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The spatial distribution of upstream migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawners was studied in 2008 and 2009 in the surroundings of the tailrace from a hydropower station in the River Umeälven. This area is problematic because the fish have difficulties finding their way into the original riverbed, which prompted an investigation on the feasibility of adding a fishway in the area. Echo sounding was used in 2008 to investigate the spatial use of fish in the tailrace channel during the time of salmon migration. Presence of other fish species was so low that all echo sounding detections were assumed to be salmon. In 2009, data on wild radio-tagged salmon (n = 94) was collected in the same tailrace by an array of underwater antennas with a detection radius of approximately 10 m, to validate the results from the echo sounding. Both types of surveys showed aggregations of fish in one part of the tailrace. As a final step, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling was performed to analyze hydrodynamics. This CFD modeling showed a coincidence of fish detections in areas with turbulence intensities between 0.6 and 0.8, which may be an indication that the fish are holding in these areas to reduce energy expenditure during migration. A high proportion of the radio-tagged salmon were observed in the tailrace area (a median of 21 days between their first and last detection), indicating that the salmon are delayed in their upstream migration by the attraction to the tailrace in this area. The overall data on fish behavior in the tailrace led us to suggest a location for a new fishway where the fish aggregation was most pronounced. The number of detections from either technology had similar distributions over the tailrace, suggesting that the results are comparable. Thus, the split beam echo sounder can preferably be used to investigate which location is most appropriate for locations of entrances to new fishways since many more individual fishes are covered by this method compared to telemetry. Furthermore, there is no need to handle the fish in the echo sounding studies as is required in telemetry studies.  相似文献   
Spectral analysis enhances the ability to analyze groundwater flow at a steady state by separating the top boundary condition into its periodic forms. Specifically, spectral analysis enables comparisons of the impact of individual spatial scales on the total flow field. New exact spectral solutions are presented for analyzing 3D groundwater flow with an arbitrarily shaped top boundary. These solutions account for depth-decaying, anisotropic and layered permeability while utilizing groundwater flux or the phreatic surface as a top boundary condition. Under certain conditions, groundwater flow is controlled by topography. In areas where the groundwater flow is controlled by the topography, the unknown water table is often approximated by the topography. This approximation induces a systematic error. Here, the optimal resolution of digital elevation models (DEMs) is assessed for use as a top boundary in groundwater flow models. According to the analysis, the water-table undulation is smoother than the topography; therefore, there is an upper limit to the resolution of DEMs that should be used to represent the groundwater surface. The ability to represent DEMs of various spectral solutions was compared and the results indicate that the fit is strongly dependent on the number of harmonics in the spectral solution.  相似文献   
Most established methods to characterize aquifer structure and hydraulic conductivities of hydrostratigraphical units are not capable of delivering sufficient information in the spatial resolution that is desired for sophisticated numerical contaminant transport modeling and adapted remediation design. With hydraulic investigation methods based on the direct-push (DP) technology such as DP slug tests, DP injection logging, and the hydraulic profiling tool, it is possible to rapidly delineate hydrogeological structures and estimate their hydraulic conductivity in shallow unconsolidated aquifers without the need for wells. A combined application of these tools was used for the investigation of a contaminated German refinery site and for the setup of hydraulic aquifer models. The quality of DP investigation and the models was evaluated by comparisons of tracer transport simulations using these models and measured breakthroughs of two natural gradient tracer tests. Model scenarios considering the information of all tools together showed good reproduction of the measured breakthroughs, indicating the suitability of the approach and a minor impact of potential technical limitations. Using the DP slug tests alone yielded significantly higher deviations for the determined hydraulic conductivities compared to considering two or three of the tools. Realistic aquifer models developed on basis of such combined DP investigation approaches can help optimize remediation concepts or identify flow regimes for aquifers with a complex structure.  相似文献   
Talus slopes are common places for debris storage in high-mountain environments and form an important step in the alpine sediment cascade. To understand slope instabilities and sediment transfers, detailed investigations of talus slope geomorphology are needed. Therefore, this study presents a detailed analysis of a talus slope on Col du Sanetsch (Swiss Alps), which is investigated at multiple time scales using high-resolution topographic (HRT) surveys and historical aerial photographs. HRT surveys were collected during three consecutive summers (2017–2019), using uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) measurements. To date, very few studies exist that use HRT methods on talus slopes, especially to the extent of our study area (2 km2). Data acquisition from ground control and in situ field observations is challenging on a talus slope due to the steep terrain (30–37°) and high surface roughness. This results in a poor spatial distribution of ground control points (GCPs), causing unwanted deformation of up to 2 m in the gathered UAV-derived HRT data. The co-alignment of UAV imagery from different survey dates improved this deformation significantly, as validated by the TLS data. Sediment transfer is dominated by small-scale but widespread snow push processes. Pre-existing debris flow channels are prone to erosion and redeposition of material within the channel. A debris flow event of high magnitude occurred in the summer of 2019, as a result of several convective thunderstorms. While low-magnitude (<5,000 m3) debris flow events are frequent throughout the historical record with a return period of 10–20 years, this 2019 event exceeded all historical debris flow events since 1946 in both extent and volume. Future climate predictions show an increase of such intense precipitation events in the region, potentially altering the frequency of debris flows in the study area and changing the dominant geomorphic process which are active on such talus slopes. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The changing concepts and challenges that the process industry has to face in relation to environmental protection are discussed. The original requirements on industry to reduce emissions of contaminants through the installation of filters and waste water treatment facilities or through process modification and introduction of ‘clean production’ strategies were mainly based on economic and technical considerations rather than on an effort to avoid environmental impacts. The introduction of concepts such as ‘assimilative capacity of the environment’ and ‘critical load’ provided useful instruments for setting effect-related emission standards, resulting in acceptable environmental protection. However, the actual requirement for ‘sustainability’ has forced industry to focus not only on controlling emissions of contaminants and pollutants, but to take a global environmental approach, including the choice of raw materials and energy sources, recycling and re-utilization of wastes and to take responsibility for the fate of their products, during their whole lifecycle.  相似文献   
