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在对养殖中国对虾和海捕中国对虾的类淋巴 器官进行组织培养时,发现迁出的细胞空泡化、细胞内颗粒较多。培养一周后由养殖中国对 虾类淋巴组织迁出的细胞开始大量脱落,而由海捕中国对虾类淋巴组织培养出的细胞可生长 30d左右。对未经培养的类淋巴组织及培养的类淋巴组织进行透射电镜观察,发现在养殖中 国对虾类淋巴组织的细胞中除了有球形病毒及球状和多面体状病毒包涵体外,在细胞质中还 含有大量类立克次氏体样原核生物,而且每个细胞中的类立克次氏体均由一单层膜包在一起 ;在海捕中国对虾类淋巴组织的细胞中也发现有球形病毒及球状病毒包涵体,另外还在少量 细胞中发现有类立克次氏体样原核生物存在。感染病毒的组织细胞呈现空泡化、核膜肿胀破 裂、核质固缩、高尔基体肿胀、线粒体嵴消失等病理变化。感染有类立克次氏体样原核生物 的细胞不同程度地呈现出细胞器消失、核染色质固缩等病理结构。  相似文献   
根据克希霍夫积分法的原理,介绍了叠前时间偏移的方法特点,实现过程,以及对地震资料的要求,依托国家重大产业技术专项“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探”工程,对“青海省鱼卡煤田四井田高精度三维地震勘探”资料进行叠前时间偏移,结果表明其能较好地解决成像质量差、能量聚焦不明显、绕射波收敛不理想等方面的难题。通过与叠后时间偏移对比,对于大倾角地层、断块小且多的破碎带、陡倾角不对称向斜等地质问题,其叠前时间偏移剖面成像质量都有明显的提高,反映的构造关系更加清晰,同相轴连续性增强。总结该方法在多个矿区的推广经验.认为合理的观测系统、较高的资料信噪比,准确的测量资料及较高的中表层速度调查精度是做好叠前时间偏移的前提。  相似文献   
Within the Zitácuaro–Valle de Bravo (ZVB) regionof the central Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), three lava serieshave erupted during the Quaternary: (1) high-K2O basaltic andesitesand andesites; (2) medium-K2O basaltic andesites, andesitesand dacites; (3) high-TiO2 basalts and basaltic andesites. Thedominant feature of the first two groups is the lack of plagioclaseaccompanying the various ferromagnesian phenocrysts (olivine,orthopyroxene, augite, and hornblende) in all but the dacites.This absence of plagioclase in the phenocryst assemblages ofthe high-K2O and medium-K2O intermediate lavas is significantbecause it indicates high water contents during the stage ofphenocryst equilibration. In contrast, the high-TiO2 group ischaracterized by phenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine. Thespatial distribution of these three lava series is systematic.The southern section of the ZVB transect, 280–330 km fromthe Middle America Trench (MAT), is characterized by high-K2Omelts that are relatively enriched in fluid-mobile elementsand have the highest 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Medium-K2O basaltic andesiteand andesite lavas are present throughout the transect, butthose closest to the MAT are MgO-rich (3·5–9·4wt %) and have phenocryst assemblages indicative of high magmaticwater contents (3·5–6·5 wt % water) andrelatively low temperatures (950–1000°C). In markedcontrast, the northern section of the ZVB transect (380–480km from the MAT) has high-TiO2, high field strength element(HFSE)-enriched magmas that have comparatively dry (< 1·5wt % magmatic water) and hot (1100–1200°C) phenocrystequilibration conditions. The central section of the ZVB transect(330–380 km from the MAT) is a transition zone and producesmoderately light rare earth element (LREE) and large ion lithophileelement (LILE)-enriched, medium-K2O lavas with phenocryst assemblagesindicative of intermediate (1·5–3·5 wt %)water contents and temperatures. The high-K2O series compositionsare the most enriched in LILE and LREE, with a narrow rangeof radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr from 0·704245 to 0·704507,143Nd/144Nd values ranging from 0·512857 to 0·512927(Nd = 4·27–5·63), and 208Pb/204Pb valuesfrom 38·248 to 38·442, 207Pb/204Pb values from15·563 to 15·585, and 206Pb/204Pb values from18·598 to 18·688. The medium-K2O series compositionsare only moderately enriched in the LILE and LREE, with a broaderrange of 87Sr/86Sr, but similar 143Nd/144Nd and 208Pb/204Pbvalues to those of the high-K2O series. In contrast, the high-TiO2series compositions have little enrichment in LILE or LREE andinstead are enriched in the HFSE and heavy rare earth elements(HREE). The high-TiO2 lavas are isotopically distinct in theirlower and narrower range of 143Nd/144Nd. The isotopic variationsare believed to reflect the upper mantle magma source regionsas the low content of phenocrysts in most lavas precludes significantupper crustal assimilation or magma mixing, other than thatrepresented by the presence of quartz xenocrysts (< 2 vol.%) with rhyolitic glass inclusions, which are found in manyof these lavas. The systematic spatial variation in compositionof the three lava series is a reflection of the underlying subduction-modifiedmantle and its evolution. KEY WORDS: central Mexico; geochemistry; isotopes; Quaternary volcanism; hydrous lavas  相似文献   
