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According to the decision of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), since 1998 the International Celestial Reference System has been realized by the ICRF catalogue of extragalactic radio source positions obtained from VLBI observations. Over the past years, the accuracy of the ICRF catalogue data has been increased only through an increase in the number and quality of observations and an improvement in the methods of their processing. Both the first ICRF version and the new ICRF2 version adopted by the IAU in 2009 are based on the catalogues obtained at the same VLBI data processing center. However, the experience of classical astrometry shows that a significant increase in the accuracy of the International Celestial Reference Frame can be achieved by creating combined catalogues, such as the fundamental catalogues of star positions. The same approach was applied to improve the ICRF catalogue. Even the first experience of such a combined solution has shown its high efficiency. Here, a new combined catalogue of radio source positions PUL(2013)C02 is presented. Mainly classical methods based on the expansion of the systematic differences between the input catalogues into series of orthogonal functions with additional improvements have been applied for its creation. Comparison of the combined catalogue obtained with the ICRF2 catalogue has shown that the latter is most likely not devoid of systematic errors at a level of 15–20 μas.  相似文献   
An assessment is made of the uniqueness of modern vegetation in Prebaikalia as a biogeographical entity. It is shown that its complex structural-cenotic diversity is represented on the new universal geobotanical map of vegetation at a scale of 1:500 000. The map legend, constructed on the principles of V. B. Sochava’s multidimensional and multistage structural-dynamical classification of plant communities, displayed more than 160 cenotic subdivisions of vegetation of Prebaikalia representing its different types. An analysis is made of the development paths of vegetation for assessing its evolutionary potential. The study revealed the main stages of philocenogenesis in the Late Cainozoic. Its main directions have been revealed, which are important for understanding the characteristics of the region’s modern vegetation cover. The heterogeneity and heterochronicity of modern cenotic diversity of vegetation is shown. Emphasis is placed on the evolutionary processes of vegetation of Prebaikalia in the Holocene which can last for at least 40 thousand years. In this connection, it is proposed to change interpretation of the Holocene Optimum as an optimum for the evolution of the dark-coniferous taiga of Siberia. It is shown that the genetic linkages of the cenotic structure of modern vegetation cover in Prebaikalia are clearly pronounced via regional-typological categories of vegetation reflecting profound links of modern vegetation with natural-geographical regions where its philogenetic processes were taking place in interaction with the general evolution of the natural environment. An analysis is made of the significance of the floristic and cenotic boundaries having an important biogeographical significance. Such boundaries, on the one hand, are the footprint of the past evolutionary processes in vegetation, and in the natural environment as a whole, and, on the other, indicate the dynamical potential of possible changes in vegetation under global climate change.  相似文献   
The characteristics of the short-period shear wave attenuation field in the lithosphere of the Turanian Plate, West Tien Shan, Pamir, and Hindu Kush have been studied. The method based on analysis of the logarithm of the ratio between maximal amplitudes of Sn and Pn waves (Sn/Pn parameter) has been applied. More than 400 records of earthquakes, obtained at distances of ∼400–1000 km from the AAK digital station, have been processed. It has been found that relatively weak attenuation is observed in the regions of the West Tien Shan and Pamir. The largest area of strong attenuation is located in the region of the Afghan-Tadjik Depression adjacent to Hindu Kush. A wide band of low Sn/Pn parameter values, stretched northeastwards, has been distinguished. Along with the analogous band of strong attenuation, distinguished before in the regions of Central Tien Shan and Dzungaria, it is the continuation of the largest Chaman Fault, which stretches 850 km along the boundary of the Indian Plate. Source zones of strong earthquakes with M ≥ 7.0 that occurred in the first half of 20th century correspond to relatively weak attenuation. Areas of high attenuation, where strong seismic events have not occurred for the last 110 years, are outlined. Analogously to other seismoactive regions, it is supposed that these areas are related to preparation of strong earthquakes.  相似文献   
