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利用光谱特征进行岩石矿物分析受到了国内外研究者的广泛关注,大多数蚀变矿物如赤铁矿、水云母等在可见光-近红外-短波红外波段具有诊断性强的波谱特征。因此,利用典型岩石矿物光谱特征可为矿产资源勘查与评价提供一种新的手段和方法。本文对相山铀矿田蚀变矿物进行光谱测量,经数据处理获得了不同典型蚀变岩石矿物的反射率光谱曲线。通过对这些光谱曲线特征的分析研究,提出了影响岩石矿物反射率的因素,探讨了水云母、萤石、赤铁矿等典型蚀变岩石的反射率曲线特征,并建立了相应的典型蚀变矿物光谱识别模型。  相似文献   
针对经典灰色系统模型的不足,根据灰色系统理论的信息处理原则,在模型中引入遗忘因子,建立了灰色系统沉降预测的非等步长灰色时变参数模型,并在求解过程中引入遗忘因子以修正预测结果。模型充分考虑了预测系统的时变性和灰色性,从而降低对预测系统状态的预测误差。实例预测表明,灰色时变参数模型可以将工后总沉降量的预测误差控制在23%以内。误差检验结果显示,预测结果的精度等级较引入遗忘因子修正前有显著的提高。  相似文献   
简要概述了联合结构实际应用的意义,对联合结构减震控制的国内外研究和应用作了综合论述,并提出多结构联合减震体系领域尚需要进一步探讨和解决的几个问题。  相似文献   
CT值是医学CT重建图像的一个必备要素,在某些场合下已成为医生诊断疾病的辅助工具,比如骨密度测量、图像分割与识别等。本文介绍一种锥束CT的CT值转换方法。借助Sedentex CT模体,分别获得5种材料的标称CT值和锥束CT衰减系数重建值,并经线性拟合,建立起标称CT值和衰减系数重建值之间的转换方程。最后,分析对比度噪声比和图像灰度值均匀性偏差在CT值转换后的变化情况。  相似文献   
获取了22景IW模式的Sentinel-1A/B数据,分别采用PS-InSAR和SBAS-InSAR两种时序技术得到了沧州地区2015年11月至2016年11月期间地表平均沉降速率及累计沉降量。经分析,两种时序监测结果具有较高的一致性,其结果表明:献县、沧县、沧州市区地面表现为回升趋势;青县、沧县东部、南皮县西部、东光县等地区地面沉降量较大,其中东光县何庄村累计下沉量达47 mm,而引起这些区域地面沉降的主要原因为农业生产等带来的地下水开采。本文对基于Sentinel-1A/B SAR数据的时序分析方法在城市沉降监测方面的应用进行了探讨,为有关部门提供了重要的参考数据。  相似文献   
The Helan Mountain, an intraplate deformation belt in the North China Craton, is located in the northern portion of the China North-South seismic belt, and at the northwestern margin of the Ordos Block. The Cenozoic deformation history of the Helan Mountain is characterized by extension along the eastern Helan Mountain fault (EHSF), resulting in the exhumation and uplift of the Helan Mountain, relative to the rifting of the adjacent Yinchuan Basin. Here we present new apatite fission track (AFT) data from several transects adjacent to the EHSF in the central and northern Helan Mountain. AFT ages from the northern Helan Mountain (Dawukou and Zhengyiguan transects) range from 10 Ma to 89 Ma, whereas AFT ages from the southern Helan Mountain (Suyukou transect) are greater than 71 Ma. The AFT data analysis reveals initiation of rapid uplift and exhumation of the Helan Mountain at 10–12 Ma. Additionally, a plot of the AFT ages versus their mean track length shows a distinctive "boomerang" pattern indicating that the Helan Mountain experienced a discrete phase of accelerated exhumation beginning at 10-12 Ma. Spatially, AFT samples systematically increase in age away from the EHSF and are consistent with late Cenozoic exhumation that was slow in the southwestern Helan Mountain and rapid in the northeastern Helan Mountain, as well more rapid adjacent to the EHSF and