The effects of aerosol–radiation interactions(ARI) are not only important for regional and global climate, but they can also drive particulate matter(PM) pollution. In this study, the ARI contribution to the near-surface fine PM(PM2.5)concentrations in the Guanzhong Basin(GZB) is evaluated under four unfavorable synoptic patterns, including "northlow", "transition", "southeast-trough", and "inland-high", based on WRF-Chem model simulations of a persistent heavy PM pollution episode in January 2019. Simulations show that ARI consistently decreases both solar radiation reaching down to the surface(SWDOWN) and surface temperature(TSFC), which then reduces wind speed, induces sinking motion,and influences cloud formation in the GZB. However, large differences under the four synoptic patterns still exist. The average reductions of SWDOWN and daytime TSFC in the GZB range from 15.2% and 1.04°C in the case of the"transition" pattern to 26.7% and 1.69°C in the case of the "north-low" pattern, respectively. Furthermore, ARI suppresses the development of the planetary boundary layer(PBL), with the decrease of PBL height(PBLH) varying from 18.7% in the case of the "transition" pattern to 32.0% in the case of the "north-low" pattern. The increase of daytime near-surface PM2.5 in the GZB due to ARI is 12.0%, 8.1%, 9.5%, and 9.7% under the four synoptic patterns, respectively. Ensemble analyses also reveal that when near-surface PM2.5 concentrations are low, ARI tends to lower PM2.5 concentrations with decreased PBLH, which is caused by enhanced divergence or a transition from divergence to convergence in an area. ARI contributes 15%–25% toward the near-surface PM2.5 concentrations during the severe PM pollution period under the four synoptic patterns.  相似文献   
In Lake Geneva (Switzerland), the macrofauna of the stony lake bottom was studied in seven stations from 1969 to 1971. The modifications in animal communities since the beginning of the century can be attributed partly to the increasing eutrophication of the lake and partly to the introduction of new species. The stations are classified according to the structure of their animal communities, which enables us to deduce the degree of eutrophication of each station. The analysis of factors which influence the animals' microdistribution on lakebottom stones reveals many complicated interactions. As a result of this complexity, further research projects were concentrated on leeches (Hirudinea) which colonize artificial substrates in imitation of the underface of stones.Helobdella stagnalis, Erpobdella octoculata andGlossiphonia complanata form the major part of collected fauna. Density fluctuations, population structures (age groups) and quantitative relations between these three species as well as their vertical and horizontal distribution patterns were examined in great detail.   相似文献   
利用蒙城地震台近20年的地磁Z分量观测资料,对磁静日幅度、磁扰日幅度和磁静日低点时间的年变化与长期变化进行了分析,结果表明,Z分量日变化特征明显。由此总结出Z分量变化的一些基本特征,对识别地磁场异常变化或干扰变化具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
伴随着城市的快速发展,地铁深基坑工程越来越多。在开挖过程中如何对其稳定性进行评价,是当前需要重点关注的问题。以成都地铁十七号线凤溪站深基坑支护开挖工程为依托,利用层次分析确定的主观权重与利用熵值法确定的客观权重计算获得组合权重,并与灰色关联度分析法相结合,通过现场数据采集并进行综合评判,客观评价地铁深基坑开挖的稳定性。结果表明,各监测项目对基坑稳定性的重要程度从大到小依次为桩顶水平位移(0.29)、地表沉降(0.24)、建筑物沉降(0.19)、桩顶沉降(0.18)、内支撑轴力(0.10),基坑稳定性综合评判结果等级为"非常好"。所建立的评价模型可为类似地铁深基坑开挖稳定性评价提供新的方法。  相似文献   
郎庆勇 《岩矿测试》1995,14(4):274-280
收集了以WolfgangFRogge博士研究工作为主的文献,对几种常见大气有机污染源进行了讨论,列出了由不同污染源所排放的可辨别有机合物的类别、含量以及用于定量分析和评价的示踪化合物。  相似文献   
杨晓婷  王宁  郎超 《地震学报》2024,25(1):25-46


郎从  伍国春  高孟潭 《中国地震》2014,30(3):324-329
本文利用GIS技术,将全国地震重点监视防御区(重防区)县级行政单元边界分别与中华人民共和国地震动峰值加速度图和中国及邻区地震区带和潜在震源区划分图叠加,对各县分别计算了如下4个地震危险性指标:(1)县境内最高地震动峰值加速度等级;(2)县境内面积比例最大的地震动峰值加速度等级;(3)县境内最高潜在震源区震级上限等级;(4)县境内面积比例最大的潜在震源区震级上限等级.通过分类统计全国重防区县级行政单元的地震危险性分布,得到的结论是:虽然同为重防区但各地的地震危险性相差巨大.据此,建议根据地震危险性的不同在重防区采取如下措施:第一,不论是何种类型的重防区,均应按中国地震动参数区划图对新建工程做抗震设防,对已有建筑做抗震加固;第二,位于高地震危险性的区域,特别是位于具7级以上潜在地震危险的重防区,要加强与防灾有关的应急准备、城市规划、地震监测预报、地震应急响应等专门措施.  相似文献   
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