Some characteristics of seismicity in Southern California are studied. It is found that ring-shaped seismicity structures with threshold magnitudes Mth of 4.1, 4.1, and 3.8 formed prior to three large (M w > 7.0) earthquakes in 1992, 1999, and 2010, respectively. The sizes of these structures are several times smaller than for intracontinental strike-slip events with similar magnitudes. Two ring-shaped structures are identified in areas east of the city of Los Angeles, where relatively large earthquakes have not occurred for at least 150 years. The magnitudes of large events which can occur in the areas of these structures are estimated on the basis of the previously obtained correlation dependence of ring sizes on magnitudes of the strike-slip earthquakes. Large events with magnitudes of M w = 6.9 ± 0.2 and M w = 8.6 ± 0.2 can occur in the area to the east of the city of Los Angeles and in the rupture zone of the 1857 great Fort Tejon earthquake, respectively. We believe that ring-structure formation, similarly to the other regions, is connected with deep-seated fluid migration.  相似文献   
A central role in the formation of the natural environment of Prebaikalia is played by vegetation having the environment-forming and environment-protective functions. Nowadays, it is experiencing ever increasing anthropogenic impacts which lead to disturbances in its structure and decrease its ecological potential. This creates certain challenges of a local and regional character, because the main territory of the region is within the zone of atmospheric influence and within the western portion of the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory focus on preserving the ecosystem of Lake Baikal as the UNESCO World Natural Heritage site. Therefore, the main direction of nature conservation activity aimed at improving the quality of the region’s natural environment remains focused on the preservation and recovery and of its primary vegetation. Some measures are suggested concerning ecologically oriented nature management in Prebaikalia. We have defined the goals for the scientific accompaniment of the measures for the preservation of vegetation as an important factor of the environmental quality. The paper demonstrates the effectiveness of integrated study into the entire florocenotic diversity of modern vegetation, its evolutionary-genetic basis and the ecological and dynamical potentials of plant communities for the purposes of forecasting the ecologically oriented development of the region’s natural environment. The recommendations are formulated in accordance with the State Ecological Program for the period until 2030. The map entitled “Protection of vegetation in Prebaikalia (recommendations for optimization of the ecological policy)” has been developed, which provides information on territories with a different environmental quality having regard to the ecological potential. The legend includes the following parts of the map: special preservation of primary vegetation (full and partial), recovery of disturbed vegetation (active and passive recovery of primary forests), and economic rational (ecologically oriented) use of vegetation.  相似文献   
Water Resources - A joint data repository on flowage lakes of the world and long-term flow variations in the rivers they regulate has been formed. The specific features of the flowage lake...  相似文献   
The spectra of the supernova SN 2006aj identified with the X-ray flash (XRF) and gammaray burst XRF/GRB 060218/SN 2006aj taken with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences are found to exhibit features, which can be interpreted as hydrogen lines. Such features indicate the existence of a stellar-wind envelope around the massive star—the progenitor of the gamma-ray burst. The results of our modeling of two early spectra taken with the 6-m telescope 2.55 and 3.55 days after the explosion of the type-Ic supernova SN 2006aj (z=0.0331) are reported. The spectra are modeled in the Sobolev approximation using SYNOW code [1, 2]. The spectra of the optical afterglow of the X-ray flash XRF/GRB 060218 are found to exhibit spectral features, which can be interpreted as: (1) the P Cyg-profile of the Hα line for the velocity of 33000 km/s—a broad and small deformation of the continuum in the wavelength interval 5600–6600Å for the first epoch (2.55 days) and (2) a part of the P Cyg-profile of the Hα line in absorption blueshifted by 24000 km/s—a broad spectral feature with a minimum at 6100Å (rest wavelength) for the second epoch (3.55 days). Given earlier observations made with the 6-m telescope and the spectra taken with other telescopes (ESO Lick, ESO VLT and NOT) prior to February 23, 2006, it can be concluded that we are observing the evolution of optical spectra of the type Ic massive supernova SN2006aj during its transition from the short phase with the “shock breakout” into the external layers of the stellar-wind envelope to the spectra of the phase of rising supernova luminosity, which corresponds to radiative heating. We are the first to observe the signs of hydrogen in the spectra of a gamma-ray afterglow.  相似文献   
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