During field campaigns of the BEEP project (Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution in Marine Coastal Ecosystems) in 2001-2002, metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in bile samples from three fish species, flounder (Platichthys flesus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and eelpout (Zoarces viviparus), from four separate areas in the Baltic Sea. Two determination methods were applied: fixed wavelength fluorescence (FF) for pyrene-type metabolites and high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC). There was a good correlation between the FF method and 1-OH pyrene determined by HPLC. Normalisation of the FF data for absorbance at 380 nm or bile protein concentrations greatly increased variance in one third and decreased it in two thirds of the cases and resulted in a loss of significant differences (protein normalisation) between the sampling stations, but normalisation of the HPLC data had little effect on the results. The biliary PAH metabolite content was usually higher in males than in females. In perch and eelpout the biliary PAH contents were at similar levels, whereas in flounder the levels were lower. The sampling areas arranged in decreasing order of biliary PAH contents were: Wismar Bay > Gulf of Gdansk > Lithuanian coast > Kvadofj?rden (reference area). It is concluded that FF with un-normalised data is a reliable and simple method for monitoring purposes and only one sex of a selected species should be used.  相似文献   
Simulation of multigaussian stochastic fields can be made after a Karhunen-Loéve expansion of a given covariance function. This method is also called simulation by Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The simulations are made by drawing stochastic coefficients from a random generator. These numbers are multiplied with eigenfunctions and eigenvalues derived from the predefined covariance model. The number of eigenfunctions necessary to reproduce the stochastic process within a predefined variance error, turns out to be a cardinal question. Some ordinary analytical covariance functions are used to evaluate how quickly the series of eigenfunctions can be truncated. This analysis demonstrates extremely quick convergence to 99.5% of total variance for the 2nd order exponential (‘gaussian’) covariance function, while the opposite is true for the 1st order exponential covariance function. Due to these convergence characteristics, the Karhunen-Loéve method is most suitable for simulating smooth fields with ‘gaussian’ shaped covariance functions. Practical applications of Karhunen-Loéve simulations can be improved by spatial interpolation of the eigenfunctions. In this paper, we suggest interpolation by kriging and limits for reproduction of the predefined covariance functions are evaluated.  相似文献   
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) methods, either sub-seabed or in ocean depths, introduces risk of CO2 leakage and subsequent interaction with the ecosystem. It is therefore important to obtain information on possible effects of CO2. In situ CO2 exposure experiments were carried out twice for 10 days during 2005 using a Benthic Chamber system at 400 m depth in Storfjorden, Norway. pCO2 in the water above the sediment in the chambers was controlled at approximately 500, 5000 and 20,000 μatm, respectively. This article describes the experiment and the results from measured the biological responses within the chamber sediments. The results show effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on biological processes such as increased nanobenthos density. Methane production and sulphate reduction was enhanced in the approximately 5000 μatm chamber.  相似文献   
To provide a guide for future deep (<1.5 km) seismic mineral exploration and to better understand the nature of reflections imaged by surface reflection seismic data in two mining camps and a carbonatite complex of Sweden, more than 50 rock and ore samples were collected and measured for their seismic velocities. The samples are geographically from the northern and central parts of Sweden, ranging from metallic ore deposits, meta‐volcanic and meta‐intrusive rocks to deformed and metamorphosed rocks. First, ultrasonic measurements of P‐ and S‐wave velocities at both atmospheric and elevated pressures, using 0.5 MHz P‐ and S‐wave transducers were conducted. The ultrasonic measurements suggest that most of the measured velocities show positive correlation with the density of the samples with an exception of a massive sulphide ore sample that shows significant low P‐ and S‐wave velocities. The low P‐ and S‐wave velocities are attributed to the mineral texture of the sample and partly lower pyrite content in comparison with a similar type sample obtained from Norway, which shows significantly higher P‐ and S‐wave velocities. Later, an iron ore sample from the central part of Sweden was measured using a low‐frequency (0.1–50 Hz) apparatus to provide comparison with the ultrasonic velocity measurements. The low‐frequency measurements indicate that the iron ore sample has minimal dispersion and attenuation. The iron ore sample shows the highest acoustic impedance among our samples suggesting that these deposits are favourable targets for seismic methods. This is further demonstrated by a real seismic section acquired over an iron ore mine in the central part of Sweden. Finally, a laser‐interferometer device was used to analyse elastic anisotropy of five rock samples taken from a major deformation zone in order to provide insights into the nature of reflections observed from the deformation zone. Up to 10% velocity‐anisotropy is estimated and demonstrated to be present for the samples taken from the deformation zone using the laser‐interferometery measurements. However, the origin of the reflections from the major deformation zone is attributed to a combination of anisotropy and amphibolite lenses within the deformation zone.  相似文献   
Despite the long history of the continuum equation approach in hydrology, it is not a necessary approach to the formulation of a physically based representation of hillslope hydrology. The Multiple Interacting Pathways (MIPs) model is a discrete realization that allows hillslope response and transport to be simultaneously explored in a way that reflects the potential occurrence of preferential flows and lengths of pathways. The MIPs model uses random particle tracking methods to represent the flow of water within the subsurface alongside velocity distributions that acknowledge preferential flows and transition probability matrices, which control flow pathways. An initial realization of this model is presented here in application to a tracer experiment carried out in Gårdsjön, Sweden. The model is used as an exploratory tool, testing several hypotheses in relation to this experiment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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