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以OMS平台模型为研究对象,提出了一种地理分析模型服务化封装策略,以减少在模型提供者和模型使用者之间共享模型时遇到的障碍。通过设计模型描述接口、模型执行接口和模型部署接口,实现OMS平台模型的封装策略,形成标准化部署包。相关部署包可以部署到模型服务容器上,并发布为网络空间可重用共享的服务,以支撑分布式模型集成与模拟。本文以OMS平台下的AgES-W模型为案例,验证了模型封装策略的可行性和实用性,为网络环境下模型共享与集成奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The northern margin of the South China Sea, as a typical extensional continental margin, has relatively strong intraplate seismicity. Compared with the active zones of Nanao Island, Yangjiang, and Heyuan, seismicity in the Pearl River Estuary is relatively low. However, a ML4.0 earthquake in 2006 occurred near Dangan Island(DI) offshore Hong Kong, and this site was adjacent to the source of the historical M5.8 earthquake in 1874. To reveal the seismogenic mechanism of intraplate earthquakes in DI, we systematically analyzed the structural characteristics in the source area of the 2006 DI earthquake using integrated 24-channel seismic profiles, onshore–offshore wide-angle seismic tomography, and natural earthquake parameters. We ascertained the locations of NW-and NE-trending faults in the DI sea and found that the NE-trending DI fault mainly dipped southeast at a high angle and cut through the crust with an obvious low-velocity anomaly. The NW-trending fault dipped southwest with a similar high angle. The 2006 DI earthquake was adjacent to the intersection of the NE-and NW-trending faults, which suggested that the intersection of the two faults with different strikes could provide a favorable condition for the generation and triggering of intraplate earthquakes. Crustal velocity model showed that the high-velocity anomaly was imaged in the west of DI, but a distinct entity with low-velocity anomaly in the upper crust and high-velocity anomaly in the lower crust was found in the south of DI. Both the 1874 and 2006 DI earthquakes occurred along the edge of the distinct entity. Two vertical cross-sections nearly perpendicular to the strikes of the intersecting faults revealed good spatial correlations between the 2006 DI earthquake and the low to high speed transition in the distinct entity. This result indicated that the transitional zone might be a weakly structural body that can store strain energy and release it as a brittle failure, resulting in an earthquake-prone area.  相似文献   
研究并开发应用于水下自主航行观测平台的高可靠CAN总线技术,实现高可靠性、实时、单多帧、大数据量数据传输。具有很好的系统兼容性,能够同基于8051、PC104、ARM等不同硬件系统的CAN节点进行高速数据通讯,为复杂分布式系统集成提供极具应用价值的通讯网络。  相似文献   
采用高效液相色谱-蒸发光散射(HPLC-ELSD)法建立了刺参皂苷的特征图谱.方法:色谱柱为Symmetry C18(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),采用0.2% 乙酸水溶液-乙腈进行梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL/min;柱温30 ℃;漂移管温度70 ℃;载气压力25 psi.结论:方法具有良好的专属性,可以作为刺参类产品是否含有刺参皂苷的评价方法.  相似文献   
根据移动地图服务的特点以及SVG的子集MobileSVG在移动设备中应用的优点,首先讨论了传统SVG地图组织模式在移动地图服务中的缺点,在此基础上提出一种新的适合移动地图服务的利用MobileSVG组织地图数据的方式,并对其组织与编码方式进行了详细的说明。  相似文献   
网络GIS及其内容体系和应用分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
众多研究人员在网络GIS的研究方面都习惯将其内容简单化为WebGIS或者Internet/Intranet GIS。实际上,WebGIS和Internet/Intranet GIS在数据模型、网络架构、体系构建和功能部署等方面都有较大的区别,这种将We-bGIS和Internet/Intranet GIS统称为网络GIS的做法本身就有缺陷。本文以网络和分布式计算技术为基础,从“广义”和“狭义”的角度对网络GIS的概念框架、内容体系和应用等几个方面做了重构研究,以期推动网络GIS的研究进展。  相似文献   
大型油田GIS软件工程项目的组织与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以“大庆油田地面建设信息系统”为例 ,阐述开发一个成功的 GIS软件工程需要确立的主导原则(即领导重视、用户配合、双方参与、资质审查 )。在项目管理的组织上 ,需要甲方成立行政领导小组、技术管理小组和项目开发小组 3个具体的组织来保证项目的顺利实施 ;同时在项目的实施过程中 ,应采用共建共管、集中实施的机制。  相似文献   
不定数是称数法的一个重要组成部分,秦汉时期又是称数法剧烈发展变化的时期,出土材料的发掘整理又为这一研究提供了新的语料来源。对秦汉简帛中不定数的表示形式进行系统考察,发现秦汉时期表不定数的词增多,数词连用表不定数的形式更为丰富,出现了不定数表示的羡余形式。  相似文献   
为建立一种简单快捷的水产品中多氯联苯(PCBs)检测方法,本研究应用电子鼻对青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)软组织中富集的多氯联苯进行检测,并采用HS-SPME-GC-MS(顶空固相微萃取-气质联用)对结果进行了验证。首先利用电子鼻制作PCB15浓度梯度模版,检测PCB15处理72h以及144h的青蛤软组织中残留量,采用LDA和PCA两种方法统计并同模板的浓度进行比较。结论:青蛤软组织中PCB15浓度能明显分开,并随着处理时间的延长,区分效果愈加明显,区分度愈大。PCA的分辨效果明显优于LDA。运用欧氏距离、马氏距离、判别函数法和相关性对含有PCB15的样品浓度分别进行鉴别和验证,四种方法总的鉴别率均达到90%以上,能够较准确地对样品进行验证。电子鼻检测青蛤软组织中的多氯联苯的最低检测限为0.05μg/L,GC-MS为0.5μg/L。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional isopycnic-coordinate internal tidal model is employed to investigate the generation,propagation, vertical structure and energy conversion of M2 internal tides in the Luzon Strait(LS) with mooring observations. Simulated results, especially the tidal current amplitudes, agree well with observations,demonstrating the reasonability and accuracy of the model. Results indicate that M2 internal tides mainly propagate into three directions horizontally, i.e., eastward towards the western Pacific Ocean, westward towards the Dongsha Island and southwestward towards the South China Sea Basin. In the horizontal direction, tidal current amplitudes decrease as distance increases away from the LS; in the vertical direction, they show an obvious decreasing tendency with depth. Between the double ridges of the LS, a clockwise gyre of M2 baroclinic energy flux appears, which is caused by reflections of M2 internal tides at supercritical topographies, and resonance of M2 internal tides happens along 19.5° and 21.5°N due to the heights and separation distance of the double ridges. The total energy conversion in the LS is about 14.20 GW.  相似文献   
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