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Correlation studies of the pattern of time variation of the recorded solar neutrino flux monitored through the reaction Cl37 → Ar37 with various parameters of solar activity is suggestive of possible emission of a penetrating neutral particle from the sun influencing directly or indirectly the transformation Cl37 → Ar37 deep underground at the required rates. This possibility has to be invoked in view of the difficulties in generating the observed pattern of variations through a large modulatory mechanism involving the electron neutrino. The prediction that follows is the possible existence of a time varying component (diurnal) in the rate of some nuclear transmutations deep underground caused by an unknown neutral radiation having an interaction cross section with matter probably much larger than the canonical value of 10-36 cm2 per nucleon speculated upon by some authors in the WIMP scenario for the sun.  相似文献   
This paper highlights the quantitative estimates of plant species diversity and ecosystems of the Rohtang Pass,which is one of the most preferred visiting spots by tourists in Himachal Pradesh (H.P.),India. In spite of high pressure of anthropogenic activities,the Rohtang Pass still harbours a variety of flowering plants with economic value,including various medicinal herbs. In order to observe species diversity in different landscape elements (LSEs),ground surveys were conducted in nine unique LSEs within the elevation range between 3624 m and 4332 m. Plant community structure in each LSE was studied using stratified random sampling where a total 56 quadrats of 1 m^2 in size for herbs and 7 quadrats of 25 m^2 for shrubs were made. Of the total 50 plant species belonging to 15 families recorded in different random quadrats,24 species were found of medicinal value. Maximum species richness (18) and value of Shannon diversity (H'=2.2648) were observed on northeast-facing slope in Picrorhiza kurrooa dominated LSE in moist area,followed by Rheum emodi LSE (species richness = 17 and H' = 2.4141) distributed on south-facing slope. Maximum values of species richness and Shannon diversity in Rheum emodi LSE were observed between 8 ~ 12 and 1.4797 ~ 2.1911,respectively. Rhododendron anthopogon dominated LSE on northwest-facing slope was found least diverse in terms of species richness where the Simpson index of dominance (D) was 0.4205. The species were equal in abundance in P. kurrooa LSE on east-facing slope and Pleurospermum candollii LSE on north-facing slope,showing the maximum similarity in terms of species distribution between the two LSEs. Low turnover of species across common LSEs gives an idea regarding their limited distribution. Five species of threatened category according to the IUCN criteria were observed in seven LSEs. The largest population of threatened medicinal plants was recorded on northeast and northwest-facing slopes where population density of Bergenia stracheyi (  相似文献   
The significant discordance of the radiometric (Rb-Sr, Pb-U, K-Ar and fission track) ages from various orogenic cycles of the Dharwar, Satpura, Aravalli and Himalayan orogenic belts in India, coupled with their corresponding blocking temperatures for various radiometric clocks in whole rocks and minerals, has been used to evaluate the cooling and the uplift histories of the respective orogenic belts. The blocking temperatures used in the present study of various Rb-Sr (isotopic homogenization at 600°C, muscovite at 500°C and biotite at 300°C), Pb-U (monazite at 530°C), K-Ar (muscovite at 350°C and biotite at 300°C) and fission-track clock (zircon at 350°C, sphene at 300°C, garnet at 280°C, muscovite at 130°C, hornblende at 120°C and apatite at 100°C for the cooling rate l°C/Ma) have been found suitable to explain the differences in mineral ages by different radiometric techniques. The nature of the cooling curves drawn using the temperature versus age data for various orogenic cycles in India has also been discussed. The cooling and the uplift patterns determined for various orogenic cycles of India, suggest comparatively slow cooling (5.0–0.2°C/Ma) and uplift (180–2 m/Ma) for the Peninsular regions and rapid cooling (25.0–1.0° C/Ma) and fast uplift (800–30 m/Ma) during the Himalayan Orogenic Cycle (Upper Cretaceous—Tertiary) in the Extra-Peninsular region.  相似文献   
The magnetic measurements of declination (D), horizontal (H) and vertical (Z) components of earth’s magnetic field, collected from ground surveys between 1962 and 1966, are used to develop an analytical model of geomagnetic field variations over Indian region for the epoch 1965. In order to reflect spatial features with wavelengths of approximately 1000 km, sixth degree polynomial as a function of differential latitude and longitude is calculated by the method of least squares. The root mean square fit of the model to the input data is better than that accounted by the International Geomagnetic Reference Field for 1965.0. Isomagnetic charts drawn forD, H, Z and total force (F) reflect more details than that shown on world magnetic charts. Further, the values of the field at common repeat stations recorded between 1962 and 1974, after eliminating the field values for the epoch 1965.0, are used to get the secular variation as well as its spatial dependence again by means of polynomial which now includes coefficients which are functions of time and of geographical locations. The accuracy of coefficients is tested against the behaviour of secular variation at permanent magnetic observatories. The merits and limitations of the model are discussed.  相似文献   
Microprobe analyses of the minerals from an unusual chloritoid-staurolite-garnet (+ muscovite + quartz + ilmenite) assemblage from the sillimanite (fibrolite) zone of Sini, India are presented and the petrological significance of the paragenesis is discussed. The X Mg in the different minerals from the chloritoid-staurolite-bearing rock varies in the order, muscovite > chlorite > chloritoid > staurolite > garnet > ilmenite, and from the associated sillimanite-bearing schists: muscovite > biotite > staurolite > garnet rim > garnet core > ilmenite. A graphical representation of the mineral compositions in an AFM projection displays a consistent topology if the effects of non-AFM components such as Zn in the staurolite and Mn in the garnet are taken into account. Petrographic and mineralogical data are consistent with a prograde formation of the chloritoid-staurolite-garnet assemblage. It is suggested that the paragenesis has been formed at similar PT conditions to the associated sillimanite (fibrolite)-staurolite-garnet-mica schists. These conditions are estimated to be 600–625°C/6±0.5 Kb.  相似文献   