slower away from the EHSF. Obviously, the spatial distribution of late Cenozoic exhumation indicates that normal faulting of the EHSF is related to southwestward tilting and rapid exhumation of the Helan Mountain beginning at 10–12 Ma. The uplift and exhumation of the Helan Mountain was a response to the intensive extension of the northwestern margin of the Ordos Block in the late Cenozoic; this occurred under a regional extensional stress field oriented NW-SE along the Yinchuan-Jilantai-Hetao and the Weihe-Shanxi graben systems adjacent to the Ordos Block.  相似文献   
通过西澳科庭大学离子探针中心的远程测试,在双桥山群横涌组和安乐林组斑脱岩中获得大量锆石,其SHRIMP U-Pb加权平均年龄为831 Ma±5 Ma(横涌组)、829 Ma±5 Ma(安乐林组),在河上镇群上墅组中获得加权平均年龄767 Ma±5 Ma。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄表明华南地区广为发育的双桥山群应归入新元古界,该年龄为标定双桥山群在地层柱中的位置提供了准确的年代学依据。  相似文献   
时坚  王晶  刘德深  韩行瑞 《中国岩溶》2006,25(4):330-334
黄河中上游地区,自黄河青铜峡,经内蒙准格尔、山西、陕西两省至河南西部,为我国最重要的以煤炭资源为主的能源基地。随着能源基地的建设和开发,区域岩溶地下水水位连年持续下降,岩溶泉水流量衰减,引起了一系列环境地质问题,如水质恶化、生态退化等。本文从能源基地岩溶泉流量衰减问题入手,研究了能源基地区岩溶泉水流量衰减问题,提出了开展水土保持工作、合理控制地下水的开采、搞好矿坑水的综合利用及污水处理资源化等相应的防治对策。   相似文献   
碱渣与饱和卤水混合制成浆体回填到盐矿废弃盐腔可同时解决碱渣处理问题和地下废弃盐腔存在的地质隐患。回填碱渣强度是影响充填效果的重要因素。因此,为了提高回填碱渣强度,采用掺入粉煤灰制成复合碱渣对其强度特性进行改良。针对不同粉煤灰掺合比的碱渣开展了组成、力学和细观试验。研究结果表明:(1)掺入粉煤灰能明显改善碱渣的强度,使其黏聚力、内摩擦角都大幅提高,抗剪强度大幅增加;(2)粉煤灰掺合比越大,增强效果越明显,但强度并非随掺合比呈线性变化,对黏聚力而言,在0~20%内的掺合比下增加速度最快,而对内摩擦角则在20%~30%的掺合比区间增加最快,对抗剪强度而言,0~20%的掺合比内增加最明显;(3)粉煤灰掺入还可显著改善碱渣的压缩固结特性,使其固结系数大幅提高,从而提高碱渣固结速度,缩短充填工期,其中在0~10%的掺合比内对压缩固结特性改善最显著;(4)矿物组成分析表明,粉煤灰掺入改变了矿物组成,使得亲水性矿物含量急剧锐减,进而改变了其沉积特性。而细观分析则表明,粉煤灰掺入使碱渣从絮凝团细观结构变成了粉煤灰充当骨架的充填结构,且粒间支撑和拉联效应明显。从增强效果提高、压缩固结特性增强、控制成本和工期综合分析表明,最优掺合比为20%左右,建议工程中以不高于20%的掺合比作为实用掺合比即可取得较为理想的充填增强效果。该研究为揭示碱渣增强机制及废弃盐腔碱渣充填工艺优化提供了有益参考。  相似文献   
刘建坤  鲍维猛  黎明  葛建军 《冰川冻土》2004,26(Z1):210-214
The design of roadbed-abutment transition part is always a challenging problem in transportation engineering, especially in permafrost distribution zone. A new type of roadbed-abutment transition part on permafrost was presented, and long-term observation was conducted for the deformation and the thermal regime of a roadbed-abutment transition part in the constructing Qinghai-Tibet Railway. In this paper, a new structure was presented and the observed settlements both in the subgrade and the base and its dependency with the thermal regime (permafrost table) were analyzed. In conclusion the roadbed-a-butment transition method for permafrost distribution zone was evaluated.  相似文献   
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