰. This fractionation appears to be independent of the rate of photoautotrophic Fe(II)-oxidation, and is comparable to that observed for Fe isotope fractionation by dissimilatory Fe(III)-reducing bacteria. Although there remain a number of uncertainties regarding how the overall measured isotopic fractionation is produced, the most likely mechanisms include (1) an equilibrium effect produced by biological ligands, or (2) a kinetic effect produced by precipitation of HFO overlaid upon equilibrium exchange between Fe(II) and Fe(III) species. The fractionation we observe is similar in direction to that measured for abiotic oxidation of Fe(II)aq by molecular oxygen. This suggests that the use of Fe isotopes to identify phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidation in the rock record may only be possible during time periods in Earth’s history when independent evidence exists for low ambient oxygen contents.  相似文献   
Springs in karstic carbonate rocks frequently carry a sediment load as well as a dissolved load. Analysis of morphology and mineralogy of suspended sediment from three contrasting karst springs reveals a suite of clastic particles that reflect both source areas and processes that take place within the aquifer. Nolte Spring in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA, discharges sediment of apparently precipitated calcite, indicating that at some point in the aquifer or vadose zone, water exceeds saturation with respect to calcite. Sediment morphologies and chemical conditions in the aquifer point to two different scenarios for this precipitation. The other two springs, Arch Spring in Blair County, Pennsylvania and Bushkill Spring in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, show no evidence of calcite precipitation. Arch Spring discharges mainly layer silicates, while Bushkill Spring discharges mainly silica.
Resumen Los manantiales en rocas carbonatadas karstficadas tienen frecuentemente una carga de sedimentos y de sólidos disueltos. Los análisis de la morfología y mineralogía de los sedimentos suspendidos de tres manantiales kársticos contrastados revela un conjunto de partículas clásticas que reflejan ambas áreas fuente y los procesos que tienen lugar dentro del acuífero. Nolte Spring en el Condado de Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, descarga sedimento de calcita aparentemente precipitada indicando que en cierto punto del acuífero o en la zona vadosa, el agua supera la saturación con respecto a la calcita. La morfología de los sedimentos y las condiciones químicas en el acuífero apuntan a dos escenarios diferentes para esta precipitación. Los otras dos manantiales, Arch Spring en el Condado de Blair, Pennsylvania y Bushkill Spring en el Condado de Norhtampton, Pennsylvania, no muestran evidencia de precitación de calcita. Arch Spring descarga principalmente filosilicatos mientras que Bushkill Spring descarga fundamentalmente Sílice.

Résumé Les sources situées en contexte carbonaté karstique charrient fréquemment, outre les matières dissoutes, une charge solide. La morphologie et la minéralogie des sédiments en suspension issus de trois sources karstiques de caractéristiques distinctes ont été analysées : une série de particules clastiques, reflétant à la fois les secteurs des sources et les processus internes de l’aquifère, en ressort. Les sédiments issus de Nolte Spring (Comté de Lancaster, Pennsylvanie, Etats-Unis) sont constitués de calcite apparemment précipitée: ceci indique que l’eau atteint la sursaturation vis-à-vis de la calcite à un certain point de l’aquifère ou de la zone non-saturée. La morphologie des sédiments et les conditions chimiques au sein de l’aquifère mènent à deux scénarii différents pour expliquer cette précipitation. Les deux autres sources, Arch Spring (Comté de Blair, Pennsylvanie) et Bushkill Spring (Comté de Northampton, Pennsylvanie), ne présentent aucun indice de précipitation de calcite. Arch Spring exporte essentiellement des phyllosilicates, alors que la silice est majoritaire à Bushkill Spring.

This paper presents a constitutive model that predicts the water retention behaviour of compacted clays with evolving bimodal pore size distributions. In line with previous research, the model differentiates between the water present inside the saturated pores of the clay aggregates (the microstructure) and the water present inside the pores between clay aggregates (the macrostructure). A new formulation is then introduced to account for the effect of the macrostructural porosity changes on the retention behaviour of the soil, which results in a consistent evolution of the air-entry value of suction with volumetric deformations. Data from wetting tests on three different active clays (i.e. MX-80 bentonite, FEBEX bentonite, and Boom clay), subjected to distinct mechanical restraints, were used to formulate, calibrate, and validate the proposed model. Results from free swelling tests were also modelled by using both the proposed double porosity model and a published single porosity model, which confirmed the improvement in the predictions of degree of saturation by the present approach. The proposed retention model might be applied, for example, to the simulation of the hydromechanical behaviour of engineered bentonite barriers in underground nuclear waste repositories, where compacted active clays are subjected to changes of both suction and porosity structure under restrained volume conditions.

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