Here, we provide evidence suggesting that marine (diatom) opal contains not only a high fidelity record of dissolved oceanic concentrations of cosmic ray-produced radionuclides, 10Be and 26Al, but also a record of temporal variations in a large number of trace elements such as Ti, Fe, Zn and Mn. This finding is derived from measurements in purified biogenic opal that can be separated from detrital materials using a newly developed technique based on surface charge characteristics. Initial results from a sediment core taken near the present-day position of the Antarctic Polar Front (ODP Site 1093) show dramatic changes in the intrinsic concentrations of, Be, Al, Ti, Fe, Mn and Zn in the opal assemblages during the past ∼140 kyr BP. The results imply appreciable climatically controlled fluctuations in the level of bioreactive trace elements. The time series of total Be, Al, Ti, Fe and 10Be in the sediment core are all well correlated with each other and with dust records in the polar ice cores. The observations suggest that a significant flux of these trace metals to oceans is contributed by the aeolian dust, in this case, presumably from the Patagonia. This observation also allows determination of fluxes of dust-contributed 10Be to the Antarctica ice sheets. However, our data show that the relationships among the various metals are not perfectly linear. During periods of higher dissolved concentrations of trace elements (indicated by Fe and Ti) the relative concentrations of bioreactive elements, Be, Al, Mn and Zn are decreased. By contrast, the Fe/Zn and Fe/Mn ratios decrease significantly during each transition from cold to warm periods. The relative behavior could be consistent with any of the following processes: (i) enhanced biological productivity due to greater supply of the bioreactive elements (e.g. Zn) during cold periods (ii) increased biological and inorganic scavenging of particle active elements (e.g. Be and Al) during early interglacial periods (iii) differential uptake/removal of the metals by the various diatom taxa whose relative productivity or growth rate changes with large scale climate. In any case, with one sedimentary phase and in single sedimentary sections, we now have the potential to compare directly a proxy for aeolian input of micronutrients (e.g. Fe or Ti), with a proxy for production (e.g. 26Al/Al ratios). We expect that studies of the temporal records of trace elements and cosmogenic nuclides in contrasting regions of upwelling and productivity, which exhibit different sensitivities to global climate fluctuations and micronutrient inputs, would lead to a direct and comprehensive test of ideas such as the hypothesis of iron control of atmospheric carbon dioxide [Martin, J.H., 1990. Glacial-interglacial CO2 change: the iron hypothesis. Paleoceanography5, 1-13]. Our present data from a single site do not show that increases in dissolved Fe concentrations, per se, were responsible for increased biological productivity. However, a much clearer picture of the effect of increased dust fluxes should emerge when we have data for trace elements and the cosmogenic nuclides, 10Be and 26Al from various oceanic provinces.  相似文献   
The measurements using a ground based multi wavelength radiometer (MWR) at Mohal (31°54′N, 77°07′E, 1154 m AMSL) in the Kullu valley of Northwestern Himalayan region show that the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD) and turbidity coefficient, β, are high in summer, moderate in monsoon season, low in winter and lowest in autumn, while wavelength exponent, α, has an opposite trend. Average annual value of AOD at 500 nm is 0.24±0.01, 0.43±0.02, and 0.28±0.02; that of β is 0.14±0.01, 0.22±0.02, and 0.17±0.03; and that of α is 1.06±0.09, 1.16±0.10, and 0.86±0.13, respectively, for clear, hazy and partially clear sky days. The considerably greater value of β on hazy days indicates more coarse particles in mountain haze. The fractional asymmetry factor (AF) is more negative in summer and autumn months. The AOD and β have significantly positive correlation with temperature and wind speed, suggesting high AODs and turbidity on hot and windy days.  相似文献   
An integrated study of the sedimentology, micropalaeontology, mineralogy and geochemistry of glauconites in the Oligocene Maniyara Fort Formation (western Kutch, India), has been undertaken. Authigenic glauconites, mostly of evolved type, formed within a back‐barrier lagoonal environment. Foraminifera help constrain the biostratigraphy and along with sedimentological evidence, provide information on the depositional conditions. Glauconite in the Maniyara Fort Formation occurs either as infillings within intra‐particle pores of larger foraminifers, or as an altered form of faecal pellets. X‐ray diffraction studies reveal the less mature nature of glauconite infillings compared to the glauconite pellets. Electron microprobe investigation confirms a relative enrichment of K2O and total Fe2O3 in the latter. Both varieties of glauconite formed by initial authigenic precipitation of K‐poor glauconite and subsequently matured by addition of potassium in the interlayer sites and fixation of total iron in the octahedral sites; calcium, magnesium and aluminum were released from the glauconite structure concomitantly. Alkaline conditions during the entire process of glauconite formation did not allow dissolution of foraminiferal tests. Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the Maniyara Fort Formation glauconites are more similar to deep marine glauconites than those reported from other shallow or marginal marine settings. A low negative cerium anomaly, as well as abundant pyrite, suggests formation of glauconite in sub‐oxic micro‐environments, created by decay of organic matter associated with foraminiferal chambers and faecal pellets. Sub‐oxic condition apparently prevailed relatively longer within the Maniyara Fort Formation lagoons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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