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罗武 《陕西气象》2020,(1):58-59
地面气象观测无人值守业务改革后,基层台站普遍安装了专用供电变压器。电网停电后,变压器内部的断路保护器自动跳闸;再来电时,需要人工合闸,才能恢复供电,给工作带来很大不便。为此设计一款来电自动合闸装置,在断电后再来电时,能够模拟人工合闸的方式,自动恢复供电,进一步提高了地面气象观测无人值守业务供电的稳定性,也为其他有类似情况的台站提供一些参考。  相似文献   
The authors analyzed the lead-lag connection of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) with East Asian surface air temperatures (EATs) using instrumental records, and compared the results with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The maximum correlation was found when EATs led the AMO by five to seven years (with a correlation coefficient of 0.72, whereas the correlation coefficient was 0.91 when the AMO led EATs by 24-28 years). This is different from the PDO, which mostly correlated with EATs when the PDO led EATs by 13-15 years (with a correlation coefficient of 0.67, whereas the correlation coefficient was 0.76 when EATs led the PDO by 24-26 years). The PDO led the AMO by 19-21 years (with a correlation coefficient of 0.71, whereas the correlation coefficient was 0.84 when the AMO led the PDO by 16-18 years). These results support a previous understanding that EATs positively correlate with the AMO, and imply that the observed East Asian warming trend may have been slowing down since the early 2010s.  相似文献   
In recent years, Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is developed to estimate soil moisture content (SMC) as a new remote sensing tool. Signal error of Global Positioning System (GPS) bistatic radar is an important factor that affects the accuracy of SMC estimation. In this paper, two methods of GPS signal calibration involving both the direct and reflected signals are introduced, and a detailed explanation of the theoretical basis for such methods is given. An improved SMC estimation model utilizing calibrated GPS L-band signals is proposed, and the estimation accuracy is validated using the airborne GPS data from the Soil Moisture Experiment in 2002 (SMEX02). We choose 21 sites with soybean and corn in the Walnut Creek region of the US for validation. The sites are divided into three categories according to their vegetation cover: bare soil, mid-vegetation cover (Mid-Veg), and high-vegetation cover (High-Veg). The accuracy of SMC estimation is 11.17% for bare soil and 8.12% for Mid-Veg sites, much better than that of the traditional model. For High-Veg sites, the effect of signal attenuation due to vegetation cover is preliminarily taken into consideration and a linear model related to Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) is adopted to obtain a factor for rectifying the "over-calibration", and the error for High-Veg sites is finally reduced to 3.81%.  相似文献   
试验研究了在发动机喷管中加装金属辐射板前后,喷管壁面温度、热喷流温度与喷管红外辐射特征的变化。结果表明,加装金属辐射板后,热喷流与喷管壁面之间的热量传递显著增强,热喷流中心温度降低,壁面温度明显升高,在90°方向上,热喷流3~5μm波段的红外辐射强度降低了38.5%。文中从热喷流、喷管壁面以及金属辐射板等相关部件的温度变化情况对红外辐射强度的变化原因进行了解释。   相似文献   
2010年6月中下旬南方暴雨过程变形场作用分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
姜勇强  王元  吕梅  周祖刚  罗坚 《气象科学》2013,33(2):168-177
利用常规原始报文资料,采用基于Lanczos窗口滤波器的合成分析方法,对2010年6月13-27日的形势场、物理量进行合成分析,计算并分析了低空合成风场的总变形.结果表明:500 hPa大陆中、高纬地区存在一“Ω”形类阻塞高压,西北冷空气从其东部源源不断向长江及以南地区输送,与副热带高压西北侧的西南暖湿气流在我国南方地区交汇.700、850 hPa大陆高压与西太平洋副热带高压之间形成的鞍型场,位于长江以南地区,鞍型场鞍点附近及其东部膨胀轴是暴雨发生的主要区域.在南方地区上空200 hPa西北气流辐散产生的抽吸作用,对这次长时间、高强度的降水起了重要作用.发生在鞍型场和切变线上的低空中尺度气旋,是造成暴雨的重要天气系统.鞍型场膨胀轴附近,总变形最大,其位置、走向均与雨带基本一致,有利于锋生和中尺度气旋形成.低空冷暖气流交汇区域形成低空强θse梯度,在垂直剖面图上,等θse线呈现十分倾斜状态,该区域强θse水平梯度与低空总变形、正涡度区一致,可能是特大暴雨发生的重要因素.  相似文献   
2012年初春粤北一次少见高架雷暴过程的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测资料、地面中尺度自动气象站资料以及NCEP再分析资料,分析了2012年2月27日广东发生的一次罕见高架雷暴天气过程的特点及成因。结果表明,这次出现在低层冷高压控制下地面冷锋后部并伴有短时强降水、雷电和冰雹的强对流天气过程,是一次典型的"高架雷暴"过程。与从地面发展的普通雷暴不同的是,强对流天气发生时,近地面层大气层结稳定,低空有逆温层存在,暖湿空气是从逆温层以上开始抬升的,强对流天气落区与850 hPa切变线有较好的对应关系。中高层西风槽东移南压,850 hPa偏南急流的建立和显著增强,为此次高架雷暴过程提供了有利的环流背景。近地面层冷空气补充南下迫使低层暖湿空气抬升,配合高空槽前辐散气流的抽吸作用以及广东上空有利的大气动力、热力不稳定条件,是此次高架雷暴过程形成的原因。  相似文献   
罗强  黄光伟 《工程地质学报》2002,10(S1):123-128
大尺度流域的水文地质参数的分布特征是一个困难的研究课题.提出一个新的直接反演法用于推算大流域的含水层参数值的分布.此模型的有效性在日本关东流域的应用得到了验证.  相似文献   
岩体质量分级的风险分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于RMR岩体质量分级系统的岩体质量研究风险分析方法。该方法分析步骤如下 :(1)通过岩芯样品的现场观测和实验室试验获得分类所需的变量 ;(2 )统计分析拟合得出各变量的分布函数及参数 ;(3)运用Monte Carlo模拟方法获得 2万个RMR值 ,并将结果绘成岩体质量描述图 ;(4)利用以上结果作出岩体质量风险分析评价。该方法用于润扬长江公路大桥岩体质量评价研究获得良好效果  相似文献   
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